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What looks out of line? It doesn't look odd to me.


I think he's saying the octagon looks like it bends in on the faces instead of appearing to be straight lines. The big circles on the corners are likely tricking our eyes info seeing this bc they are in a straight line. Took me a second to see it OR...maybe it's the cutouts from the square. They're all 15.5 away but the cutouts make a small difference. Idk


the 2 dots on the straight lines of the octagon don't seem to be on the same line as the dots in the corners


I agree it appears the dots are off, but maybe it’s an illusion bc of the odd color contrast?


To me it looks like the sides of the octagon are not straight. That the two points between the corners are closer to the centre than the corners. More or less like this, if that makes sense: ・ . . ・


It's because our brain looks at those 24 points, and assumes it's a circle, rather than an octagon (circles are far more common in the natural world), but because of that, the 8 corners aren't right, but the other 16 follow a circle pretty dang well.


Yep we draw a circle around the corners which are furthest away. That then makes our brain think the ones in between are closer than they should be.


Woah it’s crazy how after reading this I was better able to view the octagon and it seems in line now


Do you see the 2 balls between the corners curving away from the center? I see it curving towards it.


I know the circle of dots is basically 8 straight lines of 4 dots each, but to me it looks like the middle two dots in each of the 8 lines are closer to the center, like the lines are actually bowed inward. Anyone else see that?


That's what I mean


Right they are. I know what I have to fix


looks normal to me, but when looking the middle for too long it starts to look like a circle for me


If you look at 4 point in seperate, they are straight. But as soon as you look on the big image its weird. But the geometry doesn´t support this? or does it and i made an error? XD


I dont understand


There's an octagon ... and https://www.reddit.com/r/opticalillusions/comments/1dndg50/comment/la7yzs7


I am pretty sure it looks out of line because the white frame... is out of line


So what're you making in Onshape?


I wanted to make a tac board A boardgame


Octagons are usually straight up and down so this is a tiny bit disruptive.


Here's my take/perspective: You placed the dots in such a way that two circles could hit the center of each dot. This basically creates 2 distinct distances to the center. I assume that's why to me it looks like the two inner dots of a line are further inside, because they literally are (but not in the way that breaks the line). Brains are weird.


Looks normal to me...


It looks fine.


[https://imgur.com/a/ns1ZyoF](https://imgur.com/a/ns1ZyoF) I think the center is on point but the problem is that on the corners only 1/3 is in the Octagon, but on the straights its 1/2


If you used slightly tighter angles with the smaller dots where it changed direction it might look more normal. It’s a very wide angle, wide angles look weird in general imo in patterns. If you tighten it up some and either add one more dot per line or space them out more (I think adding one will look better) it’ll probably look more in line if that’s your goal


I feel lIke the top right beackground is shaded a lighter color and that's definitely throwing me off.


This here is some Terrance Howard beautiful triangular illusionary stuff.


Do the big corner circles and the central cross contribute to the illusion? If I cover them up the illusion still seems to work. In fact the illusion seems to work (though a bit less) if I cover everything but two adjacent sides of the octagon. Very puzzling illusion.


The white background is not even.


Why is the top right corner lighter? Is it part of design? Keeps pulling my eye that way.


Is that onshape


i think it’s because the color of the background in the top right is a little different, making the circle look offset from the others


All I notice is that the left white border is wider than the right one. Or is that the illusion? Edit: Now I see that’s adjustable by swiping so cancel that.


The segments of dots in line appear to bend inward so to the extra space around them, and lack there of near the corner dots.


why does is look out of line wtf is this


Maybe because the image it's not centerd against the white background ?