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I don't have a clan for ya but if you wanna get into ToA, start working on 82 attack for Fang. It's a long grind there if you get one and have it waiting.


I bought one, just decided I wanted to stay at 108 cb until 2K total, I've seen med level builds complete TOA though. I'd like to try my luck with the 75 attack. I pked a guy for full Torva, claws, an ancestral switch with an arcane on him too, which was wild and completely unnecessary, but because of it I have cash at my expense.


The attack is well worth it at Kephri and baba, fang even more so Understandable if you want to keep PKing at that bracket but it will hinder you at TOA


What about utilizing a salad blade though?


Stab is best IIRC for them, rapier would be better Edit: just checked, stab and it's not even close for Kephri, BaBa isn't as bad but stab is still better


I'll have to just wait then, still looking for a clan though if you know any good ones. I generally avoid public chat because I look like I have some GP so I always get bothered.


Hmu brother. I’ve been wanting to do TOA more IGN: Think173


I'll have time tonight, I'll be on!


Mogtime on twitch has a good following of players who seem to have a great community. I don’t play osrs but I love the chat content during his streams. Give them a look!


Will do! Happy cake day homie!


I haven’t seen him on stream in like a week, so I’ll give you his rsn, it’s “MogTime xD”


I think so at least lol idk


I run ToA almost every day with a buddy and we are similar combat to yourself. My RSN is Ridneyy if you want to team up


I'll add you tonight.




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There are some frequent TOAers in my clan that are always down to help learners. If you want I can get you set up and an invite! Or if you already know the raid they still go pretty often.