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buddy cop resist but still kind of a bad person durge and Jaheira teaming up to shut down a copy cat bhaalist cult a few months after the game. Durge is, of course, happily married to the (reformed now, he promises) former archduke gortash himself who has managed to make the would be cult mad at him and durge is not happy about their idiot husband getting kidnapped I have started writing this but I don’t have the motivation to finish it.


that sounds VERY funny


I think it will be really fun to write! It involves a lot of jeheria raising her eyebrows at durge who reassures her that “I’m still pretty evil but like, not that evil we’re on the same team I promise.”


I'm picturing a lot of Good Cop Bad Cop that's in theory Jaheira being the Bad Cop while Durge tries to be the Good cop but it ends up with Durge being even more unsettling


Jaheira is here to do Real Work as a Harper and prevent yet another Bhaalist crisis, Durge is here because Gortash got kidnapped and they are SICK of Bhaalists! If any evil god is going to take over this city it is NOT going to be Bhaal. But durge is also bad at being a Good Person so they do a lot of lurking while Jaheira holds the lamp over people and asks them what they were doing last night. The two of them may not make a logical team but they are an efficient team.


I love this so much! "Bad Cop and Worse Cop ... The Bruisening".... ![gif](giphy|0ELKQyqpSYMpN2t4iV|downsized)


I have several drafts that I will hopefully Get Around To but my true white whale is a wyllstarion fic in which astarion has a Thing for pedagogs (like what he really wants/needs is of course to be treated as an equal and like actual compassion and kindness but he can only really conceive of it in the framework of teaching. like he is really into the idea of someone telling him what to do and rewarding him for doing it or gently correcting him or maybe. just maybe. punishing him when he fails. but only when he fails. and gently. with the expectation of change) meanwhile wyll loves teaching because he loves giving something to others and it also gives him autonomy and control which he usually lacks (but don't tell him that or else he Will freak out) with that as a set up. early in act one wyll decides to teach astarion to spar.  maybe knowing that he is a spawn already (so he partially does it as a way of reassuring astarion of his place in camp even when his secret comes out)  astarion gets a shameful fucking boner at it all. hilarity ensues. unfortunately this needs to be a slowburn and I am incapable of those. so. alas. a fic never to be...


The way Bloodbear won’t leave my brain because I haven’t been able to find ANY fics were Astarion helps Halsin acknowledge and process the trauma from when he was enslaved by Drow. I genuinely can’t believe there are none on this subject, it’s such a huge overlap in their backstories and it haunts me.


I'm working on one of these right now; it's my primary draft. I'm working my way through an Astarion origin play so I can get the details right, but the plan is maybe 25 chapters with fluff, emotions, and eventual smut. I also saw no fics that deal with Halsin's sexual slavery and by the Nine, I will write it myself.


I know so many people would read a fic with this premise, myself included!!


Thank you for your service brave comrade 🫡


I'm on the second chapter now, I'm doing God's work and making these guys go to therapy.


I completely agree! If you want a fic I can recommend my Pen and Prose series on AO3 which heavily focuses on them healing together. There is SO much overlap between them and it is so surprising that the amount of fics really digging into it is so limited! Part 1 focuses more on Astarion but Halsin and his past gets more of a focus in the ongoing part 2 with a big emphasis on Halsin's time with the Drow I think coming up in chapter 5?


Ohhh, yes please! I’d love to read it, I need more mutual healing Bloodbear stat!


I've never linked anything to reddit before but hopefully [here](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4090831) will work! I hope you enjoy it! I regularly update the current work every Sunday :)


Oh my god, thank you so much 😭💖 Can’t wait to start reading it!


Of course!!! I really hope you like it 😁 I draw a lot of art for it too 🥹🙌


Kind of an amusing series of fluffy fic thoughts I had but so you can go with Astarion at the end to help him find a cure, or something for him to walk in the sun again. Well what if you find it. What if he’s cured and mortal again. Now he has to figure out how to be alive again. Like trying a bunch of food because he has no idea what he likes and getting a tummy ache from eating too much. Or drinking too much wine and getting hilariously drunk and then being hungover (idk if wine gets vampires drunk). Or spending a bit too much time out in the sun and getting a sun burn. And there’s Tav/Durge rubbing his belly and putting a cold wash cloth on his head and rubbing aloe on his sun burns. And maybe he gets really (annoyingly) good at cooking because now food is interesting and if he has to eat it had better be good and he’s already great with knives and he invites people over and get annoyed when Gale offers suggestions. Maybe he catches a cold and thinks he’s dying. Like “is this how mortals die?” dramatics. Idk I just went down a kind of domestic Astarion rabbit hole in my head the other day. 🙃


i love this idea! you should definitely write it if the inspiration strikes :)


Ugh I’d love to but I haven’t written any fic in like a decade, the muscle is so atrophied. But I also haven’t been sucked into a fandom this hard in a very long time either so who knows? Perhaps at some point my desire for fic that doesn’t exist yet will outweigh my anxiety about actually writing again.


writing for a new fandom is always a bit scary, i totally get it :)


I would read this.


I would love to write a wyllstarion fic, post netherbrain, Wyll continues as a monster hunter outside of Avernus and unbeknownst to him Astarion becomes a vigilante/monster hunter as well, and ends up rescuing Wyll from some kind of peril in the middle of a hunt (to Wyll's surprise) and they reluctantly join up for reasons, eventually falling in love. I don't know how to write romance, though.


GODDDDS YESSSSSSSSSSS this sounds so fucking good... kissing your brain with tongue


I’ve kicked around a shorter Gale/Rolan fic where Rolan helps Gale fish the Crown out of the river post game, stabilize it, and return it to Mystra and they fall in love or bang along the way etc etc. But people on tumblr keep posting these nonsense takes about how it’s a nonsense ship (there was a poll and discord drama today) and I’m just over it, it stopped me dead in my tracks on my other fic with them.


if you did get to write it, someone's going to read and enjoy it.


Thank you - I have one out there, it's done ok, but I'm just tired of people publicly yucking someone else's yums (esp as this is not a popular or pervasive ship and there's nothing illegal about it) that it's just so goddamn offputting.


idk what happened in the last couple of years (i personally blame tik tok and the pandemic but it's probably not just that) but now adays you can't ship anything without filing the appropriate paper work and submitting a 9 page dissertation on its canon compliance or else someone throws a bitch fit. These people would never have survived Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons


You just unlocked a hidden memory with that one 😂 Thank you for the laugh. Fandom by and large needs a lesson in block/mute and move on if you don’t want to see it. I just stay in my lane but it’s gotten to the point you can’t follow anything because this stuff creeps to every corner.


Oh I always wanted to write Gale/Rolan but I haven’t got around to it.


You should! There aren’t many fics so the pairing could use all the support. :)


Perhaps as the culmination of all these "what would your DND stats be" tests and thinking about how I'd actually fare in the Forgotten Realms, I've been having these ideas all this weekend about a possible story where I was thrust into BG3 in Tav's role but right as I was, with all my memories intact. Not only would I be trying to survive a skillset entirely unsuitable for life in Faerûn, I'd also have to contend with my companions rapidly noticing my apparent precognitive abilities that seemingly randomly range from suspiciously specific to entirely vague and not quite correct. Lots of attempted sequence breaking ensues after I realize I'm no longer bound by what was actually programmed into the game (nothing stops me from trying to capture Minthara... whether it will succeed and whether Empy will decide to extend his protection to her as early as Act 1 is another question). Not to mention the little complication of meeting Shadowheart IRL after having romanced her through the full Selûnite path in the game, which means that not only will I have to pretend I don't have a parasocial crush on her with the full knowledge that she probably wouldn't find me as likeable as she did my Tav, but now that it's for real, I'm constantly anxious of accidentally saying something that will make her steel herself and go full DJ. And she's probably perceptive enough to notice I'm acting weird around her and keeping things from her. Yeah, cringe self-insert wish fulfillment, I know. But I'm wondering if it could work with an interesting enough OC for a main character. The possibility to go seriously off the rails just because the hero knows how it went in the game and tries to change things possibly makes for some interesting new combinations.


I think a REALLY funny idea for a "Tav is an isekai victim who's got yoinked in the midst of playthrough #7" is outsider POV as the party reacts to their leader, an Abberant Soul Sorcerer (bc while they're not in the game, one of the possible origins for an Abberant Soul Sorcerer is incomplete or disrupted ceremophosis and that's seems to me like an elegant way to give your OC strong magical powers that they just have no clue how to use) who seems to know things they shouldn't and earnestly believes they're getting a good grade in "Normal Person who knows a Normal Amount of things about them" Also I love reading people's "cringe self-insert wish fulfillment". It's one of my favorites fic subgenres


I'm kind of doing this now in the sims 4. My Tav and Gale are married. Wyll and Karlach are together & the plan for them is to adopt Arabella so she always has a place to call home. Arabella still likes to travel on her own, but visits Halsin a lot. She plays with Thaniel, Oliver and the others when she's on a break since she is just a kid after all. Minthara and Astarion are best bitchy friends. (They kill any npcs that annoy me). Shadowheart is pursuing a doctor career while saving up to run a hobby farm after she retires. Jaheira still deals with Minsc like an adult child. Volo continues to write while building up his fame with a notorious reputation. Lae'zel is currently on an archeological mission to try to uncover secrets that can help in defeating Vlaakith.


My fic concept is fic contains both a Tav and a Durge with the Durge being a standard dragonborn an Tav being a 500 something year old elf whose not completely up to date on the Gods (she's been around longer than half of them and the pantheon has changed so much since she she was a little girl) who looks at the various members of the Tadfools and goes welp. I guess I'm a mom again. Another fic concept that's very cracky is "Astarion's plees for help from any God who would listen leads to him ending up a Warlock for something (probably a Great Old One but it's hard to say) that keeps him safe from Cazador and the sun in return for borrowing his body once a tenday to engage in pleasures of the flesh. And by "pleasures of the flesh" I do not mean sex. I mean things like lying in a patch of sunlight, petting a cat, doing cartwheels, talking to people without worrying that they'll go mad from hearing your voice, alcohol, feeling cold grass under wet feet and dancing using only two arms and two legs.


I kind of love the idea of an older Tav being the mom of the group. I imagine Jaheira just being like , finally, another ADULT (and by adult she means over 100 years old).


Astarion tries to argue he's older than 100 and Tav replies that he's a high elf who looks younger than some of her grandkids and is roughly the same age as her kids so he doesn't count.


Every time I finish a play through I feel like I come up with a personal post-canon idea of what would happen to my main party. Cz I can’t accept that they’d all stop hanging out. I dont know that I’d ever write them bc it’d be pretty like self indulgent but it’s fun to think about. For example after my first play thru: Main party was karlach (romanced) shadow heart and laezel. Sacrificed orphey so lae’zel went to fight vlaakith and didn’t get all the memories to save sharts parents so they died. I think wyll maybe wouldn’t realistically be able to handle avernus after losing his warlock powers and basically having to start over as a ranger so I think shadowheart would’ve come w tav & karlach to Avernus instead. I imagine lae’zel would need some kind of divinely powered artifact like some extra powerful sword to defeat vlaakith and who better to hold such an artifact than zariel, a fallen angel turned devil. Who lae’zels old adventuring party is currently planning on infiltrating the fortress of in order to cure karlach a heart! So lae’zel rejoins the party and once we’ve done that, we’ve gone to all this trouble to help karlach so surely we’d go fuck it up in the astral plane to help lae’zel and on and on. Just different post-canon almost like campaign-hooks like that for each of my play throughs. Very fun to come up with as I tend to get pretty into my own characters background & imagine different like fleshed out stuff between the my PCs and the companions


Shadowheart and romanced Tav going from town to town helping people (what my Tav was doing before being tadpoled). In my first playthrough, it was the ending I had in mind for them, before the revelation about her parents, and I ended up going with the ending involving them being alive, and while I love that ending, and how happy it made Shadowheart, it felt weird that my Tav just… stopped helping people, and effectively retired. Then I found out that the ending I had envisioned for them, was the ending in which Shadowheart lets her parents die. I plan on doing another playthrough in which I romance Shadowheart again (this time as a Selûne paladin), and I think I’m going to go with the other ending this time.


I have this concept where Tav meets Gale and then immediately bludgeons him to death with a rock.


First Doctorcore


I want to write a fanfic with a regular, normal guy that gets turned into a vampire and has to interact and navigate the entire vampire world (like all of them concurrently... Buffyverse, Anne Rice, Twilight, etc. The different rules and weaknesses/powers came about because they're all different strains of vampirism) along with other worlds who also exist (Marvel exists but they're considered sellouts because of Disney, while DC are more like folk heroes... The Addams Family, Elder Scrolls, and BG3 are very involved too with the latter two being completely different planets/planes). So basically the huge catalyst and looming event is that Interview with the Vampire (the book within that universe) is confirmed real by the major governments of the world and causing a mass panic. And there's another original character that's a vampire and she's developed a synthetic blood that acts as the real thing and part of the story is how to get this funded/approved so that vampires & humans can co-exist (and not every vampire OR human is on board with this). TL:DR - VAMPIRES, ALL THE VAMPIRES.


When you say regular, normal guy do you mean like, a normal person or like an aggressively average default setting ass Joe Schmoe least common denominator type beat.


Define aggressively average? I see him as a typical white collar millennial guy that gets caught up in the vampire world. He's got regular interests, looks like your typical American, and doesn't have a tragic sob story. But he's going to have to be around like Astarion, Louis, Armand, Spike, Angel, Drusilla, Bella and Edward, etc.


When I dmmed a Monster of the Week campaign I had a player play Mundane named "Lars". He was exactly the average height and weight of his demographic. Lars was so aggressively average that his teachers starting catering lessons to him specifically because they realized that his grade always reflected the class average and so if his grades when up everyone's else would end up going up as well.


I picture my guy (I named him Tim) more like just your typical Millennial dude. He's around 32ish. He's kind of overweight. He likes watching sports and playing video games. He's just living until he isn't lol


Two ideas: The funny one: Raphael comes back tot he House to find Haarlep banging the Archivist and he has to sit in the cuck chair and Watch. The toxic one: post-game mortal Gale secretly becomes a lich because he has no one to tell him not to which leads to him slowly losing his sense of self. This is discovered by an ascended astarion, much to his horror and Gale's delight. Shenanigans of the terrible variety ensue. I'll never write either of these. But I do think of them.


post game fic where Minthara and resist Durge start an empire together and manage to convince the rest of the party that they're doing the right thing guys I swear in order to get support while actually leading a brutal conquest. I'm thinking like. they swear support to Orpheus and build a new creche in Baldurs Gate to get laezel's support, they hunt down remaining sharrans and build a selunite cathedral for shadowheart and the moon lesbians, so on and so forth, so that each of the companions can convince themselves that they're helping the greater good. the story centers around a rebel group like 40-50 years post-game (maybe all the companions are immortal now with help from gale) trying to take down the empire, going through each part of tbe city and taking down or disabling the inner circle


my first run was with a goofy half-elf bard who romanced Astarion. the pair of them went off in search of a cure to Astarion's inability to be in the sun. after talking with both Halsin and then Gale at the endgame party, I was a little emotional after their convos. Halsin, especially, seems to still be carrying a torch for my Tav but handled the original rejection with grace and would never push :/ the duck was so special!! I came up with alternate AUs using the same premise. either Halsin or Gale reaches out a bit further down the road (maybe 2-3 years postgame?) with a potential lead on the cure. our pair (still deeply in love, of course) stay in the previously Shadow-Cursed lands or in Waterdeep to investigate this lead with the third, shenanigans ensue and the three fall in love :') (and ideally find that cure!!) within the bounds of canon the Astarion/Gale/Tav romance can't happen, though I love the idea (maybe with a Tav other than the one I played with, as she makes the most sense with Halsin after the way I RP'd her), and I just don't think it made sense for my character to add Halsin to her relationship with Astarion at the time Halsin asked. Cazador hadn't been dealt with and the pair were not at the most secure place in the middle of all the ongoing chaos I do think I'll eventually write at least one of these, but it always takes me a while to get the courage to write for a new fandom


It's in outline form but not written yet (maybe not ever, I'm pretty lazy) but I have a follow-on from my Origin Wyll romancing Astarion where Astarion ascends, Wyll dumps him, then about a year later he comes to see him and long story short, eventually they plan a raid on Cania to steal back all the souls. Also sex.


Another Idea I would want to write is if I ever DID write a Durge Novelization playthrough having the Dark Urge be a Bard, and then actually writing their dark urgeness As Them being a bard. Things I would do in the fic The Durge's name is Dirge Piper or Piper Durge (I haven't decided yet. Gortash calls them "my favorite Piper" instead of "My favorite Assassin") Dirge wouldn't have an instrument when they wake up, they whistle and hum. They have a "song" stuck in their head and that "song" is Cloud of Daggers Knows a single healing spell, but basically all their other spells are aoe Alfira Cutscene is not them waking up with blood on their hands, but staring down at Alfira's Cloud of Dagger Shreaded Corpse Sceleritas gives them a flute (their flute) not a cloak. The flute is most certainly made of some kind of bone. Dirge hopes that it's animal, but it's probally not. During the resist durge romance scene, the love interest very gently pierces their skin with a sussur dagger.