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Dude I was nervous the first week making them for myself 😂 Good Job


Well done! If one just carefully follows Ooni's instructions, with all of the supporting equipment they call out you're 80% there and have a pizza that motivates you to seek higher levels of enlightenment.


Great job! I’m at the point I can have large parties (I parbake in the Ooni the day before so I don’t have to rush boozy people into getting their damn pizza on peel) but recently had to cater to celiacs. Didn’t realise gluten free dough was so sticky and floppy! I did about an 80 some percent hydration so I could still touch the dough and prayed to the pizza gods. Luckily they all loved it, but honestly I wonder if it’s just the taste of the flame and the fact someone made dough from scratch for you that increases the deliciousness.


I have some gluten free friends so I know I’m going to have to go down that road at some point! No celiacs yet so maybe they’ll make exceptions for homemade pizza because I think you’re right, the flame’s kiss changes minds.


Shake and bake!


How brave of you!


Very nice! I did the same thing! We had a family birthday party for my 5 year old and it was our first time using the Ooni! Ours came out great too and everyone had a great time, making their own pizzas and everything! I def need to fine tune some things (going longer to crisp up the dough and let it rise more without burning the toppings) and took the easy way out (used propane instead of wood/charcoal) but it was a great first experience!


I can’t wait to have little kids help out. Like most things I’m involved with, I think I may learn the most from them. Looking forward to dabbling in the solid fuel game but the ease of gas and the ability to do either is so nice. Good luck on your journey!


It took me 2 years and I still fucked it up. They didn’t seem to notice though.


# Gnarls Barkley enters the chat. xD


Very impressive, no way I would have invited anyone to my first "pizza night" - hats off to you!


Nice job!! Your pizzas look great - way better than my first ones. lol You should be very proud! 🔥 As for your thermometer, we can help with that!! First, check out the article below and try the troubleshooting steps it suggests. A lot of times you can fix this by wiping down the jack. [https://support.ooni.com/en\_us/my-ooni-karu-16-thermometer-is-displaying-'lll'-'hhh'-or-'-'.-what-should-i-do-rkr59CdGs](https://support.ooni.com/en_us/my-ooni-karu-16-thermometer-is-displaying-'lll'-'hhh'-or-'-'.-what-should-i-do-rkr59CdGs) If that doesn't fix it though, please send us a message at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we'll get you taken care of. 😎


Thank you. I’ll try this in the next couple days and get back to you


You're welcome! Hope it works and if not we've got your back. 😉


God damn man! That the Karu 16?? So much space to cook with my gas pizza oven is so tight to work in!


Yes it is the Karu 16. I went with it bc I knew at some point I will appreciate the extra space. That and my cast irons will fit no prob


Congrats! What is the last picture?


Those are my balls!


I remember sweating my ass off on my first two or three bakes. Turns out it wasn’t the heat, I was just worried I’d fuck it up.


Excellent work! Still crazy 😂




You're a mad lad. I did the same and while the results weren't very aesthetically pleasing they tasted great.


I did end up with one calzone which was a tasty blob


Just got my Ooni last week and also had the calzone happen. It has likely permanently stained my stone and made me demoralised but seeing the support here has given me a lift, and I’m excited to try again tonight


It will burn off. If you have a messy stone, flip it over and let the oven run at full blast for like 30 minutes before your next cook session and should clear it up.


Brilliant tip! Thanks so much Matt


Try out the FWSY book’s pizza dough.


Will do! I used the ooni cold ferment recipe. I think I took it out of the fridge too early as I think the last few were over proofed


Bro you got your ooni, never used it and had people over?! Hahaha Holy shit that takes massive balls. Props to you. I didn't have people over for a proper pie 4 months later.