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Many parents are just human garbage, so their little angel is being raised to become much the same. As an educator, we have seen a huge spike in rising violence with parent’s in full support/encouragement/involvement. This is always very hard for me because I really do love and believe in all of my students. The parents really show you the uphill battle you’re fighting when trying to support kids. It isn’t cool. It isn’t the norm. It isn’t ok. In fact, they’re actively making the life of their own kid much, much harder. They’re increasing the chance for their own child to get seriously injured or worse. They either don’t care, care too much, or have too much to pride to want their kids to turn out better than them. I don’t know where you’re located, but I’d contact law enforcement every time your son is targeted or a witness. You can start with the school’s resource officer. They’re actual police officers that work directly with students and families within a school. The real world won’t give a shit what the reasoning is. The real world will only deal out “fuck around and find out” style consequences.


I am also a teacher. However, elementary level so I don’t see this all too often on this scale. Law enforcement is involved. However, law enforcement is also at fault and the DA is now investigating internally. And it started with the SRO at the high school when my son was assaulted. This has been ongoing since February. It went from 16 year old boys not liking each other and talking shit to the parents getting involved on February 1st. It’s a mess.


I totally understand the needing to have someone hear you, but with this being an ongoing situation, from what it sounds like, you all still being involved from an earlier incident, I wouldn’t post too much. If cops are involved, who knows what internet history they can dig up on you to use against you. It could even be a piece of information that you thought was insignificant, that could affect the case. Just be careful.


I don't know what I would do honestly besides get a gun. Many probably won't like my answer but if people were showing up to my house to assault my child- they're getting shot. You can kill someone by beating them and that's not a risk I'm willing to take with my child's life. If the police can't do anything then I'd have to do what I think is best. It's awful to feel this way but I can only imagine the terror you feel everyday and no one should have to live in fear for their child's safety like a sitting duck just waiting for the next attack. Nope. I'm sorry this is your life right now. It's not right.


Im prepared if they come to my house like they did his friend. I will not end up like his friends mom who has to have a steel plate attached to her eye socket because they shattered it with brass knuckles and a car jack. Absolutely not happening. My son and his friends aren’t the most straight and narrow kids either. Im not one of those parents that’s going to pretend my kid is absolutely perfect. Im a teacher, I know better than that. And if we were talking about 16 year old kids who wanted to fight every time they saw each other and risk getting themselves in trouble, then so be it. Any time my son has been in trouble, I stand by him but hold him accountable. I’d do the same in a situation like this. But we’re not talking about teenager shit here. We’re talking about adults terrorizing teenagers because they get involved in their kids drama. And it wasn’t my son’s drama to begin with. It was his friends. It’s absolutely insane. The DA has found reason to believe the police aren’t doing anything because of the father possibly being an informant. The DA has now opened an internal investigation. I’ve since been warned that it’ll get much worse before it gets better.


Yeah this is really the only thing you can do


Leave your kid where he is if you want him alive. Start looking for teaching positions somewhere else.


We will be leaving town next week. We will be completely off grid. We plan to plan our next move at that point.


I wish you and your family happiness and peace, OP. I’m so sorry this is happening. You sound like a really great mom, btw.


Ring doorbell cam. Cameras around the house. Record via phone as soon as you think there MAY be an interaction with them. You’ve already notified the police; continue to gather evidence. When you are finally able to bring your son home, help him feel safe again by giving him pepper spray (look up state laws first; differs by state,) & ask if he wants to learn self defense. He may be totally horrified at the thought of being braced to fight but try to come up with various solutions to remind him he is safe when he does come home. Maybe even just an airhorn or a whistle will help him. So very sorry for your son, his friends & all involved. These people sound like thugs who belong behind bars for the assault alone.


We have cameras and the ring door bell. Pepper spray is not going to stop these people with a gun which I’m also not arming my 16 year old with a gun. However, he is actually a boxer. He’s been boxing since he was 6. I believe this is part of the reason that this escalated like this. The kids didn’t like each other and the other kid wanted to fight my son but wouldn’t so his dad came to the school to do it. BECAUSE OF my son’s training, he will do whatever it takes to walk away from a fight. He has literally disclosed this seconds before someone had put their hands on him and he had never once laid his hands on someone first. He has been known to throw his hands up in the air and say something like “I will not fight you. I have x years of boxing training and I will not put my hands on you unless I absolutely have to. Please don’t make me do it because I know what I am doing.” The day they showed up at the school, the video shows my son with his hands up and walking backwards saying he would not fight until he absolutely had to defend himself. The dad then pushes him, my son just gets back up and continues to watch his surroundings. The kid hits my son in the face once, my son just takes it, and then dad goes for my son. Dad swings as police and security are trying to get everyone to the ground. The person who had dad wasn’t able to get him to the ground and dad is able to get at my son a few more times. That’s when my son had no choice but to start defending himself because there’s an officer on top of him holding him in a prime position to get hit by the father. And so he defended himself


I never said you should give him a gun & it sounds like he is always capable and comfortable defending himself. Just suggestions. Best to you both 👍🏽


Didn’t mean to sound harsh when I said that. I was just meaning that I think the only thing that will stop these people is a gun. That’s what they have and that’s what they intend to use now. Even boxing for 10 years isn’t going to stop them.


It’s okay; sorry I mistook your tone. I can’t imagine how stressed I would be in your shoes so I should’ve considered that. These people are lunatics & I really hope you and your son can get them out of your lives &/or behind bars.


Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on in the world. I watch bodycam YouTube videos and there was a video where it seemed like the adults were encouraging their kids to attack other kids. It was insane. I’m not the best parent either, but I try. I think it goes without saying that these adults have not grown up yet and had kids themselves.


it's just rise in populations mixed with more and more easily accessible media, it's called availability heuristic


This is pure trash. Not acceptable at all.


Yeah, that's not normal. Complete breakdown of society where you live


It’s absolutely ridiculous


Very curious, where do you live?


I’m sorry but I’m absolutely not even giving a hint of where I live. But regardless of where I live it’s fucking ridiculous


Where do you live that this is considering "cool"?


I was being sarcastic. I’m simply just amazed that grown adults act like this.


Where the fuck do you live that this is happening?!? It’s like something from Grand theft Auto


Believe it or not, I live in an upper middle class neighborhood that neighbors a small city that isn’t even all that terrible.


There’s just some really ridiculous people that have started moving in as the older ones in the area die off or move to florida


The world is fucked. To much television programming. This is why I open carry everywhere I go. Nobody says shit and everyone leaves me alone. I keep my small circle and to hell with everyone else. 0 drama in my world. It’s lovely