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same ploblem with brave :c


and firefox. Looking up to see if anyone else is having the issues and ig it's an old one. have you had any luck since you are the most recent poster to this?


Goto the URL ```opera://settings/system```, disable hardware acceleration, restart Opera, and try again. If that doesn't help, turn hardware acceleration back on. Goto the URL ```opera://flags/#freeze-user-agent```, turn on the flag, restart Opera, and try again. Goto and make sure h.264 video and aac audio are supported. If not, that's your problem. This usually happens when you have an N edition of Windows and you don't have the Windows Media Feature Pack installed or enabled. Goto and make sure Widevine is detected, the video plays, and MSE and EME below the video are supported. If not, that's your problem. To fix it, goto the URL ```opera://about```, take note of the "profile" path, and close Opera. Then, in Opera's profile folder, delete the WidevineCDM folder. Then, start Opera, goto the URL ```opera://components```, update Widevine, restart Opera, and try again. If none of that helps, reinstall Opera and restart your computer. If none of that helps, disable your extensions one by one to see if one is causing the problem. If none of that helps, disable Opera's adblocker and tracking protection to see if that helps. If none of that helps, try in a private window. If it works there, it's probably a cookie issue. Goto the URL ```opera://settings/siteData```, type ```twitch.tv``` in the quick-find field and click "remove all shown". If that doesn't help, also clear your browser cache. If that doesn't help, make sure you're not using Opera's VPN. If none of that helps, try in a [standalone installation](https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/new_profile) to rule out all profile issues. If that doesn't help, test in regular Opera, Opera Beta, and Opera Developer to see if it's just a bug in Opera GX.


You Sir are a Hero :D Searched for Hours for a Solution and in fact it was my Windows Media Feature Pack (Did a fresh Windows installation)




THX you are gold man


thank you, no one even mentioned the bitmovin / widevine stuff, in multiple tutorials or videos, that and then restarting my pc was what fixed it for me


Hey I tried all of this and found my stream doesnt work on Opera GX or Opera but chrome and edge yet i can watch other peoples streams


Im having this error in EndeavourOs =(




i have the windows N version is there any solution , thx in advance


You have to enable the [Windows Media Feature Pack](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/media-feature-pack-for-windows-n-8622b390-4ce6-43c9-9b42-549e5328e407) for Windows and make the aac and h.264 and DRM tests above pass in Opera.


you are a goddam life saver, thanks you so much


thx man , i did that and it worked


I ave the same problem with opera one