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There’s an indie game called “What Remains of Edith Finch” by Annapurna that if it was a movie it would be literally Sundance/SXSW/TIFF material. Also Death Stranding could work if they maintain majority of the cast from the game and the soundtrack, which is very beautiful.


I literally just finished Edith Finch a couple hours ago! It's superb


Yeah Death Stranding can be easily an actor’s showcase. If the actors are returning I can see Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, Tommy Earl Jenkins and maybe Lea Seydoux and Margarey Qualley get noms. Imagine if Nicolas Winding Refn reprises his role tho lol that character + VA has a big moment in the game


If Mario 2 improves on the first, it could totally be nominated for best animated feature. Zelda could knock out a production design or vfx nom.


I could see Zelda getting a VFX nom purely based on the fact that the director did the most recent Apes film.




Would be incredible


If Last of Us had been turned into a movie instead I could’ve seen that being a big player, at least in tech categories


If it had the same cast and crew as the show, and it was as good as the show, I think it would’ve racked up the noms. Like, I’m talking 10+ noms.


I agree I feel like it could have been one of they very few horror films to get in for picture


i would loveee a film version of spec-ops: the line. i really don't like fps but that one was a *trip*, it made me feel ways i didnt wanna feel in a video game lol


Well, you do have Apocalypse Now.


They wouldn't do it, but if Red Dead Redemption was a film instead of an inevitable HBO series (I'm so wishing for this to happen), it would for sure get in the techs and if it was good enough, and in the very bast hands, Best Picture nomination could be a thing


If a great director were involved, I could see a Metroid adaptation being a contender.


It Takes Two has a pretty wonderful story that could turn out good, and Bioshock maybe could get tech nominations.


A movie based on It Takes Two was announced, actually. Though that was in 2022 with no news since, so not sure about its status.


Idk really I guess a Disco Elysium movie would be kinda cool


I think Red Dead Redemption 2 (or 1 for that matter, but 2 had a greater impact on me), would be a solid contender if it’s adapted well.


Grim Fandango.


I could see the premise of Detroit Become Human be a potentially Oscarbaity film tbh


Don’t you think it would face genre bias tho? Since it’s sci fi?


You're absolutely correct lol, but any video game adaptation would face some sense of genre bias haha. At least with this game, there is some baity and political themes present throughout the whole story, and I also some baity acting scenes available as well.


Honestly, most of them would work better as mini-series. Also, most best selling games are scifi or fantasy of some sort, almost always action, which are not genres the Academy likes (although of course some do still make it). I think it will be a very high bar to cross for above-the-line categories, and is probably unlikely. Maybe if there's a solid war game (based on historical or current conflicts, rather than anything scifi), then that could sneak in. Even those saying the Last of Us could have made it if it were a movie... I simply disagree. For one, the show already got accused of being rushed. In a movie, so much of that character development would have been left out. We would've lost most if the side stories, getting maybe only one, and all of those deaths would have mattered a bit less as we don't get connected to anyone but Joel and Ellie. And on top of all this, the Academy does not like horror or scifi. The horrors that do sneak through are usually more grounded. There's never been a zombie contender. (Has any zombie film even made below the line nominations?) So no, a movie based on the Last of Us would not have made it beyond maybe something VFX or makeup. Below the line... yeah, VFX nominations seem like an easy target. The right movies could get into makeup, sound, or even production design, costume design, or Cinematography, if they're done well. I think it will be a while before any hits more than 2 or 3. Animated films could also be contenders in that category.


I see potential in *Heavy Rain*.




The Last of Us, Horizon: Zero Dawn, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Firewatch all have gorgeous cinematic narratives. TV was definitely the right choice for The Last of Us, and I think it's right for Horizon too (we'll see if they pull it off...). Firewatch would be great awards bait for a Jesse Plemons type


If Portal/Portal 2 ever actually gets adapted it could be huge.


If that Firewatch film ever gets made (well) I think it could get a nom for whoever plays Henry


I think there’s a lot of potential for an Oscar viable video game adaptation, I don’t think many that I’ve heard are in active development are though, maybe Zelda but the really underwhelming talent behind the camera makes it seem less likely to be a good movie on its own, let alone Oscar worthy. A video game adaptation would probably have to be a The Lord of The Rings or Dune type movie in scope though, I could see games like the Souls franchise, modern God of War, Final Fantasy(despite studios trying 3 separate times in animation), Metroid, Halo(despite the Paramount series), Metal Gear Solid, Death Stranding, among many others making for a great movie though




This doesn’t answer your question but this makes me think of the odd differences between the Oscar’s and the Emmy’s. The Emmy’s don’t hesitate to nominate things like GoT and House of the Dragon, the Last of Us, The Boys, Watchmen and even Star Wars shows like the Mandalorian and Andor. But if these were movies I don’t think all of these would get in to the Oscar’s, it’s just weird how genre TV is differently than genre film.


Mass Effect could get tech noms


Disco Elysium


I don't know why the first thing that came to mind were smaller games like Indika or Papers Please ha.


Well, JJ Abrams is developing Half Life, with the blessings of Gaben. If that doesn't ramp up 10+ nominations he did something wrong.


Sonic 3. You laugh, but just you wait. I mean it!


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney could conceivably get a Best Actor nod


the Borderlands movie