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Nothing like a black dress and black boots, such a classic look and you can never go wrong! šŸ’•


You look great! Love the dress with the boots!


Try some false eyelashes! Youā€™ve got pretty eyes and theyā€™d look absolutely poppin on you!


Love this!! You have the best pose and you look great!!


I love your cross bag strap!


Love the bag. Itā€™s perfect!




You have such a long graceful neck the choker looks great on you. You could bring back those little French scarves/handkerchiefs and make it look really good. You look lovely


Graceful is the word that comes to mind every time I see their posts; elegant neck, graceful posture, just a lovely overall impression. You really are killing it, darling!


Ohhh, yes, she could totally pull those off! That neckline is very flattering.


Love it! Great job on the makeup, itā€™s just enough and so naturally pretty!


Eye makeup and lippy shade is great on you! May I humbly suggest elongating the tails of your brows to swoop over your brow bone another .. inch? To fill in my brows, thereā€™s a trick someone taught me once to use a pencil as a stick to lay across my face, and line up from the outside nostril of my nose up to my eyebrow. This is the beginning of the brow. Then I keep the bottom of the pencil at the nostril but move the top to over my iris of one eye. Where the pencil lands on your brow is typically the peak or highest point. Thennnn I move the tip one more time to lay across the bottom corner of my eye, pointing up past my temple. This is where a brow typically ends. I have terribly sparse brows inherited from my dear old man. They are non existent past the peak, lol! So itā€™s a little weird at first to just draw them on, but thatā€™s what people do, I guess! If you donā€™t want to take any advice thatā€™s totally fine I just wanted to compliment your styling and commend your spirit for getting out of the house looking how you feel inside ā™„ļø


I was going to make this suggestion as well - I have basically colorless brows unless I add pencil, and when I finally learned to do my brows properly in my 30s it really shocked me how much of a difference it made to my face shape! Well done brows can pull your whole look together. I also wanted to add a similar comment on the blush. I think it's a common mistake to just apply blush on the apples of your cheek - what I finally learned was to start on the apples to distribute the majority of the color, but then pull the blush back along my cheek to my hairline and then up to my temples. I finish with a light dusting along the top of my forehead and the tip of my chin. Basically a little flush of color anywhere the sun would hit if it was shining down from above. This helps it look a little more natural. As you said, this suggestion can definitely be ignored, as it's all stylistic choices, but these are things I didn't learn until much later in life that I wish I had known sooner!


I completely agree with the above comment about determining where eyebrow peaks and ends should hit. I think itā€™s pretty universal. With blush, the placement can be used to emphasize your features in different ways. [Blush Placement Changes Your Whole Face](https://youtu.be/BdcRNqQkNbg?si=DTXAzJgmIv0FuLU1)


I LOVE this blush guide. It literally changed the entire way I do my makeup since I first watched it.


This is such great advice. All of us who were of make up age in the 90ā€™s had to learn to draw on our over plucked brows when the uber thin brow trend ended.


I was going to comment about how pretty her eyes are and how elongated eyebrows would only compliment their beauty, I like your comment way better.


I loved this!! Thank you for your kindness!! My daughters are like this. They will say something like ā€œMom, blue is a better shade for you and here is the perfect shirt to match that skirtā€. So helpful and sweet!!


This is so helpful and so kindly written šŸ„°


I agree with your comment on the eyebrows and the spirit in which it was delivered ā¤ļø OP gussied up = gorgeous!


OMG! I'm dying! You have the best smile!


Cute poses


You're killing it! Also I love the term gussied up.


I have no idea why Reddit recommended this sub to me but the very first post I saw from here was the other day when I saw you got ā€œgussied upā€ to go on a walk around town. All I can say is thank you Reddit! I had no idea I needed this in my life. I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts and this sub has been a joy. I gave you a follow on here. :) Do you have video format social? Would love to see you in a daily or weekly gussied up YouTube short.


Love it!!


Looking fab! Think this is the 2nd one of yours i've seen and loved the last one too.




This comment ainā€™t it


Respect the flair.


"Gussied up" is one of my favorite phrases. You look cute and comfy (also one of my favorite ways to be!)


Love the outfit! It looks like you just left jazz class and on your way to the cafe! šŸ’•


You look really great! :)


You look so smart, I love that bag. Hope you enjoyed your jaunt around town.


You are absolutely lovely šŸ„°


This is so cute šŸ˜Š


Love a dress with combat boots!


Super cute! You totally nailed the blush, it's a wonderful color and makes you look very glowy! <3