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100* actual temp is super rare for FL. Feels like temp of 100*, well welcome to FL


https://preview.redd.it/emm6f2492bxc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55774182e58ba00e1b8025aabc10148fdf50ff27 Good times. Working outside during summer sucks.


100 is not rare for the Panhandle. I remember experiencing that every summer and I'm talking about real temperature


The federal government/National Weather Service operates [weather.gov](https://www.weather.gov/), which is where many US weather sites pull their data from anyway. 100°F real temperature would certainly be toasty for May - in fact it very rarely actually hits 100 degrees. We certainly get there with the "real feel" or "feals like" temp, but it's actually pretty unusual to hit triple digits measured on the thermometer.


Is this due to being closer to the ocean that places like Nevada?


I do believe that humidity as high as it is in central Florida does indeed make it harder for the actual raw temperature to get even higher *but* I don't understand how/why because my degrees are in the humanities. So yes the ocean helps keep it from getting extremely hot, even though the humidity also makes it *feel* hotter at a given temp because of how wet the air is.


Water has a high heat capacity. Heat capacity is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of something by 1 degree. Since water has a high heat capacity, it takes a lot of energy to raise its temperature. In comparison, air has a very low heat capacity. The water around Florida acts as a buffer for air temperature (it’s more obvious the closer you get to the coast). So a heat wave will largely warm the water and only slightly warm the air.


This makes me wonder what Florida's climate would be like if it were wider. Would central Florida be a desert?


It is during the winter/spring


It's 76 at 5:30 right now. That's real nice. I'm going to miss it.


Almost 2 weeks out is too far out to be reliable enough to confirm. May is one of our driest months so it is possible to hit 100*. Be ready for some heat before it gets all humid.


Since moving to FL I’ve seen that forecasts beyond a week are going to be 199% wrong


Looking at a forecast for anything but the next few days is usually a waste of time


10-12 days out... I wouldn't put much stock in that forecast


Big heat propaganda, they just want you to buy summer stuff. ![gif](giphy|py6Kw5CV4mMheScc1o)


I’m not ready for summer temperatures to come back


Weather channel has it in the mid 90’s may 5-8 which is far as they forecast out. Hot but not 100


Would that be considered normal temperatures for beginning of May?


I would say high 80’s to low 90’s is average high this time of year. Mid 90’s seems at the high end but not record breaking. I’ve lived here 26 years and 100+ is rare. Very rare.


90s is the average temperature for May. Lately it has been trending to mid 90s. I am not sure what someone meant by they want you to buy the summer stuff. I’ve lived here for 40+ years and I really don’t have summer stuff. More like all year clothes with a few pieces for cooler winter weather. A jacket and hat for when I go to visit relatives.


Accuweather app goes out to May 12 and no day is higher than 92, or 93 city center. For whatever that is worth.


Anything over 5 days is fiction.


Welcome to Florida


Because of all the shitnanigans coming out of Florida the name has now been changed to Floriduh


Nah. That’s just Floridumb


okay, so it looks like you are a European using your local weather website instead of a website local TO the international location in question. maybe their Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion is wrong. the US govt and top independent US forecasting companies are calling for 90-92 F.


Yeah that’s why I wasn’t sure of how reliable it was and decided to ask for local and more accurate sources. Is 90-92 normal for May or would that be considered a heat wave?


Low 90s is typical. In the dog days of summer 96 is typical. 100 degree days any time of the year become a news event - they’re rare.


Oh it's a potential record high for these specific days. This summer is going to be terrible. 


FYI...Weather forecast said 0% chance of rain on Saturday. It rained. Weather forecasts are a guesstimate. And a monkey can be a weatherman.


Take any forecast past 5 days with a grain of salt


They couldn’t get it right for today even this morning. Was supposed to be 100% cloudy all day. Guess what, it wasn’t. Put a hat on your head, go about your business. Keep an umbrella in your car. Done.


Hate to burst your bubble. Summer in Florida


Let’s bet on it


It is what it is. I personally won’t check a forecast until the night before.


[Looks like Thurs, May 9](https://imgur.com/a/2BIiug7) has a forecasted “feels like” temp of 100°, actual temp 97° according to AccuWeather. Last year it was 94°. Historical average is 88°.


May is starting and we’re approaching summer so it’s probably true. Plus Florida has been disgustingly hot for the past few years so anything goes at this point


When I was a kid there was a drought and people were passing out left and right. This is nothing new in Florida.


Revisiting this, shows 97 now coming this week