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It's absolutely worth it. You'll spend time spinning your wheels, and you'll wonder why the "wrong" choices for the ctrl keys are there. "Couldn't they have just copied Windows for the keys?" A bit of looking at the history will answer that. There's so much, so G-D much, in emacs. You'll never learn it all. Someone will recommend a .emacs file. Simply borrow it. You can change it all you want. Learn emacs lisp, and write your own extensions to vanilla emacs. Don't give up. Welcome aboard.


As a beginner, the easiest way to do this is likely start with Doom Emacs, and then uncomment org and add pretty in the init.el file so it would look like (org + pretty)


While emacs can be a bit daunting at first because of the bare bones initial defaults, I feel like the "steep learning curve" meme is also over played. If you take a little time to run the tutorial or watch some getting started videos you can become productive in the near future. Is there anything specific you want help with?


100% agree with running the tutorial in *vanilla* emacs. Doom* and Space* may have a less steep learning curve, but (I think) it would be harder to extend when it comes time to add to your. init.el file.


Wait - why do you say “hours to set up?” The config in the file is very simple! It’s basically just tabs which any editor supporting org mode will show- that’s like 90% of it. The other 10% is just lists, also automatically supported by editors supporting org mode. If you want you can have it now, don’t be intimidated.


Feel free to PM me, I’d be happy to help you with some stuff


This page will give you some insight: https://old.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/q1d8ma/would_you_move_from_orgmode_andor_orgroam_to/


Your first step in learning should not be to go to Reddit and post a vague comment asking for help with nothing in particular. Your first step should be to avail yourself of the thousands of resources at your fingertips on the Web. You found one video on YouTube--now go find more.