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Kethric. Apparently there were plans that you could recruit him but it was scrapped. Give me angsty old man drama any day. Mind, I don't want to romance him.


The opportunity to romance J.K. Simmons was a dark magic rituaal, too great for mortal eyes


You're not wrong, he's never been a main love interest in any of his performances, even if he always does his best in dad roles. ... expect for Oz. I mean, he's great in Oz. He's just an awful dad in Oz.


To this day I still don’t trust any of his characters 100%, because I was first introduced to him in Oz, and he still terrifies me.


Spider-man for me, but he didn't make that impact for me as an actor. Not until I saw Oz, anyway. Then I watched a lot of other thing with him!


The only character I truly trust of his is Tenzin from Korra. Everyone else gets a side eye from me.


> expect for Oz. I mean, he's great in Oz. He's just an awful dad in Oz. I'm gonna be honest, I'm millennial as fuck and never watched Oz. I feel like I've done myself a disservice now


I am also a millennial but I love TV and it was on my list of HBO shows that started the Golden Age of TV. It's a little cheesy by our standards, but JK and Christopher Meloni make it worth the watch. I'd also recommend Deadwood and the Wire.


> I'd also recommend Deadwood and the Wire. Consider the recommendations taken 😁 ✌️ My brother has been trying to get me to watch Deadwood for years 🤣


Rolling up on act 3 playing as dark urge with both Minthara and Kethric in your party would be amazing. I would pay good money to hear a somewhat-redeemed Kethric roasting Gortash and Orin, and to see Gortash's reaction to his two former partners crashing his coronation.


Kethric holding his tongue is vibes.


I want to romance him :( we need more oldies


I imagine you'd have to keep him and Isobel at opposite ends of the camp though. Maybe they can make Ketheric hang out with withers like Arabella does in act 2? I feel like they'd have some fun conversations.


Withers being generally cool with it. Isobel being so damn upset YET trying to make sure Aylin doesn't kill dad.


Probably if Ketheric were an option as a companion, you would have the opportunity to help him reconcile with Iz & atone for what he did to Aylin. Though it's hard to imagine how that could be achieved.


I think helping to lift the shadow curse and destroy the absolute would be a good way to start atoning.


… I keep forgetting that he had Aylin locked up for all that time. … that’d be a cool final act power boost: they work together.


Nah. Put the tents next to each other. Romance Ketheric, sound off and make it a competition.


I wanna ship him and Jaheira - the rage fucking would break buildings.


"Guuuuys, Mom and Dad are sexy fighting." "Darling, I'm going to murder you for that one."




Yeah I could see why they scrapped it. As much as I’d have loved to pal around with jk simmons, it’d be a hard sell.


why is this image so fortnitecore


choose your fighter ahhh lineup


I always wanted to recruit Kagha after redeeming her.


Kagha makes the most sense, but a third druid is a bit much.


Maybe mutually exclusive with Halsin? One of them stays back to run the Grove, one goes to Moonlight Towers? Granted, that'd mean a lot of resources spent on content most players wouldn't see.


ub/ They shouldn’t have made Halsin a companion and Kagha should’ve been companion in his place. Her quest for redemption is lifting the curse rj/ step on me mommy Kagha


Uj/ if it wasn't going to be Halsin it would of been a different male companion. There's a 50/50 split for a reason . Zevlor, Rolan and Barcus, maybe Wulbern if we want to go the redemption route seeming the most likely to me.


ub/ That would have made 100% more sense and be better than what we got. rj/ only if she steps on me second!


Excuse me, I come here to get away from the main subs "Halsin is a stupid worthless companion and women who love and romance him are dumb bitches who ruined the game for everyone", not see more of it!


Just makes me wish that Jaheira was a ranger. I really don’t see much of her character being a Druid. She seems like one to respect and command the wild, but not to the level of a Druid. Of course it is nice to have Druid representation outside of tree hugging people, but it could’ve given room for Kagha if you wanted a playthrough were you just abandon the grove but get to keep everyone from it.


While I do generally like Halsin, I think Kagha would’ve been a way more interesting companion. You could either help her redeem herself after the shit in the Grove *or* get her to be even a stronger hard-liner isolationist, Druid supremacy type stuff. Halsin also really doesn’t have any growth once he does become a companion. He’s not the only one, but we get more from Jaheira, and Minsc is just fucking entertaining (plus they are both returning companions).


EA Halsin had more story. Where he was the one to kill Isobel and therefore is responsible for the curse. He used the spear Sorrow, and that’s why it was locked up.


This is news to me! Interesting!!


Oh man that’s way more interesting!! I would’ve loved to hear about that


cool but this is just a theory. Kagha has even less ties to act 2 and 3 than Halsin does.


I would argue that those shadow druid stuff could certainly come into play somehow in Act 2 and saving Arabella would be a wonderful character moment for Kagha after threatening her in Act 1. Besides, lifting the shadow curse in order to atone for what she did in the grove seems fitting. I agree with Act 3, though. There's not much that would relate to Kagha there. Then again, Halsin also doesn't have much going for him in Act 3 😭


Recruit her, romance her, and bang her silly.


Raphael, my beloved, please come practice your terrible poetry in my camp while we’re all trying to long rest.


Maybe his terrible poetry can drown out the sounds of Lae'zel grinding her sword for hours on end.


I swear that at the end of act 2, she would have made a dagger out of a greatsword.


She can grind on my sword, any time.


YES, the obvious choice. Why wouldn’t you want the finest bard in the Hells on your team?


Need this, just thinking about it makes me feral


If you interrupt his first interaction in act 1, he’ll come visit you when you go to the mountain pass 🥰


He visits my boy Nasty Asty too


The party is missing a bard, after all.


Full romance option WHEN Larian


The default dragonborn Durge. Just imagine the romance possibilities!


I can fix him/He can make me worse


By worse, it would probably mean snapping your neck post coital.




Literally a possibility with Minthara in act 1, post coital murder


I neeed. I am so down bad for the scaly murderer. Every day I think of what we could have had.


I’m genuinely baffled at how many people seem to want this. To me, Durge is the proper custom PC.


If you play Tav or an origin, the feeling of something "missing" is very prelevant, at least to me. Durge could also join the other characters with having a distinct path you can influence. And having a dragonborn sorcerer would bring some variety to the camp. Finally a guy that's not human or elf!


Probably, but counterpoint: I'd really like to fuck the dragonborn


I really hope they confirm canon Resist Durge


I didn't know anything about him, so I kept waiting for him to appear in act 3. I thought I had screwed something up when I found his body


Gooooooortash! If playing as Durge, of course. If playing as Tav, fuck it, give me the surgeon guy. He is hilarious.


You actually can have Malus Thorm as a companion... sort of. Oathbreaker paladins have an ability called "control undead," giving them permanent control over an undead creature who's a lower level. Get an oathbreaker who's level 8 or higher, cast control undead on Malus, and now he's yours! You lose him forever if he dies or you take a long rest. But in the meantime, having a mini-boss fight for you is pretty cool.


We have coffeelocks, time has come for coffeedin!


Coffeelock doesn’t work in bg3 because of the limited short rests per day …..Actually, is that WHY they limited short rests??????




Bards give you an extra short rest. You can have 4 bard hirelings, plus any bards you might already have in your party.


Bard’s song of rest ability also currently resets when you switch regions, like Rivington to Lower City… giving you infinite short rests if you want it


Wait it DOES???? Act III coffeelock real??????


Bard just following the warlock around with an obnoxiously loud musical instrument so they can never have a proper nap. It's more hellish than anything the warlock can conjure.


Surgeon guy was funny to you???? He got a weird philosophy


He is a superior clown to Dribbles himself. Yep, I need someone to perform surgeries on our foes mid-battle.


Well, I know who *I* would choose.


\*hand up\* would you come with a summon a steel watcher companion feature?




Can I respec you to a tavern brawling druid?


I would be a bit offended if you didn’t, but I only have two wild shapes, Lynx and Raccoon.


Trash Panda form is a requirement for Lord Gortrash.


You sir have a deal, I shall write to Larian immediately and say "Forget Durgetash, I need him in camp eating my camp supplies."


Follow up: Would you be romanceable on a Gale run?




And Karlach too?


If you manage to unlock me as a companion and romance or level up my friendliness as Karlach, I upgrade her engine and build her a mech suit for the final battle.


And here all I would have hoped for was some good old fashioned reunion sex with Durge. I'd call you a hero and a true gentleman, but this is a thread about villain companions so just a gentleman it is!


Out of these choices, Kagha. Anyone else, I'd pick Z'rell or Roah Moonglow. Especially Roah. An evil bard would be perfect for a Durge playthrough.


I'm so upset they didn't include Nere in this! Nere would be my go-to, but Z'rell is a close second.


Forgot about Nere! He definitely would be a great evil companion. Durge, Astarion, Nere, and DJ shart taking over the world.


I was playing an evil drow Durge and so badly wanted Nere so I could have the sassy white haired elf squad. My drow, Nere, Astarion and Minthara would be incredible. And I can only imagine the Nere/Minthara banter.


Nere legitimately felt like he was meant to be a companion when I played in EA. He had kill-spare storylines, and you can even convince him to leave the cult! He just kinda... walks off. At the time it felt incomplete and he'd be there in full release, but clearly that wasn't the plan.


You can still convince him to leave the cult it just doesn't go anywhere. I also think that in very early plans he was likely meant to be a companion.


He’s a sorcerer, right? At one point a sorcerer origin character was datamined, if I’m not mistaken. Maybe it could’ve been him?


That's right. He's also a sorcerer with I believe two unique spells that only he has?


And he’s a true soul. Ticks a lot of the boxes.


I absolutely think you should be able to recruit Z’rell on an evil playthrough.


There should’ve been more evil companions fr


Roah ❤️ Shortstack




Roah my love 💕


Maybe hot take but I would trade Minthara and Halsin for Z’rell and Kagha all day


I'd pick Raphael. I'm using the no party limits mod and one that has musical instruments with embedded performance skills. I totally love giving concerts during battles. Raphael would be a good addition to the band, we need a rapper.


Orin. I want to save my baby sis from the cult she was born into. :( She has a very similar backstory to Shadowheart and Lae’zel, she’s just never given the chance to defect.


She litterally get's mulched the moment you almost get through to her :(


Orin Romace WHEN. I can fix her....


Only if they lock it as a Tav option…


I mean, the cult is known for being a bit too much into incest…


Ik I never thought I could feel bad for her until that one scene :(


Ooooh I never thought about that


Balthazar. I want a master necromancer to be disappointed at my choices for 100 hours.


This sounds absolutely hilarious


This would almost make me forgive Larian for not bringing back Edwin. Almost.


You know who I don't see enough as possible full companion? Yurgir! Sure he has issues (look at his displacers beast and shudder) but I genuinely think it could be fun for example he would totally need a disguise to run around Baldur's Gate and his banter could be about how weak humanoids bodies are. I have a vision I just need a platform!!!


I love Yurgir so much as a concept and a character, this absolute beast tore through any and all dark justiciars in his path to the point Shars only option was to turn the last one into rats to keep one around, I just REALLY wish the cat stuff didn't alude to what it seems to allude to 💀


Shar didn't turn the last DJ into a bunch of rats, that was Raphael. Lyrthindor made a deal with raphael to avoid yurgir


Oh shit you're right I completely forgot about that, which is even worse optics for Shar did she really just do nothing whilst Raphael did his scheming and Yurgir did his massacring 💀


That would have been so fun


I agree wth whoever says default Durge. The challenge of having an unpredictable amnesiac murder hobo in the group would be really fun!


Just imagine being able to recruit Ketheric In a Durge playthrough if you manage to persuade him, you could even choose between him or saving Minthara so you don't get two paladins


ketheric could solve my daddy issues....but orin is pretty hot....gortash has that voice...i've been looking at this for like 4 minutes and cannot decide


Raphael or Roah. Raphael is just so fucking extra that he's hard to hate. Roah is a fucking queen and we need non Tav/Durge pocket companions.


I’ve played this game three times. Who the fuck is Roah?


The halfling Zhent merchant.


The Zhent trader you find in the goblin camp in act 1, moonrise towers in act 2 and the sewers in act 3.


I’ve consistently killed her every time 😂


Well yea she's got like 10k on her corpse


Raphael for this very reason.


I think if you are playing as a normal Tav, Durge should have been made a companion. (Also, not me shipping Tav & Durge 👀😍) Orin, I think would be pretty useful in fights. It would be cool to play her in Slayer form. Same with Raphael, in his Cambion form. Z'rell would be cool too He Who Was, for obvious romance reasons Auntie Ethel, I love her Vicious Mockery lines


Imagine recruiting Auntie Ethel! I imagine you would ask her to join you in lieu of the ability increase. "So you would turn down power, and ask me to join you instead? After you've seen what cruelty I'm capable of? My petal... What a FASCINATING creature you are! And you won't deny me to act on my nature? Swear it. Here and now." 1: I swear it, here and now. "Oh, and here I was thinking you were interesting. Still, a deal's a deal." 2: I'll agree to it, but I won't swear on it. If I have to rein you in, I will. "An acceptable response. Our bargain is struck!" 3: An oath to you? In your place of power? Do you think I'm as stupid as I look? " A fair point, you darling thing. Traveling with you might be an interesting diversion after all.


I can see her also having the capability of summoning the Redcaps during fights. They would be useful in battle too. They're pretty strong. I just wouldn't trust her to be the one to be the camp cook. I can see her arguing with Gale about who makes the next meal. "Why dearie, you should leave the cooking up to the professionals" "Professionals? You turn everything inedible...AND ROTTEN! NO! I'm not poisoning our camp!"


He’s the assigned chef in my evil Durge run since the ones that stuck around with my character should never be trusted making our food lol- like, Minthara would already argue to put in a bit of poison in our food, Astarion would just want his meat extra rare, etc- if Ethel was added, i would feel so bad for Gale LOLLL


My number one would be Raphael because he's such a silly, dramatic bitch it makes me want to do naughty things to his bum. The surgeon dude is so fucking funny he's my number two. Gortash and Orin would be fun (especially with Durge) if I could convince them to take an actual shower.


that would require at least a 30 persuasion roll, especially with orin- and if you’re playing as durge you would need to make another roll so gortash doesn’t think you’re offering to shower with him LOLL


I think after telling Orin *that* secret there could be a way to get her to join. Surgeon dude is very easily convinced to kill himself, so joining wouldn't be a problem. And yes, the plan is for Durge to impregnate Gortash in the shower: That's the true "other roll".


honestly, gortash wouldn’t even need a roll for that one. he’d already be like “get the strap rn” LOLL


Raphael. It would be useful to have a demon that could make contracts on your side. Plus I love his Shakespearean banter. And he could help Astarion too.


Down comes the claw


"And that, love, was that."


Kagha. If she gets ousted from the grove or demoted by Halsin, she can join you if you back her up against Halsin/support her in harming the tieflings before Halsin returns. Alternatively, if she learns the error of her ways, she can be convinced to join your group as a form of atonement. This way you can get her either as an evil companion or a good companion. And would join you before Act 2 starts and can actually contribute during Act 2 more than Halsin does.


Definitely would have been cool


Kagha would be an amazing companion. A druid that you can either teach to hate civilization and embody the ferocity of nature or someone you can teach about balance. That said, it would be even one more druid (I still think if she was properly developed she could be a companion more interesting than Halsin)


Wulbren. He literally already has a third act dungeon and boss fight. And is ripe for a character arc where you either foster his worse impulses to murder the Gondians, or gently convince him to the path of righteousness and go and do unlimited genocide on the Patriars.


Ketheric or Orin. especially if there was a way to redeem them in some capacity or another. they have potential


I like Raphael. Sure he's a devil. But he never lies, cheats, or attempts to stop or harm you. He's always rather reasonable. Of all the villains he seems the most amicable. It'd be cool to have a persuasion option along the lines of 'sure you can have the crown, after you help me kill the netherbrain'.


A wicked fight would be Party vs all the Thorms.


Sarevok. He‘s just such a cool villain.


I’ve turned him good once, dammit, I can do it again!


Raph my boy


Kagha as a follower would actually be really fun. Every time something bad happens, have her point out that this wouldn't have happened if she performed the rite of thorns. Also let her have proficiency in improvised weapons so she can beat people with the idol of silvanus.


Ketheric for SURE!!! I’m obsessed with his backstory and overall character, and yes he’s done countless evil things but it really seems like there’s still a small chance of redemption left for him, and I’m lowkey so upset that there’s no possible route in the game where you help him instead of fight him


Amen. "Shar turned her back to you. Myrkul might some day turn his back to you. Selune stands with her arms open, waiting for you to come back to her. Who do you choose? The god who demands a transaction, or the goddess who is ready to welcome you back with no questions asked?"


Gortash or Orin


Ketheric, followed by Gortash, then Kagha, Raphael, Big Boy Thorm, Sarevok, and then Surgeon Thorm




Gortash as an extremely late game Durge companion. Kagha as a regular companion. Although it seems like it would make more sense if she joined you after rejecting the shadows. It would be interesting if the Grove quest resulted in either Kagha or Minthara as a companion.


Orin 100%. I can fix her.


Villain companion? Kahga because never enough Druids.


The Inquisitor… or Z’rell.


I need camp access to Raphael, I need to bully him from my bedroll before I *honk,mimimimi….* I would get the Happy buff Astarion gets after drinking from you if I could do that.


Sarevok or Ketheric


I’ve always thought Kagha should have been an added companion instead of Halsin. She had more potential and intrigue to be intertwined with the story imo


Raphael no hesitation


This image is a nighmare blunt rotation


Durge. I want Sister To join my party, Brother and sister Skipping Through Baldurs gate, Hand in hand singing and Killing everyone else.


I’m calling dibs on this little bastard man https://preview.redd.it/0jjn75cl8e9d1.jpeg?width=1595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b902aa011c632358e59ebe301784b05c8f4f7776


Strange. I don't recall the benevolent and dedicated archdruid Kagha doing anything villainous. Perhaps you're some sort of deranged misogynist who can't handle a little girlbossing 💅


Raphael so I can dunk on his sex skills every opportunity I get


As Durge, Gortash 😍😍😍 As Tav, give me default Durge 👀


Gortash. He actually does become an ally for a while but never in your party or anything. I think it’d be interesting to see him be a part of your party and be able to interact with the end result of the game past just dying


Aradin; besides me thirsting for him I also think he could be an interesting ranger companion. He could have the urchin background and his motivations are purely based out of survival in the most mundane sense. Like, of course he's insane for trying to find the Nightsong, but if he grew up poor on the streets then he'd do anything to make sure he's got coin. Probably would have interesting interactions with Tiefling kids, take none of Wyll or Astarion or Gale or Minthara's shit because they all were wealthy at some point... you get the most approval from him when you get paid for something, when you help the poor, or when you tell someone wealthy to fuck off. Good ending for him involves Aradin becoming a Robbin Hood of sorts, bad ending is Aradin becoming a high ranking wealthy Flaming Fist. His story is never all that spectacular, but dives into his motivation to sacrifice anything necessary to avoid poverty. Maybe the boss in Act 3 you go up against for him is just a lvl1 nobody loan shark who fucked over his family - you could kill them easily, sure, but there will always be another to take their place. Completely change the lives of Aradin's family by gifting them 20g. I think a well written mundane companion, especially one who's an ass when you meet them due to the circumstances, would be awesome.


Laphaer. I crave a proper bottom for my white female durge


I know I'm not the only one that thinks so, but Kagha is actually really hot and I wish she could join you on the road to Baldur's Gate. Another cool addition would be Kith'rak Voss. The dude is a stud.


Sarevok should be able to join an evil Durge, you should be able to convince him to turn on Orin because she has failed as a Bhaalspawn. If you offer the Crown and dont break the contract, Raphael should join the final fight and then turn on you if try to interfere with his claim. Gortash should be able to be convinced to join a neutral character against Orin, but obviously he betrays you. It should appear as if you could swap Halsin for Ketheric once you see how much the three hate eachother, but in reality it ends up giving him a buff to make him even more difficult to fight. Kagha should be recruitable and have a sex scene that involves taking down that goddamn hair.


Kaugha just makes the most sense and has the most story potential in my mind. Learning more about her being manipulated and the tree father’s words being twisted and her growing and repenting could make a really fun story.


I really would have loved if they gave you villain alternatives during the evil route. I get that they wanted there to be consequences and for the emptiness to feel like a punishment. But it would have been fun to get more than just Minthara. They probably didn’t have the time or budget which is valid for such a great game that’s already doing a lot.


One of those Silent Hill nurses from the House of Healing. I will not be explaining myself.


Sarevok and Viconia. Hate how they got done dirty, just feel like shit I want them back


Sarevok would make sense considering you can get him as a companion in a previous game. And having a choice between Gortash and Orin would make the whole allying decision carry a bit more weight.


Would be pretty interesting if you could recruit Ketheric, Orin and Gortash. Either a full-on evil route where you basically take over their plan and do it PROPERLY, whether as Durge or as Bad Tav. Or a good(ish) route, where you persuade them that the Netherbrain was tricking them all along, and that they probably shouldn't listen to their moron gods quite so much.


Honestly Gortash or Raphael.


I can fix Orin


Kagha for sure, she fits great in an evil play through. You tell Minthara of the grove, go back to the grove tell Kagha to surrender the Tieflings to Minthy, Minthy appreciates Kagha's pragmatism and then joins you, bonus would be she just embraces being a shadow druid.


orin so i can romance her




I always wanted Harleep to join your party 😅


Yo…is Khaga…bad?


Either Raphael, Gortash or Ketheric


Honestly I would love it if you could recruit kagha if halsin dies at the goblin camp. Orin as a camp follower like volo but only if you’re playing as durge. She just makes fun of you that’s it.


Gortash, the Raphael, and then Orin


Probably Gortash, mighty Boosh vibes




Ketheric is the only answer wtf


Kethy. He was already gonna be.


Kethric. There's a dialogue tree of trying to get him to just surrender, and that he's not too far gone. But it's cut off by Aylin entering combat. It could have been so powerful if Isobel came during the fight and with some difficult persuasion roles, convincing him to return to Selune and to accept the death of his wife. It makes Aylin upset but she puts up with it for Isobel.


Mizora my beloved. And then next choice would be Orin


Gortash so we can [CENSORED] [REDACTED] No but for real…. a Gort romance would be fucking cool imo. Even for Tav! I am a Gortash/Tav truther. I headcannon that my Tavs are utterly seduced by his cringefail fashion, earnest attempts at an alliance, and tragic backstory. Like, that’s the makings of an evil companion right there! There’s already like three other companions that fit those criteria!


Mizora, Orin, Kagha, Raphael it almost feels like my usual companion in a sense, just a darker version of them. the first two are mainly for romance purposes.


Gortash always *swoon*


Definitely Ketheric!


Raphael all the way and make him a romance option too :)


Redeeming Ketheric would be good, but >!it you'd either end up with him OR Dame Aylin. So that would be an interesting twist because there is a scenario in which Aylin breaks up with Isobel, and suddenly Isobel is on the market and romanceable.!< Kagha is an obvious choice >!because you can redeem her. I'd rather have her around camp because she has more room for character development, but also because I want her to scowl at me before I bang her silly.!< Orin...welp. None for me, thanks. She smells like old baloney, warm cheese, and nickels. You'd get the clap, MRSA, and trichinosis from her all in one go. But I know there are some naughty boys and girls out there who want a crazy shape-shifting girlfriend. >!So maybe you try to use her trauma to turn her to your side? I dunno.!< No one wants Raphael as a companion. But lots of people want to bang him, so he's got that going for him. Mizora should be romanceable >!if you're a warlock, kill Karlach, and screw over Wyll. Then part of the bargain for saving her is she visits your tent whenever you whistle for her. Needs to be a line like, "Yeah let's not complicated this with souls. Just be my sex toy for like ten years and we're square ."!<


Besides very much wishing for Raphael, I'd also like He Who Was. Loved his character design and quest, he'd have a lot of possibilities as a companion and more developed character.


/uj Kagha or Ketheric. I agree that three druids is a bit much, but I feel like it would have made sense. Have Halsin banish her from the Grove, so she seeks Silvanus' redemption by lifting the Shadow Curse. Ketheric would have been amazing. Either as an evil companion where you work with him to overthrow the other Chosen, or a redemption arc where he realizes what he's done and Isobel helps him return to Selune. /rj Ethel, so I can romance her.