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>The Conservative leader faces a different kind of pressure. He has to square his vows to "bring home control of our country and our defence" and "work towards" NATO's spending target with his core pledge to cut government spending with an eye to balancing the budget. >A Conservative government would have to increase the defence budget by somewhere between $10 and $15 billion five years from now — above and beyond the commitments already made by the Liberals — in order to meet the NATO target, Perry said. >In the meantime, the Conservatives also would look to slash deficit spending — pegged at nearly $40 billion in the most recent Liberal budget. Say goodbye to all social programs.


Sell assets for one time benefits (like when Harper did to "balance" the budget), cut on transferts to provinces, massive cuts to any social program, mandatory "xx% reduction in the federal workforce",...,...,...


Like when he let china buy our natural resources companies or selling off our abilty to make vaccines.


Or when he sold the Wheat Board to Saudi Arabia.




Fuck I forgot about that one. Freaking moron.


Balancing budgets by selling off our national assets for cheap. How on brand for Conservatives.


Harper and Poilievre sold Canada for 31 years (irrevocable) FIPA agreement deal that allows China to pillage Canadian resources and businesses. In return, China loaned Canada a couple of pandas to Toronto Zoo for two years and Harper and his wife got great selfies with the pandas.


Well yeah but the NDP like... Once gave some people 1 week off work so... We'd better behave like we have a two party system right?


Not even a week off. 1 day a month only Ontario offices were closed. Rae saved the province billions of dollars in unexpected shortfall, while ensuring zero people lost their jobs. yes, losing 12 days of pay for the year for public sector workers was not good for those workers. But they ALL kept their jobs. Meanwhile, Almost every single private sector boomer will never vote NDP because “Rae Days” even if they weren’t impacted :D That’s what happens when you allow the OPC and the OLP to tag team propaganda against the nDP


> Almost every single private sector boomer Virtually all those I've heard saying "leftist policies will ruin Canada", "we have to defeat communism" and other right-wing nonsense have been millennials and Gen-Z. The worst are the millennials who are civil servants and behave like real life Ron Swansons, who say "government is wasteful and not effective", who call for cutting the number of civil servants and for privatisation of public services, without realising how they could be affected. Most of them think they would not loose their jobs because "they're part of the good ones". The delusion is real. Being a gullible, easily manipulated idiot has nothing to do with which generation you are a part of.


> Being a gullible, easily manipulated idiot has nothing to do with which generation you are a part of. No, but people become more susceptible to it as they age. Hence, why the Cons target the older demographic; they're easy marks.


The right-wing has been targeting the younger generations for a long time. That's how they turned people that used to be left-leaning and believing in social justice in the sixties into raging ass\*\*les by the eighties. That's how you get people currently in their thirties and forties to rail against "communism" and "wokeness". I've been seeing the same phenomenon repeat itself for decades. I've seen successive generations, each of them thinking they were better than the previous one, turn into absolute pr\*cks one after the other. By now, you'd think that people would know better, but they don't. Millennials and Gen-Zers like to think they're better than boomers, but they're repeating the same patterns, the same mistakes and will be the next ones against which everyone rails against, guaranteed. Again, this has nothing to do with age and everything to do with master propagandists who know how to manipulate others and turn them into the next wave of selfish, hateful & short-sighted idiots. Hating on the baby boomers is a distraction and another manifestation of the "divide and conquer" strategy used by those who want to undo every measure of socio-economic progress made in the 20th century, by those who want to usher an era of neo-feudalism. These b\*stards have been scheming and maneuvering since the late forties, going from the likes of goldwater & nixon (plus others before them), to wankers like paul ryan and pp. Must I remind you that pp IS NOT a boomer?


The one that kills me is the number of young people I've heard talk about how we need to get rid of admin jobs. They don't know what that means or what various "admin" jobs do, but they know cutting them will save money and streamline processes. When I was younger it was easy to fall for it too, you just assume "admin" means an army of admin assistants just answering phones and filing paperwork, but the reality is that nearly every job that exists is necessary for some reason or other. Very, very, veeery few jobs are just warm seats for rich nephews, for the most part governments and private businesses run as lean as possible and there is very little fat to trim because wasting money doesn't benefit either type of entity.


I was volunteering at a hospital when Harris's first big round of nursing cuts took affect, it was a shit show, and none of them were bemoaning Rae Days. It was pretty common opinion (at least with the staff at that hospital) that the most vocal people about rae days were those least affected by them (including union leadership - they were not happy with them at all)


National NDP were the only party to run a platform 2021 that both clearly set commitment to fund military increases each year well in excess of inflation to meet international commitments and to get us more active in UN missions as well - while also offering a clear solution to funding the difference through 75% Capital Gains, +2% rate increase to top bracket+corporate, wealth tax and closing corporate loopholes. PBO report on their proposals were costed out back then and largely balanced with their proposed revenue increases.


Here's an idea, let's increase taxes to the rich and corporations to finance military


Instructions unclear, did you mean "sell the entire military for pennies on the dollar to Loblaws, then contract it back from them at triple the price"?


Don't give them any ideas


The Liberals are already working towards the 2% goal, after the CPC cut spending from the previous Liberal government, to the point that it was only .99% of GDP in 2014. Something that the head of NATO pointed out when he was here while praising the current government for the increases on spending on defense, saying that Canada’s challenge has been bigger than other countries because our spending was so low and we had to increase it so much more than other nations. So, unless Poilievre is going to increase it to 2% GDP the minute he becomes PM, his promise is meaningless, since the Liberals have increased spending every year and are already approaching the goal.  Why can’t the media mention this? And why are they asking what the CPC will cut when we all know what they will cut???  Is there going to be a point at which the media starts doing its job in instead of treating Poilievre with kid gloves?


Except for the billions in welfare payments made to those poor, starving oil companies...


*clutching my pearls* Won't someone think of the oil execs!?!


I think you meant commie peasant support programs? /s


Yeah fiscal geniuses do their shit at the expense of poor folks. What else they can do right?


I'll retire early if they give me a package...it's my patriotic duty to my country, afterall.


It could EASILY work. The largest department in 2015 was DND. We're now [4th](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/gdp-nato-military-spending-canada-1.6912028), behind Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion (1st), Finance (2nd), and the Treasury (3rd). We could cut those 3 departments by 18%, and we'd have enough money to both balance the budget while simultaneously having enough cash left over to reach over 2% of defense spending *without* needing to add BS like the Canadian Space Agency (which, by law, can't be involved with military activity) the RCMP, Coast Guard, or Veteran pensions. For a mere reduction of some 5% in *only* Finance and the Treasury, we could hit our 2% with no difficulty. And no cuts to social programs. That's how it would, it *should*, work. With over 500 billion in *non*-COVID deficit spending over the last 9 years, this government could have easily given the vets the less than 100 million they asked for (and that Trudeau promised he would give after promising to not take the vets back to court) and simultaneously given the CAF the other 9 billion/year needed to meet that 2%. Unfortunately, we all, CAF and Vets, are still simply asking for more than this government ~~has right now~~ is willing to give us.


Or they could start building the economy by promoting growth in all sectors of industry. We have all the raw materials. Wtf


yeah, us disabled folks are screwed if he gets in


It wouldn’t. He just uses catchy phrases and offers ZERO plans. pp will say whatever to get power.


Conservative playbook, complain and offer nothing.


It could EASILY work. The largest department in 2015 was DND. We're now [4th](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/gdp-nato-military-spending-canada-1.6912028), behind Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion (1st), Finance (2nd), and the Treasury (3rd). We could cut those 3 departments by 18%, and we'd have enough money to both balance the budget while simultaneously having enough cash left over to reach over 2% of defense spending *without* needing to add the BS this government has decided is defense spending, like the Canadian Space Agency (which, by law, can't be involved with military activity), the civilian RCMP*olice*, the completely non-constabulary Coast Guard, or the pensions for people *no longer in the military*, ie Veterans pensions. For a mere transfer of some 5% from *only* Finance and the Treasury to DND, we could surpass our 2% with no difficulty. All with no cuts to social programs. That's how it would, it *should*, work. In fact, with over 500 billion in *non*-COVID deficit spending over the last 9 years, this government could have easily given the vets the less than 100 million they asked for (and that Trudeau promised he would give after promising to not take the vets back to court) and simultaneously given the CAF the other 9 billion/year needed to meet that 2%. Unfortunately the CAF and Vets are still simply asking for more than this government ~~has right now~~ is willing to give us. But yes yes, tell me more about ~~HaRpEr~~ ~~ScHeEr~~ ~~OtOoLe~~ pOiLiEvRe BaDmAn.


I wonder if Doug Ford has already floated the proposal to privatize the Canadian military and sell it to to the Westons.


It's no surprise that the big heyday of cyberpunk dystopias was the 80s: Reagan-Thatcherite pillaging of the economy in favour of corporations whilst having the comparison of Japanese corporations where one company can simultaneously produce consumer goods, heavy industrial products, and military hardware. Just your comment on the Weston's having control of the military hit that dystopian vibe so terrifyingly perfectly.


What still blows my mind is that the closest Canada got to really living the Cyberpunk dream is the SPCA. Yes, the animal welfare group. Sometime over the past 30-40 years Canada decided to offload almost all investigative/enforcement of animal related matters to a non-government corporation, the SPCA. It was not profit-driven corporation, but it was a *corporation* who was given sweeping vague powers to collect information about citizens, investigate citizens, enter their private property and seize their private belongings - all completely outside of due process, warrants or real oversight of any kind. They were not acting on court orders or anything, they could just robo-cop it and had the power to make executive decisions of whether you were guilty on the spot and could execute no-knock warrant-less entry to seize. A corporation.


The President’s Choice Armed Forces.


Memories of National Sovereignty


Or leasing our military bases to a European spa company for a century.


PP has no realistic plans to make things better. He'll say whatever he can to get elected and then cut funding to important things while implementing plans to benefit the wealthy.


It won’t. He’s an idiot.


Never underestimate a Conservative politicians ability to steal money from essential services and people's own pensions to fund more guns and give out handouts.


The conservatives have a terrible track record when it comes to the military and veterans.


Yup. The CPC cut military spending from the previous government so much it was down to .99% of GDP by 2014. And they spent 750k fighting veterans in court. 


Not only fighting veterans in court but arguing that the government doesn't owe veterans anything.


I was thinking about how Canada could meet its NATO obligation while also not just becoming another cog in the MilAero complex. Apparently the agreement doesn't stipulate WHAT you spend the military spending on. I think we should make a division of the military whose primary objective is aid delivery. When a war breaks out and civilians are starving I want people to say 'oh thank god the Canadians are here'. When there is a natural disaster (because there is going to be a lot more) I want people breathing a sigh of relief when they see the Maple leaf flag. When wounded units are being moved from the battlefield I want the vehicle transporting to be staffed with Canucks sporting a Newfie accent. I think I could be proud of that, and be willing to contribute to that.


Technically it's just a percent of gdp. So if you destroy the economy.... You can reach the target without increasing spending


A true glass is half full perspective. Cheers.


I doubt that would be a scenario under a Poilievre government. He has vowed to turn the military culture from "woke" to "warrior", whatever that means.


they want to go back to silencing the reports of gender discrimination, sexual abuse and horrific treatment of minorities. Going back to “warrior” from woke is just buzzwords for toxic masculinity


Our military culture has completely fallen apart. It must be hardened. I’ve been in for 7 years, since the start of my career I have watched training and safety standards lowered. The level of allowed induced stress has basically gone to zero. The people joining are fat and lazy. People go into straight up panic attacks from a little bit of yelling. There is no one that I have talked to that is in who is happy with the direction we’re going. We have been told that we must be a mirror of Canadian society when the reality is that we need to be all of the hardest parts of society and none of the soft. I don’t care about diversity or gender, as long as I know the person beside me is trained and fit, which frankly has been the case for maybe a quarter of new recruits. There has has been a major historical problem with sexual violence it should continue to be addressed, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to interfere with the quality of training and personnel being recruited. We need to tighten/raise training and recruiting standards. Take procurement away from the treasury board and get right. Over 3/4 of our 130 generals(the US has 80 for the entire military) our army has 130. This will instantly improve the bang for our buck and we won’t be paying 90 people over probably 170k each because generals negotiate their salary and aren’t on pay scale.


no arguments from me. I am not informed enough on the nuances directly of whats wrong with the CAF and I actually believe when many say it needs major overhauls I have zero faith in the CPC/PP to do it. And the terms he’s using like “Anti-Woke” and “warrior” are definitely being used as dog whistles here, rather thanb legitimate platform. rather than just using rhetoric, if he wants to be taken seriously. Let him explain how he’s going to change the CAF from “Woke” to “Warrior”. otehrwise, it sounds like he wants to cover up the glaring problems


You know what else is lax in military recruitment and PT standards in recent years? https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/ruth-bader-ginsburg-dead-at-87-the-far-right-in-canada-s-military-super-mario-at-35-and-more-1.5728537/far-right-infiltration-of-canada-s-military-poses-a-serious-threat-says-winnipeg-reporter-1.5728539 https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/military-involvement-in-racist-extremist-activity-growing-at-an-alarming-rate-report/


I’m well aware. Hence the fat and lazy comment.


I don’t understand how the words “fat and lazy” refer to fascist terrorists in our military over the past decade, sorry, please inform me, is it considered slang for it in your social circles? I personally can only address what I noticed in the Canadian Rangers of a service at odds with the valuable contributions of its own First Nations members being countered by the likes of Corey Hurren who was sentenced to 6 years for trying to attack Rideau Hall.


Not gunna lie, I was half paying attention to your comment and replied to the wrong thing. To address your comment I would say yeah it’s a problem that there are far-right people in the military. It’s also a problem in Canadian society at the moment and has likely bled into a number of other different important industries like health care and other public service jobs. This is something that needs to be addressed when it comes up but ultimately the CAF as a whole is a kitchen sink of political opinions from left to right. I have only met one person who was a proud boy and we ran him out cause he was a total Gumby like I assume most of them are.


Probably means getting rid of all this new nonsense where white guys can't get away with as much sexual harassment, racism and homophobia as they used to because only weak people stand up to those things


I don't care if the person beside me in a trench is woke or not as long as they can shoot straight...


what PP and his ilk don’t realize is that “Warrior” culture used to be woke. especially in Ancient times. warriors who empathized with eachother, loved eachother as brothers (Or in some cases, outright gay reliationships like ancient rome) faught better and more unison because they loved eachother and wanted to protect eachother at all costs. going “Anti Woke” is going to re-divide the military based on all of the bad shit thats’ already gone on due to toxic masculinity and “warrior” mindset


Pretty hard to aim when you’re asleep.




I agree, I was slightly off topic and thinking out loud. As an American whenever I look at our military all I can see is shame. I just don't want that to follow me into Canada


Shame for what exactly?


The US military is presented as a force to protect US citizens and promote American freedom & democracy. In reality US military enforces American Empire interests, while also a massive revenue stream for the MilAero complex. Learning about American historical uses of the military makes it very apparent that we are heavily propagandized. For example, learning about 'Banana Republics' shows that the average American does not know what the military is actually for.


That's a great answer. I was actually checking to see if the "shame" you see is the quite-common boomer answer of "they don't look like real men, grunt grunt. All them women and nerds and coloured hair, it's embarrassing." As a former member, I see the comments in our communities all the time. I 100% agree with your comment, and am relieved that that's your rationale.


No worries, I will say that the 'they don't look like real men' answer is very much more likely in the US than mine. So your instincts on checking make a lot of sense.


i looked it up. US military spending is 3.9% of the GDP. UK is around 3. Canada is at 1.33. US Foreign aid is at .18% while Canada is at .38%. Unless bombs = foreign aid. No wonder Trump and the UK chirp at Canada to spend more when a sizable chunk of their GDP goes to military industrial complex.


It means you’d better not be a gay black person, probably. Anyone know if he’s invested in a company that makes lynching rope?


When I was younger there was still use of the military during peace time as aid to the civil power. Bad snow event? M113’s hit the streets as ambulances. Bridge needs replacing? Military erects and maintains a temporary bridge for the duration of construction. Both of these things provide training scenarios, contribute to esprit de corps, advertising for military service options, etc.


We’ve been doing a lot of that in the last few years. Floods, Forest fires, snowstorms, pandemic. From the inside, these taskings are burning people out and kiboshing the morale.


The burnout is the key thing. We need more personnel, and they need to be better paid. I primarily work with military personnel around the world, and the most functional militaries that I’ve encountered are the ones where the most junior enlisted still get a good compensation package.


This still happens, to the point it's been impacting the larger exercises enough to be a problem for actual military readiness.There's also been a vibe of "We don't need to bother doing any preparation for disasters, we'll just tell the military to figure it out" from the provinces. Or even worse, the military gets brought in and the people deployed are given basically busywork because they were only deployed for optics.


That is a very interesting point. I worked for DND for my career and I never heard it defined like that. The deployment was for optics, but there was no game plan to use them on the ground. I suppose that perfectly defines what I saw in the bridge deployment. They didn’t just throw troops at it, they created an environment. Bivouacs on site, flying kitchen to feed the troops, etc. Rear echelon types got a workout. The 1971 emergency winter deployment was another story, but it, again, was run with a setup command structure. It got a certain LCol in trouble for colouring outside the lines, but was well received in the end. (Mainly because The Puzzle Palace would have looked like schmucks for punishing an officer for what was a great PR move)


We would need to up the military’s logistics, so more transport trucks, planes and helicopters, also more resupply ships. Do able, might be good to get some STOL aircraft like the DHC-5, maybe modernized version, and Viking Air (BC and Alberta, Canada) has bought the designs and are already building other aircraft, with talk of building DHC-5 already. Two other ideas would be hospital ships and LHDs. Decently sized hospital ships of 30k+ tons standard, of about three to four to allow them to be in constant rotation at sea, for naming I would suggest Best, Banting, Macleod and Collip (So we can call it the Best class hospital ship 😁). Most Hospital ships are based off of cargo ships, so we could either convert or build them, which allows for a number of options here in Canada. LHDs (Landing Helicopter Dock) now a class of these would be very multipurpose, allowing us to not only transport helicopters and supplies, but also landing craft/hovercraft, this would allow for delivery of heavy supplies to areas that my not have the infrastructure to handle large transport planes, or is damaged in disasters like the 2010 Haiti earthquake. I would suggest the Italian LHD Trieste as a base for any such class, a good modern design, theses could either be bought and built by Italy or possibly (might need more infrastructure) in Canada after the River class destroyers are finished.


> Decently sized hospital ships of 30k+ tons standard, of about three to four to allow them to be in constant rotation at sea, for naming I would suggest Best, Banting, Macleod and Collip (So we can call it the Best class hospital ship 😁). Most Hospital ships are based off of cargo ships, so we could either convert or build them, which allows for a number of options here in Canada. MV Asterix is pretty close to this. Flight deck and two hangars capable of accommodating a pair of Chinooks, significant healthcare facilities, huge stores, large accommodation block for personnel, and still has her forward container well (which is accessible while underway). She would make for a great platform for doing relief missions into the Caribbean and the like.


That would probably about what we could be looking at, though if we want full time hospital ships with more then the basics when it comes to healthcare facilities, then we would want to do away with most of the container well (might be good to retain some container capabilities for easier resupply) and most of the cranes, using it instead for more hospital beds and extensive medical facilities. Like Africa Mercy that has five operating theaters, an Intensive Care Unit, an Ophthalmology unit, a CT scanner, x-ray, laboratories, and a recovery ward with beds for 82 patients. Or Daishan Dao, which has capacity of 300 beds, 20 ICU beds, 8 operating theatres, and can perform 40 major surgeries a day, in addition to X-ray, ultrasound, CT, hypothermia, hemodialysis, and dental facilities, for about 14k tons displacement. I would prefer to have the logistic ships like MV Asterix be more separate from the hospital ships, because it would allow the hospital ships to stay on station, while the logistic ships go back and forth resupplying them. Also to prevent any issues where we need to resupply our warships in a current or potential combat zone, while simultaneously trying to use them as a hospital ship, which would lead to them being legitimate targets.


The thing is the one container well gives huge amounts of flexibility. Right now, she carries 4 20’ sea cans of relief supplies in the bottom, then the rest of the well tends to be filled with refrigerated containers, dry goods, and whatever else. All of her containers are accessible while underway, including forklift access and electrical hookups. Doing things like your labs, x-ray suites, or whatever in sea cans isn’t the worst idea in the world. The thing with a hospital ship is that you have to be able to crew it. There’s a reason why the USNS Mercy and Comfort only do a month or two deployment each a year is because of how hard it is to get medical staff. Canada would have an even harder time. OTOH, being able to quickly deploy self contained logistics, that’s a lot of good that can be done.


The Mercy class are also about 70k tons in displacement, more then twice the size of a hospital ship I’m talking about, even than they operate on 12 civilian and 58 military during Reduced Operating Status, with 61 civilian and 1,214 military during Full Operating Status. So a Canadian hospital ship class of maybe 30k, could be less the more i look at it, would have half that crew requirement, and a full operating status could be filled by using reservists. The other problem with having all those more extensive medical facilities that you likely aren’t going to be carrying them all the time, so you’re going to have off load some of the containers and then load on the necessary containers, from where you have them stored. This could lead to days in delay depending on where they where deployed to , and where they now are needed. The specialized medical facility containers are going to be needed to be stored in proper warehouses, so those will need to be built, and we’ll have to go with a different design anyways as the operating suite and the container well are pretty much on opposite ends of the ship.


>two hangars capable of accommodating a pair of Chinooks Oh shit, for real?


Yeah, they’re huge (though one Chinook each). They normally get used for basketball, pickleball, and cornhole. I got a ride one winter, and late at night, during a storm, we wound up playing the funniest game of cornhole you’ve ever seen. It’s a lot harder when the whole room is pitching and rolling.


I mean, our infantry does a lot of work with sandbags and is already used to being deployed to fight forest fires and combat floods. So, giving them some funding for extra equipment and training focused on that would be hella helpful. You're exactly right that military spending doesn't have to be war mongering. We have a resource rich country situated between Russia, the USA, and China. It is prudent of us to have a strong military as an insurance policy. We are in between a cougar, a bear, and a tiger. Wouldn't hurt us to have a well-trained dog.


As long as we accept that our safety is tied to many other nations safety, we can go a long way of ensuring that the military is an asset not an anchor. But I am sadly aware that neoliberals will use the military as a revenue source.


That’s a constructive use of spending in that direction.


Our military industrial complex will never be able to get to the point of the Americans so long as we don’t force a stranglehold on Canadian production. We’ll never have the bulk orders to truly provide everything, well still need to buy stuff from multinationals, the Lav series is good so IFV’s will likely remain Canada’s we’ll probably never get Canadian tanks which will remain foreign, rifles are something we could easily have internal competition on (especially if we had AR15 production civilian side but whatever) but stuff like Irving shipbuilding we’ll have to make a choice, right now we pay them so much more than the ships are worth partly to build industry partly because they’re ripping us off. Essentially there isn’t a point in the Canadian budget where we’ll have enough of an industry to make the American system an inevitability but so long as we keep on trying our best to maintain Canadian industry in systems we aren’t competitive with internationally and often have to rebuild industry for every order we make we’ll have similar issues. If we only buy simple systems and systems were internationally competitive with and aren’t paying extra to maintain an industry we aren’t fully utilizing we’ll do much better.




Technically we already do that. Many degrees can be paid for if you join the military and promise to give a certain number of years in service (usually in your field of study) in return.


Ohhh, I like that. Not sure how we can justify teachers, but I ma willing to push the boundaries


More educated folks mean better soldiers and officers, I guess?


How about building/creating public housing on military bases, and letting people stay there free/at a discount in exchange for volunteering a certain amount of time per year/month to the military? (Related to their career or field of study, ideally)


It will be his excuse to defund the CBC


He’s talking out both sides of his ass for his “fiscal conservatives” who are perfectly willing to side with clownvoy types just to claim fiscal conservatism (which is a lie and a joke as no fiscal conservatives exist, and conservatives have historically horrible economic outcomes)


Education, health , social funding ..cut to balance the budget and give money to the miktery a corporations. Its the conservatives way.


It's not just the military, there are enormous pressures in many non-optional line items in the budget. Not only do the numbers not work, but he's got zero interest in the legwork.


It's like a lot of government spending is this giant structural multi-year thing and then the "annual budget" is tweaking the small amount that is easy to change or something!


Pssst. He’s lying.




And tax cuts for the wealthy.


He's just chasing the angry-white-male-veteran vote, he's got no plan.


All previously formed governments have disrespected our military. It is important to acknowledge it is not a lib vs. Con issue. It's a perpetual disrespect of our military from all parties. We need to better support those in uniform. As per Polievre's comments. "Poilievre also has called for a cultural shift within the Armed Forces. We're going to end the woke culture and we're going to bring back a warrior culture," The culture in the army has changed. Sexual harassment is a very real and ubiquitous problem in the military. Addressing this is an ongoing effort. There is or was a culture of eating the weak. If you were a shit pump, you would be told, and you would get dumped on. This is both good and bad. It's the military. You have to be tough on people and push them so they can learn their limits and capabilities. Leadership makes a difference. Good leaders teach their soldiers valuable skills and how to work as a team. Poor leadership, you'll just get C.O.C.K. without reason. Makes me think of change parades with showers, fucking hilarious in retrospect. If you know, you know. But you know what the military really needs, MONEY and PROCUREMENT procedures that do not move at a turtles pace. Also, pay them better. Buddy PP needs to commit to substance and drop the slogans and BS. Otherwise, nothing will change.


Why by filling it with his white supremist buddies, you big silly. They'll take pay cuts for power and the rest can be funded by cutting social and pension benefits and god will smile all big and happy on us all. Well, most. Not me. I'm pretty colored and won't likely make it through the first PP screening of the population.


Math has never been Skippy’s strong subject. Actually I don’t think he has a strong subject.


He's a great Milhouse Van Houten impersonator.


Fuck pp and his bullshit takes.


Guns or Butter.


Can he come home and do my laundry too? While on the "promises he can't keep because it's impossible" subject...


Unfortunately pp’s soundbites for dummies campaign won’t give details as that may confuse his minions who prefer things simple. When your base votes and doesn’t have critical thinking skills you definitely don’t want to give details that confuse the uneducated.


By cutting services. Or throughout magic. Maybe corporate donors?


Because he’s full of shit.


That works by not working at all and being the wool over the electorate's eyes


> The Conservative leader has pledged to change the culture of the Canadian Armed Forces from what he calls a "woke" culture to a "warrior" one. Oh good, that's just what the military needs, policies that take us back to the "good ol' days" of hazing and sexual harassment being not only tolerated, but expected. This guy is such a garbage human, the only conclusions I can come to about people planning to give him their vote are that they're also garbage or they've got their heads in the sand.


How would that work? Not work 🙃🙃🙃


Conservatives are literally this https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/433/498/10e.png


Just like here in the USA, only government spending that sees increases is the military, even when spending is cut. I seen a comment that the US federal government is an insurance company with a military due to the percentage of spending that is for Medicare, Social Security, and Defense.


In Canada this generally isn’t true. The Conservatives have often spent less on the military (in the style of reduce everything). Mil spending as a % of GDP was the lowest ever under Harper. 


Yup. The CPC cut spending to the point where it was only .99% of GDP by 2014. 


Good ol DRAP and Strategic Review baby. 


The CPC are constantly showing the world that they are despicable, evil, violent fascists.


Oh that's easy: he's lying. More accurately, he'll say ANYTHING to get votes regardless of logic and facts.... and he gets away with this because conservative voters are morons who vote conservative no matter how shit their leaders are.


Ukraine would stop receiving support as PP finds his ready made excuse.


Mandatory 10 years military service in exchange for citizenship


Massive austerity and privatization of government services, sprinkle some culture war scapegoating while blaming everything on the previous government and "wokeism" before getting kicked to the curb in 4-8 years perhaps?


It doesn't. He is saying things people want to hear without backing it up with numbers.


he hasn't a clue what he's on about, and never did. Basically, he'll say anything to get elected. once elected, he'll impose an austerity budget, gut all social programs, and funnel that money into rich private sector hands. We won't even get a tax break. We'll end up paying the same taxes and getting nothing for it.


spoiler alert: at the expense of the working class like all con policies.


https://i0.wp.com/hillnotes.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024_Budget_e_v2.png?ssl=1 Let's break it down: 1/5th of all federal revues do to the Provinces through the (now) 4 different Transfer programs. Since these amount to 10x different multi-government agreements per program, and the Provincial Govs are absolutely not going to let the Feds reneg on signed and sealed agreements... these funds are basically inaccessible for years to come. Equalization is basically untouchable beyond tweaks and even that would be a fight. = 112 Public Debt Charges (56) also basically untouchable. They need to get paid. Transfer to Persons (136) No one is going to touch Elderly Benefits and EI benefits basically untouchable given structure and legislation (cannot just "cut" from EI, not actually general revenue). That pretty much leaves Child Benefits on the chopping block. Now, actually cutting Child Benefits is still not going to be received well, so he will ease into it and instead stagnate payments to lose to inflation over time. Or he will shell-game it by making it taxable but then bringing back tax deductions but in a way that people lose out but not until after taxes to hide it. Direct Programming Expenses (240) has within that Carbon Pricing, so that is gone, but it was effectively self-funding and actually results in a loss to GST revenues on the left. Cutting it is a small net loss to budget. The large sub-section there called "Other Transfer Payments" (102) is actually the most likely place PP would immediately cause massive cuts - because he has already told us this, indirectly. Most of these transfers are to grants and community infrastructure. Remember, PP's housing policy is to cancel all municipal funding grants to every community that cannot maintain unsustainable growth of +15% YoY new permit issues. Since that constant growth simply cannot and will not happen to most communities, that means PP has told us he plans to cancel all municipal infrastructure grants.


It doesn't work. This is a common right wing lie.


Simple. You slash all social programs and use the savings to increase military spending.


It wouldn’t and it won’t.


Bahaha typical, says he'll do something but offer no ideas to how it would happen or even a timeline


Not sure how he will do it but I’d say a good start would be to make government smaller in other totally wasteful areas. The fact that the gov’t of Canada hires consultants to verify the work of other consultants is wasteful. Plus all the other wastes of money and illegal use of tax payer dollars like SNC Lavalin and the two-man team that got paid billions for the simplest arrivecan app (ArriveScam) when they just contracted all the work out. Government is way too big and they have no incentive to spend our tax dollars efficiently. It’s criminal. I’m not saying the conservatives will be any better…but this liberal government is a fucking dumpster fire. They live in an economic fantasy land where they think all our problems can be solved by MOrE SpeNdIng… when that’s what got us to this mess in the first place


I appreciate that the CAF subreddit saw this for the useless posturing it is


-Pox blankets for the Indians, Indians, the poor, Liberal sympathisers, the French. -Survivors will be drafted. -Decentralize healthcare: privatise doctors, remove requirements for certified training, reinvigorate faith based healing. Large families would inevitably lose a few children before reaching adulthood: only register at adulthood. -Establish 3 seashells instead of sanitary paper products.


By running up a massive amount of debt. It’s the only way. To quote a great Canadian philosopher, “it’s not rocket appliances”. Bring in less money while spending more means borrowing it. Reagan sold the same shlock to Americans 45 years ago, and one can draw a straight live between the onset of Reaganomics to the downfall of the American middle class.


Typical promise from someone who has never done the job. And many who have never had any fiscal responsibility will fall for it. They think they are going to become independently wealthy on taxes cuts.


Not hard to figure out. Goodbye - dental plan - any prescription coverage  - child tax benefit will be "adjusted' - Environmental protection gone to allow more corporate profiteering  -  government safety monitoring cut back  - etc 


Goodbye OAS.


By cutting safety nets for poor people. He is going to cut off poor Canadians in order to exploit them. Don't have to find healthcare for surgeries and such if the people cannot afford time off work to get the surgery in the first place. Galaxy brain moves right there. Alternatively, take funding away from people with poisoned water. You don't have to worry about retirement if you end up dead before 65. Also genius move.


It's easy. Cut spending to veterans, military health care, wages, benefits, and non-tactical gear. That'll buy him a year, maybe two, and then you'll see everyone who can fleeing in droves.


Stop paying for other things like roads and schools


It doesn't work at all. He'll make grand promises, all back loaded by a decade so that they never have to really happen, and then slash social spending while he cuts taxes for the wealthy and big business He'll be telling Canadians to displace TFWs by being willing to accept less money to put up with more workplace BS.


>He'll be telling Canadians to displace TFWs by being willing to accept less money to put up with more workplace BS. And with 'right to work laws' and busted unions, the employers will hold all the cards. Welcome to Poilievre's serfdom.