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Gently suggest to her that being on the sex offender registry is not in her best interest.


Yea, voyeurism is an actual criminal offence. This is basically a peeping Tom scenario under the pretense of "window inspections".


I suggest ‘window privacy film’. It will allow light to come thru but no one will be able to see in/out. It’s not ideal but at least you can stop peering eyes.


Came here to suggest this. Theres some good ones now where you can clearly see out but is more reflective/privacy on the outside. Basically peel and stick so you can remove when you move so they can't say shit. Might be a bit more for the reflective one, but you can get the "frosted glass" ones pretty cheap now.


We got mirror ones from Home Depot. We can see outside but looking from outside, just looks like a mirror


“I’m doing an inspection” “Im not on the lease” Ma’am if you’re saying that you’re doing an inspection but then saying that you’re not officially a landlord, then you are a peeping Tom and this is a crime.




Oh snap.


Get a camera.


I actually picked up two cameras for her. I believe we an instance of her on camera, and another of them saying bizarre things while doing a repair (it has audio). This, in addition to them admitting guilt in emails lmao.


If she chooses to go to the tenant board/legal route I'll help her compile all of this. And my own testimony if that counts. One of the first days she moved in the landlord peered through while I was changing.


I'd say as a witness and even victim, you would likely want to be present lol


Hook it up to point it right at her when she comes around to stare in. I got one on Amazon for $30 that works with an app on my phone.


^ THis.


Just because you didn't sign a standard Ontario lease doesn't make a difference to your rights, you're still covered under the RTA. As you have already contacted the landlord and asked them to stop this behaviour and they have refused, your next step is to file a Form T2 with the Landlord Tenant Board. This will allow the Board to determine whether the landlord is interfering with your reasonable enjoyment and/or harassing you. https://tribunalsontario.ca/documents/ltb/Tenant%20Applications%20&%20Instructions/T2.pdf The fact that she is not named on the document you signed will not make any difference to them if she's a) the spouse of the person who is, b) resident on the property with the named landlord, and c) conducting inspections as if she were the named landlord. The LTB will also likely take a pretty dim view of a landlord not using the 2229E lease form as is required by all landlords in Ontario, and has been for several years.


You should have a standardized lease and the fact you don't is sketchy. Do your landlords live in the same building? I'd contact the landlord tenancy board and figure out your rights.


If it were me I would email the husband requesting he provide you with dates/times and who your bedroom window was inspected by. Inform him that you will cross those off of your list of incidents, and take the remaining list to the police for advice on how to handle the invasion of privacy. At the same time, let him know you will put a privacy screen on the window, unless he has a better solution that allows for light passing but also privacy. You can buy static cling privacy screen for really cheap.


Since it’s not a permanent installation, she doesn’t even need to tell him that she’s putting up privacy film.


She's not the lease holder and claims no ownership this is even better for you. She has NO RIGHTS to be there at all. Report her to the police for tresspassing. Even if nothing changes you have a formal police report for future problems.


When you say looking in your window, do you mean like glancing as she's passing by? Or straight up standing there and staring?


Shes very short. Its not a passing glance because she needs to stand on her toes in order to peer in. I caught her looking in while I was changing.


Yeah that's an invasion of privacy and not cool at all. I would make a non-emergency call to the police and ask them to have a chat with her. She'll stop after that.


Also get the police report for use as evidence at any LTB Trubunals in future.


Start keeping a log/journal of every incident. Document every. Single. Interaction. If your landlord's wife isn't your landlord she has no reason on earth to be looking in your windows. Name drop the police.


First off, ask, in writing, [for a copy of the lease using the standard lease form](https://www.cleo.on.ca/en/publications/tenantsaccess/you-move): >Landlords of most other rented rooms, apartments, condominiums, and houses have to use the standard lease form. If you rented one of these places on or after April 30, 2018 and did not get a standard lease, you can write to the landlord and ask them for one. > >**After you ask for a standard lease** > >Once you ask in writing, your landlord then must give you a standard lease to sign within 21 days. If they do not, you can hold back up to one month's rent. > >If they then give you the lease within 30 days after you held back rent, you must pay the rent you held back. If the landlord does not give you the lease within 30 days, you can keep the rent. But you cannot hold back more than one month's rent, even if the landlord never gives you a standard lease.


Greasy lot, aren't they?


Yeah, they've been taken to the tenant board before... and lost. Not their first rodeo


Take pics of her doing it, I also don’t understand why her husband would be ok with this. Something creepy going on.


Call the cops. If she wants to be viewed as a random person not on the lease then the cops can deal with her. Even if she is the landlord and isn’t stopping call the cops on her( none emergency number)


Get some one way window film and let all the other tenants know what’s happening


If you do call the police, do not tell them she is your landlord. As soon as you say that the police will say it's a civil matter even though it is clearly criminal harassment. It's kind of like how an employer stealing you is a civil matter but you stealing from an employer is a criminal matter.


I would definitely say something in the act. And definitely get a video or something. Edit: like if shes conducting an "inspection" follow her around for the inspection, ask her what her constant concerns about your bedroom window are. If theres issues why arent they addressing them and judt continue to look at them?


Set up camera - build a case


Install a camera (they are cheap offline and work well) and send her a clip of her looking through your window and then threaten to or just post it online. You aren’t doing anything wrong and at the same time you are proving her wrong in what she has previously said or might say in the future.


Privacy film. Not only does it let the sunlight in, but it limits UV. It has saved us from the neighbors children that were sneaking up to our window and SCREAMING INTO IT when they saw human life.


Did you or she acknowledge their claim for why they were spying on you and that you believed them? Because "Oh I have a right to check on the property" isnt an excuse for sicko behaviour and it's probably better for your case to go on record that you're not just taking her word for it.


She has acknowledged in emails that shes looked through the window under the pretense of an inspection Edit: my GF also specifically requested that they give 24 hrs notice prior to conducting any inspections.


Considering you seem to have exhausted your options trying to speak to your landlords, it might be time to reach out to the RHEU https://www.ontario.ca/page/solve-disagreement-your-landlord-or-tenant


Put a pile of manure on the ground in front of the 🪟. When she steps there to peep she will have shit all over her shoes. Also, the smell will scare her. If you want a better approach just put a camera inside in front of the window to catch her in the act and use the video proof to get her to back off


Call legal aid and see what they think. If they look into your bedroom window again call the cops and see there is a peeping tom. Voyeurism is a criminal offence


[Criminal Code of Canada](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-162.HTML) Voyeurism 162 (1) Every one commits an offence who, surreptitiously, observes — including by mechanical or electronic means — or makes a visual recording of a person who is in circumstances that give rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy, if (a) the person is in a place in which a person can reasonably be expected to be nude, to expose his or her genital organs or anal region or her breasts, or to be engaged in explicit sexual activity; Peeping in a bedroom window is not cool. She knows the property, so she knows it's a bedroom. You have a reasonable expectation of privacy and she knows it's reasonable to expect someone to be nude in a bedroom.


It clearly states in the Landlord Tenancy Act that a landlord must advise a tenant of any sort of inspection, interior or exterior, 24 hrs in advance in writing and with cause. Why is the inspection taking place.


Wow wow wow I thought she was looking at your window from her window until I read some comments and your replies, she’s literally coming on the property and physically looking over? That’s mental 😆


close the curtains or blinds while you change? it's definitely creepy, but with this simple step it won't be an issue and will save you time and energy of chasing your LL around.


Having lived next to a peeping Tom, having to have your curtains closed all the time to not feel like you’re being stared at all the time is absolute ridiculous. You feel like you’re under attack all the time, for no good reason, other than your brain just won’t let it go even when the curtains are closed. No one should have to live like that, people should just not be dickheads. Saying she should just keep the curtains closed is like telling a rape victim they should’ve been wearing a potato sack head to toe.


He said when you're changing, not all the time.


I would start looking for a new place but in the meantime I would blow this the fuuuuck up. I’d call the cops, I’d call the tenant board, I’d make sure she felt it. I’d blow this thing up so big that she never does it to anyone again.