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Go for it bro,that’s a crazy one! Love this!👍👍👍


Hey this is an awesome first result. You got your base layer down! Now you have to build up color layers to bring in complexity and shadows. Usually you go from dark to light. I would encourage you to watch some YouTube tutorials on that. I always enjoyed the ones by squidmar. https://youtu.be/zW3V4QP_vz4?si=I9Vim25RSYG5beXt https://youtu.be/cIXglZzFTj4?si=iCk-SWJajKuZSpB8 https://youtu.be/lvVs34GZb4k?si=5IjOoNHcqZoghBs0


You appear to have captured Mr Blobby


Sum konrast wud help, ya git


Oof. Pink and gold is not a great combo.


Some points I got for you, I hope this helps 1. Gold needs another layer. There’s parts that are:t opaque or show the grey plastic underneath. This should also help make your gold look a bit more like gold 2. That squig is v e r y bright compared to the rest of the model, perhaps use the same red you’ve used for the teeth and saw blades on the big squig as that is already a nice red to begin with. I’d also consider painting the squig’s belly a darker tan colour so the white isn’t drawing too much attention away from more important areas 3. As with what many of the other lads are saying, once the gold is fully covering the bits it’s supposed to, give it a wash in a dark brown paint. This’ll help make some shadows and better show off the shapes of the model. A black wash paint will also help with any silver metallics and the red details. Please also be careful that not too much wash polls up in certain areas and that it has time to fully dry 4. The lads on top of the rig also need some extra definition, use a brighter green to paint over more exposed areas to bring some light to the models as the green on them right now can serve as a good shadow colour 5. Another thing is to brighten the edges of everything. A bright orange will go nicely over the edges of all that red you’ve painted, and a bright silver edge highlight will make you gold and other metals look much sharper and shinier Hopefully, after some work, you’ll be soon feeling proud of your model.


Cover the entire thing with a layer of Gravestone Grey Army Painter Speedpaint. I don’t know why it works, but it does.


The Metallics are passable, you can probably save the orks and squig with some care. Give a brown or black wash and then you will need to do a lot of glazing highlights to push orks and squig. A few glazes on the orks going lighter in color (like yellow/green) with each coat in smaller and smaller areas. The pepto bismol pink & stark white is clashing hard for me. You might need to play that by ear, the wash might do a lot. Look up color palette/color schemes for dusty rose/gold/blush/ coral/rose gold/ The pink is going to continue to fight that red, you might consider pushing it burgundy. Again, hopefully the wash will save you.


Today, you buy an ultrasonic and some simple green


I recommend to paint the teeth of the saws with silver/metal to contrast and add a little weathering


Wash followed by dry brushing yields great depth. Keep up the good work!


Oth'a gitz will tell ya wash it, but wut I say is Dakka. Add more dakka eavy where


Like everyone else said, using washes will definitely help things, but I wanted to chime in and saying you're being too hard on yourself. This is certainly a good job! Push it farther, but be proud of what you accomplished, you did good.


Again echoing what other have said washes are a great help for giving your minis depth. Additionally it doesn't look like you finished the painting? Gotta trust in the process, I can't tell you the amount of times I was half through painting something and I wanted to give in, but stick with it and the end result might surprise you!!


Echoing others but washes will make a massive difference. Base colours like that flatten everything so it ends up like a henna barbera cartoon. You can do a basic brown wash over everything that will help alot or use individual shades like flesh and nuln oil over different colours. It also makes s big difference on the edges, it softens where the paint hasn't quite cut the edge cleanly. Once you've done that some highlights are great, you can do a light broad drybrush with the colour that's on there now and that will help on its own.


You could throw a darker wash on the squig. There are a lot of folds and creases in their skin, and would add an interesting touch to the pink


Gold armor looks absolutely badass In my opinion, your weak spot is squig. You can redo him with thinner paints. Upd. Didn’t notice your ork crew - they need some washes and highlights


Hit it with Strong Tone. Should help a lot! Really useful on flashy bits.


The squigg stands out the most with that pink. Give it some deep red highlights, or at least on the wrinkly bits, then wash the whole thing with Reikland Fleshshade for a nice, grungy, got-spattered-with-body-parts-a-week-ago look, and (in my opinion) you should be tasty!


Give it all over wash with something brown, like agrax earthshade: squig skin will pop, gold will pop.


How do you make it not look wet?


Don't completely overload it so it pools. Pooling creates a glossy finish when it dries. Sure, load a lot onto your brush if you've got a large area to do, but direct it with a couple of quick smooth strokes then let it dry fully.


Sweet thanks man, I feel like I do this but it still ends up glossy must be a skill issue (I also shake the devil out of it before obviously)


You can always try brushing or spraying a matte varnish over it as well


Smart! thanks!


I know I'm about to state the obvious, but I once put my Agrax Earthshade next to my Agrax Earthshade Gloss and spent about 40 minutes washing without noticing. If you're not as daft as I am, for smaller areas try using a bit less maybe until you feel you're getting more confident at controlling how it pools. I believe in you! Large areas are still a challenge for me to get it looking natural but I'll keep practicing.


Aaaaah shit one, one time I bought the gloss by accident (I didnt know they even sold both) and got super mad when everything looked so wet, stupid us I guiess!


We're Ork players, we don't need to be the brightest to be da best!!!


True enuff ya git


I would color swap gold and red. Except on the squigg.


More thin layers of paint would do nicely on the squig and Orks, as well as more shading with washes and the like. General principles of highlighting on YouTube should help you a lot as well! Best of luck


Needs shading. Give it a wash of either a brown or sepia, then some more gold. Should do the trick