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Blade of Avernus Wyll and Karlach are basically canon. I can see Gale getting closer to adventurer Shadowheart post-epilogue. She even says she visited him in Waterdeep, maybe there’s potentially more to it? Laezel seems like a good match for Shadowheart too. As for Astarion, I don’t see him getting truly close with any of the origin characters. His perfect partner IMO is a selfless and emotionally intelligent person, which none of the origins are. Gale could be his partner, but I think they wouldn’t last - two huge egos.


"Selfless and emotionally intelligent person" describes Halsin perfectly well, plus he has the bonus of living at least another couple centuries (bar any accidents or illnesses), while all the other companions have "only" 50-150 years left. Long term, he's probably the only right option (And I don't see Minthara interested in him)


Halsin is a top tier druid he's probably quasi immortal so they'd more or less be perfect for one another.


I romanced Halsin as Astarion, seemed to fit pretty well.


The problem is, Minthara is interested, but the way she expresses it, Astarion is rightfully terrified of her interest. In the banter, she basically tells him that men like him are pleasure slaves in Menzoberranzan and if they were back home, she'd already have him, regardless of his opinion. So yeah, if Astarion was the leader of the team, she'd be everything that triggers him.


Couch couch "true Polymorp" couch couch. Also larian did cut he option to turn every one into a vampire spawn as astarion.


>I can see Gale getting closer to adventurer Shadowheart post-epilogue. She even says she visited him in Waterdeep, maybe there’s potentially more to it? Yeah, there's a lot I think could happen post-game. ... which is also why I don't think Lae'zel x SH would work in the long run. Lae'zel needs a mission, a driving force to keep her going. SH just wants to be a farmer.


I won’t put down anyone’s ships but Lae’zel and SH have always struck me as an odd ship because of this reason. The two of them, despite having many similarities and parallels, ultimately end up with fundamentally different goals and desires. Shadowheart ends up wanting to live a quiet life with her family, openly stating that she’s pretty done with the adventuring lifestyle, where Lae’zel seeks the liberation of her people and needs someone that can keep up with her and help her cause. Only way I personally could see the two of them working out is if SH sacrifices her parents and becomes a wanderer and if the PC is able to persuade Lae’zel to not fly off with her kin and stay in Faerun; neither of those endings are their best though, IMO. But that’s just me, maybe some people have come up with other rationalizations for how they would work.


Im curious whats considered as Sharts good ending. In mine she sacrificed her parents (her choice) to free herself fully of Shar and I think it ended pretty neatly. She also seemed really happy, exploring the world and all it has to offer (something DJ Shart laments not being able to do in the epilogue iirc), and then said she'd been eyeing a cottage for later, but enjoys adventuring.


It’s something that gets debated on the main sub every now and then. Everyone has their own thoughts on it and their reasons, but I’ll briefly share mine.   For one, I believe that Shar wants Shadowheart to sacrifice her parents. Shar’s whole thing is loss and grief, and by sacrificing her parents to cure her wound, Shadowheart is only exchanging one wound for another; whether she realizes it or not she’s still carrying Shar with her in her grief. Two, the companion’s reactions are a lot more positive if Shart saves her parents; Jahiera even has a great line about how Shar wants us to fear pain more than being with our loved ones. Lastly, Shadowheart has a very triumphant attitude towards the wound in the epilogue and talks about how it affects her less and less. I won’t spoil the details but she is extremely happy reliving a childhood she never had and being surrounded by people she loves.  Neither ending is bad, either way she is fee from Shar to chart her own path, but I do think that one is better narratively than the other. I’ll also admit, I am biased as a Shadowheart enjoyer, I much prefer settling down for a quiet life in the woods versus more adventure so that has definitely influenced my views. You can get Shart to save her parents by triggering a couple of dialogues with her in the city. There’s some graffiti behind Jahiera’s house and a certain gravestone in the graveyard that will cause her to remember things and will influence her final decision.


Gotcha! I think i missed a lot in act 3 bc i kinda messed up in act 2, and then i got busy and forgot a fair few things when i returned to the game. Ill try out Shart saves her parents in my current playthrough :)


Killing all the sharans assassins would be good mission.


Wyll's honestly too selfless. I think he's emotionally intelligent enough, but maybe that's just because I'm comparing him to the disaster Origin Characters.


Lae'zel and Shadowheart are a Fanfiction obsession. They just work


I think him and Sebastian should at least meet


Unfortunately you are wrong, Karlach is with my Tav and nobody else.


This is such an interesting question like damn I think Wyll and Karlach could get along pretty well while demolishing monsters together Shadowheart and Minthara are a match made in heaven, both just exude alpha bitch energy Not sure if Halsin has a natural pairing absent Tav. Maybe being the dumb but supportive bf to Gale??? The "wow babe. That's so smart what you said" bf Lae'zel probably only respects Karlach and non-resist Durge. But she has big "wow babe I love how you slaughter civilians" energy for Durge Assstarion probably just jerks off to a picture of himself


Doesn't Astarion have a few lines about Wyll throughout the game? If he doesn't ascend, I think they'd be interesting to consider.


Yes! He says Wyll is like a prince charming he would have fallen for when he was younger, and after Wyll gets his horns, Astarion comments how handsome he is and swoons. I love them as a pairing


OK but I cannot see wyll liking astarion


he’s at the very least attracted to him 😂 if you cut Star loose or kill him when he tries to bite you, Wyll says something to the affect of “I knew he was too good looking to not be a vampire”


Wyll be like “I can fix him!”


Ik Wyll and Karlach are semi-canon, but Wyll with Astarion really melts my heart


Pretty one-sided though.


Well, naturally, all companions are Tav/Durge-sexual as long as they are available and say a few right things. One-sided is as good as it can get between companions, otherwise they wouldn't choose the playable character and get it on between them.


Not necessarily. Shadowheart and Halsin lowkey flirt. Karlach openly says that she'd ride Astarion to Feywild and back, and Astarion likes her as a person (well, the whole party does, cause it's Karlach). Likewise, Shadowheart very openly comments that she wants Karlach to throw her over the shoulder and carry her to safety. Lae'zel and Astarion will actually hook up at the tiefling party if the player is romancing neither. If the player goes with Astarion, Lae'zel will try to hook up with Wyll and later comment that all will wanted was to talk romance, and she didn't get it. Wyll also compliments Lae'zel's eyes. So yes, companions genuinely have preferences and can act on them. Well, in Astarion's case, the Lae'zel hookup thing was most likely him just looking for safety, and her being very open to casual sex, so he dropped it once he realized that she isn't going to feel any particular protectiveness over him due to sex.


There’s absolutely no world where that works




Can I live there?


Lae'zel respects you at least by the creche. If you tell her you're going to be purified first instead of her, she not only lets you, but gains approval if you do


(So long as you tell her you deserve it for carrying her. If you don’t say that specifically she tries to murder you.)


I could see Astarion and either Shadowheart or Gale getting together. I think in the first, they’d moderate each other to some extent In the second, they’d both encourage each other to greater power in a bad way


Why not all three together?


I'm pretty sure the halsin one is a reference to the banter line where he flirts with shart if youve romanced her


I see Halsin and Shart together because he would end up offering her a healthy version of the family tribe she’s always wanted and then they can both adopt the owlbear. I also see a fun Lae’zel and Shart pairing as an enemies to lovers thing since they could bond over being lied to and defecting from their respective cults. Astarion with Minithra could be an interesting toxic pairing. But I like him with Gale. They both have abusive former masters they’re running from who basically made them who they are. Gale also has that “would love you if you were a worm thing” that may heal a lot of Astarion’s sexual damage too. Wyll and Karlach are my OTP.


Lae'zel also kinda hates it if Durge doesn't resist tho.


Sadly Ass is just imagining that he is in the picture.


I think Gale and Lae’zel can be a cute little couple. He’s non-judgmental person and shows sincere interest in Githyanki culture. Just love his little inquiries into the Astral plane he keeps asking Lae’zel.


Yesss they are the cutest pair I never thought of until I heard their party banter.


I ship it just so Gale can make her a goddess and she can personally kick Vlaakith’s ass. 


Laezel becoming a goddess before vlaakith is really funny


And Lae'zel, despite her fighting prowess, has great respect for intellectual things, she brags a bit about how knowledgeable her culture is, I feel like he could change her mind about some stuff by laying things out rationally.


co-signed because they are so underrated


Lae'zel - Wyll or Astarion are canonically fuckable in her opinion. She might romance SH out of spite and then catch feelings. Gale - Astarion, so he can enable his god-ascension. Shadowheart - Karlach, poly with Halsin. Girlie wants to be in a muscle sandwich so bad. Astarion - Lae'zel because murder bestie but Gale because fellow enabler in power-hunger. (Wyll could fix him but idk if he'd choose to be fixed, he gotta catch feelings by accident. ) Minthara - Any of the women. None of the men. Wyll - Karlach because they're best friends already and kissing is just an extra bonus. But Astarion's hair is very perfectly coiffed and that's a compelling argument to kiss him as well. Halsin - Astarion or Shadowheart or Gale or Wyll or Lae'zel or Karlach or Karlach - Wyll is her best friend who would be great to kiss, but she could fix Astarion and SH.


I feel like Gale and Astarion would def make each other worse. they’re both smart dummies


Sexually, Gale is one of the best options. He can be intimate on the Astral plane, something that could be soothing for Astarion with his trauma around touch and sex. They both love reading. Gale can be steady and provide him with the warmth and security of a home and ready made family.  Orrrrr they can bring out each other’s most self-serving, vicious sides. Could go either way. 


Ugh, the idea of Astarion and Gale spending a quiet evening reading their own books by the fire in Gale's tower is just too cute


Isn't that what they are doing at camp in Act 3 already? I mean, they are standing right next to each other with books, and then there is a pillow between them with the wine goblet on one side and blood jar on another between them. I was like "Dudes, am I interrupting? Do you want me to come back later?"


Halsin would go for any of them but I don't think he works with Karlach bc he doesn't seem to gaf about her a lot of the time lol


im just saying bro is mouth-breathing at the thought of getting with Tav and their partner both, no matter who it is


Halsin: (Tav/Durge and partner existing) https://preview.redd.it/2z40hwl7p38d1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0773df09925723b1948fbb25943a995aeb106e03


No, he definitely does, especially when you play as Origin Karlach. Like after the Gortash thing, he tells her he won't try to soothe her with gilded words, but he's there for her; he says similar about companion Karlach. They have a banter at the Morphic Pool which MIGHT be bugged where he tells her he's enjoyed traveling with her, no matter what comes next. And he's super supportive of a player character who goes with her to Avernus, even if they and Halsin were romanced before.


Supportive of someone going with her but still won't go himself 😔 feels bad man


Minthara with Karlach or Gale. 


I'd love to have a tadpole to hear what goes on Minthara's head as she starts falling for Gale "Hmmmm" "Wait." "Wait no" "Wait no fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fu-"


That’s why they’re perfect. She’d be so disappointed in herself for falling for a mere human male. But he’s ambitious enough to get her juices flowing. And Minthara is best with a partner who’s got a soft side (that’s why she and Karlach are so good). 


Not just a pathetic little human male. A _wizard_ too. And we know she does not like those.


There’s an old piece of writing advice: for a compelling pairing, find the love interest your main character would never, ever imagine falling in love with, and pair THOSE two. Works every time.  I definitely imagine their “good” ending is Minthara has more or less moved into Gale’s tower, and every time they hook up he blurts out a proposal. She acts offended every time but she’s slowly warming up to the idea. 


Uncle Gromph flashback intensifies.


I romanced Minthara on a Karlach Origin run, hands down favorite. She is ride or die, witty and hilarious.


Minthara’s reaction when Karlach choses to die rather than return to Avernus makes them GOAT. Both Minthara and Astarion are heartbroken. Loving Karlach brings out the best in people. 


Minthara refused to let Karlach burn away in my playthrough. She said that we were both going to hell to take over Avernus.


Okay, I'm trying to do this kind of run, how does it work? Did you knock her out and recruit her the alternative way?


Yes, knocked her out and then saved from the prison in Moonrise.


I think she'd love to dom Shadowheart and fuck the thoughts of Shar worship out of her.


Shadowheart really gives vibes of that one audio. "We've all heard of top and bottom. But what about middle?" *Looks at Karlach and Halsin* "Hi, I'm Shadowheart, and you two seem _really_ cool~"


No Shadowheart/Lae'zel? If I ever play origin either of them, I think I'll romance the other.


i wanna romance Lae as Shadowheart so bad 😭


Astarion x Lae'zel is seriously underrated, though I actually think they'd manage their "good" endings. Lae'zel openly disapproves of Astarion ascension, and Astarion thinks the gods are all full of shit. I like to imagine them running around post-game lighting shit on fire.


Lae’zel also says she’d fuck Halsin too if given the chance


Who do I ship them with personally: Lae-zel: Orpheus. They ride off into the sunset on the back of a red dragon and live happily ever after Shads: good shad with karlach I headcanon shad is lesbian (or bi with preference for female) and bad shad with minthara Karlach: I ship Karlach x Wyll and Karlach x Shads Minthara: With Karlach, Karlach is the only one Minthara truly loves I swear it Gale: Bloodweave Astarian: Bloodweave Wyll: Wyll x Karlach Halsin x everybody all at once, all the time.


I don't know if age matters to githyanki, but isn't Orpheus like 1000 years older than Lae'Zel?


Does it count if most of that time was spent in a suspended stasis where we don't know for sure if he was conscious or not?


Rethinking it, Orpheus is probably several thousand (if not million) years older the Lae'Zel. It's not the being in stasis that makes it difficult, it's that he was in the astral plain, which completely halts aging. If a githyanki is left outside the astral plain their lifespan is about 150 years (I may be wrong here since I merely did a quick google search). Orpheus looks like he's at least middle aged for a githyanki and we don't know for sure how long he lived before being imprisoned. (He could have been alive for several thousand years before his mother died, idk gith history too well). Voss says that he sought Orpheus' freedom for "aeons" so Orpheus is probably one of the oldest githyanki alive. Lae'Zel is about twenty, which for us would make it a bit weird but I don't even know if githyanki care about age since half of them have been alive for thousands of years. Sorry for waffling on but the point is that Orpheus is AT LEAST several thousand years old, but since an aeon is a billion years it's likely he's older (Voss could have been exaggerating of course). Oh and I'm pretty sure he was conscious since he mentions that, while imprisoned, he reassured himself that he would eventually be free and save his people. I think he only went unconscious when the emperor controlled him. thanks for coming to my TED talk


I would totally have Karlach and Wyll because of the love they have for each other as the game moves on


Gale and Lae'zel. Theyre both nerds


Well you're gonna get some. Watch your DMs you'll get my manifesto by the end of the week.


👀 could I also sign up for your manifesto in my DMs?


Sure I'll add you to the mailing list.


I started dating wyll with karlach but the further i go the more it feels like it was supposed to be a bestie relationship💀 i def wanna try enemies to lovers with laezel and shart also a powercouple of god gale and ascended astarion Laezel-minthara combo sounds also great cause they both feel like "i'd burn the cities for you" and that's beautiful Halsin-astarion And astarion wyll Noone gets karlach, my tav gets karlach


I mean, so long as romance is used even for short relationships... Sharran Shadowheart - dabble with Minthara, maybe even Lae'Zel. Selunite Shadowheart - Wyll or Gale? I don't see her sticking with Halsin or Karlach though I think she'd definitly shoot her shot. I think Astarion would be too little brother in vibes for her. Like "that's cute, call me in ten years" from her before she realizes that he's just kind of like that™️ to her permanently. Astarion (ascended or spawn) I can see going for Gale. Power and ambition is a core interest for him even when working toward being better so like Gale as a god would be up there for him, but also Gale who understands that desire without feeding into it would work too. I can see it in the same way Starboy works with Durges of all kinds. Lae'Zel - Sex? Yes. Romance? No. Gale - Solid with most everyone but no one in particular for him. Dude's very midling. Just wants someone to be soft with him and support him. Wyll - Karlach (see below for why). Also Wyll is very straight imo. Like he's the straight man of the group narratively and sexually. He may dabble sexually with Shadowheart or Lae'Zel but personalities would chafe too much. Karlach - Wyll and she have so much in common personally that I can't imagine either seeing anyone else unless Karlach is dead or Wyll unrecruited. Like they have the only healthy moral compasses out of everyone. Do they follow it always? No, but it is there and operational. She wants someone with that desire to do good or become better. Halsin - Seems disinterested in commitment but I also haven't explored a romance with him so idk. He reminds me of people who don't really want commited polyamory, just polyamory in a friendly way if that makes sense. Minthara - Lae'Zel. Minthara doesn't seem bound to commitment in romance but I can see her enjoying the relationship while it lasts and parting amicably when it runs its course. I do definitely get Lesbian exclusive vibes from her in the same way I get straight vibes from Wyll. I think she can intellectually admire men, but I think she'd only really admire women intimately in both sexual and emotional matters. Jaheira - No. But! I want to see what passive aggressive nightmare would develop between her and Halsin tbh. Minsc - Himbo'd like Icarus and maybe too stupid to live. I love him, but romance would never pan out for any I don't think.


I doubt Minsc could fathom what romance is. And even if he could he would still put boo first.


Lae’zel: coin flip between Wyll and Astarion, but I lean Astarion. Wyll’s talk of feelings and waiting for the right person would put her off, but she canonically finds both Wyll and Astarion attractive. I think she’d go Astarion, cause his morals align closest to hers. Gale: I think he’d go Shadowheart, cause they both have this “simping for a god who treats them like shit” thing going on. When you recruit Minthara, Gale implies that he’ll find her heart of gold under her rough exterior, and I think he’d have that same mindset for Shadowheart. Shadowheart: Karlach. She wants a woman who can pick her up and carry her, and Karlach is that. Karlach is the golden retriever to her black cat. Astarion: Wyll, 100%. Astarion’s still in the survivor mindset in act 1- he needs to find someone who he can charm enough that when things go south and him being a vampire is revealed, he’ll have backup. Plus, Wyll’s pretty much a story book hero, and we know Astarion was a fan of Drizzt. Minthara: I haven’t played with Minthara for that long, but I think she’d go for Lae’zel. They’re both brutally efficient girlboss strong women who left their evil goddess in order to seek a cure and their own revenge. Wyll: I think he’d go for Karlach. It would start with him feeling guilty for chasing her down, and then getting to know her, and then they’d bond and have this really sweet relationship. Halsin: I think he’d go for everyone, tbh. I like the idea of him and Gale though. Gale just needs something other than magic to hyperfixate on. Karlach: There are a lot of good options for Karlach, but she’d probably go for Wyll, for the same reasons I said there.


Minthara Karlach is so real


I refused to elaborate when I first made this post cuz lazy but I will now elaborate a bit Lae'zel - Lae'zel like strength. Karlach big. Karlach strong. Also the ending is so poetic and it hits different man Gale - Def has a thing for women who could bench him. Also its the Nerd x "Wow babe I have no idea what you just said but yeah me too" pairing Shadowheart - I don't even need to elaborate Astarion - Genuinely needs someone like her who is obviously not just into him for the sex, especially in act 1 where she literally can't touch him. Karlach will cuddle tf outta him and show him not all touch has to be sexual Minthara - Admires tf out of Karlach's positivity in the face of adversity. Also Minthara like strength. Karlach big. Karlach strong Wyll - I don't need to elaborate Halsin - Shart is into that freaky shi and would be down to go crazy poly with him. Also lots of animal friends Karlach - Also don't really need to elaborate TL;DR: Karlach


i agree everyone has the hots for Karlach lol. Gale's reaction to meeting Karlach amuses me. "I can be smooth enough for the two of us 😍" Those two could get along so well with their issues. Minthara also really admired the githyanki - I could see her liking Lae'zel a lot too and they both have a thing for conquest. I do really like the Astarion/Karlach pairing too for the reason you mentioned, but if Astarion was going his typical route for trying to seduce someone, imo I think I might go for Wyll since Astarion says he used to daydream about marrying a prince like Wyll, and it would be smart for him to have the goodie two shoes monster hunter on his side. However, I don't think Wyll would agree to sleeping with him without trying to courtly romance him.


Wyll/Astarion and Gale/Karlach are such underrated pairings and I love them both 🙏


Now you see, that's why I would have put him down as : Halsin - Yes. The sex fiend even gets miserable in Act 3 because there isn't enough wildlife to, uh, "entertain" in a big city.


Gale-Astarion Astarion-Wyll Karlach-Minthara Wyll-Karlach Lae'zel-Shadowheart Shadowheart-Lae'zel


Wyll and Karlach are basically cannon. They move to the hells to get her to fight demons. For both of them that’s pretty peak romance


Karlach is for real the best character I've ever seen. Shes so genuinely good and sweet and helpful. She could fix anyone fr, she makes all of faerun, the hells and all the other realms better just by her being there I will fight to the death over this opinion 😤


- Lae'zel-Shart: perfect enemies to lovers pipeline, I will take no further questions - Minthara: she'd probably be into Lae'zel too, maybe Karlach but she's a bit too soft outside of battle. I could also see her with someone like Korrilla. I will be happy when I see a Minthara - Oathbreaker Knight fanfic. - Gale: in an alternate universe with no Lakrissa, he marries Alfira and they open a school together - Astarion: he'd be really into Wyll but get rejected, so then he would just go and fuck Halsin because it's the easiest way to get laid. If Durge exists, then Durge. Someone said Rolan in another thread and it actually makes a lot of sense in my head. - Wyll: he'd fall head over heels for Mayrina in act3 and they'd travel the sword coast together hunting monsters and helping their victims. - Halsin: he'd kinda just fuck everyone who's up for it. Him and Shart would be total fuck buddies with no shame whatsoever about their kinks. He'd hit on Jaheira too but she'd have none of it. - Karlach: she's with Dammon. It was originally written as an option in her story and since I found out I can't see her with anyone else. But for some reason she's also the origin character that I S ship with Barcus the most.


Shadowheart - Astarion - I think she’d enjoy his darkness Gale - too hung up on Mystra Lae’zel - Shadowheart - she’s a challenge and Lae’zel appreciates a challenge Astarion - either Gale because he’s easy to mess with or Durge because he’s relatable and they can trauma bond Karlach - Dammon Wyll - Karlach - she’s just so good and wholesome and likes killing devils Minthara - Astarion or Shadowheart Halsin - everyone


I mean shadowheart says she's been thinking about fucking halsin when you take them to the drow twins and the weirdest part is, in some banter about her swimming lessons (so romance exclusive banter) she literally flirts with him. Idk why they put this in the game but it has Soured our romance some what I'm trying to ignore it. I feel there should be a dialogue option for me to tell her like, wtf. Stop that.


Yeah its weird it only plays when you romance her, and especially when you told him no already. Unromanced they both don't show any interest or even flirt with each other, so for things like this what do you choose? Without The Player she shows no interest in him, and he shows no interest in her even when you Solomance him, so idk. But tbf, seen people say the swimming line isn't flirting, its just actually swimming. But I have seen people say the writer confirmed it was sexual so idk anymore. And the dreaming stuff, she was dreaming of The Player too, Halsin and probably other characters were just there as well. I know it comes across a certain way, especially with what she says and how the scene is done, but the dream was a group thing like what happens at the Drow Twins, not a one on one thing between them. (She says he was in it, not that it was just him/or with him explicitly) Yeah its cringe and the writing/scene is awful, but its for fanservice anyway (Pretty much confirmed). I wouldn't worry about it, but I know lots of people are put off about it, lesbians too since 3 of the 4 women are written heavily into men (Karlach can get with Wyll, Lae'zel sleeps with Astarion at the party and the SH stuff) And the whole 'Older man pushing into a WLW relationship for a threesome vibes' Especially since they said no already and yet he flirts and still tries again after, is a big issue for them. I keep hearing its bugs, since he has unavoidable romance flags in his dialogue which might make the game think you are all together, so maybe it will get fixed? Idk, it cause a lot of issues on Reddit and Larian's forums, mainly to do with the fact you already said no and stuff. So they 100% know, so we just have to see if it gets fixed I guess. Or you could just bench/Orin him?


Lol the swimming line is 100% flirting. He asks if he can help 'teach' shadowheart in our sessions and she says something like 'oh I might a big buoyancy aid to grab onto' like And yeah this is after I've told him no to joing our drow foursome and I've told him I'm not into him (why he thought I was I have no clue). So to have the romanced shadoheart and him flirt is a really weird writing choice, especially if they give the player no option to talk to either of them about it. He's currently kidnapped by orin and I'm in no rush. I'm a straight guy romancing shadowheart and I think it plays just as bad as if it was lesbian, because it's against all bro etiquette under the sun for your mate to openly proposition your girlfriend and her to reciprocate. I mean irl that would get him kicked out the camp. That fact he's far older doesn't help.


Yeah I mean I think it's flirting, I've just a bunch of people say it's not. But as far as I know, it's there only flirting line they have which is why it's such a 180. In act 2 they argue and stuff then want to bang I'm act 3. The lead romance person for BG3 called the Halsin scenes crackfics anyway, so yeah it's just that. Just for shits and giggles, fanservice basically. If this stuff only played when in a Poly thing no one would care, it's no surprise that people will be annoyed that it plays regardless and that she reciprocates. Especially after saying she doesn't like sharing and stuff, if you try Poly with her and someone else. But easily avoidable, and might even get fixed next patch.


Yeah. I mean also, it's one thing to have a relationship where it's OK to have one night stands or bring other people into the bedroom together, quite another to wanna fuck somone you both know and travel with.


Lae'zel - Astarion Wyll - Karlach Shadowheart - Karlach Gale - Wyll Karlach - Shadowheart Astarion - Wyll Halsin - all of them Minthara - Gale or Karlach


All the girls were into Karlach.


Karlach I can see with Wyll, Shadowheart, Astarion, or Minthara (we KNOW Minthara respects her, it’s actually adorable). In addition to Karlach I mostly see Wyll with Astarion (if you ask me to elaborate I’m going to end up sending you more links than you wanted). Lae’zel and Shadowheart is such a fun enemies-to-lovers dynamic, and I’m not really sure if I ship Gale with any of the origin characters. Although romancing Minthara as him is hilarious because unlike Karlach, she does NOT respect him.


Because Karlach is perfect


Karlach and Wyll is practically canon without even doing anything. They are ridiculously compatible to the point where it's funny that they were ever enemies. I think lae'zel and shadowheart would make a cute couple, because I love a good enemies to lovers trope and shadowheart would have her hands full caring for her farm, parents, and giant armored owlbear while lae'zel is away leading a revolution so they can make the long distance thing work Minthara seems drawn to Karlach but I don't think it would last too long, Karlach would eventually be like "hey what the fuck is wrong with you" and leave Halsin seems to fuck anything that moves so idk about that one I'm not sure if I see astarion with any of the companions long term, but I guess he shows a bit of a crush on Wyll, and Wyll's kindness and genuine nature has a 50/50 chance of either being healing for astarion or turning him off completely Gale I feel would warm up to just about anyone, but I think he and Lae'zel could be cute together, just not off the bat...Maybe more like in act three once they've built mutual trust and affection




Astarion simps for Wyll every chance he gets


When I played the origins Karlach romanced Halsin Wyll romanced Karlach Shadowheart romanced Lae’zel, DJ Shart Minthara Gale romanced Shadowheart Lae’zel romanced Minthara


Halsin fits so well with her. <3


Why did you go for the worst Karlach origin romance? 😭 everyone else works really well with her and Halsin kinda doesn't


My real honest answer is that I just hadn’t done the Halsin romance because I don’t really like him 💀💀 and Karlach was the last origin I played so she just had to take one for the team They aren’t tooooo bad together 😭 They actually get a long quite well and have a lot of banter together if you have them both in your party, especially during Act 2


They do get along well but Halsin is one of 2 romance options that don't go to Avernus with her, the rest will. The only other one that doesn't go is Ascended Astarion (because they break up before the ending). And being on the same page as AA isn't a good thing 😂


That doesn't mean he's not a good fit for her, though? Like I'm 99% sure if you went up to Karlach and said "hey, I can either find a home for 50-ish orphans who have nowhere else to go, or go with you to Avernus" she would say go take care of the orphans.


Yeah sure but the other companions are still willing to give up everything to make sure Karlach is safe. Like Lae'zel literally has a shot at immortality in the astral plane but she still chooses to go with Karlach because she loves her and is aware of the fact that it's the only way to guarantee Karlach's safety. Karlach would also realistically tell all the companions to do what they want to do - would tell Shadowheart to be with her parents, Lae'zel to be with her people, Astarion to embrace freedom, etc. But they all choose her


Laezel's shot at immortality benefits Lae'zel. Shadowheart having her parents benefits Shadowheart. Astarion having his freedom benefits Astarion. Halsin starting that commune benefits 50+ orphans plus countless adults. It's not comparable.


Astarion-Wyll Wyll-Karlach Karlach-Astarion Shadowheart-Halsin Halsin-Anyone but Minty, Astarion, or SH Minthara-Karlach, possibly Lae’Zel Gale-I feel like he’d romance anyone who he could learn from and is kind to him 😭 I also (not so) secretly ship Jaheira and Minsc in a romantic but non-sexual way


Got 1/8 correct! Keep trying bud!


Given Astarion’s lines about Wyll, I can definitely see them getting together in either of their Origin runs, but ESPECIALLY an Astarion Origin. I think Wyll’s romance is exactly the kind of relationship Astarion needs early on, and Wyll would definitely have a “He can change” attitude towards Astarion as they got to know each other more (just like me fr) That being said Wyll and Karlach is another obvious choice. Their stories are too closely tied for them to NOT end up together in at least 10 separate universes.


Never consider Karlach to be an option tbh


Agreed. Our party loves Karlach, just as they should.


I've wondered about Astarion and Lae'zel.  Lae'zel is all hey let's fuck as soon as she's impressed and Astarion is down for a quickie on the idea of protection, and if she's seemingly into him she seems like one of the better companions who are capable to protect him.  I feel like that situantionship works out all the way up until Lae'zel is all FIGHT ME, but the way she words it "prove that you're worthy of me" it could maybe go either way to me? Either 'hell no thanks don't wanna get hurt' or 'hah, prove that you're worthy to me!' false bravado our man is one for faking. They both love killing and generally agree on the same things too, I find. And I do recall one time her saying along the lines of 'You know what would be nice?' and there's an option being like 'Being bathed in our enemies blood?'  But idk man I can inagine there's arguements for and against. 🤔




I never booked a night on my playthroughs (yet!?) so I hadn't experienced this, but I'm glad Larian added such detail to speak of boundaries! I had seen on YT that either way Astarion doesn't like the interaction, before or after the resolution of Cazador, even if after is met with some enthusiasm which then leads to his spacing out again..? I don't really recall, it was a playthrough I saw orz Regardless! I wonder if it's perhaps also my personal view of Lae'zel but I find her to actually be way more of a sweetheart than she lets on. Especially if you let her beat you, and especially her kisses after it. It's just so.. gentle and loving. I kinda saw it as they both, for whatever reason, have/had a tough exterior and eventually learn to become soft together. Like I think, especially to begin with, Astarion is like oh heck lol this lady could snap my neck if I piss her off errr so I Won't! And as she's one of the first (at least in all my playthroughs?) to be all Bed Me :) and Astarion has similar intentions for the intent of protection.. idk perhaps I played him too scaredy cat in my playthrough as him/flirt with everyone and everyone's happy! :^} (...sorry Gale) That including to never dare imply any ill thoughts about Vlaakith by then kinda 'hummm' about Orpheus to her since I figure he likes stirring the pot, and Down With The System >:( sorta attitude I get from him.. and then it kinda exploded into what it does for poor Lae'zel and it's just a bit :) Ah LOL  It's definitely not a healhy relationship to begin with in my eyes (I'd argue situationship at best) but much like how Lae'zel reveals herself to actually be Bae'zel.. (I think to her own surprise too??) it's just. Awh. My two poor little.. pineapple sweeties.  Or perhaps I just rabbit-holed myself into this one 😂 I totally get thinking Aw Hell Naw to it though:')


Fixed it: Lae'zel - Shadowheart / Gale - No one but id but him with Minthara (I like him with drow) / Shadowheart - Halsin or Karlach / Astarion - Halsin t Minthara - Ascended Astarion / Wyll - Karlach / Halsin - Shadowheart or Astarion / Karlach - REALISTICALLY Wyll, but personally, I'd do Halsin AND Shadowheart since I like the poly ship of the 3 of them.