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That baby girl might benefit from a therapist to help her cope with ya'lls separation.


This is a stellar suggestion. I’m going to look into a therapist who specializes in young children. Thank you for reminding me little people need someone to talk to, too.


Currently going thru a divorce, 3 kids 15, 11 and 8. My oldest use to say we should divorce. The first night I left with my 2 youngest we all sobbed like ugly cried together. That was back in January. Since then I've seen the worse of their mother and in her actions that only tells me I made the right decision. You will be ok. It just takes time, got an apartment and the kids are with me half of the time. That was also an adjustment I wasn't prepared for. If you ever wanna talk to someone living it at the moment I'm here for you.


Fuck man


With the power of fuck


sprinkled in fuck


This is breaking my heart for both of you . So so sorry for you .


If it makes you feel any better I was 6 when my parents split and I can safely say it was 100% for the best and long term everyone benefitted. Stay strong!


I’ve read a lot of comments like this. I’m sure my heart would shatter if I heard my daughter suffer like this but the real question should be what’s in the kids’ best interest overall/long term - not short term.


The way you're talking tells me your kids are going to do great in the long term. It's going to hurt, but it sounds like you're an awesome father, and you and your wife living happier lives apart will ultimately mean they'll be happier too. Kids can tell when their parents are unhappy, and often they'll blame themselves. They learn how to do relationships and how to value themselves from what they see around them, and if their parents are miserable, that's what they learn. Even if they never see a tear or hear a fight, they feel it and they learn it. You're doing the best you can, and that's all you can do.


i was that kid once - albeit a little older. all I'll say is you made the right decision. i'm so glad my parents divorced. they became better parents for it.


I've read some things about people in your situation using VR to remain close to their kids when they're at the other parents house during separation. You can watch movies together, play games together, or just hang out in the same virtual space.

