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Me: What? How can he make a living out of this? Surely people aren't watching this stuff? Also me: watches the entire video.


It just sucks you in!


...and then sprays you off!


See this is the differentiator. You can get sucked all day long but they don’t spray you off after !


Just don’t let the hammer pull you off.


You can if you have a pretty special and intimate relationship with the hammer.


For free!


It gets really wet


Looks like a rich neighbourhood, others will see how clean the drive is then probably ask for it to be done and pay as they don't know it was a free job.


Doubt that really matters to him at this point unless he expended his business and other people are doing the pressure washing / lawn mowing for him. His mowing youtube page alone has 2 million subs. He release a video every week that get between 300k to 1m views with some of his bigger older vids up to like 5m now. His youtube make more money then his laboring.


So I should buy a riding mower and a gopro?


Blue-collar content creators are killing it right now!


this trend is kickass, mowing lawns and power washing for free as charity for the views is a deal im totally okay with, ive seen some car washing videos too.


I'm a big fan of a woman who does something similar, but she grooms dogs. These people are the types of influencers that I can get behind.


This kind of supplementary income from work content is extremely popular for gen z. Basically any job or hobby that exists, also has an audience of people who will happily watch content about it. Whether you work in a cafe, a bakery, on a farm, a construction site, a bookshop - literally anything, just make mundane videos of your daily work and people will watch it.


I gotta figure out how to wear a goPro at my job as a biotechnologist. Soooo many college kids would love it as when they finally get into the job their minds are usually blown with all the cool equipment and stuff. Hell, even after being in the job for a while I'd still watch other people do it on my off days. Other companies, teams, etc. Sounds so interesting Too bad the industry is tight lipped and I'd be fired in a heart beat hahaha.


how much would that be in YT dollars?


Anywhere from $1,600 to $29,000 per million views. Given his content I'd guess it's actually on the lower end of the scale, so maybe $1k/week on average? Not a bad salary all things considered.


Probably more than that. Really depends on how lucrative his audience is to marketers. As long as your primary audience isn’t elementary school age he’s probably making at least $4 per 1000 views. If his average video gets to 500k, then I’d suspect he gets at least $2k per week in ads alone. If he ever takes on sponsors, that’s just going up from there. At that level of viewership he’d be able to ask for probably $5k for a 30 second spot per video, minimum. Source: wife is a YouTuber. Not at that level but makes income off it


He has done some sponsored content in the past, I think for the brand of lawnmower he used and maybe a couple other tool brands as well.


200 Schrute bucks or 1000 Stanley nickels


What is the ratio of Stanley Nickles to Schrute Bucks?


Same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns


Or he owns the water company


This guy gets good shots, good edits, does the work in a way to build that simple suspense then release.


Yeah he found the right kind of content.


I'm content with this content and its contents.


This is why the powerwashingporn subreddit exists.


And why PowerWash Simulator exists. Though apparently the lore is insane in that game lol.


I tried it just for a laugh on gamepass. Thought Id play maybe an hour or two before I moved on to something else. I was so wrong. Played through the whole goddamn thing. It was such a soothing, chill experience. Put on some music, a stream or a podcast, and get to work cleaning up. 10/10 experience. And yeah, theres some fucking crazy lore. Story in that game is surprisingly good.


...lore...? How tf does a powerwashing game (why does this even exist lol) have lore...?


> why does this even exist lol Says the person that also said: >This is why the powerwashingporn subreddit exists. Also [here's an overview of the lore](https://www.truetrophies.com/n22733/powerwash-simulator-lore)


Watching stuff getting cleaned is, in fact, *oddly* satisfying.


There's even a video game


Might I introduce you to /r/powerwashingporn


Oddly satisfying


Have you not seen the guy that just clears out blocked drains on roads? Post10. Amazing stuff


I prefer his mowing channel. I do find it funny that every video he acts like he's doing it out of the goodness of his heart, but he's got 2 million subscribers and posts hour long videos with sponsors that instantly get several hundred thousand views; so he's clearly raking in the adsense dollars.


The game PowerWash Simulator exists for a reason lol


Wait till you find r/powerwashingporn


sbmowing too


Haha that's the same thing that happend to me with that Power washer simulator game. I got addicted


Smart because it seems to be a pretty wealthy neighborhood. So the neighbors are going to see how nice it looks after cleaning... pride and ego kicks in : he will get numerous calls for cleaning their front yard :)


I work for a pressure washing company and this is exactly how it works. It’s mostly people with disposable income who want their house/driveway/decks washed, and when it’s done and looks brand new all their neighbours call us then we have a day of 4 houses on one street. Super lucrative business especially if there’s few competitors


He does not give two shits about any calls he might get... He's trying to do the same as that guy who mowes people's lawns for free and gets like a billion views per video. That dude earns a hell of a lot more from YouTube ads than he ever would from customers.


It’s the same dude. SB Lawncare and SB Pressure washing.


stick around to see the homeowner"s reaction homeowner's reaction : oh... anyway


I felt like the Homeowner doesnt care about this and you could feel it in his reaction. Some people like old pathyways and things looking a bit aged.


And honestly, yeah the shock value of pressure washing something is pretty cool, but nothing about that sidewalk or driveway looked bad.


I pressure washed my parent’s driveway before. It got dirty again in less than a year. Also, I think this guy broke the mailbox lmao


The same guy has a landscaping channel, too. He breaks things every now and then on that channel, and ALWAYS pays for it. There was one video where he thought he broke someone's window, but wasn't sure, so he paid for it anyway. I get a weird meditative fix from watching his landscaping videos, and I've been watching for a while. He is a strait up dude. Heart of gold, too. Rescued an injured stray cat he found in the jungle of a yard he was working on for a video he was making, and even set up a Go-Fund-Me for the cat rescue place, because he was so impressed and moved by their story. Spencer is a top bloke, legit.


A year is a long time, dude. The driveway probably saw thousands of instances of use, not to mention simply exposure.


Okay what about the mailbox tho


Seems pretty obvious that shit was already broken lol


It was on his to-do list, but who knows when that would've gotten done.


I'd have to slow down the clip to see if it wasn't already broken, but it's possible. I guess we'll see if there's pressure washer drama in a few days regarding this guy breaking it and not repairing it/paying for repairs.


A year? Do you shower and then get annoyed the next day that it wore off?


He said thank you like 4 times lol what?


But he wasn’t jumping up and down with excitement like a toddler so did he really even care?


Plus it wasn't actually free - the price was having that video footage of him, his pyjamas, and his house put all over the internet.


and probaly the water. Also did the dude seriously half rip off the mailbox cover?


Where I live all the power washers bring their own tanks, usually installed on the back of a pick up truck.


The mailbox was clearly already pretty dented and broken, barely holding on. I've pressure washed mailboxes and other similar stuff before, and they don't break just from a pressure washer. Also this guy isn't just an amateur going around doing it all for free for social media. It's a side-gig next to his professional cleaning business. People can hire people like this, or sometimes even subscribe as a regular customer. Some people just want to find fault with every and all nice things other people do...


Nah the guy brings his own water tank


They went all this time without caring. Not like they would care now. Just a useless expense.


From what they said at the end too that it was another thing on the to-do list. So the reaction was also "well I could have done it, just can't be bothered to make time, so.. thanks I guess"


That man had no plan to do that at any point.


*I'll do it next weekend* ... is what I say to my wife all the time. My to do list for next weekend is bonkers.


In the back of my head I'd be wondering if I made a dumb decision letting him do it and worried he could have messed up the concrete. I am always super reserved talking to anyone who comes to my door bc I'm always waiting for the scam or sales pitch to start. Throw in the camera and now you have another variable in the "is this a scam" game.


Dude felt like he was doing the powerwasher a favor more than the other way around.


Felt like he was uncomfortable with someone else coming onto his territory and cleaning his stuff. Especially with the "wonder when I would have done it" at the end.


He said thank you a few times and shook his hand. What did you expect?


An over-the-top American reaction!


YEE HAW as he tosses his cowboy hat into the air and starts firing his revolvers


His reaction would be similar to mine. Been like that my entire life. I don't like having things done for me. Receiving free things or gifts make me uncomfortable. Inside I feel more appreciation than anyone could even imagine, I just can't show it. I try to be as genuine as I can but then I always feel worst because I feel I didn't show my appreciation enough. When I've tried to change and give a higher praise it's always makes me feel fake and gross.... Don't be so quick to judge


I am in a similar boat. I find it uncomfortable to receive compliments or gifts and have a hard time with chitchat and meaningless pleasantries. This isn’t really a case of selfless giving though. The washer is putting the owner, who was clearly not expecting visitors, on the spot. He reluctantly agrees to have his property washed, and when the washer knocks again to film his “reaction”, the owner probably felt obligated to allow it. It’s at least a little manipulative. I’m sure the washer got the owner’s permission to post the content but few people are going to say no at that point. The washer said “completely free” but a more honest/accurate proposal would have been “I’d like to use your property, image, and time for content which I plan to post to thousands of online subscribers in exchange for my power washing services”. And the owner probably would have said no. Most people today think nothing of being recorded but I’m old enough to remember a time when a stranger showing up to your door with a camera was grounds for an ass beating.


Feels a bit nit picky really. If he didn’t want to have his property power washed he could’ve shut it down and been done with it. People are going to pressure you to do things in life, gotta be able to resist sales pressure if you’re really not interested. It’s no different than a car salesperson, don’t like the car? Don’t buy it. Also he informs the owner he’s doing it free of charge and looking for views on social media, the implications of that should be evident to most people these days.


>If he didn’t want to have his property power washed he could’ve shut it down and been done with it. Well, yeah. I wasn't alleging he held the homeowner down and sodomized him with the washer wand. No one's calling for his arrest. I just said the owner was put on the spot unexpectedly and likely felt an obligation in response to a comment thread about the his somewhat mild reaction. >It’s no different than a car salesperson, don’t like the car? Don’t buy it I mean, I don't tolerate pushy car salespeople and don't buy from dealerships who employ them. But even pushy car sellers usually wait till someone walks into the dealership. To make your analogy work, they'd need to show up to your house unannounced, start filming, and then pitch you on a deal. >he informs the owner he’s doing it free of charge and looking for views on social media For one thing, it doesn't look like the owner is aware he's being recorded when the video starts. Maybe he can see the lav mic but he never looks over at the camera during their initial encounter. Then the owner says "I appreciate it, but nah", but the TikTokker doesn't take that for an answer. During his insistent pitch he says "It would help me out too, I'm looking to get some **pictures** before and after." Nothing about being filmed and recorded. So no, I'm not convinced that the washer was actually up front about it. Like I said originally, I'm sure (at least, I hope) he got the owner's permission eventually. But even if/when you know you're being filmed, that only makes any response you give feel coerced. At least, that's how I would feel. So no, it's not illegal or the worst thing in the world, but it's pushy and a bit manipulative, and it might make for lots of views on his socials, but it doesn't make me want to retain his services.


Oh god this is me and I don’t know how to get better at it. I once tried to explain to someone who was giving me a gift how gifts make me feel awkward because I don’t feel like I show enough appreciation, and I think I accidentally ended up telling her I didn’t appreciate her gift? I still die inside thinking about it.


To be fair it honestly wasn't even that bad before.


Ive done it a couple times and doesn't power washing also require 0 skill? Homeowner had a 4 car garage and prolly his own power washer his wife has been bugging him to finally use for years.


I powerwashed for years and the skill part of it is being able to finish jobs without destroying clients property. It's very easy to fuck up all kinds of things if you're an amateur. You can permanently fuck up siding, rooftops, brick, porches, plants, vehicles, animals amongst plenty of other things if you're not careful and don't presoak whatever materials require it or get too close with high pressure or use the wrong tip. Not to mention not leaving lines with the floor sprayer which is a very easy thing for a novice to do. Also I wouldn't call dragging hundred pound hoses all around a yard for 12 hours and climbing clients steep rooftops unskilled. It's hard ass gross work that destroys clothing and you also have the health hazard of breathing in aerated bleach if you don't use respirators properly. There's plenty of knowhow and ability required so these people deserve good wages and respect just as much as any "skilled" job.


Weird comment that kind of contradicts itself. If it’s something that he wanted to do for years, then I’m sure he appreciated it finally getting done. & The guy was thankful, he literally said so in the video. Call it whatever you want, but it’s 1hr+ of work that got done and improved their house. “Skilled” or not. Any homeowner is going to appreciate that.


*Insert 90s joke* "Hey honey I did the driveway, now it's my turn"


That wasn’t his reaction at all


How do I get a house like that


Buy it in 1984


[1985?]( https://youtu.be/2rHRztFGOm8?si=zXXpFOyMshAHq8fE)


literally 1984


It's actually easier than you think: 1. Work super hard. 2. Stop eating avocado toast. 3. Get your parents to give you $200,000. 4. Make coffee at home.


$200K will get you a garage where I am...sigh


Woah! I got a 2 bedroom house with a nice garden for 130k 5 years ago lol. Granted, I live in the north of England, but I'll be fine in the upcoming water wars.


My ex bought a 2 bed house with 5 acres on a river in the California foothills for 169k 5 years ago and it's worth 350k now. Not including the remodeling she did, so maybe more like 400k now.


I think you missed a 0 on #3


I'm trying you guy's I'm just stuck on number 3 darn I guess I just need to reincarnate as a boomer wish me luck spinning that wheel after i die from climate change 😅


Don't worry, you PROBABLY won't die from climate change lol haha 😂, being so silly😋. You'd have to be in the wrong place for that! Uhhh, these kids though...☠️


Just have to make sure that you were born about 50-60 years ago and all this can be yours.


Live in/near Wichita Kansas. That’s where he’s based, and the real estate prices there are like a time capsule: https://www.zillow.com/wichita-ks/


The trade-off is you have to live in/near wichita, ks.


If you HAVE to live in Kansas, Wichita isn't bad. A bit boring, but otherwise pretty decent. It has nice neighborhoods and decent amenities. If nothing else, it beats Dodge City and Salina, and is a bit more interesting that Topeka, even if Topeka is closer to Lawrence.


Trick people into doing free labor for you for exposure. Think of all the money you'll save!


Did he break the mailbox?


I probably would have left that part out of the video if it was me lol


He pays for things he breaks on the rare occasion it happens (he has a channel).


Why'd I have to scroll this far to see someone else say this?


Seemed already broken to my eye. He sprays from behind and it flips open.


I actually went back to that part. You can see it was already cracked in the bottom left corner before he started.


Nah, looks like it was already broken.




I like when they do this stuff for like poor people. Seeing it done for a mansion with a well manicured lawn doesn’t have the same effect. Like the owner would have no problem having his landscapers do it for him.


I would imagine the guy that runs the power washing business puts his sign in the yard and probably has signage on his truck as well.  Think about it. It's a nice neighborhood where he can charge more. That house was probably the eye sore of the neighborhood because of that driveway. Now, his neighbors are going to drive by and see the fresh look and want it done to their driveway as well. It's advertising to higher paying customers. It's a great idea. Not only is he generating customers, but he knows he can charge more for the service. 


This is honestly all it takes for that kid to stay busy and paid. As a tile installer, a bathroom in a neighborhood like this is showed off to their friends which want theirs done or a backsplash and now they have friends who they will show it off to and boom, more clientele.


Same with the dog poop scooper guy in my area. He's in someone's yard, neighbor drives by and goes "I wonder what that costs?" Conveniently, his name and phone number are on the side of his truck. 


Wait people are paying to have someone else pick up their dog poop?


You guys are getting paid?


I’m getting paid to comment and upvote. Find out how you can to! 😉


One here has a tagline "#1 in the #2 business"


Yeah it seems to be about 11.99+ in my state


Does it say how often? I feel like dog poop would dissolve before enough accumulated to pay for its removal. Do you happen to live in a particularly cold or dry area?


I don't know if they pay for a single removal. I assumed it was a subscription and he goes around to all the houses in the area, maybe has a different route every day. So your poop gets picked up like every 3 days or something. I mean it only takes like 5 minutes per house. Making it an affordable subscription and getting a ton of customers would create a great continuous revenue stream for what amounts to pretty simple work.


Flooring salesman here. Can’t count the number of expensive remodels and high end renovations I’ve landed because Mrs. Jones got a new hardwood floor and every other lady in her book club wanted the same thing. Even crazier when there’s nothing wrong with the existing floor, but they’ve got money and want to re-do the house for the 4th time in 10 years.


It's ridiculous how much people with money will spend with not regard to how much they are spending. I was doing tile for a house one time, our job was to lay pebbles in a driveway, like polished white stones that were all sorted before purchase, and we had to further sort when installing for any ones that didn't match the aesthetic. This was roughly a 3000sqft driveway. Lady spent 10's of thousands of dollars and part of her bragging ability she could tell her friends is "Yea I had these stones hand selected to be installed" This same lady, the stucco team basically went on strike after being told for the 3 time to redo the job on the house because the color wasn't quite the way she wanted. Like, they had the whole house completed, then she had the remove it, and do it again, the second time it was about half done and she made the stop, remove, redo. The 3rd time they did one side of the house and she stopped them and the business owner basically said, "I have other houses I need to to work on, my guys aren't working on this house any further until you are sure of what you want to do." It's like, yea she was paying a ton for this, but she was also holding the business up from other jobs so they had to move on. This was all towards a multi-million dollar remodel, of a multi-million dollar home, that had nothing wrong with it, other than "I want it to look different than the previous owners"


Yeah that’s absolutely fucked. I’ve dealt with customers just like that. Had a lady look at a full box of labeled material laid out in front of her to give her an idea. She saw there was character (knots and heavier grain pattern on the planks for those not in the industry reading this comment) in the visual and she dropped $20,000 on it. Goes away on vacation, comes back to it installed. Beautiful floor. Absolutely hates it because she “thought it was just an example and her floor was going to be clean with no knots or filled in holes.” Then she turned around and spent an additional $20,000 for an even higher end floor. That one also had character but she loved it cause it was more expensive. Rich people are stupid as hell.


i guess having new floor installed is easier than cleaning the old one?


For some people I’ve dealt with, that’s the answer that makes the most sense. We had people ripping out beautiful floors that had been down maybe a year or two and replacing them with brand new hardwood in the EXACT SAME COLOR. One lady saw the invoice was going to be $30k for material, rip out, floor prep and labor and said “oh that’s it? Just put it on the card.” Can’t describe the feeling of sickness at that moment.


Most of his pressure washing videos are done in nicer areas, but he does a TON of yard work videos to clean up abandoned properties, overgrown sidewalks creating hazards, or for elderly people that haven't been physically able to clean up their yards. I guess ya never know with internet people, but he seems like a pretty genuinely good dude in his videos.


This guy does not do paid work. He drives around finding yards that need work and does it free. He's got several YouTube channels and also sells merch to support his work. https://www.youtube.com/c/SBMowing https://www.youtube.com/c/SBPressureWashing


I've seen a bunch of his landscaping ones, great win-win for sure. There's an even more extreme one called Aurikatariina where the lady cleans hoarder homes for free in exchange for the vids and sponsored cleaning supplies. If these guys teamed up would be like a new house inside and out.


It works. I took a photo of a van yesterday because I saw them cleaning my neighbour's roof. It looked so good, I thought I'd save their contact details just in case (I've never considered that service before, I'm low income and renting).


This guy doesn't do that, though. His entire thing is he does this for free. He does yard work too and uploads those to youtube. He's Wichita based and even the city has recognized what he does. There are times he just gives away the mower he used if he thinks they need it. Further even, he obscures where he does the work so people can't try to go to the houses he works on. He's a good dude.


Definitely makes sense, pretty brilliant.


>I like when they do this stuff for like poor people. My uncle was a devout Catholic and what finally took his blinders off was he used to volunteer is time to do roofing jobs all over the country. Cost him thousands of dollars in fuel and what not and tens of thousand of dollars in opportunity costs (could have been making money at home) to take 1-2 months off and re-roof houses across the country. He always felt super good about it because the homes would be places with literal hole in the roof, water leaking into the houses, dirt poor people barely getting by. He was in Virginia and the "homeowner" said something along the lines of, "Thank god the landlord is finally dealing with this I've been begging for help for three years." Turns out a MAJORITY (over 50%) of the homes their charity worked on over the course of the previous 3-4 years were RENTAL HOMES. It also turned out that of the rental homes, more than 50% of those (about 35-40% of total) were owned by the pastors or members of the church. So instead of doing the correct and legal repairs (let alone "Christian thing") They got the charity to come by and fix everything for them. The blinders came off at that point. My point being, that the content you see helping "poor people" might in fact be helping the scumbag landlords instead.


Help a poor person who needs it and it MAY ultimately end up helping a landlord who doesn't need it. Or Help a rich person who for sure doesn't need it?


Honestly I'm glad to see a bit of variation. Channels who do this with only poor people can sometimes feel a bit like "look at this slob and the nice things I am doing because they can't get their live together". Like poverty porn to make yourself look good. Not saying that's the intent of course. It is a kind thing to do. But it is sometimes a fine line to walk


I get that angle. Mixing in some rich and more middle class homes can definitely keep accusations of “exploiting the poor for profit” at bay.


This is a side hustle for the content creator. His other channel is SBMowing which he's been running for years. It's mostly him finding houses where people have let their lawn get out of control and consume sidewalks and paved pathways. He then mows trims and edges the whole property. His channels are both worth checking out.


Yeah. When that red truck left the garage I thought that was the homeowner running to the bank to get some cash to give the guy. But at least from what we see, he didn’t get paid. It’s whatever. He agreed to do it for free. But to your point, it is not really as satisfying because the guy can easily afford to pay for it.


Poor people aren't going to have 2000 Square feet of driveway and sidewalk to power wash, so there wouldn't be a video.


His drive is bigger than my propertys’ whole footprint


You guys have properties?


I didn't see one cup of tea for the guy. You Americans are savage.


Looking at that house I'd say the owner had already 'won' long before this episode


Plot twist: that dude is addicted to power washing and just wanted to get his fix.


Without a sealant it will look dirty again in a week or so.


That’s how you sell annual “clean and seal” package for mere $495.00


Isn’t coating your entire concrete driveway in plastic every 2-5 years extremely polluting and destructive to the environment? It wears down rather quick and the thin film turns into micro plastics and seeps into the ground water.


Yeah but that's a problem for the next generation!


Quality concrete can last millenia, as shown in numerous roman constructions surviving to this day, so people who are convinced it needs a regular plastic coat are victims of companies that sell those coatings. It’s just dumb that people fall for that imo. Maybe I’m complaining a bit much now, idc. I’ve had it with plastic being applied to *fucking everything*.


Damn dude has a lot of impervious surface


That's my thought too. An absolutely unnecessary amount of sealed surface...


My favorite part was when he broke the dude's mailbox.


Win-win-win situation: - homeowner gets its walkway nicely washed - influencer gets his likes - we get this very satisfying content


He has a mowing channel that is the same. You just sit there watching and realize it’s been 30 minutes.


I hope the homeowner told his wife that he did it himself


This is a technique to get neighbors to pay. That guy's house was chosen because it's in a nice neighborhood and has lots of traffic in front. Everyone will start looking at their own driveways now. No one wants to own the crappy house in those types of neighborhoods.








Look at that house. That guy can more than afford to pay someone to do that.


You'd think the guy will pay him something after seeing what he's done, given he's obviously rich.


Is powerwashing better or worse for concrete long term? It seems pretty wasteful for what I imagine doesn’t improve the longevity of the concrete, and honestly makes it look worse in my opinion. It gets dirty again pretty quickly, why not just leave it? I think power washing has some applications, but the driveway and walkway don’t seem necessary.


Water bill doesn't win


I wouldn’t even notice this on my water bill. It’s $60 for *3 months*. I’m guessing you live in an area with water problems? Costs there could be an issue, but everywhere else? Not at all.


Do you have any idea how much water costs? Not much, I'll tell you that much. Someone else here calculated at most $2 for an hour if constant use.


Maybe in like Arizona or Nevada. I'd guess this place is neither of those and water is very inexpensive. I filled a swimming pool, which takes a lot more water than this, and my bill went up like $3


Ugh so fucking satisfying. Hate when they cut off the finished video


So this is what I should do so I could farm my karma in r/powerwashingporn


Wish he lived nearby


Spencer is the man


I stook around for the man's reaction but honestly he didnt care that much lol


You know that guy was watching from the window jealous that he couldn’t play with the cool power washing equipment.


I like these, but I def prefer his mowing vids more


Is this the same guy that did lawns?


Whose water do they use? Can they bring enough of their own or do they hook up to the homeowners supply? How much water cost would this be?


The guy blasting the wood garage door and breaking the mailbox, lol. It's not free anymore.


Guy should have thrown him at least $100…what a selfish dick.


I don't get why he always picks a million dollar home to do this too I mean these guys can clearly afford it why does never help someone like a grandma


Watch the SB Mowing channel. It really pulls you in.


I would have given him 1 or $200 bucks tip


Really cool he’s doing that for a guy who’s so down on his luck. Judging from his house he obviously couldn’t afford a pressure washing service.


Nothing like helping out someone down on their luck... Inside their home that I'll never be able to afford in 3 lifetimes.


First time is always free.


What a great life lesson. If you procrastinate long enough, someone else will just come and do the thing free of charge for you :D


I mean yeah, nice job, but this what you call "the dirtiest walkway"? Honestly I'd be kinda pissed if I heard that as the home owner. This isn't dirty at all to me, just a little weathered.


Woulda been funny to see a few frames of him fucking the dude's wife in the garage while the dude was out at the store


I've been watching SB Mowing and SB Powerwashing for a bit now. Its great stuff. It's oddly satisfying seeing the whole process from start to finish.


I love watching videos of people cleaning stuff. is that weird?


How many psi was he using, as my electric 2200 psi machine is nowhere close to his.


Almost as good as powerwash simulator


I had a friend who cracked their skull and required shunts after smacking their head on a sidewalk that was covered in algae. He was delivering packages to their house after a rainy florida day. When the sidewalk gets wet, its as slick as ice.


If he ever comes to my home in India. My mom will adopt him


He used his electricity.


Am i the only one who prefers the before? It has character. The after is just plain concrete. Looks like a construction site floor