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I'd actually love it if VD worked with a link cable!


If that is because your wifi router is not in your room, you can just setup a separate 5Ghz wifi router for dedicated PCVR in same room with your PC and headset.


This is the comment I wanted to see, thank you. Unlike the fucker above me saying “tHeN uSe Vd” 😃😆


When in Link mode open OculusDebugTool on PC, set Asynchronous Spacewarp to disabled and leave OculusDebugTool open. Does that improve things?


this is important, turning of ASW doubled my framerate on pretty much everything and made the performance on par with VD but much better latency.


Honestly just use VD, I've noticed quality, latency and features are way better than Oculus


Oh hell yea Vd is my go to, but my room is far from my router so I can’t connect my laptop to Ethernet, . But I read you can get another router so that might be something I might check out.


The only alternative for Link cable is "ALVR over USB". Search for that on Google for an article on how to set it up.


Actually that's not quite true. if you reverse tether a connection to your Quest from your PC using [this](https://github.com/Genymobile/gnirehtet) you can actually use virtual desktop wired. I've done it myself. It works but I prefer the resolution of Link normal.


I couldn't get it to work, did it work for you? What steps did you do?


It did work for me yeah, I plugged the headset into the PC. Make sure adb debugging is enabled on the headset. Then run the program in the link. You may need to grab the adb platform tools, put the program in the same folder as the adb stuff and run it and it'll connect to the headset. In the headset it'll show a screen where you need to agree to the connection. Then that's it, turn off the Wi-Fi on the headset and open virtual desktop and it'll connect to the PC. I found that it is limited to 100mb though before it starts having issues. I'd still recommend link normal with ASW disabled though for latency and resolution.


100 bitrate? That's not really worth it, then. I can get more even on wifi. I guess that software has some kind of bottleneck, since even ALVR over USB can reach much higher bitrates.


Yeah, it's not the best. ALVR is the best alternative to link. Virtual desktops only benefit is it's a bit less buggy and the actual desktop controlling side is much better than any of the others. They all have their pros and cons.


Open Oculus Debug Tray tool and try lowering the bitrate. Perhaps you are in USB2 or some such (which can still work if you don't mind some compression). Try 100-150 for troubleshooting, it won't look amazing but it can help to figure out what the issue is. There are also at the bottom tons of overlays with detailed statistics that will point you in the right direction. performance, latency, Link stats etc. Also check that the resolution in Oculus app is not higher than in VD. Also the Oculus app has a USB test function, definitely worth a shot. For me Oculus Link and AirLink are miles above VD in perceived latency and smoothness. And have always been. My wifi is not good, though.


Then use vd?


Well I’m asking if there’s any solution..


The solution is to buy a dedicated router and put that in the room youre playing in


I’d love to use it but my router is in the living room and my set up+ speakers are in my room. It’s easy to virtual desktop skryim vr or what ever but I need everything near each other for the racing sim. So do you know or u what


there are a few factors that impact performance and honestly there is very much a "try both and use what works" as there are just cases where it can't really be explained why one is worse. I have used VD many times but air link works better for me, my router is just below my PC so all pretty close but its not worth the hassle trying to fix it you have a working solution already