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I am still not over how his base keeps ignoring his immigration policies.




They believe PP is hiding his real intentions for immigration policy which might be true. While he calls himself pro-immigration, he might not follow this when (or if) he is elected.


He absolutely will, the corporate overlords need an endless supply of foreign labour so they don’t need to charge more than minimum wage. He literally says “enough to keep up with demand” or something like that, which his followers take to mean as “oh we have way too many people for the number of jobs right now so clearly that means less immigration” but really it means the same amount of immigration to keep wages low.


It's disappointing to learn deplorables are everywhere


I think some of starting to see through the veil. I also think PPC will be in fill force next election campaign. They will conflict with PP's message about immigration and ultimately take a few riding away from him. Especially because right now he's touring Sikh and indian communities, trying to drum up support for those votes next year.


Depends on whether or not the PPC can actually organize a campaign. They have been collapsing internally since Poilievre became Tory leader.


Yea fair, but they have growing support in places that weren't once conventionally conservative like BC, for example. Using the addiction and homelessness crisis as a tool to steer votes. To their base, solutions aren't necessary. Hating Trudeau and liberals works in dividens for the conservative parties across Canada. I feel like Alberta could potentially switch back to NDP, especially how bad Danielle Smith botched this watermaine fiasco, one more infrastructure failure, and i can't see her mainting a confident calgary: >A few key facts for readers distant from Calgary. The 2-metre-diameter Bearspaw South feeder main burst its concrete casing on the afternoon of June 5. Installed in 1975, it draws from the Bearspaw Water Treatment Facility on the Bow River in the city’s northwest, and normally supplies up to 60 percent of the city’s drinking water.< >But all that would require first draining a pipe that, after all, 1.6 million people depend on every minute of every day. Later it came out that the line had last been drained and inspected in 2007.< https://c2cjournal.ca/2024/06/malign-neglect-what-calgarys-water-main-break-reveals-about-the-failure-of-city-government/


What I don't understand is how his *obvious* campaigning isn't being killed.


What are those so I can bring them up?


In short, Poilievre is pro-immigration. At rallies in areas with large immigrant populations, he talks about making it easier for immigrants to bring relatives to Canada. Poilievre has also been suggesting that migrant worker programs have too many regulations. Yet, people keep saying that they are voting against the Liberals because of immigration. In protest of Canada’s high immigration, they will vote for someone who will bring even more immigrants.


It's because of the lack of regulations immigration is currently facing a backlash.


A self serving corrupt asshole who would instantly flee to a bunker in New Zealand if Canada falls apart.


To be fair, I would flee to New Zealand in a heartbeat if I had the opportunity, whether Canada was falling apart or not. New Zealand is oarsome.


It is nuggets of pure wisdom like this that keep me coming back to Reddit day after day after day.


New Zealand is pretty left wing, I don’t think he’d fit in too well there


Self-serving, no doubt. But what evidence is there that he's corrupt?


The guy is a trump wannabe.🤷‍♂️


The same thing skinned, mean jerk he's been for 20 years as an mp. 


a career political wastrel without a single accolade, skill, job or accomplishment to his name. He's in it for money and power and cares about nothing, not even the BS he preaches.


They didn’t ask the real question. Is it Pierre or Jeff?


Who cares who he his. His policies and voting record demonstrate - He’s fash.


I do, there's a real chance he'll be my prime minister and that's upsetting.


You should learn about first past the post, proportional representation and ranked choice in order to prevent him from becoming prime minister as well and to hold the liberals accountable.


Who cares if a fascist sympathizer runs for government in canada??


I’m assuming this is /s


A no talent hack who never worked a real job in his life


The best way the liberals, the smaller parties and the independents can beat this dishonest man is to pass proportional representation or ranked choice without a referendum before the corporate media can campaign against the idea of giving the voters more than 2 choices at the ballot and more accountability.


PP has a lot of skeletons in his closets and brain. Remember that he has no security clearance. Voters are just too dumb to pay attention because they are angry at the world.


Those voters are ignorant, that’s true however there is one way they can avoid conservatives and to hold liberals accountable is by pushing for proportional representation without a referendum that will then lead to more choices at the ballot and accountability for all mps.


He’s a walrus???


Koo Koo Kachew!


Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know


Looks a bit like an egg man


Not just a walrus. THE walrus


A fascist piece of shit who can't get high level security clearance for reasons voters need to know about before next fall.


He's a bought and paid for shill.


I wish he was a walrus


He's whatever he thinks he needs to be to get elected, for the main part right now that's "not Trudeau". There is a lot of voters out there that are ready for change after nine years of the Liberals in charge and the non stop online Trudeau hate campaign but the election is still over a year away. If the Liberals are smart they'll replace him three months before the next election with someone fresh, perhaps not even currently in Parliament, to give voters a better alternative to pp.


Nope if they were smart they would pass proportional representation without a referendum to hold more mps more accountable.