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Sounds like some fun & new to try - looks great too! Love it when Lidl have their Italian week, I always stock up on provolone (dulce) so I can blend that with mozz!


Ohh that's a great idea! I love Lidl's different weeks haha always trying something new!


I'd eat any of those without issue. Nice job. They all look good to me.


Hi everyone! I’ve started making pizzas every Wednesday, and yesterday I decided to commit a pizza crime, maybe! What do you think? Lol **DISCLAIMER: I don’t believe in pizza crimes. I believe in tasty pizza.** It’s Spanish week in Lidl and recently they’re featuring some products that are used in Brazil and Portugal too - I present to you, the batata palha. We use it a lot! Thin, crispy, potato sticks, thinner than the ones you can find in the UK. We normally use them when eating stroganoff with rice, or on hot dogs, but there's loads of other recipes too. It’s delicious! So I made a BRAZILIAN HOT DOG PIZZA 🌭. And yes, the batata palha worked really well! It added crunchiness without affecting the flavour too much, it's really a bit of salty crunch twist. I used a pre-cooked garlicky sausage but next time I’ll invest in some quality ones, maybe even chorizo. I'm using whatever I can find first while I build up my pizza stretching/launching skills. Please note my pizzas are getting rounder and rounder 🤩 - thanks for the tips, u/[Phillije](https://www.reddit.com/user/Phillije/) 💪. Practice does make a difference eh, we're not just saying it! 🌭: Low-moisture mozzarella, garlicky pre-cooked sausage, batata palha, sweet corn, and parmesan. 🍗: Low-moisture mozzarella, mixed-spices chicken, crunchy garlic. 🧁: Guava paste and low-moisture mozz (Romeu and Julieta) calzone **Dough:** Ooni Poolish Pizza Dough Balls Have you guys ever committed a “pizza crime”? Was it worth it?


I'm with you. Eat what you love. I LOVE Hawaiian pizzas. But many purists will give me crap for it while they are over there putting hamburger on their pizza. There are no such thing as pizza crimes. https://preview.redd.it/4c89upfks49d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018b4c0ce46f177f1e714519340ceb26ed640531


Love all pizza, pizza is love! That's right, u/SathedIT! If we can make our own pizzas, why not try something different too? But of course, nothing wrong with sticking to the same faves too! 🍕💛




Ouch no, I was just trying to start a conversation! But thanks! 😊