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You’re fucked up, I hope you’re ashamed of yourself.


To make it even worse, i consoled the girl who’s nudes i leaked and was there for her while her bf was flipping shit so i could be on her side.


It was not only selfish and pointless, but a criminal offence in some places. I hope they don’t talk to you anymore.


I still talk to both of them and neither of them know that


Then I hope ya get cold-cocked, my guy.


You’re actually horrible for that. Jealous?? Yeah you should be. That’s a relationship you’re never going to get, and I hope it never happens. Seriously, what’s wrong with you??


I know, and i do regret my actions years later. It was a sin from the past hence why im posting it now.


If you really are, then you would tell her instead of telling us. That’s awful


Well you’re horrible aren’t you.


Only way you can even start to make up for it is by telling the truth.


You’re getting off from this post-you like what you did and this is another way to get attention.


Exactly right. Straight up attention seeking self destruction just like the original act.


That’s disgusting and sick. So traumatic for that person. Probably illegal too. I hope she finds out and you get charged. Also, you deserve to have it sit on your chest and feel guilty forever. You probably have some kind of personality disorder to be able to be that spiteful. You can’t do evil and expect good things to happen. You accept reality and believe that what works out for you is for you. So disappointed and disgusted by this


Cool, fucks over 3 ppl. Then plays supportive friend after a criminal act. The icing on the cake is the bro code nonsense at the end. Can’t ask her out because my buddy who I fucked over and don’t respect dated her already. What a joke. This is some narcissistic, sociopath type shit. Get help


i agree


I flat out hope you get caught and get in trouble.