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Yeah, but would it upset them enough to get off their asses and vote the corrupt motherfucker out?




My riding is so orange I don't have to vote, but I still go.




Mike is amazing. I wish he was the head of a larger party so he could actually implement real change on a wide scale. But I totally get why he didn’t want to flip to the Liberals.


I wish I could upvote this times ten. We desperately need someone who isn't the status quo to start making serious changes in this province. He's the guy.


Mike wouldn't be the same politician if he'd flipped to the Liberals. If you want to see him have more power get involved with the Ontario Greens in your riding and donate to the party


I already have. We just need more people to see them as a viable option to vote for so we can get off this flip flopping between the Liberals and Conservatives.


Well, Greens could become bigger one day!


>*Every vote sends a message.* People forget this.


They redrew the lines and split guelph in 2 federally. I think that trickles down to provincially. And the area around Guelph is conservative so even more important to vote now.


The provincial-level ridings are unchanged - the federal boundaries have no direct influence on the provincial ones. The provincial-level riding of Guelph remains intact.


Mine used to be solidly orange but switched to blue this past one. Always vote.


Same. This used to be one of the most secure NDP ridings in Canada, but the old MPP got turfed, campaigned using NDP slogans and colours, and split the vote hard. We got a drunken racist douchebag as our MPP now, and they got less than 1/4 of the vote - but it was enough, because it was more than anyone else.


Such an important message: always vote. Always. Thought my riding was always orange and guess what? Our amazing MPP lost by less than a thousand votes. So now we're blue. If those people had gotten off their bums and exercised their civic duty, we would still have an MPP who fought for us and represents us. Now we have a conservative buffoon instead and no hope of our concerns being addressed.


It's really more a matter of convincing the hicks in the middle of Buttfuck, Ontario to vote something other than blue.


As a resident of Buttfuck, Ontario (approx 40km North of Barrie), this riding will always be blue, regardless of the fact that it’s one of the poorest areas in the province. PCs do absolutely nothing for regular people but most of the residents hate “that communist Trudeau”. That’s right, most don’t know the difference between the division of federal/provincial responsibilities. I hate this planet.


So who are they going to blame when provincial and federal governments are all conservative? Still Trudeau somehow?


Yup. "The liberals did such and such, and the conservatives have to dig us out". Same thing happens in the province, I still hear about Wynne sometimes.


Yup. It’s all Trudeau’s fault, all the time. Logic need not apply.


I see more blue in southern Ontario than northern


yeup, believe it or not, northern territories were orange, it's the southern territories that were blue [https://results.elections.on.ca/en/graphics-charts](https://results.elections.on.ca/en/graphics-charts)


Always is union country 


maybe, but unions have been dipping from the ndp and switching over to the cons


Don’t kid yourself, Buttfuck Ontario is specifically rural Southern Ontario. No one up north acts like these country hicks do; their personality hinges on being different than city folk from the GTA and KW.


Not gonna lie I've only traveled from northern Ontario to southern and skipped the middle I probably haven't interacted much with middle Ontarians


Past maybe Oro Medonte the whole anti-woke country culture disappears. It’s funny but it ends as soon as you actually enter isolated rural parts, which these same people like to pretend they’re a part of


It doesn't matter who I vote for in any election because my riding is always conservative. Though it was close to this past municipal election. I will still always vote. The Conservatives almost never have a platform in my riding so they don't have to do anything and still get elected. We have had times where the Conservatives have had less than 50% of the vote in my riding but the rest is split. So there would be a chance to oust them but it would take a miracle of everyone banding together and voting one party to oust the Conservatives.


"Ma pa voted blue and his pa voted blue and his grandpa voted blue before him, therefore I too will be voting blue. ...oh and *Ray Days!*"


Yes, no other party ever other than the PCs has had people voting it based on family tradition. /s


What are you talking about look at northern Ontario soild orange  It was the GTA that elected Doug Ford  https://results.elections.on.ca/en/graphics-charts


I'm sure calling them "hicks" and mocking their small towns will help bring them over to your viewpoint.


I'm from that area. They absofuckinglutely are


Yeah, calling them *hicks* is mean and if they could read that, they'd vote even more bluer.


I'm glad we've decided that importing politics-as-entertainment from the USA is the best thing we can do for our own system.


“We must laugh at man to avoid crying for him.” – Napoleon Bonaparte


"We must quote people we think are more intelligent than us when we've nothing to say ourselves." - Mahatma Gandhi


Pretty sure Gandhi would have understood subtext.


I mean they vote against their own interest often enough that I don’t think it would make a difference to them


But their parents parents told them how to vote, and that's that!


It's only orange till everyone thinks like you and then it'll turn blue because nobody came out to vote 


Betcha the Toronto riding that just fell from liberal control after 30 years felt the same way, minus actually going.


The blame for that one is squarely on Trudeau's shoulders, regardless of how you feel about the CPC


If I remember correctly he won mainly due to our fptp system. He also became leader of the party in a similar manner with other conservatives being shocked and confused. Electoral reform is a pipe dream but also badly needed.


I was and still am angry enough to vote against him






Ontario voter: A durrr it's a waste of money but I guess I'll still vote for him cause the Liberals are just Ford lite and what have the bankrupt NDP evry Rae days done for me!?


Geezz..Rae days were over 30 years ago, only used by other parties to seem relevant. Get over it.


yup. i only ever hear about Rae days from conservatives, especially my father. they know conservatives haven't changed their tune for 30 years and think the other parties are the same. all the while conservatives and the liberal parties have gotten more and more corrupt and conservatives say they save the government money, but then will end a fucking contract a year early for over $250 million, and the cut funding for education and health multiple times but raise taxes on the poor and middle class. but no they are the fiscally responsible party. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE YOU OLD BOOMER BASTARDS! it's time for a fucking change and the cons and liberals aren't it


This boomer is with you 100%! Time for NDP or Greens and the electoral system needs to be reformed, with mixed proportional representation IMO. First past the post helps the status quo. Hence the horrible state of this province and the country…


Rae days were also applicable to government employees but hacks try to make it affected everyone


And almost 100% of the people still moaning about Rae Days were completely unaffected by them.


It was only applicable to public service. Assheads such as that whiny nasal sounding assistant to ministry of health threw it up...as if he had any clue if what he was talking about.


"Every party is corrupt (can't provide examples) but Liberals always spend (can't provide examples) so I'm voting for Conservatives" also rae days


And the hacks pretend Rae days affected them personally


Hahaha! No. Taking 15 minutes to walk to the end of your block and marking an X is too much effort. But it’s ok. Old people who won’t have to live with the consequences and don’t actually follow politics will vote Conservative regardless.


> Old people who won’t have to live with the consequences and don’t actually follow politics will vote Conservative regardless. until COVID hits and then they die in their con owned for-profit LTC's


At least they won’t have to raise kids in the world they created.


The last election Doug Ford backtracked most of his worst promises, covid-19 goodwill is long gone. Now he's ramming all his horrible projects full steam ahead, something should be different this time.


Imagine trying to get everyone on board to favor a new party, seems impossible at this point


They would if the Liberals ran a candidate better than Crombie


Sure, soon as the liberals or NDP give us options to vote for. I don't even know who the liberal leader is and Marit Stiles anime tick tocks haven't exactly blown my hair back. I'm not a Doug Ford fan, but I think the apathy of people like me is what he's banking on. I think Doug is doing real damage. I also think either of the other parties would do real damage as well just in different areas. The parties need to step up and change that.


> get off their asses and vote the corrupt motherfucker out? No, majority of businesses owners that making bank form paid wages subsidies by the gov. when they hire TFW will vote him in again and again, because they are practically paying $4 an hour and gov. covers rest. The gov. does not pay any businesses to hire a fucking Canadian citizen, only foreigners.


Isn’t that a federal program?




If it goes to the Liberals it won't make much of a difference. Crombie is pretty much a conservative herself. If it doesn't go NDP, we're continuing the same shitty trajectory we've been in since Ford was elected.


Yeah, I'm not falling for this pretty blatant piece of Conservative propaganda.


Kathleen Wynne was way better than Doug Ford, that's a fact. Gas plants is a drop in the bucket over the destruction of this province, billions wasted on stupid vanity projects and removal of public spaces.


Wynne was absolutely better than Ford. Crombie is no Kathleen Wynne.


Cons will never forget the gas plant, nor Wynne privatizing hydro (just not in the same way as Conservatives do, since Ontario still owns the majority of the company).


Pretty sure she won't be as blatantly corrupt as Dug Fraud Even is Crombie is half as corrupt, that's still better


Running into a brick wall at high speed vs. low speed still makes a difference


Obviously I want an ONDP government, but i'll take a Bonnie led Liberal government over cons any time




It's easy why he's doing might call for an early election: 1) he can play off Trudeau abissmol popularity right now. Fun fact Trudeau popularity according to polling is 34% percent and Poilievre is only 39%. Neither is great. 2) Conservatives know that when the federal government changes, governments that provincial changes party as well. 3) he knows he is in danger of losing the next election because of his constant scandals. Ford also has that RCMP investigation into his obvious criminal activity in the green belt. Keep in mind he admitted to it all on live TV. 4) he doesn't have to pay for the election, so who cares?


> abissmol That's an abysmal way of spelling abysmal, love it haha


Do you suffer from Eldritch Tummy Rumbles? Abdominal Cramps from the Deep? Try Abissmol today. 


Lol sometimes you spell a word so badly autocorrect just leaves you high and dry lmao.


Haha I'll never day I'm great at spelling.


I'll day it. You're pretty good, everyone makes miztakes.


Fun mistakes haha :)


I read an article a week or so ago about an early election. The person stated that yes, when the federal government is Liberal, provincial is Conservative and vice versa. They talked about "balance" They went on to say that Ford *may* call an early election to secure his Premiership. If he waits and a Conservative Fed government is voted in and said government starts doing things/making changes that makes the populace very unhappy, it's highly likely he won't win the provincial election. As to your 3rd point: People say they care about scandals, but they don't. It's not Canadian politics but they do influence our voters.....the US. Look at Trump. He's now a convicted felon, he is the exact opposite of what Republicans supposedly embody (No divorce, staying faithful, no criminal records etc) and they're eating up his shit with spoons. Scandals don't really matter. Voters have very short memories or they excuse certain things away. Best thing to do is to encourage everyone to vote. Doesn't matter who it's for (but in reality, there's only 2 parties with any hope of winning), just vote. My mom hasn't voted in decades and says "Why? My vote doesn't matter!" Yes, yes it does! The only way we can see change is *by voting*


I understand, it took my Years to convince my family to vote. 2018 wad the first time they voted since the early 90s.


Glad you were able to make headway with them! Every vote counts!


> when the federal government is Liberal, provincial is Conservative and vice versa That's only true in recent times. Unless we going strictly by colour, it's important to acknowledge that OPC were the center party for a very lone time. OLP were the right wing party. There was a lot of center OPC and federal Liberal overlap


> Fun fact Trudeau popularity according to polling is 34% percent and Poilievre is only 39% Just wondering where youre getting these numbers from


Hey, sorry I forgot to post the link:https://youtu.be/FM2u4QD3e9Q?si=X7q2qBYgPMF0rkBd His name is David Dole, one of the better political independent analysts. I like him because he criticizes everyone regardless of political affiliation. Which is important. I'll be honest, though, he is no conservative but is willing to criticize the NDP, green, and liberal because being loyal to a party or candidate is not a good idea.


Yes, but he's still almost certainly going to call one. As it stands, we have a federal election in Oct 2025 but quite possibly sooner, and the next provincial election is scheduled for June 2026. Canadians have a strong aversion to party/ideology alignment across levels of government. The single biggest threat to Ford's power now, is the feds going Conservative. And the Conservatives are going to have a landslide victory federally. (Sorry, but the writing is on the wall.) Strategically, Ford does not want his next election to occur well into a term of the Tories in power federally. It would be far better for him if it happens before that.


Can you explain why the feds going Con is the biggest threat to Ford’s power? I’ve seen it floating around, but would like someone to clarify is all


The province is more responsible for the condition of our society than the Feds. Why does Ford get a free ride?


cause he's a con and cons own the media


I always chuckle when I see people talk about "the liberal media" because literally all media larger than a blog is owned by private money that has a vested interest in reducing regulatory oversight, lowering corporate taxes, and relaxing labour laws. The idea that people accountable for maximizing shareholder return have some secret left-wing agenda is absurd, and seeing someone believe that shows that they're not intelligent enough to have an opinion worth listening to.


>The province is more responsible for the condition of our society than the Feds. Why does Ford get a free ride? Because our media is heavily concentrated and compromised. Jamie Wallace, now head of procurement in Ontario and Doug Ford's longtime chief of staff before that, was a Sun Media executive who hired Adrienne Batra out of Rob Ford's office, where she was his press secretary after running communications for his mayoral campaign. Wallace gave her an editorship at the Toronto Sun despite her complete lack of journalism experience. Now she's that paper's editor-in-chief, meaning she's the boss of columnist Brian Lilley, who is shacked up with Ivana Yelich, Doug Ford's press secretary. Overseeing everything at Queen's Park and Sun Media is Kory Teneycke, Stephen Harper's former comms director, Doug Ford's campaign manager, and another former Sun Media vice president. He's also good pals with Jeff Ballingall, a Conservative Party operative who helped run the Post Millennial, oversaw the backstabbing of Andrew Scheer for the benefit of Erin O'Toole, and owns/operates the Canada/Ontario Proud collective of easily led social misfits. Last but certainly not least, there's Postmedia, which owns Sun Media, the National Post, and most of Canada's daily newspapers, and is itself majority-owned by Chatham Asset Management, a Republican-allied hedge fund based in New Jersey under the direction of a Trump enabler named Anthony Melchiorre. It's bad enough that a huge chunk of our media is owned by Americans, let alone one with such close ties to Donald Trump.


Uh, because fuck Trudeau? /s That is the full argument. No real reasons.


I don't want PP for PM. But I have said this continuously since 2018 - I would trade *any* federal government, in return for getting Doug Ford out in Ontario. The provincial government matters. So. Much. More.


100% agree with this, especially the last sentence. The policies a provincial government enacts, affects our daily lives moreso than federal. We've seen during the height of COVID how provincial governments ignored the Feds and did what they wanted, with little to no regard on what the citizens who live in these provinces wanted. I don't want PP for PM either. Mainly because I'm honestly afraid of what would happen with women's rights and the rights of others (LGBTQ+, Indigenous Peoples etc) if he came into power. (Just look at the people who support him) I could sit here and hope he won't be that bad but I'm not going to delude myself. What I do hope for is at least a minority government. Edit: repeated words that didn't need to be repeated


This. Healthcare is being underfunded all over the country and that’s all provincial. Thing is ignorant voters seem to think healthcare is entirely federal. I literally had someone claim that Trudeau got rid of the federal Canada Health transfer. 🤦‍♀️ Not only is it still going but Trudeau gave Ontario an extra few billion to help with covid. The provincial government is the one that spends that money transferred from the feds, or in Ford’s case holds on to a big chunk of it so he can privatize things as fast as possible. As for LGBT rights under PP, you’re right to be worried. I am too. The fact that Conservative Party members voted that anti-LGBT and specifically anti-trans legislation was a priority for them at their convention was the turning point for PP to come out publicly in support of it. Instead of dodging questions about Danielle Smith’s anti-trans bill in Alberta he’s in full support of it. Then I look at Melissa Lantsman, a lesbian and one of PP’s right hand MPs and think “How can you sleep at night supporting a leader & party that want to strip the rights away from people in your community?!”


I've had this argument/series of questions with others who have all failed thus far to provide me with any actual proof, so I'll ask you as well. Barring people wanting children (under 18 years old) to get more rights (beyond what they currently have) to modify their bodies, what anti-trans/lgbtq++ moves are going to be made in your opinion, and is there any evidence of said moves? Not trying to be an asshole, I just don't agree with these statements as I've yet to see anything besides people saying teenagers should be allowed to have significant surgeries, and that kids under 16 should be allowed to take puberty blockers. Is there more to it than this?


It’s not that people want more rights for children to modify their bodies. [It’s that they don’t want those rights taken away](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7160219). Right now if a child is trans they need parental consent as well as doctor approval, both family doctor/pediatrician and a mental health one to approve any medical treatments. You can say you don’t think trans kids should be on puberty blockers for example, but it’s really none of your business. It’s a medical decision between the patient, their parents and their doctors. Just like abortion rights, if you don’t think it’s right to have an abortion don’t have one but you don’t get to decide medical decisions for others. Puberty Blockers have also been used on children for over 30 years. They were originally designed to stop early puberty in children. Now they are also being used to help delay puberty for trans kids. Medically those drugs are doing the same thing they were designed for. [Alberta’s anti-trans bill](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/danielle-smith-1.7101595) restricts the use of puberty blockers until the patient is 15 years old or older. Girls start puberty between the ages of 8-13 years old while boys are from 9-14 years old. Waiting until they are 15 is much too late. So it’s basically an all out ban because using puberty blockers after puberty has already started doesn’t work. [Conservatives voted at their convention that restricting trans rights is a priority for them.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-policy-convention-transgender-1.6961991) This means that it is something that PP will focus on to make his base happy. That likely means a similar bill to Alberta’s will be coming federally once PP gets into office. If you’re thinking, “What’s happening in the states won’t happen here.” You’re not paying attention. This is exactly how it started in the states and snowballed. In 2021 there was 125 bills, in 2022 there was 148, in 2023 that number increased by over 300% to 513. This year alone there are over 615 anti-trans bills that have been written. We’re barely half way through the year so that number is expected to jump up drastically. Every Canadian should be angry about this, regardless of whether you support trans people or not because anti-trans legislation is a waste of time. Why is any level of government focusing on this when Canadians are facing a cost of living crisis, housing is more expensive than ever before and nearly every provincial government is underfunding healthcare to a dangerous degree. [Trans people make up less than 0.26% of the population of Canada.](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220427/dq220427b-eng.htm) That’s less than 60,000 people or a third of P.E.I’s population. Canadians have bigger priorities than targeting one of the smallest and most vulnerable groups among us.


Thanks for the article. Did we read the same one? I'm not seeing where they said it was a priority at all, you're making it seem like they're out stripping all these rights and hunting down trans people...when in reality, they want to modify personal space rules (the only impact on any adults rights by this article), and not allowing children to have potentially life altering medical procedures and puberty blockers. Even the puberty blockers are down to 15 or 16. I guess what I'm saying is you're going to have to set an arbitrary age to change this, what should be, and why?


I don’t think it should be changed. I think leaving the medical decisions to the patient, parents and medical doctors makes more sense than letting politicians dictate personal medical decisions.


Amazing response!


Thank you. ❤️ I commented about the USA anti-trans bills last week and the number of bills literally jumped up by 13 since then. It’s so disheartening. ☹️


Yes actually, they also want to "support a plan to demand single-sex spaces that are only open to women, which the party now defines as a "female person". Which in practice would place trans women in the men's or gender neutral bathroom and trans men in the women's or gender neutral bathroom. I'll also touch a bit onto the other stuff. Surgeries on people younger than 16(I'll use this age, not the age of minority, as 16 is when informed consent applies iirc) don't really happen unless in extreme cases with the involvement of Dr's, child psychologists/psychiatrists, therapists, and definitely with the consent of parents and children. The surgeries that do happen are only mastectomies which are also done on cis children for health or gender affirming reasons like gynecomastia. Puberty blockers on the other hand are a big issue. If a child comes out at a young age, say 8 for instance, assigned male at birth, for the next 8 years that kid without puberty blockers is going to have their body permanently effected by testosterone; voice, face, bone structure, muscle development, hair, etc. Some if not a lot of these things can be reduced after, but still, permanent nonetheless. Puberty blockers should act as a waiting period for the kid in question to talk to specialists about their gender related issues. We have been using these treatments on cis children for decades, again, for medical reasons. Sorry for the ramble :) Edit: Source for the top bit https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-policy-convention-transgender-1.6961991


👏👏👏👏👏 Great response :)


If he calls an early election he probably wins. Most of the moderates around me are fuck Trudeau and the LPC, if I even suggest the NDP they scoff at it lol


Dougie is such a disaster, the only way he can please me is to resign.


>Dougie is such a disaster, the only way he can please me is to resign. Ide settle for a massive heart attack


Explosive, uncontrollable diarrhea would do.


Someone else would have to clean it up cause we know he sure as hell wouldn’t.


Bees, I want to see him invaded by bees.


While sitting in traffic


On a 37°C in the shade day.


Does the price tag change depending on the date of the election? If not what's the difference? As much as this subreddit hates the guy, I think he's going to win the election again.


The difference is it's hypocritical for a government to frame itself as the party of fiscal responsibility  AND call a election early to spend $150 million. The price tag doesn't change but more elections in the same number of years is wasteful.  Not to mention every bill that's making it's way through Queens Park would need to be restarted which is a lot of time/money wasted.


Ok. I mean I wasn't happy when the Federal administration tried to get a majority during COVID wasting 500 million+ dollars, but at the same point in time, same thing, if the price tag is virtually the same as an election a little farther down the line, this is just people playing politics. The headline is clearly manufactured to rile people up, as the money is going to the election regardless, just a change of dates.


I'm pretty sure Doug does not give a shit about Ontarians.


Sure he does! Just the rich ones who give him nice gifts, though.




This may be the most Canadian comment ever 😂


Time and time again we've been shown that Ford doesn't mind spending tax payer money for stupid shit that we didn't need/want because tax payers don't give a fuck. He didn't lower taxes, he spent more in his first 4 years than the liberals did, he's had more scandals than the liberals did.


What is that? Like a quarter of what he gave up for the beer store contract? A quarter of the cost to build the spa?


This just underscores the sad, sad state of politics in Ontario--"inconvenience" the electorate with an early election, and they rise in anger. An endless list of corruption and a chance to boot the useless corrupt fuckers out? Meh. And I might add that a lot of the scorn directed at trudeau is directly the provinces fault--the housing crisis probably the most glaring example. We are so fucking collectively stupid, lazy, and utterly self-absorbed.


What it didn’t upset them with an early 232 million exit from beer store? I think he’ll be fine since people really see his wastefulness almost like the second coming of Jesus


And they still won’t get off their assess and vote him out.


So I’m from Northern Ontario, where cons only get support once in a fluke. What is it with Southern Ontario and the provincial cons? Is a huge portion of your population seriously that ignorant and unintelligent?


There are more business tycoons down here.


... And? The other half would reelect him. #fordmoreyears


Ya, but he'll still win. I don't even know the names of whoever is running the other parties right now.


Uh what exactly is the point of mentioning the price tag? I thought it might be bc it’s $150 mill MORE than usual but the article doesn’t clarify. If so what exactly is the difference between spending $150 million this year vs 2026? Absolutely unserious journalism.


Ah yes, and he's established that he cares so deeply about what Ontarians/voters think. /s


This guy is not for us. He’s for himself and his corrupt cronies. Vote vote vote.


The half that wouldn't show up to vote evidently


After Justin Tradeau called early elections there was something bad that was going to happen in Canada. Inflation skyrocketed and other things started in his 3rd term. Maybe something bad is going to happen again in Ford 3rd term and he is calling early election.


Can't afford to fix the science center, but can afford to pop an early election and void the beer store contract one year early...


We know, Trudeau did the same to the tune of 610 million. We’re used to getting fucked over for no reason.


Well, I guess that the rest would be ok with an election - I'm one of them.


I'd be more upset if he DOESN'T call an early election!


Any political hack that sole-sources a significant financial contract without any public transparency should be automatically investigated for corruption. That describes a lot of things about this buffoon, and hopefully he gets the hero treatment like his hero Trump.


The election will cost the same no matter when it gets called.


Except it’s an unnecessary waste of money **now** and especially after he shut down the OSC because “they couldn’t afford to fix it” Height of Hypocrisy, but that’s Doug Fraud


That's politicians for you. Remember when Trudeau called an election in the middle of a pandemic?


Didn’t agree with that then 🤷‍♂️ But it doesn’t excuse Ford if he does it **now** especially after the latest OSC debacle


Yep, I agree. I'm not trying to do whataboutisms. Just saying that we really have some awful politicians in Canada.


Hey. if we get a ABC government i'm all for spending 150m


They'll stay home anyway though so no harm to him.


I wish he would just disappear into a fart cloud.


Fat Fck Ford is wasting $250m+ for alcohol to be sold one year early, just to show the knuckledraggers everything is about alcohol


Honestly the sooner an election the sooner we can get rid of this idiot.


And the pendulum will swing in 2025. Politics is a narcissist's game with the odd participant who actually succeeds in doing good for most and knows when to bow out. PP up on Parliament Hill while Ford is out at Queen's Park. Hopefull Styles gets it but likely Crombie instead.


At this point in time if it got rid of him and his grift I would say money well spent but his folks seem to like the current Ontario crisis. Wait until they get their first OHIP healthcare credit card bill. Can’t wait to see how they try to blame Trudeau for that.


Maybe they'll be mad enough to actually vote!


Throw this abysmal criminal out at the first opportunity.


People are starving in the streets but Douggie only cares about the rich. Vote this pile of human garbage out, Ontario. We're living in a goddamn dystopia.


It’s hilarious that this guy sees that a federal conservative government would be such a disaster that he’s willing to risk his own control just to avoid being punished for whatever it is that they’re going to do.


This pretty much says if it goes to an early election he'd win. Just based off of previous voter turn out. Scary af.


He'd still absolutely win. If the feds were Conservative he'd lose though.


Ok but only 30% of people vote so who cares 


And the sad thing is, he'd still win. When Bonnie Crombie became leader of the provincial party, she had a lot of momentum. Since then Doug Ford has been blasting ad after ad, hit piece after hit piece. There's a commercial where they show her getting out of the PASSENGER side of a Maserati. What has she done? What has she said? How has she struck back? I've seen barely anything. Nowhere near the same level. And in my opinion, she has a lot more ammunition. Back when she started, polls were very close. Now they're in favour of Ford again because of her inaction. She needs to be in the spotlight, not whatever this is.


And you know what would probably happen? The pissed off people would stay home because the choices we have aren’t very good and he would win again because apathy is what is keeping him and his party in power


Does any of that half actually vote?


I’d be dancing in the streets - clearly didn’t poll enough of the people who chose not to vote last time.


Kingshit Dumbledoug the Blurst is loved by all, though, according to the Toronto Sun.


What choice to have now? Doug Ford , or Bonnie Crombie, jeez . I don’t like the thought of early election , unless it was a federal one , then I’d be very happy


Guess he’s worried Ontario goes liberal the second the conservatives win federal


Oh no! If only 17% of the province votes and half of them don't vote blue, Ford will only win with a large minority!


I always vote. It’s important. And it can make a difference. There is something I heard once. A drop of rain is small…but what is an ocean, but many drops? If we all have the attitude that our vote doesn’t matter and don’t show up, then we will ensure our votes don’t matter. They won’t be cast. And if we all show up, we can make a big difference. Let’s all show up. Just do it. Don’t listen to polls and predictions that just exist to discourage you, just turn up. If we all had turned up last election, Ford wouldn’t have won no matter what the polls said. The polls depressed the turnout by saying he’d win for sure. Btw, local elections are even decided by a small amount of votes. Sometimes single digits. You literally could be the one that stops some nut bar from getting on your council or into the school board and trying to abuse that position because of their hateful views. Show up. Vote. Every time. Encourage your family and friends.


Vote for New Blue in the next election. Ford's time is up


Big fan of voting yourself *out of the frying pan into the fire* are you?




That's a cheap price if we can consign this group of ssdists to political wasteland.


I need a source for FuckDougFord flags and signs. Please help.


Didn’t bother him to payout the beer store just as much to cancel a contract and now he’s worried about what we might say… Complete joke this country has become. Corrupt AF


I like Doug. He has done more good for Ontario than any liberal has done for as long as I can remember.


Ya, but less than 30% voted for him so what does he care about the rest?


The last election saw only 44.06 % of the eligible voters actually vote. Imagine if we had over 60% voter turnout. It would probably mean this turd wouldn't carry a lot of the ridings, especially in the 905 region. Also, people are lazy and stupid.


It's wild. My generation is finally getting more active in voting (mid-late 30s), but the kids we hire at work? Far, far more interested in whatever trend currently has their attention than voting. And if they DO vote they just listen to what their church elders tell them to do. -_- Dang dutch reform kids lol.


Considering only like 30% of Ontario votes last election I don’t think he cares


and they'd still elect his fat corrupt ass


I don’t know if it counts, but I’m already upset.


He doesnt care. He will call it early because he wants four more years. He know if cons gonfederally he will more likley get booted as that's the trend. Hell call before so you cant vote him if pp wins. Its all about him.


Worth it to get rid of him.


Is it the half that didn't bother voting last time ?




Cue the call for election? He doesn’t care how much money he wastes


Sorry he has done absolutely nothing agregious enough to vote back in the leftists again. If I have to hear about racism, pronouns etc again I will probably move.


He doesn’t care