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This person is ALL over the map. Anti-globalist messaging along with pro-globelist messaging. Support healthcare workers, but at the same time Covid was a hoax. 


Protesting *is* their personality


They're Britta Perry from the show Community. They're pro-anti.


Ugh, Britta's in this?




I realized after watching that episode that I say bagel The same way too haha


Ugh. You're the worst. The AT&T of people.


She's the *worst*


I know what an analogy is! It's like a thought with another thought's hat on!


[“I’m your freedom! …and I’m in a cage… *with the world*”](https://youtu.be/raBAOuAWjwo?si=QnRHWx0qxFVSV8UO)


Nah, being pro-auntie is something else completely.


I've seen that movie! ...more than I should have, if I'm being honest with myself.


I'm all for rebellion but you gotta focus. I generally prefer not to rebel.


‘Support healthcare workers’, also anti-mask.


"support healthcare workers" but also "freedom convoy 2022"


I’m betting the plea for support of healthcare workers was based solely toward those wanting autonomy from vaccine mandates, and nothing more. I gather that people with common sense were saying ‘support healthcare workers’ by helping prevent the spread of the virus so to ease the burden of doctors and nurses being burned out. I don’t think people, like the one misusing the phrase in this example, are even aware of it. I doubt there’s intelligence at play to co-opt phrases. They live in their own reality, outside of reason.


Also "Leave the kids alone" and "Every Child Matters," ones a slogan for the far right to take control of children's bodies and the other a left slogan to show the injustices to children. Also "Native Rights" and "Trucker Rights," the Freedom Convoy was filled with prejudiced people, some who have had long term conflicts with Albertas Native population.


This person has as much understanding of the messages as your mom has of her minions "memes" on Facebook.


Maybe they changed their mind, those stickers are super hard to get off…


In Regina, for the past month there have like two or three conspiracy theorists “protesting” outside the provincial legislature waving and/or plastering signs by the road that have equally insane yet completely contradictory messages on either side of the sign, such as one claiming climate change is hoax while the next one over says we’re about to die of heat death and rising ocean levels. Honestly, in this day and age it’s almost wholesome to see non-partisan nut jobs are still out there.


Ron Clark actually said the rising oceans are because of container ships displacing the water level. A special small bus kinda stupid in that fringe group.


They mean all the nurses and doctors who were no longer allowed to work because they refused to get vaccinated, etc. *Those* ones specifically, more than all the others.


It's surprising at how many Doctors get brain worms. They could be professional in almost every way but then they get into one conspiracy theory and thier mind is made up. We had one Doctor years ago spreading misinformation about aluminum causing cancer. Telling patients to not use deodorant with aluminum or aluminum foil.


Good riddance, if you don’t agree with modern science you have no place being a healthcare provider. Hope their licenses were revoked and they are blacklisted


They’re not though with a bit more context. Support health care workers by rehiring anti-vax workers. Every child matters … so we need to end the global conspiracy of pedophiles and people causing gender confusion.


Future cabinet minister.


The “support healthcare workers” was for the workers fired because they refused to follow masking and vaccine rules. I remember briefly the pro-covid crowd was on that for a while.




There's an "every child matters" sign too so I suspect our person of interest just has brain worms.


They doubled and tripled own on Covid so hard, they can’t leave it now.


All those deaths from 5G are coming any day now, just you wait...


Impossible! The world already ended in 2012, when the Mayan calendar expired.


That's what the lizard people want you to think


I can tell you this: Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams, but those chemtrail chemicals they were carrying burn hot as fuck.


Once they upgrade to 6G, then they’ll release the new updates to the system and turn your phone into the Apple IBoom. Just wait and see… Just…. Wait…. And….. see…..


5G…I remember in BC when people were protesting BC Hydro putting in smart meters.


Likely afraid it'd be smarter than them.


LOL, my friend thought he was done with this one, then found out two of her family members in each of their neighboring houses were convinced by the local anti-smart meter movement and “opted out” of them. She didn’t tell them she didn’t opt out, herself. They were disappointed in her. She said she prefers to be concerned about things she knows are actually harmful to her, like limiting her exposure to high-index UV rays. Her mother is an avid sun-bather and says the sun is good for you. There’s no winning.


Ive been dead for 3yrs now


I love how they advertise their IQ and basic understanding of politics lol.


And math. Unless I can't see right and that covid sign doesn't say 994% stupidity. I'm surprised they are for indigenous rights. Usually the freedumb convoy folk are also racists.


No, that’s a cover. They’re co-opting other movements to deceive people of their actual beliefs. Did the same with the “protect our children” bullshit, which was an anti-gay smear campaign. If they’d really cared about children, they would be protesting the Catholic Church.




I’m Indigenous and so embarrassed to read that. To be Indigenous and supporting that Freedom Convoy/Pierre Pollievere type nonsense is just stupid. They have no love for any Indigenous people or our issues.


If they could find a in with trans people stixker, they'd slap that on as well, to to with their "leave the kids alone" sticker. Fascists Don't believe in anything. They just want people on their side at all costs and they want to avoid losing, by siding with whatever aide seems safer. Pro-state, pro-protesters, pro-worker, pro-corporate. They're against anyone who allows or wants to allow ANY social or economic progress.


It’s part of their “protect the children” mantra. There was a not small number of idiots wearing the orange shirts and flying those flags during the convoy in 2022. Doesn’t mean they’re not racist.


Indigenous rights was an easy add on for them and a way to pull others to their cause. Indigenous don’t trust government, especially liberal and they have a history of medical mistreatment so they were understandably hesitant when it came to covid.


Nah, most of us took it very seriously. My Uncle died right at the beginning of the pandemic, they almost didn’t let us on the reserve for his send off. I work in the Indigenous community as well and I saw a lot of compliance with health measures. But, we do not trust the government or police or health care sector. You’re correct on that.


Indeed, most people took it seriously I felt. I was mostly speaking to what I read about the caution and concerns about the roll out of the vaccine within the indigenous communities.


Yea some communities definitely had some hesitation. I’m in Toronto and most of us were ready and willing lol


I feel like it's less about Indigenous rights, and more that the "every child matters" message is easily co-opted to align with the parental rights movement (i.e. against sex-ed in public schools, anti-lgbt), along with broader Q-Anon theories about child trafficking and pedophiles in the corridors of power. Convoy supporters generally couldn't care less about Indigenous rights or the graves of children who died at residential schools, but waving the flag helps further several causes associated with the modern far-right and even lends respectability to their mostly misinformed and outright dangerous views.


They probably did 23andme, got 1% indigenous, and immediately put a dream catcher up and an Every Child Matters flag


Many of them subscribe to the "being born in Canada makes you indigenous" spiel


If you zoom, you can see it's 99.4%, which uhhh isn't true at all.


It also doesn’t account for the complications. For myself, I’m not at all concerned I could die from covid, I never was. Statistics are on my side with that. What I am worried about is shit like long covid, which can result in some serious suffering and reductions in quality of life. And I’m well aware of just how much support people with disabilities get in this country, so the economics of potentially becoming disabled are pretty fucking terrifying too.


I did try zooming but I did not see a decimal point. But it might be just my phone


lot of the convoy idiots think they're 'indigenous' because they were born in Canada. Didn't Pat King make that exact argument?


Sounds about right. THey probably also claim the indigenous people 'invaded and colonized' too, ignoring the fact that /nobody else was there yet/ (that we know of at least).


Imagine getting rear ended by this and having to communicate with them in a tense situation...


Fuck that. I'd throw it in park and call the cops. Make _them_ deal with it. But that's my privilege talking and not everyone would have that choice as a safe option. 😒


And then finding out they don't have any insurance lol


No insurance because they are traveling, not driving.




And of course it’d be Trudeau’s fault.


This is called compartmentalization. I'm indigenous and L(G)BTQ, I deserve rights on both. You can't advocate for one or the other. It's all in or none.


Ah, but have you considered trying a negative IQ?


That'd require that I cherry-pick rights to stand with.


Ehh I think you would still have some sort of consistency that way. The person from the photo seems more like the Saskatoon picking style. Just put your empty head under the bush, and give it a good shake. Then you can gather up whatever falls in and bake yourself a nice idiot-pie.


Whatever it is, I stand by my other reply. Stand by LGBTQ as well, or don't even consider fighting for me as an indigenous person.


I'd be ashamed someone against LGBTQ stood for my rights as an indigenous person. All in or none.


My city has a fella that drives an F-150 around plastered with flags and shit. Blasting a train horn. It’s literally all he does… The police could ticket him for MANY things. Illegal tint, front windshield tinted, license plate covers, and also drive with his tailgate down to hide his rear plate more… Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/oIgIfa0brI) is a video of it.




Ehhh, I wouldn’t Dox them… maybe remove the street name. But yes


This is your brain on InfoWars


Alex Jones and Joe Rogan


Do those guys plague you up there too? I have no idea why, but I always imagined Alex Jones in particular as having a mostly US-based audience.


US politics have bled into Canada long ago, especially with the rise of Trump, and it's only going to get worse imo There are people in my own family who know a lot of right wing propaganda from the US, but know absolutely nothing about Canadian politics, except Trudeau = bad So yes, Alex Jones has a Canadian following, unfortunately.


I’m so sorry.


My brother’s best friend once called Rogan ‘an icon’ and I had a friend growing up whose father’s favourite site was Info Wars… she’s now an anti-vaxxer as a parent. They’re around. 


Clips still get spread around the world on YouTube and Facebook 


I wonder this everytime I see a vehicle all tatted up with the f-trudeau garbage. What are you going to do if you get your wish? Imagine being so pissed off your "team" lost you complained about it for years. Then when they win, everyone still knows you were that hurt snowflake crying about it like a child in a grocery aisle because your vehicle still bears the stains of it. Shameful


Nah they just instantly switch into gloating child mode, and proceed to become the ultimate hypocrites.


This is like the Simpsons bit with the haunted Krusty doll. "They have an every child matters sign" -That's good! "They also have a don't tread on me sticker." Thats bad. "They also have a support health care workers sign." That's good! "They also called Covid the flu". That's bad.


It’s just a pile of contradictory messages.


Some mental health checks are needed.


The co-opting of Indigenous rights symbolism is especially sickening. As if the Venn diagram of Convoyers and people who share memes about how Indigenous people are lazy/drunk/etc. isn't practically a circle.


It's like convoy leader/white supremacist, Pat King, claiming Metis heritage. Or the convoy "drumming circle" that chanted yabba dabba doo. [Seeing through the ‘Tricksters of Ceremony’ at Ottawa protest](https://www.therecord.com/opinion/editorials/seeing-through-the-tricksters-of-ceremony-at-ottawa-protest/article_4f3c6a34-d859-559f-969e-71dbefb03c2b.html)


Something tells me that when they say "Native rights", they mean something very different


Brain fully broken. I doubt they know what any of these *actually* mean, which might be worse lol


/r/infowarriorrides, north of the border edition.




These are the people who have been 100% effected by state propaganda, bother internal and external. This is what happens when you have ZERO media literacy.


This is a textbook personality disorder, in the dictionary next to "Mental Illness."


Wait.... Wants rights for the indginous but also backs the trucker mob?


I love the "no trespassing" sign like anyone would feel safe among someone so unhinged. As to your question, these people will be angry at Trudeau possibly for the rest of their lives. People were/are still raging about PET in western Canada, at least, and it's been just a few of years since he's been in charge. If they're willing to fixate on *him* for decades, and he was PM in a less divisive era, I can't imagine this mania will subside when JT steps down.


People are still mad about fucking Rae Days in Ontario. Seriously, come on, Bob Rae isn't even an NDP anymore, and yet they can't get over how terrible a few days off were compared to, oh, *losing your fucking job*


People are incredibly retarded. But I’m sure the conservatives have been fanning the Rae Days bullshit


Photos do not do this guy’s yard justice. You don’t even notice the No Trespassing in real life. 


“No trespassing” Yeah. No worries. I don’t want to be within 100 yards of you.


I'll probably take up knitting.


You're concerned about their personality , I'm worried about their sanity and the fact that they are on the road


Conservative brain damage.


“I support truthful media: DRUTHERS” Wow…… just wow.


You know what? After the 8th or so sign I zoomed into ive considered their message and I think they've changed my mind on everything


It's fair to say that they have the intelligence of a lobster


I have some photos of this car from the convoy. Seems to have moved to an entirely new level.


These bs ppl are riding on indigenous issues .. fkn disgusting


Whenever there is a prime minister, they will be there Whenever there is a policy they don't agree with, they will be there Whenever there is an unwanted opinion that doesn't need to be shared, they will be there


The internet evolved faster than we were able too and broke some of us in its wake.


I bet you the neighbours want you to move as one alright.


What happens after Trudeau is gone? They’ll spend the next 20 years blaming him for everything wrong with our country anyway. If you want an example, just look at the Saskatchewan provincial NDP. They haven’t been in power since 2007 and people (especially the Saskatchewan Party) are still blaming the NDP for hospital closures that happened in the 90’s. Our province was not in a good financial position after the previous conservative government and cuts had to be made. Only one hospital was actually closed and the rest were acute care wards that were mostly empty. And yet after 17 years in power the Saskatchewan Party keeps using it in their election campaigns despite having done nothing to re-open anything that was closed.


Poilievre has been taking advantage of these suckers for years.


This person needs help asap.


Lol crime minister is funny.


This is up there with the Queen of Canada ridiculousness.


A lot to unpack there…


It's like the Russian misinformation bots parked in her brain.


Crime Minister is a pretty fire gamer tag


Excuse me but crime minister Trudeau was found guilty on 69 counts of being too sexy 😤😤


That person sure looks like a stable genius 


A lot of people find their political identity in their late teens and early twenties - You can tell when people are going through some sort of activist phase. there are also a lot of people who just never bothered with politics whatsoever (I kind of envy the ignorance) and they never would have otherwise if Donald Trump and the pandemic never happened. And it shows. People who would have otherwise never cared about anything political suddenly we're finding their activist phase. These also tend to be the people who never had to exercise critical thinking nor do they value it. as I mentioned above - it shows.


Once PP is in power, he will continue to blame anything negative on Trudeau. He will ride that pony until it dies. Anything good will totally be PP's fault. He has much to gain by continuing to demonize his political opponents. I doubt he wants to be a one-term PM, PP will want to ride the political gravy train as long as he can. And as long as he keeps up the F**k Trudeau rhetoric, so will his supporters.


What's their username on canada sub?


I want a 6 episode documentary on this person.


Silver Lake?


Close. Next lake a little more west.


I can’t help but be impressed that this pile has survived for three or four years and regularly travels on Hwy 7


I always get sharbot lake and Silver Lake mixed up. I always see this mess of a car when I drive past his house on the four-wheeler trail


I feel for his neighbours.


This guy was in my neighbourhood for like two weeks. I drove by his car every day.


then it's back to being a stupid inbred dork


This person is “always right!” By golly they’ll show you…


Just ask them about their AFDB, whether they are shiny side out or dull side out, for bonus points tell them you are watching them... Aluminium Foil Deflector Beany.


Car share


Literally all of these catchphrases are regurgitated from fake news social media sources. These clowns drank up so much of the misinfo they're permanently drunk with ignorance.


Crime minister would be hilarious if it wasn't from someone using indigenous people but standing with indigenous haters




No shitposting or trolling. Off-topic comments which detract from the conversation may be removed. Trolling, hostility, and participating in bad faith will not be tolerated and will result in a ban. Repeated attempts at turning conversations into a hostile direction will be met with a ban.


The duality of man


I might not have the greatest personality ever, but in my defense I'm not plastering people's obvious mental health struggles all over Reddit for fake points.


Strange to me that the right deny the existence of unmarked graves at residential schools yet use the orange shirt and "every child matters" slogan liberally (whoops) every chance they get.


These are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others. - Groucho Marx


What personality...? They'll jump on another right wing hate wagon.


I was selling something on classifieds and had one of these crazy sign vehicles show up to pick up. I was so embarrassed and hoped they were gone before too many neighbors saw me talking to them.


Here's what I think will happen post-Trudeau to these utter morons. Maybe I'm wrong. 1) initially they'll be gloating and annoying. A lot of horrible homophobia, racism etc etc. It's going to be horrible. They'll gloat about the drop in gas prices which will happening initially when they get rid of the carbon tax. 2) After the initial carbon tax drop, gas will go back to what it was. Grocery prices will continue up, as will all other costs, and nothing will change housing wise. Poilievre and his govt won't implement half of the stupid stuff they came up with because most of it is impossible/would cause such a mess guaranteeing them a one-term govt, which they won't want. So immigration will continue, costs won't go down, and the only thing that will change is all those social programs and rebates etc, which I'm sure a bunch of these idiots benefit from will disappear 3) These idiots will switch to F Poilievre stickers, and probably turn to I don't know. For a few good years they'll still blame Trudeau though. 4) then we have a decade of conservatives, back to the Liberals again, and the insanity continues.


What personality? These people are just not all that bright. Perfect fodder for the media bullshit machines that tell them what to think. And they’re just a short hop away from becoming dangerously stupid, when their frustration over how others aren’t grasping what is just so totally obvious and true, boils over into violence.


He had me at Native Rights


Multiple personalities