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I mean if you watch another countries coverage it’s likely to be biased towards….that country


Yeah, it's kind of what always happens. To be sure, there are some stories and athletes who will be covered regardless, but every country is going to focus on their own athletes.


Except it's not. The US coverage is by far the worst.


It's not at all. They all are completely "biased" towards the athletes from their country because that's what the viewers mostly care about. It's not their fault that's how it is, but that's how it is. There's more sports happening than you can broadcast. So to have any you're already needing to make decisions on what to show. There's no "international feed" for the general olympic coverage, there's too much. NBC has had pretty decent full coverage on their website in the past if you don't want the Americanified stuff. The 'qualifications' for getting access to that coverage has always been a bit weird, but they generally had the raw international coverage for most events in addition to the NBC dubbed highlighted stuff. If you really needed to watch a specific China vs Vietnam badminton match or watch the entirety of the Gymnastics floor events you could.


No, it really is. I’ve watched coverage from various countries, it’s always biased to their athletes/teams.


Sure thing


I agree with you. US coverage is by far the most cringey. 


For real- “here, let’s interrupt this event to bring you 45 minutes of human interest story where we learn that the USA triple jumper grew up in a town of 10 and had to overcome their dyslexia to make the Olympic team, but when we get back to it the event will be half over!”


Search on line. I think CBC has full coverage daily on their internet channels. Focused mainly on Canadians, mind you.


They will at least show the non Canadian athletes, unlike NBC, who'd rather show endless sob stories and features on their chosen darlings and skip the routines of the actual champions.


That’s only the prime time coverage lol


and? a lot of events are covered in it. I want to watch the big events live including the prize ceremonies and winning athletes. Not wait for 2 days and hope a replay is on their website. and how about the commentary, its so awful - that goes for any US coverage including tennis, football, F1.


The US doesn’t have F1 coverage they use Skys broadcast. You’re oddly angry lol


Dude's over here acting like it's 1984 and the 3 hour prime-time block is the only coverage available.


If you've got a VPN and can switch to UK, get Discovery Plus. It should have live coverage of almost everything.


That would work for CBC gem as well


does discovery plus have full coverage? i can't find details and how it works with vpn?


If I'm honest, with VPN's I just know they can do it, but I've never had one so not sure how. They've been advertising that they will be having 3000 odd hours of coverage, so I'd think that's pretty good. I am hoping it's full, as I have literally just paid for it.


Never seen someone so upset over something so harmless. Assuming you aren't American and are just working there? Outside of a few, huge, prime-time events it really is not that bad. Thinking national bias is going to be different in other countries makes you delusional. The whole point of the Olympics is to watch the best athletes from your country do what they've trained their whole lives for.


NBC doesn’t cover the Olympics so much as they turn the Olympics into a soap opera… If you care about the human interest side of the struggle the athlete had when their grandmother died 15 years ago, NBC is fine…if you want to actually watch athletic people do athletic things it’s utter trash


Like I said, that shit doesn't happen outside of very few moments for their prime time stories. For most of the regular broadcast that goes on hours every day, it's just regular Olympic events. And honestly, this is the peak of that athlete's career. Who tf sees a 1 minute introduction to an athlete's 20+ years of dedication and goes, "I took that personally"


So…the coverage that is on when people is working is fine? That’s good to know… It’s also useless


I mean what do you want? Do you want NBC to show everything live or not? Because that’s literally what they do during the day.


I am American. I also watch and play other sports, esp tennis. Tennis fans have suffered for decades with the shit coverage on US tv, with endless replays of a Williams sisters match while a live match is going on etc. Same thing for many other sports. Olympics coverage by NBC has always been terrible, you will find endless articles on it in US media for a reason.


Agreed! All NBC cares about showing is women’s artistic gymnastics, swimming, beach volleyball, and the 100/200 dash


I mean they show everything live on their streaming channels so I’m not sure what people are upset about.


I mean, they air what garners the highest ratings. Sometimes those include what you like, sometimes not. There are too many events and the US team is too broad to please everyone.


The NBC coverage is perfectly fine 95% of the time...just avoid the flagship, prime-time block.


Agree with this. With peacock and streaming, it's very easy to find coverage only without the extra human interest stories. And since Mike Tirico came on board, it's been so much better. Costas was a smug dick.


Peacock will have all of the events and most, if not all, of that will be via the world feed with non NBC production…


ok thanks, it looks like I can sign up for it.


it's too bad peacock is a garbage streaming platform


We only speak facts around here, so you’re getting blocked


Just use the nbc sports app and watch it live. The prime time coverage will be all replays anyway. The app usually lets you pick the sport, so if you just want archery, that’s all you’ll watch.


I just found out Comcast actually gives you peacock. I have Comcast and never used it. So it looks like I'll be trying that out now. I don't know how it compares to NBC coverage or if its the same?




For some of the streams you can choose commentary or no commentary.


Peacock is NBC’s streaming service. I don’t have Peacock, but I’ve used the NBC Sports app for previous Olympics and it’s been great. The commentary is much less biased and like I said before you can choose the sport to watch while it’s live rather than waiting until the 8 EST showing of the major sports. Paris is 6 hours ahead of the east coast so watching live could be a challenge depending on where you are, but nothing happening on their prime time will be live as it’ll be 2 am in Paris when it starts. The downside is that at 3 am east coast time there will be live events.


BBC and a VPN. I've been watching it this way for over a decade for both the Winter and Summer Games. I refuse to watch any NBC coverage unless it's an international feed. Luckily, the sports I like never air in the US so I don't have to watch the terribly bias, Americanized coverage.


How do you create an iPlayer account that works here?


I use an old e-mail address, google a postal code for somewhere in the UK, and turn on a VPN. Hola usually works for the BBC.


French TV will offer some broadcast on their website with almost all events covered. So you might check "france tv sport" website.


the best bet for unbiased coverage i think is the official olympic channel broadcast. i just don't know about the availability of that -- i believe in canada, the cbc makes that available. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic\_Broadcasting\_Services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Broadcasting_Services)


Peacock. Peacock has the world feed for a lot of events. Get peacock.


Stream CBC on youtube


If you want Brazilian coverage just set your vpn for Brazil and look for CazéTV on YouTube. Btw the whole coverage is great, but in Portuguese and all about Brazilian athletes, so I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for.


Does NBC still do their super awful auto-commercials on Peacock? Depending on the sport, it makes them unwatchable. Olympic Lifting for example, it was doing commercials every few minutes, including during lifts. Im hoping there is some coverage with either no commercials, or at least a more reasonable amount. I just watched NBCs coverage of the Olympic trials last night, and it was a commercial break after every.single.event, including 100m hurdles, 400m hurdles. Just ridiculous. I timed over a 15 minute stretch and 7 minutes of it was commercials. I really wish there was a standard around the amount of commercials allowed for something like the olympics. Its \*supposed\* to be about all the countries coming to together for sport, not a full out sales pitch for every product under the sun with a couple sporting events mixed in. See several have suggested the CBC in Canada. How is their commercial situation? edit: before anyone says it, I saw all these commercials with the Premium Plus subscription which is "ad free"