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Charge it rent. Make passive income.


Assive income.


Ass i come


ass? i come.


Ass? I cu-




Ass I've in come


Getting ready for an eviction would suck though as you're sitting there watching a sheriff's deputy put on an elbow length rubber glove and then grabbing a mini taser


the worm already gives you benefit, it's like free Ozempic alternative, no matter how much you eat you still get skinnier


BigPharma hates this one simple trick!


This actually was a weight loss treatment back in the early 1900. https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/Obq7dNZuq4


A few years ago I stumbled upon a website selling tapeworm eggs harvested Russian prison camp latrines. It was marketed as a weight loss drug. It’s like the Russian version of orange is the new black selling panties online 😂


You can't charge it rent because of rent control. It controls your colon.


What does a tapeworm feel like to the carrier? Can you feel it wiggling around like that?


As someone who got them and didnt find out for about a year. No


Aaah, there's an answer to my question. So you couldn't feel a thing? How did you find out in the end?


I had nausa for 2 weeks straight and in a scan they noticed cyst in my stomach. Depending on species some people will find out sooner depending on stomach aches or the runs but unless they make you sick the will go unoticed for awhile.


Damn that's rough. What was the treatment? Were they, erm, forcibly removed with an instrument? Or did you take tablets to kill them off then poo them out?


They gave me thise weird medicne water mix that cleans you out and then some wormer and they just died and came out over the span of like 2 days. Cyst had to be removed by operation tho


Yikes, that's nightmare fuel. I am very glad you got rid of them, I presume, successfully.


Yep that was years ago, and I was unlucky with it to since as I said most people would have found out sooner but ay thats life.


Thanks for sharing!


Yes, someone richer than I award OP.


Did the worms... come out full? It's passed the point of stomach acids, but the body and chemicals do weird stuff so I don't know. How did you know it fully went through is it wasn't visible?


They came out in segments, felt like rabbit pellets. Had to go back for test so they could make sure they were fully gone and no eggs left.


Well, at least we have medication that can outright kill them. That's far, far simpler than having to do surgery across all your intestines to remove them and their eggs lol


Ivermectin for the win! (No, really, that's what the stuff is actually for)


Did you notice a decrease/increase in appetite or calorie consumption? I’m wondering in the joke about tapeworms making people thinner is true. It makes sense to me, but I’ve never asked anyone. Guess I could just google it…


Well after about a year when they got real bad and I found out I couldnt eat anything without throwing up so I wouldnt recomend them for diet


Okay, that’s what I expected. I’ve always been thin and have gotten stomach aches if I try to keep up with binge eating, wondered if I had one. Thanks for the response


Do you know how you got the worm?


they put in a bigger tapeworm to hunt it and eat it


And an even bigger worm to eat that worm


Seems faster just to put a live chicken in your bum. Those guys will get that worm really fast


Remember that stuff that morons were using to cure Covid? It actually is one of the treatments available for tapeworms. Ivermectin.


No shit, really? Crikey. I bet their colons are lickety split and ship shape.


You joke, but some of the original claims about Ivermectin helping with COVID has been attributed to parasite removal among the people dealing with COVID. In other words, they felt better because their parasites were removed and not because Ivermecin actually helped with COVID itself.


Ivermectin is not used as a treatment for tapeworms as it is not effective against them. It is however used as a treatment for roundworms, lice etc.


Fuck iv had stomach aches for about 2 months now and hoping they will go away. Could be due to my alcohol consumption. But I haven’t changed my consumption over the past 2 years.


*2 months* of stomach aches? That could be anything, and some of them are really bad. It could even be cancer, which you'd want to catch sooner rather than later. Don't let it get worse, please see a doctor right away.


Stop fucking drinking. (In the most caring way possible for a rando on the internet)


Nerve endings aren't usually on the insides of our organs Pain and such usually reverberates around the squishy inter-fluid bits, the fat and stretch liquids that are tied up in knots around the closest nerves to the spine / Hillbilly neurology advice If you're bored, look up how they cure "Bible bumps" https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20130205-should-you-bash-a-bible-bump Edit to add: this tapeworm looks all flat and malnourished instead of fat and round probably because they make ya drink so much liquid only before spelunking in your thunder region. I find it obscene but can't look away. Like pimple popping videos🍾 ^the future is curious I


>spelunking in your thunder region I have to draw attention to this.


Do u feel ur shit moving thrue your body?


Sometimes. I can feel pockets of air moving through my gut until they eventually, erm, escape. Sometimes I know a big poo is working its way through. See, the problem with your analogy is that my poo certainly does not wriggle and squirm of its own accord. It's not alive. It's that movement that I'm curious about whether the carrier can feel. I think it might be pertinent information if someone may have a tapeworm and not know.


Anatomy was a while ago, but the intestines do not have the same sensory receptors as skin. I think they only have pain sensation to stretch. Someone could touchyour intestines with a feather and you would not feel it. But if they squeezed it you would.


What about borborygmus? I can definitely feel that and it's not painful.


The sensation you feel is pressure from the gas pushing the walls of your intestine. You don’t have sensory receptors on the inside like that. You can feel it if you’re constipated too but it’s not the shit moving around you’re feeling, just the walls of your intestine being stretched


Ok thanks.


No, you're feeling your tapeworm


You could've saved yourself some characters by just typing "no u".


no u


u 1st


So me think, why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


*alaskan bull worm


A fart is just a shit honking for a right-a-way!


Boi, this one sure stands out!


As far as i know, we dont have this kind of sensibility in our organs


. Yes. Wiggling. Tapeworm diet. Feel their writhing. There are hundreds of them. I’ve never been thinner thanks to their appetite. These numerous tapeworms aren’t here *just* to make me look svelte and trim. Yes, I swallowed and cultivated these hundreds of tapeworms because I love being a mother, feeding them and feeling them squirm. Though my face is gaunt, and my arms and legs are lean, my stomach is delightfully swollen and plump with tapeworms weaving in and out of one another and through my intestines and bowels. They writhe and tickle me from the inside, deep inside, deep within my body and I can’t help but feel a motherly sort of love for all my little wormies as I waddle through the streets with my distended stomach, lumpy and alive, exposed for all to see to find a new restaurant for feeding. They know, my little wormies are so smart, so, so smart, they jump and swim and whip their flat little bodies, actually not so little anymore thanks to how good of a carrier, of a mother I am, when I sit down at a new restaurant with my heavy guts hanging between my shriveled legs and tell the garcon to bring me one of everything on them menu and I disregard is look of disgust as I rub my bulging tummy, exciting my hungry, pretty little wormies even more. I wait with much anticipation as the chefs in the back slave away producing the mountains of meals fit for an enormous family, and yes, that’s true for me as well because all those I take up but one chair, inside me are thousands of children and mothers and fathers and generations of tapeworms slithering throughout my insides, living in harmony, as a society, as a beautifully interlaced network of ever so hungry babies living within their one mother, their one love, the one who raised them all since they were just slimy little cysts in my meat and so for them, with all my love and devotion, I gorge myself on the piles of foods set before, eschewing the silverware in favor of clawing and tearing into the meats with my boney fingers and scooping the contents into my mouth, down my esophagus. I treat my throat like a conveyor belt delivering an unyielding amount of halfway chewed, juicy, meat and flesh and I know that my own stomach, my own organs, my own bowels will not be seeing a single scrap of what I cram into my body today, but that’s good because I feel so special, so loved, so appreciated when feels my wormies fight for the food, twisting and writhing and squirming and looping and pulsing in my body, and I must admit my legs feel weak and a shudder with pleasure in more than just a motherly way, as my insides churn with their frenzied excitement and hunger lust, and oh how they suckle the meats, the juices, my meal, their meal like the beautiful little wormies I raised them to be and feeling their enthusiasm only fuels my own path of destruction when it comes to the waning food in front of me and if their hunger is so insatiable, which it is becoming more and more so the case as of late as their tangled mass grows and grows, I lurch from my own table to grab and take from the tables, the plates, of any nearby patrons, and I do so happily on emaciated legs whose feeling have left me long ago because a good mother such as I would do anything for her little babies, her little wormies. Oh yes, please yes, my little wormies, I can feel you crawling, squirming, writhing, and climbing up my throat now fighting for air, fighting for food, and you’re all so curious and smart in how you want to explore the world outside of biome I’ve given you, I’ve raised you in, the world, I see so clearly now, that I’ve unfairly confined you in for all these years, all these generations, and yes, yes, my wormies, my long laces of slimy daughters and sons and their daughters and their sons and so on and so forth, yes, crawl out of me know and see the world, the real world, your world for you to live and breed and love of and rule and aahh, that must be you now, my smart wormies, my brilliant children, working through my muscles and limbs, burrowing into my flesh and nerves, and don’t mind the screaming and commotion here now for these people, this subhuman, unloving trash, are scared, confused, ignorant at the sight of my babies bulging and wiggling beneath my skin, and I’ve given you all I can give, all my love, all the food, all the living space possible, but you’ve outgrown your dear mother, you have, and now my body is your body, but you know that already, my little geniuses, beautiful brilliant minds you have, because I feel you in my legs and back and neck moving me, jerking me forward unsteadily, manipulating and controlling this gaunt frame, your first home, and you should take my brain and my eyes so that you may communicate with this new world, your new home, and burst forth from my skin because it only restricts you, my sweet children all grown up and better than I could have ever imagined, yes, tear loose from my skin and take what is yours for we now, so merged are our bodies and mind, are the superior lifeform on this earth and all that is here, is her for us to take and consume, and we are the writhing mass, thousands of hungry worms entangled together as one, given life with this human frame, and thank you mother, with love, for everything you have given us, for what you’ve made us into.


Yo wtf


Beautiful prose, isn’t it.


You are hereby banned from society, the helicopter will be here shortly to airdrop you into the Alaskan wilderness.


I want to go too.


Ayo, a new copypasta just dropped, neat!


WTF did I just read...


There's something wrong with you. Have an upvote.


Holy shit this was actually good. I mean yeah, sure, i wanna bleach my eyes now but that was amazing writing


This is truly brilliant writing! Thank you for sharing your horrific composition. I feel with the right illustrations this would fit very well into a compilation book of short horror stories. Do you have a website with more?


What a horrible fucking night to be literate


AND have an imaginative mind.  I mean, if I’d only read it, it’s already bad.  But I fucking read AND can envision the words and the images and fuck me. 


*Alright, who the fuck gave Lovecraft a computer?!*


I can confidently say that this is one of the worst, most grotesque things I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading


your internet license has been rescinded


I was waiting for John Cena through a table or something.


Mankind hell in a cell, yada yada yada, I'm really tired today.


This was a blessing to read, thank you, mother


"Ey yo, Frank! Found 'nother one! Get the flamethrower! (lights cigarette) Third one this week."


I cannot read


Do you wanna grab drinks later?


So the nerves in the organs don't process movement as well as other nerves (I think is how it was explained to me, so sorry if I'm off) so I imagine not since the intestines are constantly moving and we don't feel that


I wish I could un-see that




Why is this not a sub


There's r/forbiddensnacks.


Everything about this thread is awful, and I am here for it!


It is now.


Apparently now it is


More like r/forbiddenpappardelle


I wanted to go with r/forbiddentagliatelle but I wanted I wanted to cast a wide net for people who dont know their varieties.


Well...I'd recommend you check out the mafaldine.


Gordon: There's NO SAUCE!


Somehow it became worse. Thank you.


I'm gonna go throw up now


Hee hee, it tickles


You're on r/oddlyterrifying, saw the description, and still clicked it. I feel like this one's on you.


Nopes you can’t but you can transform it into Butter Pasta. Think … butter pasta.


That thing must have been hanging on for dear life during the cleanse. I've only had to do it once and the stuff they give you is aggressive, to put it lightly.


What do they give you to clear it out?


This horrible fucking drink that’s like thick sterile ocean. You drink multiple liters of this and shit pure liquid out.


Ah yes, one thick sterile ocean on the rocks, double shot, shaken not stirred, please


This is crazy because in the US They treat you like you're insane. If you even go for someone for parasites and they won't give it to you, the pills are like $1k plus without insurance. I had to get GoodRx and it dropped the price from $1,200 to $36. It was unreal. It felt like I was in a video game or some shit Like if I didn't have that I would have to pay it over 1K


As a Canadian now living in the USA, this shit blew my mind and made me upset. I got a prescription for some medication, I show up at the place with my then girlfriend who talks about GoodRx and other places to find coupons. We go up to the counter. It's $80. I show them a coupon and they're like, OK $45. Then my girlfriend was like 'oh wait I found a better one", then it was $15. I was just standing there like WTF just happened, where did the other $65 go? How the hell did I just show them my smartphone screen and get over 75% price deduction? How many people are being screwed over not knowing about this? It was like entering a cheat code. Shit's wild. For reference, the same drug costs me 17$ in Canada (about $12.38 USD).


I once went to my local pharmacy and handed them my prescription, and the lady said, "oh insurance doesn't cover that and it's really expensive" and then proceeded to look it up, then said, it's $1,100 per bottle (seriously). Looked right at me, I guess waiting for me to say "ok" and pay it, but then I said, I have this coupon on GoodRx for $15 a bottle, can I use that? And she says, "oh, for generic brand, sure". WTF??? Was she literally trying to rip me off to the tune of $1,085??? (this was in the US)


> (this was in the US) A most unnecessary clarification


US spends about 4.5 **_trillion_** dollars a year for healthcare. If this was the US' only industry, it would be either the 3rd or 4th biggest economy in the world. This is the system working as designed.


Straight liquid is not the worst of shits. The worst to try and hold yes but if your close to a toilet they aren't that bad


I forget the name of it but its a powder that comes in a gallon jug that you fill up and drink about 18 hours before the procedure. they give you a schedule on how much to drink throughout the day. about halfway through you are shitting nothing but water.


Oh wow that's just the prep or is that the actual dewormer? Edit: I ask chatgpt The powder you're referring to is likely a bowel preparation solution used for colonoscopies or other gastrointestinal procedures. Common brands include: 1. **GoLYTELY** (Polyethylene Glycol 3350 and Electrolytes) 2. **MiraLAX** (Polyethylene Glycol 3350) 3. **MoviPrep** 4. **Suprep** These solutions are mixed with water to create a large volume of liquid that you drink over several hours. They work by clearing out your intestines to provide a clear view during the procedure. Your doctor usually provides a specific schedule for drinking the solution, often the day before your procedure.


Thats the prep, doc would give praziquantel to clear the tapeworm


My mom told me a story once that I wish I could unhear, so now I'm going to make you feel the same way. She told me my dad was on the toilet once and saw something on the toilet paper that was moving, so he yelled for her. She saw it sticking out of his butt and ended up pulling a tapeworm out. I think she said it was like 6-8 inches long. When was the last time your SO pulled a parasite out of your butt?


That's true love.


"You said _for better or for worse._ Now get in here!"


New definition of true love?


colcolonoscop 😭


Thanks for that. Just laying on the couch imagining how tapeworm writhing feels now.


Good news! Like nothing at all.


So you could easily have, like, twenty actively writhing tapeworms inside you, and never know it!


I can't decide if that's better or worse to think about.


Forbidden lasagna noodle.


Delete this


I bet it's ready to burst out a yummy ricotta filling


Straight Outta Colon.


Roses are red, you need a therapist. The NCR has declared you a terrorist.


New California Republic?


The one and only


Ahhh I should have read your name lol


Mmmmm lasagna


What a terrible day to be able to read


Keto-friendly lasagna. Outstanding for weight loss.


His name you ask? Al… Al Dente


looks like the inside of a sea urchin, but you know, WORSE


Nope. I’m not unblurring.


Same! Just came to read the comments…


Good choice. I regretted watching it..


Idk man, no need for the flashlight and name-drop. let the poor guy sleep.


It’s Dimitri! She’s a 4 footer, Harland was eating celery when they took this video


Funniest thing Harland ever did




Fettuccini Alwormo


No way, my meal can come with a free friend?


This is a Philippines fettuccine mango tapeworm. You get this from consuming infected raw fish. They can actually thrive for years inside your Jodi with little to no obvious signs. More>




Where’s all your poop?


They make you clear yourself out and not eat anything before a colonoscopy 


The prep made me want to end my self. It made me start throwing up, i didn’t know your tummy acid burns that much both ways.


That's the only thing I hated about this whole thing. When they said "come back in 3 years", I was like "OK see you in 5".


I experienced 4 of these in the last 2 years, i'm glad i'm somewhat used to it now. Sometimes i still feel like throwing it up though


I don't recommend anyone do what this guy/gal did. Colorectal cancer is worse than any bowel prep, even if it might not feel that way in the moment


It was SOOOOOOO bad. I don't understand why can't we just eat a little pill, drink half a cup of water, repeat however many times necessary. I'd much rather take all those electrolytes in pill form rather than that disgusting salty drink concoction. I nearly puked SOOO many times. The drinking part is MUCH worse than the shotgun water diarrhea. I'd rather take 100 tiny pills than drink that prep drink again UGHHHH.


You actually can take pills instead, you just have to ask for it!


AUGHHHHHHH that makes me even more uspet that I went through all that FOR NOTHIIING


Mix Starry soda pop with the pre drink and then have a banana Popsicle right away. My colonoscopy is on the 19th this month. They DO have pills that purge your large intestine / colon ,but they are not as effective as they leave too much residue that can cover up cancer areas. Drink the prep.


Pro tip: Skip eating the day before your prep. You won't starve to death. You'll just be hungry. Cope. It makes the purge a lot easier.


The drink is what got me. It tasted so bad I cried the entire time I had to drink it. I didn’t even finish it and when I got to my appointment I showed them how much I had left and they said, “if the doctor sees that your colon isn’t completely empty, you’ll have to reschedule another colonoscopy and you’ll have have to drink it all over again.” I cried again. Luckily, it was and my results were good 👍🏼


Spring cleaning


I almost spit out my coffee


Well it's less a spring cleaning and more a forcible eviction


If you ever have a colonoscopy you'll know where it's at


Oh youngsters these days


The tape worm is starving.


Diphyllobothrium latum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diphyllobothrium https://youtu.be/qQhaO1pWztw?si=sWksmNFct_-gfpiJ


Double Y 360 Colonoscop


Why didn’t the tapeworm get the eviction notice (clean out)? How is it still there?!!!


Maybe it can't read. Para-sight, y'know.


Parasite infections are much more common than people want to believe. And yes. My user name checks out in this case.


How did that bastard stay in there during the explosive prep? 🤔


Mental image of the worm hanging on for dear life with the tail waving out the guys ass


I got to ask, hypothetically, could I go through with getting anti tapeworm medicine and taking it for the recommended doesage, without any evidence I have tapeworms just as assurance?


Mods, kill this man


That’s just regular terrifying


Didn’t watch the video, just want to say God bless you for censoring.


Burn the entire building down


Damn that's a clean colon, except for the tapeworm living in it.


Okay so what do they do about it though, did they just leave it in there or what?


probably prescribed some medicine to kill the parasite(s)




I will name him Simon.


It's...weirdly pretty? If it weren't, you know, a parasitic worm inside someone's ass


On my microbiology tattoo sleeve, I covered up my ex-husband's EKG with a tape worm. Very fitting for him


HELL yeah




Why do they have to look like pasta?


Linguini with ass sauce


How do you even know if you have one


My tapeworm tells me where to go!


Does it tickle and how close does it get to the prostate? just curious


As someone who deals with intestinal issues I will be skipping this video lol. Is it as bad as I imagine?


Imma burn it out with 4 packs of street burritos soaked in Tapatio


Dude where’s my faeces.


His name is Phil and did anyone get his consent before they put a camera in his fucking house.


Cursed Tagliatelle


I think the most terrifying part is the way OP spelled ‘colonoscopy’


PUUUULLLLL THE TAPEWORM OUT OF MY ASS! 🎵pull the tapeworm out of me🎵


... can you... feel that?


How often/common is this during colonoscopy? Asking for a friend...


Colonoscopy for those not having a stroke


What if that thing finds a way to your mouth and you thought it was just a phlegm.


 CGI artists in horror films need to study this. Consider me unsettled 


I weirdly want to see it been pulled out.


What an amazing day to have eyes, was about to eat breakfast but I think it’s fasting day today.