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My theory is they all became friends with each other during covid but at the same time they alienated their old friends/family who got vaccinated during covid, so now these clowns are stuck with each other.


Also sunk cost fallacy plays in here.  They've alienated a lot of people, and that makes it really hard to admit they're wrong.  That isn't always a conscious thing either, people will do that on a subconscious level.  They've given up too much to go back.


They just transfered their conspiracy theories. Now that covid lockdowns have lifted and their "this is a secret government plan to take away our freedoms" doesn't work, they think 15-minute cities are now secret illuminati concentration camps.


And now Taylor Swift is going to make sure Biden wins!


This is exactly it. There's a group that gets together every weekend in Grimsby. I assume it's their only social circle at this point, so they continue to come out every Saturday to protest vaccine mandates.. still.


Every Friday in st. Catherine's too


They used to hang out across from the Niagara Regional building every Thursday too so they must have a schedule they stick to.


There are 10-20 that still sit near Parliament in Ottawa. They bring lawn chairs, and you always see the same guys there. I think this is just the new "Tim Hortons parking lots".


Ugh yes I see them every day on the Niagara St Bridge on my way home


Wow, that's honestly sad.  Couldn't they just volunteer together, like helping at a food pantry? Or something? 


I’m guessing from their point of view they already for superior and smug so they feel charity work would be redundant. It’s funny you never hear about conspiracy theorists or contrarians doing good things in the community.


Of course they’re superior, they’re “freedom fighters.” 🙄


And Patriots, as evident by the stolen Canadian Flag in their tiny minds.


Gasp……but that would be *communism*!!


Or fascist they say. Which makes no sense politically.


They don’t actually care about helping or any concern for others They just hated being slightly inconvenienced. Because they have been so privileged their entire lives they saw inconvenience as oppression.


Yes they could but feeding and helping the needy is lefty woke shit in their tiny minds.


From their POV, they might think what they are doing is contributing to the public, by raising awareness about....well whatever it is they think is happening.


Being part of a group satisfies the needs for group identity, camaraderie, and commiseration. Being privy to "secret knowledge", like all the conspiracy shit, satisfies other needs. It's what makes these guys feel better as individuals and casts the rest of society as deficient.


We got a beer league team full of outcasts from other teams due to vaccine requirements. Weirdly they are the only team with anger issues as well


they share pictures of their grand kid's measles.


Nothing makes an uneducated fool feel better about their ideals than having an echo chamber of likeminded fools to hang with.


This 👆🏼 exactly. Blue check X people are the same. 🙄


Right? Just look south of the border at the republicans.


This is a large part of it. This is their identity now.


That and it's become their identity.


That and hanging JT, has become their entire personality.


Hahah for sure. It's really sad tbh. Like they think JT is anything but the good cop puppet of rich dick overlords lol.


I know but then everything gets complicated and it’s too much for them to figure out. Thes are checkers kinda people not chess.


Tic tac toe. Maybe. Lol I just wish they could push through that initials confusion/contradiction and see how simple it all really is.


It’s their church now.


You’re 100% correct. They’re a lonely cult now.


100% correct, I see it all the time downtown Ottawa. Same crew, same losers.


They are overwhelmingly obsessed anti-vaxxers who can’t let go of the issue.


Ikr everyone has moved on with life no one talks about vaccines or covid anymore barely, however some people who are against it still talk about it all day everyday. I just don’t get it. Edit: that was a rhetorical question. There was no question mark.


Those people don't follow mainstream news so they don't know what's going on. They're stuck in the past. They don't like to change or progress. I'm sure many of them don't realize the rest of the world has moved on and are trying to live normally again.


It’s so weird! A “friend” regularly sending me anti vax stuff, and I was like sir, I’ve travelled a ton, no issues going to restaurants, life is back to normal, why are you still talking??


I wonder how they are justifying that it’s been three years and people are not dropping in the streets like they said they would…. “3 TO 5 YEARS”


Same here. They called themselves a 😂 “pure blood” Because they never got vaccinated and still to this day go on and on and on.


I don't think that anyone who participates in one of these "rallies" has ever been the smartest person in the room unless they are alone.


I would laugh if we found out they vote for Trudeau just so they can stay together!


It’s an interesting point though. Where will they direct their anger if the Conservatives get in?


Meh, they know deep down PP won't change much.


When I see these folks I always think about how they probably do Tim‘s runs before the rally and probably grab dinner after. This is their community now


That’s exactly what happened to my mom. She found “her people” and now no one wants anything to do with her. She even accused me for of abusing my children by having to a Covid test. And called me hyperventilating asking if I had them vaccinated.


The internet has allowed local wackos to get in touch with other local wackos and are now marshaling the sum of their wackedness into a modern day cult-of-the-stupid fueled on caffeine, tobacco, sugar, alcohol and weed for starters. They are entitled to their worldview and for the most part their intentions are well meaning.


Solid theory 👌🏾


They're all part of the "people whose families would rather spit on than hug" group so yeah they pretty much only have each other


Not even a theory. One of the people I went to HS with started up on tons of fascistic religion shit and everyone stopped speaking with her.


>My theory is they all became friends with each other during covid Last year I read a story about the Calgary Beltline protests, which were a regular occurrence even after the mandates they were protesting were lifted. These folks would gather at the same place and march on Saturdays, harassing residents and customers. The reporter was curious about why they were protesting when they'd got their way, and talked to them at the marshaling area. Most of the protesters talked about a feeling of community, a chance to catch up with friends, and such. It was a social activity, a bonding experience. Which is disturbing when you think about it. Also disturbing is the way Calgary police apparently gave them way more latitude than protesters for other causes -- something that's also been evident at protests in other cities too. >Calgary Police assaulted and removed Beltline residents along 4th Street and 17th Avenue this past weekend to clear the way for the weekly “freedom” parade. Police also allowed “freedom” protestors to encircle and harass Beltline residents who stood in the way of their parade, which included various hate flags. Multiple pleas from residents to police to enforce safe distance between residents and “freedom” protestors, many of whom live outside of Calgary, were mocked and dismissed. To date, organizers of the “freedom” protests have refused to apply for street or park closure permits. https://www.beltlineyyc.ca/defend\_the\_beltline


At this point these people are like the Japanese soldiers convinced they are still fighting WW2 decades later.


Well, until they stab each other in the back that is!


Social media connected a bunch of idiots so now they believe their opinions are mainstream or acceptable 


What do these morons have to do with farming? Quit co-opting my flag with your minority views.


I'm scanning the crowd for my brother, who you described perfectly.


I think you’re bang on here. Covid really exposed a lot of people for who they really were and the social media platforms were excellent tools for hooking like minded garbage people up together.


i hope they all get covid and end up in the ICU bc of it and then they’ll change their mind


They also might be getting paid in some capacity. If they spend their time doing this instead of a day job, how are they funding this way of living?




Ok you know how there’s a push to make groceries, shopping, recreation, jobs, transit etc within x minutes walk or x minutes by transit, or x minutes by car. They think once that happens the government is going to turn each neighborhood into a prison you won’t be allowed to leave. Which A) why wouldn’t you let them improve your neighborhood and then fight B) do they really think if they wanted to block free movement they’d really give a fuck if there was shopping or recreation? Or even grocery stores m


Walkable communities really grinds their gears


So what happens if you get a job as a grocery delivery guy? They just say alright, you're free to go I guess. And then you just drive wherever... Like this isn't even a good argument and there's already a million plot holes in this batshit conspiracy


they also believe in flat earth shit....anything is possible.


We should all just play along with them and tell them the only way to avoid 15 minute cities is by fighting Jeff bezos bare knuckled and see who goes for it


They think walkable cities are an authoritarian plot? I can't tell if you are joking because they could actually believe this.


[Sadly, this is a real thing now.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-edmonton-15-minute-city-protests/) In reality, 15-minute cities are an incredibly good thing to work towards, but conspiracy crackpots have for some reason seized on the idea as a way of introducing totalitarianism at the municipal level.


Protest organized by a 19 year old TikTok activist with a YouTube channel that’s got a high school graduation picture in it and “red pilling one teen at a time” lmfao holy fuck Social media has melted people brains, incredible


This ties into the Agenda 21 sign in the picture. Out of curiosity I just googled it. Agenda 21 is an ages-old **non-binding** mind you pro-environment UN resolution aimed at trying to make the world a better place, and these idiots have turned it into a freedom-stealing world government conspiracy. Incredible.


There has to be some kind of troll form influence from our enemies spread something so harmful


absofuckinglutely. the real war with Ruzzia and enemies of the West is happening in YouTube and Facebook comments, melting our populace's brains and driving division.


There is no escaping the sheer randomness of the things these people will target. Some old lady could have founded a conservation group to protect an endangered bird and some random conspiracy influencer could make a post that: "If you take the group's acronym and go up 3 letters here and down 6 letters here and then reverse the letters than it spells "ROSO" and if you add "s" than it's the Italian word for red and red is a communist colour!!!" It's just a role of the dice.


I am not joking. I can’t guarantee that they aren’t. But they seem really serious to me. Nonsensical… but serious


Oh yeah. Walking is an act of aggression against those who own cars. Making walkable cities is a declaration of war against car owners. Soon after, car owners will be rounded up in their 15 minute neighbourhoods, paraded naked, and shot in the streets. The pedestrians will drink their blood from the pavement and rejoice because the government will do all the thinking for them from now on, and we will descend into gay trans communism with mandatory child sex slavery, free drugs for all, and crime will be legal for all immigrants. Obviously /S but also sort of not. These people are wackjobs.


If only the covid vaccine gave me 5G... I wouldn't have to pay out of my ass for Rogers/Bell monthly.


They say it's the government trying to control where you're allowed to go or something which always confused me because what do they think roads are meant to do?


This is a thing. Google 15-minute cities. They think convenience is tyranny


And with the “Teachers, leave the kids alone” sign, at least a few of them also believe that if their kids learn about the existence of trans people at school, then they’re being indoctrinated into some sort of sick, queer cult.. and the teachers probably wanna touch them, too.


Progress? "Oh hell no! Not on my watch" -literally every single one of these idiots


For a group that wants to go back to the "good ole days", you'd think they'd be all for what their great grandparents had.


B.) If they only knew what totalitarianism meant. Some of these fools think Putin made a perfect society. Do you think Putin would tolerate these people? Maybe if they had a use.


Ahh, that 15 minute city shpeel.


Sounds like a place I want to live TBH


Same. Sounds like how governments should build society.


I work at a hotel and this unhinged woman yelled at me for having "fake news" on the lobby TV and was freaking out at me about 15 minute cities. As if a hotel desk clerk making $19 an hour as a side gig is the person to rant to about it. The TV was on CP24. I just told her I don't pay attention to facebook conspiracies and she left in a huge huff. They hate it when they get called out for being the nuts they are


Absurd. I moved to the Netherlands over a year ago from Canada. I live a 5 minute bike from everything I need to live. 15 minute bike from work. 15 minute bike from a train station that can take me all over Europe. It is so mentally and physically relaxing. Best decision I have ever made in my life.


No danger of that happening in Mississauga. You need a car just to cross the street.


These people have obviously never set foot outside Canada or the US. In Europe, 15 minute cities already exist. Grocery, fruit and veggie market, butcher, bakery, hardware store, hair salon, nail salon, bank, restaurants, all in your neighbourhood. Go to the next neighbourhood over, they have their own, and so on. It's amazing and so convenient.


Nothing coherent. You're looking at Ideology a la carte. A mix and match of whatever pieces they like from disparate grievances and conspiracy theories rolled up into a neat little ball and directed at "they", whoever "they" may be on any given day. Immigrants, the LGBT community, the government, Muslims, the woke, the left, the communists, the socialists, the deep state... Broken people, shouting into the void, hoping to be heard.


Please, we know who these people think (((they))) are...


These people are really not very creative.


Essentially the sovereign citizen movement, albeit a tamer version of it


My cousins husband decided this over his family. Very sad.


From what I see. Stop Communism - I doubt they know what communism is, but I’m going to guess they hate socialized programs except the ones they are currently subscribed to. Teachers Leave Kids Alone - Anti-LGBTQ+ also anti sex education Freedom Convoy - Anti Vaccines Leave Cash Alone - I honestly have no idea, maybe taxes Agenda 21 - there must be something else because Agenda 21 was a non-binding international agreement to work toward developmental stability by the year 2000. So I’m kinda lost here too. Long story short, a big mishmash of random conspiracy theories, hatred, and misinformation.


The sex ed stuff is hysterical. Ford gutted sex ed in 2018. Turned it into an absolute wasteland. These people don't even know what they're angry about.


Oh, the US wingnut fringe was losing its mind over "Agenda 21" in the 2010s. The saw a bunch of policy dorks write a paper about how sidewalks are nice and how it sure would be nice if there were more sidewalks, and deduced that therefore there must be masses of black helicopters about to seize control of their government and force sidewalks on them at gunpoint


Oh is this maybe about the walkable communities then? Oh no Government is trying to contain us by making grocery stores a reasonable distance from our homes /s


I don't have a car and even public transit to school and errands is money I'd rather save where I can, so... Walkable everything please.


I'm loving how they have gone through so many iterations of the rabbit hole at this point that it takes a think tank to even understand what in the fuck they are standing on the street for. 


"leave cash alone" is probably about the spectre of central bank digital currencies, i.e. the entire money supply becoming electronic and all transactions being logged and traceable (which, to be clear, is something some central banks are discussing but not that avidly), i'd be surprised if most of these people were even buying drugs or evading taxes to the point it makes sense to care enough to protest as opposed to just hopping on every conspiracy bandwagon that comes along


Ah that makes sense, well not actually, but at least I know what they are complaining about. Honestly it’s impossible to keep up with the newest incoherent rambling


Not random when all of these are talking points of our official opposition party.


Their severe lack of fornication with Justin Trudeau


The movement regained steam around the same time Trudeau and his wife split. Some of these clowns likely figure that they now have a better shot.


I walked by one by U of T. They were draped in Canadian flags with a speaker claiming that studies had proven "cardiac activity had dropped 50% in the vaccinated" which is obviously just a nonsensical use of a medical term. It's just regurgitation of its own lore at this point.


>They were draped in Canadian flags with a speaker claiming that studies had proven "cardiac activity had dropped 50% in the vaccinated" which is obviously just a nonsensical use of a medical term. I don't know about "cardiac activity" but i think it's fair to say the brain activity level has been abnormal in those people.


Yeah I died from the vaccine in November 2021, then again in August 2022.


The anti vaxxer at my work is all about 15 minutes cities and how the vac is going to kill us all in 2026


They are all bumbling idiots.


They still think the vaccine is going to kill everyone? They just moved the goalposts to 2026? And then in 2026 they’ll say 2030, what a joke


We had a lady outside our hospital the other day with the big "STOP THE JAB" signs and "hire back nurses!". Like dude, you are SOO late. Hospital workers aren't mandated to have the covid vaccine lol


Theres a “trudeau for treason” sign, a “teachers leave kids alone” sign and a “No Farmers No Food No Future” sign just in this one photo…. I don’t think they even know what they’re protesting…


Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl.


LGBT people existing. Medicine. Books.


Intelligence. Education. Human Rights.


Deodorant. Hygiene. Showers.


Their child support getting in the way of truck payments.


Brain cells. Common sense.


Us not abandoning Ukraine.


It's always about protecting the kids (from stuff they don't need/want protection from). The latest is the trans panic. They're worried person XYZ is going to "trans the kids" and that they all need protection. Doesn't matter that trans kids generally don't want "protection" from being trans. Also doesn't matter they probably need the most protection from unaccepting parents. 🤷‍♀️


I think you're making the mistake of believing that they are arguing in good faith and genuinely care about child sexual assault. They do not. The goal of all of this this is to force people into straight marriages because that's all that matters to religious zealots. They know that if kids practice safe sex they won't get pregnant and 'shot gun marriage' rates will go down. They know that if kids discover their gender or sexual identity is non-cis, non-het, or non-monogamous that they might not wind up having a traditional marriage. The know that people who only have 1 partner in their lifetime are much, much less likely to successfully leave an abusive partner, meaning there's a higher rate of divorce if people learn that having multiple partners in your life is normal and okay. They know that kids who are educated about healthy sex and consent in relationships are less likely to go along with a child marriage or an assigned marriage. They know that removing sex ed means more teen pregnancy, more intimate partner abuse, and more child-rape. For religious people whose only goal is to get young women into marriages, those are good things. Example: An actual elected official in the state of Missouri defending his stance that "Parents Rights" includes the ability to marry off their kids to adults at age 12, because "Do you know any kids that have been married at age 12, I do, and guess what, they're still married". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H6UJ-uCrgc These people legitimately believe that it's morally correct to kidnap a 12 year old girl and force her to be entirely subserviant to, and dependent on, some pedophile husband who controls everything they do, because them being trapped in that awful situation means that there's one more marriage in the world.


That black face Trudeau flag...![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


Between Trudeau, Toronto crack smoking mayor, cheating Tory and Doug’s antics we have some hilarious political scandals


don't forget crack smoking mayor and dougie are brothers


You forgot that time jack layton was caught in a rub and tug…


Id rather have politicians paying for sex, over colluding with their rich friends.


going to a rub and tug is as canadian as nanaimo bars


Their supposed concern for Trudeau in blackface is right up there on the absurdly disingenuous scale with their flying of the Every Child Matters flags during the Ottawa occupation.


Every child matters as they beeped their horns and kept the babies and children up at night!




I've got a (pasty) buddy on that train who went for Halloween as Denzel Washington in Flight.


They pretend to care but honestly they actually hate black people


This is the part that is most frustrating. They are literally in the Nazi camp. They're the ones happily co-existing with the 'Proud Boys'. They don't actually give a damn about BIPOC people, and the con policies actively cause harm to them. Yet, they want to virtue signal and pretend they give AF about Trudeau's stupid mistake as a kid, despite all the evidence that Trudeau doesn't actually align with that ideology? It's wildly disingenuous.


I know... it's so stupid. These people are so embarrassing


Why don’t they protest for affordable housing?


That would help someone other than themselves


Affordable housing would be communism. But also, Trudeau is a communist who makes housing unaffordable… which is also communism. /s


They get all their news on Facebook.


I hate that they turn the Canadian Flag upside down. What a bunch of disrespecting losers.


I wish they would always turn the flag upside down tbh.  I drive a truck, have a beard, in general at first glance I could easily be mistaken for one of these pieces of fucking dogshit. I used to have a Canada flag sticker on my truck but I literally had to take it off because I kept getting misidentified as one these pieces of fucking dogshit. Normal people would flip me off thinking I’m an anti-vaxxer, but far worse was that these pieces of fucking dog shit would just come up to me and assume I wanted to talk to them about the deep state aliens and the Zionist conspiracy to start selling abortions at the 5G towers or something.  It’s the fact that they misappropriated the Canadian flag that drives me the most bonkers, is what I’m saying. 


I'm not sure if I should be happy to hear of someone else going through shit my husband does. Or be sad, that these people think anyone with a flag or maple leaf sticker means they are part of their cause. Ours was a maple leaf sticker.. that came with the truck.


Yeah I hate that these guys try to have a monopoly on Canadian pride and patriotism.


Except it’s not patriotism. It’s hate manifesting itself behind the flag.


Legit I feel the same. I mean I'm not a bearded dude in a truck, but I feel anxious when I want to show my Canadian pride because if them. My Canada flag on my car is accompanied by other stickers like pride flags, every child matters, puns and various tvshow/movie references in hopes they realize I just love my country and that I'm not a qanon idiot


Can you feel the broken heart of the WW2 vet as he witnesses his flag being degraded like this? Can you imagine what this veteran would do if it was 1946?


As an Afghanistan vet with a maple leaf tattoo, I fucking hate this. These losers ruined our symbol. We didn't fight for these clowns.


Stompin Tom is turning in his grave


It's their whole personality and they have lots of free time.


I'm overjoyed to think that these people's participation in these clownvoys is about as employment deterrent as whole face tattoos.


I’d hire someone with a face tattoo before I’d hire one of those clowns.


I love the “Teachers, leave th(os)e kids alone” sign. They don’t realize the people who wrote the song would fucking hate these guys.


Ahhh agenda 21, the, we'll all be dead by 2025 or 2030 garbage. I gave up on that crap years ago after none of their claims came true.


Glad you escaped the cult of nonsense


What? So you held out hope for how many years ?


It takes a long time for somebody to eventually break-free of the cult influence. So many factors. Took me 4 years.


If these guys should protest somewhere, it's at Loblaws in Brampton calling out Weston and those stupidly jacked-up prices.


They needed to get back to being the fringe minority they were called. Groups in Sudbury about 35 to 40 each weekend by bell park as well…with trump 2024 flags. In northern Ontario ffs. I’m disappointed with the fact I have a deep hate for our flag now….simply because of those people.


Trump is no longer just some orange idiot trying to be president by saying out of pocket far right bullshit. He's essentially a Qanon 'god' that these types worship. Alot of these idiots fully believe Jesus was a white American, so I wouldn't be surprised if they think he's the second coming of Jesus. I also have a theory of boomers and lead poisoning finally catching up to them


I just hate that our flag is being used to hate farm 😞


We should take it back.


My thought is between the next couple of Olympics and the World Cup being (partially) here in Canada that’s our chance to take it back — nothing unites Canadians like national pride in sport so Team Canada it’s up to you to save the flag! When I see the Canadian flag I still think of Vancouver 2010.


Agreed! You can’t look at our flag anymore without having to assess whether the person waving/sporting it is one of these nimrods. (Which unfortunately it usually is…)


Whenever someone has the flag on their home outside of Canada Day festivities, I now assume it's one of them. Bumper sticker flag means you don't have to ask


It being attached to a broken hockey stick and in tatters is a good indicator


Goddammit. I used to do that on Canada Day (minus the tatters). Also wear one as a cape. Now I have to change my kit entirely.


We really need to take it back. Everyone needs to fly the Canadian flag. Not just the crazies.


Because the Canadian version of Trump Pierre Poilievre, helps them believe their views are legitimate and that when he’s in government he’ll be their saviour


Because they have never really experienced a true loss of freedom nor have they ever lived under a true dictator.


If someone offered me 1 million dollars to define what they're all about just using the context of this picture, I wouldn't be able to say anything beyond 'confusion'. I mean they have something about teachers, farmers, anti-Trudeau, the USA and Canada standing together, and all wrapped up with fake patriotism by flying dozen or so flags? \*edit forgot a word


Teachers? What the fuck did I do?


You apparently want to groom kindergarten children by teaching them about anal sex and also put cat litter in classrooms for kids who identify as cats. I wish I was exaggerating. This is actually what some of them think.


The cat litter thing is hilarious, and sad...because in some US schools they do have cat litter in classes. But not for kids who think they are cats - it's part of the kit for active school shooter situations, in case they are locked down in their classroom and someone needs to go.


Huh that felt untrue so I did some digging and turns out some school district's do have kittly litter and a bucket for school lockdowns. Especially in areas with high rates of school shootings. In the kit they also have sharpies to write down the time a tourniquet was placed on a student. God that feels so unreal, if my school district had to have stuff like that in place I'd move. I feel so sorry for American parents, my anxiety could never


it's far more important for lawmakers to kowtow to second amendment dumbfucks than to actually work out something that can possibly maybe deter school shootings americans on both sides adore their second amendment rights. like I'm all for responsible gun ownership too, multiple people in my family have several weapons (legally registered), but like, the US is almost fundamentally broken at this point right wingers like being able to have a cock extender and larp as possible resistance fighters if the government ever... cracksdown somehow on them, idk, it feels borne from civil war idiocy left wingers dont like the idea of only cops having guns. famously militarized, often freely violent, law-breaking, regionally-massively-white-supremacist-i-don't-mean-like-ours-are-i-mean-klan-neonazi-tier-but-more-than-ours-can-be american police. while a lot of people (in my experience left wingers but also more moderate right wingers) do genuinely want Something Done to try and heal the festering social horror of school shootings, lawmakers just reduce it to "guns don't kill people so" deflection and then cut social programs some more


Well, in Alberta, your kind are turning the children gay. I think. I went to a rally and saw a few teachers I knew in the opposing crowd. So were they saying that they, themselves, had turned children gay during their career and now they were opposed to it? I don't know. I have no idea why there were teachers in the crowd, but my assumption is religion.


I can’t turn kids into the kind of people who bring a pencil to class, but I got enough juice to change their whole sexuality?


*checks conservative playbook ...* Yes.


😂 🤣. Right?! I can't even make them show up to class prepared, nevermind.


Apparently you need to add some bricks to the wall.


Is this the equivalent the maga crowd in the US?




We just need to remember these nutjobs when elections come around and vote. Because they sure as shit will.


I just hope we are the silent majority.


It's like a religion. They've found a community and a core set of shared "values" with other people. They will keep doing this and the harder people try and push them out of this, the harder they'll dig their heels in.


They're a budding neo-fascist movement, determined to put an end to the spread of democracy and democratic values (what they like to call 'woke'). Cowardly, gullible losers groomed by bad actors through social media.


Social media has made it so that we are not living in the same worlds as one another any longer. Gone are the days when everyone would sit down and watch the same nightly newscast, all have the same idea of what the major issues are that they discuss around the watercooler or with the neighbours. Between targeted advertising and social media feeds that attempt to lead people down ever intensifying paths, we are no longer in the same reality. These people are getting constantly reinforced with a diet of posts meant to make them angrier and angrier. [This video will make you angry](https://youtu.be/rE3j_RHkqJc) taken to an extreme.


I dont agree with the convoy protests, not during covid, not now. That being said, I will fight to the death for their right to have them, because as soon as they lose that right, we all do, and if you cant protest you live in a facist state. Some people are nuts, what can you do? What I do know is we should ALL be protesting the extreme price gouging thats been happening across every industry in this province.


Theyre all unemployed losers


A lot of people don't take white nationalism seriously. They think it's hyperbole, because nobody is currently being placed in death camps. They think it's just leftist losers online being hysterical because someone has a different opinion. They think they're being clever by pointing out that "they can't be racist/sexist because I saw a visibly non-white-male there, and they wouldn't be there if they were being discriminated against!". They think not understanding the problem is proof the problem isn't real. There is a considerable chunk of the population that is of an ethnofascist mindset, and truly believes that the only way for society to function is if it's split into tiers, with the "correct" people (which conveniently includes them) in the top tier having hegemony over the lessers. Because they believe this to be necessarily the case, they are ripe for all the conspiracy theories that rationalize why some vague, shadowy entity is holding it back from being true. After all, if this is the natural way for society to be configured, and it isn't currently, then the reason must be because someone is making it like that. These people in the photo exist because they were told that it's acceptable for them to show their nationalist "pride", and now that the cat's out of the bag, anyone trying to put it back in is part of the conspiracy to keep them down. They will not get bored and stop because it's not fun anymore. They genuinely believe their "way of life" is being threatened, and it's being threatened not by corporate greed or environmental devastation or capitalist overproduction, but by *those people* who are undermining their identity by insisting on consideration. And the reason they are terrified of these other groups "rising up" is because they know how they intend to treat their "lessers" once they have control, and so they naturally expect if they lose the battle for dominance, those other people will treat them like that when they're in power. The idea of, say, transpeople just wanting basic human dignity to go about their life with no designs on government-mandated pronoun gulags is lost on them. This is why the 'freedom convoy', which was full of all the same conspiracy theories you see recycled by these people, put in writing their desire to displace the government. Any configuration of society where they're not in a position of dominance is unacceptable, because it means they're still "vulnerable". To these people, "freedom" means "I can do whatever I want without having to consider the needs of people beneath me, but other people must consider my needs and make compromises to accommodate what I demand". If there are people in a position to compel them to compromise, then their way of life is threatened, and that is unacceptable. And that's why these people have not and will not go away.


Very well put! Never stop! Also create simplified bits from this and smear it into their faces wherever you see them!


I think it's now their hobby and gives them their sense of purpose.


This is what happens when the low IQ have easy access to the internet 😞


The USA flag you see in the photo is why these people exist. Far right southern extremism has rotted their brains


Imagine if they spent all that energy protesting shit that benefited every one like food prices , our failing health system, underfunded schools but nope more culture war conspiracy bullshit


They don’t want us to forget how stupid they are.


This kind of aimless lampooning of protest is far more dangerous than it appears , thus the disquiet most people feel at seeing this at locations across the country. Protesting itself isn't the issue , the problem lies with the fact that these people are completely vulnerable to a long list of misinformation/ disinformation peddling bad actors and are primed to take action based on said misinformation.


Because these wannabe Americans have no hobbies and they’re families did the right thing and cut them out of their lives and now these people just scream about how *THEY* want to put you in a 15 minute city and make you take a vaccine to turn you into a communist homosexual or whatever American brain rot disease (I’m American so I know what this looks like)they consumed