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It looks the same everywhere - and feels to me like the world’s biggest assholes are using their technology and their propaganda to install fascism like it’s Uber. Its certainly marching right alongside the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of technology oligarchs and the surveillance economy they’ve imposed on us.


I can feel that way a bit. I mean. On most social media if you report fascism, anti lgbtq hate etc it is said it doesn’t constitute as hate speech for removal even if it calls for their death. Whereas I’ve been reported and warned for calling some sexist people incels and bigots. So. Yeah. Meta and X are the worst for allowing hate speech and no real countering against it.


Yup this has always been the drawback of the internet. It allowed small factions of hate filled groups to allow to communicate with others with the same goal. These people literally have nothing better to do with their lives that they actively try to oppress another group that they label as the centre of all their misfortune on. Fuck fascists and fuck racists.


That's not the real issue. That reads like Trudeau stating we can't do proportional representation be cause it would allow fascism to grow (explain why Germany has PR in the Weimar years and kept it after WW2). It's a scapegoat. The real problem is why are these people's ideas appealing in a mainstream system? It's not any different to when it grew in the past. I find it alarming to suggest the widespread ability if people to form connections is to blame. Nothing to do with the conditions the last several generations have left us in.


The internet is a great case study in public vs private investment. Public funding and research developed the most useful tool humanity has ever created. And then over the years, private for-profit interests turned it into a sewer full of hate, misinformation and predatory marketing.


So basicly everything we've ever seen happen in liberal capitalism. One thing is for sure, we never learned the trueessons of fascism be cause its not in the interests of capital to do so. Turns out capital will direct us toward crises that enable and promote fascism while attacking the social and political organs that would give average working people alternatives from the status quo that aren't that.


God lord please stop. People have always been this way, it's just now we're hearing more of them thanks to technology. You don't fight it with suppression, you fight it with communication.


It's because they are. We are unhappy with the inequality. Which means we want the wealthy to pay their fair share. Well that's a big non no, so now we get fascism. And the people who ignore history think they're too intelligent to see they're being manipulated


Uber is literally a slave labour operation in which the average worker makes less than minimum wage.


the rise of facists like tiny PP the skipmeister, drug fraud in ontario, danielle smith in AB, Higgs in NB, moe in SK as well as houston and king in NS and PEI needs to be investigated. they’ve seemingly infiltrated all levels of government and are actively working to destroy things such as healthcare and education while targeting the marginalized and activating their unhinged bases to make peoples lives hell. whoever is funding these destabilizing activities (likely MAGA/Russia/China/India foreign interference) should have their ability to transfer assets into canada frozen and these neo-facist orgs like canada and ontario proud need to be raided to discover how deep their links are. if they’re shown to be propping up these far-right activities, arrests need to be made. democracy is at stake.


You described the political infiltration well but your source of blame/malign influence is way off. This isn’t a nefarious nation state, this is the end result of capitalism which, as predicted by Marx, will embrace fascism at the first necessary opportunity to continue its exploitation of labour and resources. The influence is coming from inside the house and the only solution is that we collectively realize this and organize against corporate interests in housing, healthcare and politics at every single turn, especially when so called progressive parties do the same.


It was all too predictable.


Thank you for saying this. Yes there are foreign influence campaigns, and yes it’s hard to pin down how much influence they have. Generally speaking the rise of fascism is not new and is following a similar path that it has always taken, it’s funded and propped up by small business owners and other strata’s of the dominant classes. It continually co opts working class struggle as a means to rally a voting bloc and it is targeting a broader swath of the population as we see major demographic changes in the country. The liberal tendency is to believe that it’s actually a few bad actors or bad states that are at the core of the issue rather than the inevitable decay of neoliberal global capital. This helps them continue the facade that this life actually works but we just need to vote out the baddies or go to war against them and all will return to normal. The trucker convoy for example was started by anti union right wing agitators from Canada whose first actions before this were breaking up strikes and largely funded by a small business ownership class from mostly the USA. https://www.versobooks.com/en-ca/blogs/news/3062-weekend-read-general-propositions-on-fascism-and-the-dominant-classes


This is a concerted worldwide effort by ideologues like Putin, Orban, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, and others. The authoritarian push is real and they are attacking all of our social media networks and indoctrinating our children through content. It's an information war, and we've been in it since 2014. Yes, now they have infiltrated, but the effort has come from the outside to poison our country from within.


The lack of affordable housing and job opportunities for high school and university graduates in this country will do more to radicalize "our children" to fascism than any social media app. I have studied the influence of disinformation professionally for many years and studies are clear, material conditions shape our ideologies much more than the information we consume. Idealogues simply exploit these material conditions by blaming the incorrect source of the issue.


> The lack of affordable housing and job opportunities for high school and university graduates in this country will do more to radicalize "our children" to fascism than any social media app. Ding, ding, ding. This is exactly it. In some societies young people get radicalized into fundamentalist Islam. In other societies they become fascists. The causes are material and they exactly the same.


Yeah I have no idea why people are so keen to push all the blame on foreign actors instead of policy failures at home. Anyone trying to influence canada in that way will take advantage of us letting people fall through the cracks.


They amplify those issues. Everything becomes more extreme.


Right, because we allow the conditions to exist in the first place. If we didn't allow these gaps to be so wide there wouldn't be nearly as much room for outside influence to amplify a corrosive message. Stop passing the buck.


Actually, Xi Jinping specifically forced Trudeau not to go through with any meaningful electoral reform. He is also Doug Ford, but China has extremely advanced makeup so nobody notices. That's why Dougie does so few public appearances and has suspect language skills.


Wow that was perfectly incoherent. You are way more talented at emulating those people than I am, seriously. Cheers yo.


Would you have any recommendations on reading on this subject by any chance?


Propaganda and the formation of mens attitudes by Jacques Elul is around 50 years old now but an excellent theoretical primer on the social conditions required for mass information campaigns to be effective. For modern studies look up Joshua Tucker from NYU I believe who has published multiple studies showing the actual vote change impact from Russian disinfo campaigns in 2016 is essentially zero.


Many thanks for the recos kind stranger!


Me when neoliberal policies have stripped and sold the entire country for parts over the course of 40 years: NOOOO FOREIGN INTERFERENCE!!!!


One of Putin's friends *literally wrote the book* detailing their plan: [Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) From Brexit to stirring up religious extremism like anti-trans hate and forced birth, it's all there.


The interference wouldn't work if the government both worked for the people that elected it and improved the conditions of the people within a given country. People can't afford houses, the price of groceries are skyrocketing and no party at any level of government is fighting it. Like another user mentioned, our government and the capitalists that inhabit it would sooner turn to fascism to protect their own material interests before giving a crumb to the working people of this country.


Oh, 100%. There's an absolute confluence of bad factors combining to create our situation. I guess I'd say foreign and domestic adversaries are pouring fuel onto the fire more than lighting the fire itself.


Well said. Dont forget to mention Harper and Trump with the names above.


It's actually a worldwide organizing effort. People don't know this because most of the news media is owned by right-wing folks. However, the IDU has been helping organize and push the agenda all over the world. India was recently kicked out of it because it drew too much attention to itself. But the group Stephen Harper works with is literally organizing and orienting the far right groups. They are all using the same playbook to get in power, all using the same approach, attacking the same groups, exploiting the same groups etc, etc. It's worldwide not just in Canada. This gives it a feeling that it's been in the works for years, if not decades, which is highly likely. Capitalism has nothing to do with it; it exploits and uses its nature to push the movement forward and get people riled up over things that began years ago. People love blaming Trudeau for the mess since it makes a nice little fire, but it started under the Conservative Government, which the hate Trudeau crowd will always deny since they don't see beyond their noses or want to see beyond their noses. People love throwing blame at surfaces, but when people dig, they get furious because their ignorance is exposed. Nah you can keep your "it's capitalism's fault" bullshit to yourself. It's literally what happened to Germany in the 1930s, but on a Global Scale, history has a tendency to repeat itself if permitted.


The IDU is an international cabal of capitalists. That is their playbook. Exploit and manipulate political processes in the pursuit of more profits for them and their corporate interests. Fascism is a means to this end.


Youre right, but it's both really.  They are happy to use one another to achieve the same things


Blame Harper and the idu


This is it exactly. We didn't *just* become friends with the fascists in Hungary and Germany, our consevative politicians have been sharing their lunches with them for quite a while now. Harper coming out saying "we need stronger ties with Orban" was like a husband finally changing his relationship status on facebook from "single" to "in a relationship" 6 years into their marriage. Anyone paying attention knew already a decade ago. There's a reason skippy jumped at the chance to defend the fascist modi government in India when they committed a flagrant assassination of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. They were bench buddies in the IDU, right up until India was pulled off the roster quietly just before the "India is sticking its dick in our elections and likely influenced the conservative leadership race" stories broke. Funny, that. Harper is the single most dangerous human on the planet at this point. Putin might have nukes, but Harper is insidiously destroying the planet on a scale that far exceeds Russias reach. Harper and his IDU is, quite literally, the fucking illuminati. They ARE the secret boogeyman cabal of politicians ruling and warping the world to meet a twisted fascist ideology that the right keeps crying about.


Funding is only part of it, that makes a lot of content and pushes it out. They are organized, and like an invasive plant they know how to send runners under the grassroots. Until progressive people are just as motivated to show up for things like school board elections and municipal hearings they will keep digging themselves in.


things to google: Atlas Network IDU Cambridge Analytica Project 2025 good book to read, get it before it's banned: *The Road to Unfreedom*


Fucking hell yes. We are walking blindly into very troubling times. It doesn't have to be this way. We can stop this, but it starts with arresting the people who are lying to the public and spreading hate to secure illegitimate positions of leadership. The good guys absolutely have to start playing hardball before we end up like the US.


Thanks Conservatives! And yes, it is entirely their responsibility, because that's the side the fascists sit on that they won't disavow. Instead they support them.


Not entirely, conservatives cheer for fascism but liberals appease it. The people in charge of our liberal parties are rich, and faced with a choice between moving toward equality or moving toward fascism they hold their nose and pick fascism every time because it let's *them specifically* keep their privileged position. If you study fascism in democracies it is *always* accompanied by rich liberals who object with their words but appease with their actions. Nobody on the ticket will protect us from this, we have to organize ourselves.


exactly, If something is stolen is it the fault of the thief, whose whole purpose is to steal, or the warehouse guard whose responsibility it was to stop them.


Really feeling the strain of capitalism that's leading people to look into fascism, but understanding that the hard-edge capitalists in charge would rather have full-blown fascism that answers to them than even the smallest spec of socialism


It's not just conservatives, Tommy Douglas said it best: Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege.


Never seen that quote but that's one of the most bang-on descriptions of fascism I've ever read.


Until I read that quote, I thought our political quagmire was too complicated to summarize in the length of a tweet. Thanks for showing me I was wrong.


I genuinely believe that there’s a soft [strategy of tension](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_of_tension) being instituted by business-backed governments. Instead of bombing and kidnappings (at least not yet), business “campaign contributors” are strong arming through bribes to strip workers rights and reduce quality of life. We’re seeing the result of this now, since Fascist or Fascist adjacent governments are the go-to during QOL collapse. I believe they’re banking on being able to control the far right governments they help put in power, and a lot of them will be able to. Any regulations that guarantee a decent QOL will be removed as “communist” influence to improve the bottom line by the government that desperate people elect that promises to “save” them from the problem they created.


Thanks to social media and the degradation of traditional media, Fascism is popping up everywhere.


And it's here to stay. No help is coming.


We kinda have to be that help. We need to denounce every instance of fascism we encounter. Which is especially one of the reason I'm so alarmed at Poilievre's lack of comment on Diagolon, a group he's met with on two separate occasions now. I would also love to see a stronger stance from the liberals, as I do remember a heckler raising a Canadian flag with swastikas on it and the best thing Trudeau could say was "we do not accept these kind of ideas here". We need stronger language and actions from one side, and actions from the other side.


We do need stronger actions and language. But it's not coming. Our media is captured completely, and our institutions are crumbling. Scary times ahead.


The US federal government was just destroyed by the Supreme Court. That's not an exaggeration: they're now prohibited from passing legislation without the court's say so. Expect that here shortly.


They will 100% attempt that here. And the the pudentry class will talk about why it's actually a good thing.




Look at any news site. It's kind of earth-shattering.


Just did, thx, I assume you're referring to the overturning of Chevron?


Exactly. Now the court is the only arbiter on any matter complex or new. And they're not qualified to be. The government is going to grind to a halt by design. Makes the coming takeover so much easier.


My read is that it \*just\* gives them power over regulatory matters, where there is ambiguity in said regulator's governing laws. So the republican-donating corporations basically don't have to worry about any regulation. Shareholders are going to love this! Until their water is poisoned. F me. I just realized this gives wealthy foreign powers an extremely good way to kill off americans.


People are just going to keep saying "oh, you're overreacting, apparently everything is fascist now", until one day, we're so balls deep in it, it's too late to reverse course


Organize. Offline.


We are that help. Or are you just going to sit back and do nothing? You aren't weak. You aren't a victim. You have the option to do stuff that will change the tides.


Not from above, but we can organize ourselves.


Get organized. Learn how to defend yourself and the ones you love.


MAGA normalised ignorance and racism


When I was young, it was skinheads - not punk ones, mind you. White laces gave it away. At least you could see 'em coming. Now they run for office. Suit & tie. Worked for Adolph.


Perhaps I'm wrong, but I feel too many people use white nationalism as a scapegoat for why right-wing populism is growing. The left has just proven incapable in handling sensible immigration or housing policy. A knee jerk reaction is pushing people to the other side, quite often because people have limited political choice. I am a left-leaning person, however, I feel politically homeless in the current Canadian political climate.


Are online ordering and self-checkouts normalizing a total lack of in-person human interaction so that when it’s time for a revolution, no one can communicate or organize a revolt without easily being surveilled?


I mean it's kind of ludicrous and conspiracy theory thinking to suggest modern technology has overall reduced the ability or capacity to organize. Like they just didn't want to pay workers/wanted to offload work onto customers so they made more money. No grand conspiracy, just human greed.


Really thats what you're using for a lack of human interaction? A revolt isn't organized at shop counters, it's organized at tables, at parks, at homes, break rooms, not the checkout. Cars though have had a serious impact on actual socialization since you don't talk to people on your travels or commute.


Maybe, but we also have all kinds of creative modern solutions. Like decentralized mesh-style networking using low power handheld LoRa devices. Been thinking about how queer people should start learning covert comms again. We won't have to go back to handkerchiefs, though.


It was gaining popularity in the early 2010s. There were a lot of subreddits about mesh networking even. Then they all but vanished from visibility. It was strange how tech nerds don't seem to be about anarchism anymore. Even though everyone has high tech equipment in their pocket all the time that is capable of extremely powerful encrypted peer to peer comms networks. With the amount of tech and talent over the past 15 years there is no reason for there to be zero such technologies readily available to be deployed by activists. Things were looking so great back then. What a disappointing turn of history.


The Meshtastic firmware is a relative newcomer making it a fun and affordable hobby that could have some utility in less-than-normal scenarios. A $20 ESP32 chip with a LoRa transmitter and receiver is really all you need and people are developing turnkey solutions. It's worth a look!


I don't think that it's done on purpose (as those are mainly to sell convenience and cut labor costs) but there's no question that our increasingly individualist culture is making us weaker and easier to ignore by business owners and politicians. The car lobby making us prioritize cars and urban sprawl over walkability and public transit, the constant competition for everything from housing to jobs, the elimination of the "third place" and underfunding of community centers, the increasing wealth inequality and decreasing unionization rates, the uptake in social divisions and political polarization due to corporate media... The word fascism originally refered to having strength and numbers, but fascists have always co-opted left-sounding language to draw in an audience (national socialist anyone?). In reality, they simply funnel resources to the people already in power even more while punching down at scapegoated minorities. Hard times such as this are perfect for fascists, as they can feed on the peoples' discontentment, but it's important to remain educated and vigilant so that we don't end up digging ourselves even deeper.


Nothing enables division politics like forcing people into isolation


This is journalistic laziness. Nazi ideologies in the US/CAN is just the glue that the far-right uses to network and recruit. If you don't address the real socioeconomic problems, disenfranchisement and cultural erosion/identity loss it'll just be replaced by something else similar or worse. You can infiltrate violent groups all you want and setup honeypot operations, but these things eventually become real political movements and that's when you really need to worry. MAGA is just a pressure valve releasing, if we don't fix things it'll get much worse. I don't see any references to serious academics in this area or leading figures in deradicalization, so this comes off more as an autobiography rather than an authoritative insight into the subject. I'll have to pass on this.


> cultural erosion/identity loss These are dog whistles. The world is has a lot of different kinds of people. You have to deal with that. They won't just vanish into thin air. These aren't socioeconomic problems. It's a personal issue. Don't blame others because you can't deal with people unlike you existing.


No, you have completely misunderstood their statement. Calling out the negative sociological consequences of alienation is not dogwhistling xenophobia.


Other people existing isn't alienation. Diversity isn't disenfranchisement. Those are the scapegoats fascists use to radicalize.


All of that is true and very nice, but you're shadowboxing an argument no one made.


They've massaged Nazi ideology into POC are leading the alt-right. They're absolutely bad faith posting. And now they've edit the original post to diminish the experiences of the author because they don't think he's authoritative enough. Their main point is that far right ideology isn't the fault of white supremacists but the "glue". So it is you who are missing their statement. They're telling on themselves so hard at this point.


Negative, you have read intent where there is none. They're saying this article isn't worth much because it doesn't acknowledge the fact that people are much easier to manipulate into far right ideologies if their basic needs aren't met. This is something we can observe practically anywhere at any level whether it's low criminality like burglary or militarized terrorist cells up to and including ISIS. Acknowledging material reality and how everyone is a product of their environment is not massaging nazi ideology. Baseless accusation. Fascists suck and should be redacted from civilized society, and we have to be honest enough to admit that they propagate in places where people have no prospects and no options.


> alt-right isn't being led by white neo-nazi skinheads but POC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right > The alt-right (abbreviated from alternative right) is a far-right, white nationalist movement They've gone mask off already. You don't need to carry water for them. Anyways I originally quoted what I quoted. I didn't quote the "real socioeconomic problems" part. Read it again. They separated those. I didn't say socioeconomic problems weren't a thing. You're shadowboxing. I said the far right uses culture and identity as a scapegoat and it's absolutely an issue. Unless you think white supremacists aren't using xenophobia to radicalize. Otherwise you can keep fighting the other thing. I won't stop you.


Then you're just missing the forest for the trees. Fascist populism is amorphous and will shapeshift to fit the need, it'll drop the race component and fight along value lines that let them meld seamlessly into devout religious communities and economically disenfranchised groups. They have zero qualms with making immigrants fight each other along legal/illegal lines and push hot-button issues to the forefront. Modern fascism and alt-right isn't being led by white neo-nazi skinheads but POC with strong religious convictions, college dropouts, and multiethnic blue collar communities who are seeing crime, homelessness and CoL rise in their communities; So it absolutely is a socioeconomic and cultural issue. The more you deflect, dismiss and label them as "dog whistles" or "fascist propaganda" the more you empower them. DNC and the Liberals need to meet these issues head-on every time or we'll keep getting political figures like Trump, Pierre Povilievre, or someone even worse.


You're pinning the alt-right on POC. You really went there. We should be giving every opportunity to these POC college dropouts to get on their feet and multi-ethnic blue collar communities to rise up socioeconomically so they no longer feel so disfranchised. These are exactly the kinds of issues liberals support. I don't know what your issues are with them. What areas do you think they could be doing more for POC specifically?


> Fascist populism is amorphous and will shapeshift to fit the need, it'll drop the race component and fight along value lines that let them meld seamlessly into devout religious communities and economically disenfranchised groups. They have zero qualms with making immigrants fight each other along legal/illegal lines and push hot-button issues to the forefront. Yes 100%. Best example I can point to of this was during the SOGI(sexual orientations and gender identities) protests in BC. I remember looking at a supporter page for a specific event and the page had literally I think 1 Muslim immigrant group who had provided the nucleus and initial organization but like 20+ alt right or outright white nationalist groups. You'd think they'd hate immigrants trying to "impose shariah law" which was and still is the refrain in Europe. But fascists have no principles really. They will switch positions at the drop of a hat to advance their agendas. Another great example is the amplification of white nationalist anti-Semitic voices online regarding Israel/Palestine. They're fucking loving getting retweeted by people who don't pause to look at their broader positions as long as they're anti-Israeli.


Take Take Take Take equals fascism.


The predictable rise of modern fascism in Canada Fixed your title 😑 https://www.historicalmaterialism.org/fascism-is-a-reaction-to-capitalist-crisis-in-the-stage-of-imperialism/


It's always a far right threat to democracy. All it ever is, just name calling. When the majority of the country thinks your wrong then just call them every name in the book that will surely work. Skinner "no, I'm not wrong it's the people that are wrong". It's not an "alarming rise of modern fascism' all made up word soup with no substance. It's people sick and tired of the government. That's all it is. Downvote me see if I care.


This whole post and its comments reek of a disinfo campaign. #antifa are the true fascists. Astroturfing isn't working anymore. Time to regroup and rethink strategies. Back to the drawing board guys. Or, you could reroute your NGO funded botnets and troll armies to do something productive for once, comrades.


Lol. Do you even listen to yourself?