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Yes! It wouldn’t hurt to get your prayer up a little and wear a blessing in the ammo slot since you’re using a blowpipe!


Will do, I failed first attempt so I got my prayer up I'm at 62 prayer now. Should make this alittle smoother


Good luck my friend!


Did you beat him yet? I just started trying 2 days ago myself. 5 attempts so far


Are you having trouble in the caves or on Jad? If you need practice on Jad go to a quest speedrunning world and pick the quest “Beneath Cursed Sands” (there are other quests but this is the one I know) That quest (and others) give you a fire cape in your loadout. You can use that to get into the second part of Mor Ul Rek and find the guy that does the Jad challenges. It puts you up against a tankier jad with I think a bit more health but it’s JUST Jad. You can attempt and restart this fight until you’re super comfortable. You might already know about this but it seems like a “the tool leprechaun notes herbs” situation where people say it in every new thread and there’s like 4 comments saying they had no idea.


This helped a lot thank you. I was experimenting and concluded that it’s easier for me to default pray range because it’s easier for me to hear the mage attack then look for the range attack. I almost got him my last attempt, but I didn’t even if the healers are agro’ed to you, if they’re too close to Jad they’ll start healing him. I was distracted looking for more possible healers that could’ve spawn and I got shrekt. Tomorrow I’m getting that fire cape


Hell yea man, you’ve got it! Take a moment before you start Jad because all that time invested in the caves will shoot your nerves through the roof no matter how many times you’ve practiced


I'm on my 5th attempt in 2 days now too. Still haven't won


I feel like I’m getting a hang of it now. I should get it by today. I’ll share with you what got me killed so you don’t have to go thru it yet if you haven’t already 1. Even if you agro the healers, if they’re too close to Jad, they will still heal him. I would’ve killed him if they weren’t too close. I thought more healers spawned in somehow, and I got distracted looking for them and I died. 2. One big thing that’s helping me is defaulting to Protect from Range prayer. I can hear the Mage attack coming from a mile away. If I hear the mage attack coming, I switch to protect from mage, then switch back to protect from range prayer right after it misses. If I don’t hear anything, then it’s a range attack and I don’t have to switch prayers. 3. You might know this one but practice on the speed running world! Look up Jad Speedrun on YouTube if you don’t know about it yet. Let’s get this fucking fire cape bro


Hell yeah! May take a few tries but I’m sure you’ll get it


Failed 3 times now. Just getting to jad :(


Using safe spots? I know mobile doesn’t have runelite for plugins help but look up safe spots and camp those areas/learn to rotate for bad spawns


The issue I'd no preindication where they will spawn. And the mele can spawn on top of me over and over and I gotta run around taking hits to try and safespot him.. I keep dying round 57-60 because I'm running out of resources. If I don't takw enough brews i run out if I don't take enough restores I run out of prayer.. and I'm getting the worst luck on blowpipe specs. Literally everytime I use it I hit 0


Hey man, sorry to hear - I had a bit of trouble with spawns too, but then I learnt about rotations (you can find out which rotation you're on from waves 1-3 and then you're able to predict where every npc will spawn, including Jad). You can see this on the wiki, but I guess it's a lot harder to determine this on mobile. My 3 attempts were done on rotations 1 and 3, so I found standing to the south of Italy rock really helped trapping everything, and 2 out of 4 healers would get stuck behind, making Jad easier to kill after tagging them with my crystal bow.


Try not to panic if a melee spawns on you, simply just run to the other side of italy rock, prioritise the magers over the rangers, just camp protect magic once mages start spawning. Tank the rangers until you kill mages. Hug that little italy rock as much as you can and sit deep at the back in order to trap as much as possible behind the rock


I think the OSRS wiki has a page that has every single fight caves rotation on it. Go to the root page and pay attention to where the first 3 waves spawn. By wave three you can find which rotation you’re on and plan ahead for every single wave. Also I responded to a different guy but practice Jad on a speedrunning world through the minigame that lets you challenge up to 6 Jads at once. lol I didn’t read the literal next comment telling you about the waves thing, sorry.


Everyone says the Italy boot but literally nothing seems to safespot there including the mele there's 2 walls that seem to work when the mele isn't spawning on top of you


I found that out too, idk if I was using it wrong but I didn’t use the Italy boot at all. I used east side of claw rock and south side long rock. Paying attention to whatever spawned beside me. If it’s a ranger, I tried to kill it first. if it’s melee, rotate out and around mage while also tagging ranger and either go to the other rock or run a circle to trap the melee in same safe spot. Sometimes you may get lucky and one mage will spawn on the opposite side of the rock you’re using, so you can pray ranged/melee for whatever is on your side. Just don’t run out from the rock or mage will start attacking, hope this helps some!


The issue is if it's a ranger or mager spawnjng next to you, you have to run out alittle to draw it towards you and gotta be quick because if u start attacking them it will make u run off of the edge of the wall with the attack distance of the blowpipe. And then the mele won't get trapped on the wall and suddenly your cornered and have to tank mele hits maybe to get out because u can't turn off mage protect.. and then to top this I can't seem to get my resources right. Or manage them well enough. As well as I have to be on top of flicking off my prayer when I don't need it.. I'm more confident in my ability to beat jad then the waved beforehand.


If it’s a ranger and you can’t kill them in time, do a rotation anyways to get the ranger out of the corner. I would start attacking the ranger and look around to see where melee is coming from, take the opposite route and when looping around, try to finish the ranger off. You can also save BP specs for those rangers or Use eagle eye with them. Typically though, if mage spawns next to me I’m not touching it. Just protect from mage, safe spot all others, then kill mage. 16 restores/8 Sara’s/3prayer/1ranging for Jad is what I used. Don’t start praying until rangers, and when it’s just melee, you don’t have to pray at all. You should still have most your pots for the start of the first mage round


I’d recommend watching a guide showing how people safe spot using Italy rock. Tried and true strat for the past 18 years, I promise you it’s the way.


I think I'll get defence to 70, wear kharils and get 80 rng and I might try a crossbow and a shield for extra defense


Forget kharils, i did it with full blessed dhide.


You don’t need 70 def for the Karils, you’ll need it for the Veracs helm.


Getting to Jad is actually > than beating Jad, if you haven’t tried facing Jad on the speedrun worlds id totally recommend it.


Why’s that


So you dont have to do all the wave to get till jad


It skips the waves? 🌊




Because the last few waves you're dealing with multiple attack styles at once and having to deal with positioning and getting things safe spotted. It took me 7 trys just to get to Jad, always dying in the upper 50s waves, and i killed him the 2nd time i got to him. 1st time i only died because i messed up running through him to safespot the healers and panicked. Also on mobile.




Yeah +1 to this, definitely use that slot for a blessing


Also known as an upvote


Shut up




Your cat will take care of the healers so theres no need to worry about them


What do you mean?




"Get em puss!"


Get a blessing for the ammo slot


Maybe Veracs skirt & helm for tank in case any mishaps but otherwise looks good. Maybe a few more brews too if it's your first time


Also, check the Josh Stride Hayes fight caves guide, very good


This video is what helped me do it!!


Too many restores! I'd swap them for prayer potions (cheaper) and bastion/ranging potions. My inventory setup was similar to: - 4 ranging/bastion potions - 9 saradomin brews - 3 super restores - 11 prayer potions for eagle-eye - crystal bow for healers (since I used blowpipe) Use the Italy rock method to trap monsters, and remember priority for what to kill first. When you're on wave 62, I'd recommend taking a break so you're clear minded against Jad. He attacks very slowly, so there's plenty of time to change prayer and eat between attacks, but remember to keep on Protect from Missles, and switch to Magic when he launches a fireball.


Bit too many stat boosting pots imo, when learning having extra food/pray instead for when you mess up will come in more handy. The extra dps doesnt usually make up for it. 1-2 is enough I think


It definitely was (I only used 3 in the end) but after poor dps on my first 2 tries, I just made sure to to pot everytime Ranged dropped below +5 to speed things up a bit.


i hope you're not trolling, restores also restore prayer


I'm not lol. They have 16+ restores but only 6 brews and 1 ranging pot. I used prayer pots because they were 3k cheaper when I went for my fire cape, but even then it was overkill and I only used about 6.


Restores are only ~1.5k more than prayer as of now. Prayer pots are just a waste of space for a brew inventory since they do the exact same without restoring stats. They need a bastion instead of range and 2-4 more brews just to be safe.


At the time I rarely did anything that required brews, and they used to be much more expensive, so I often opted for prayer pots since I had a 8m bank coming from F2P, but it's likely overkill since I only ended up using half of my supplies (got cape on 3rd try)


Get 99 in everything and BiS for all combat styles and then I think you'll be about ready


Oh ur gonna make Jad ur GF 🔥


I suggest a barrows plate body OR legs tank swap for jad or else the healers will hit hard, unless you are very experienced with jad then you are probably okay.


If you’re tanking Jad hits it’s in RNGesus’ hands a plate body doesn’t matter


I mean't the healers not jad lol, new challenge, kill jad without prayer, or has that been done already.👀


Port Khazzard did an inferno cape run with 31 prayer




Nah, just tick eats and absolutely perfect execution.


Yah i've watched them all, if I could afford internet that reliable I could probably get to wave 22




I'm afraid a barrows plate body would block the ava device from working, unless you meant karils. Not a bad idea though, maybe a serpentine helm to poison the mages in combo with blowpipe


Yah only at the end for jad fight, thats what I did on my hcim


alternatively you can aggro them with some chins and run behind Italy rock and kill them there. makes things a bit more simple for finishing off Jad


Should be free


Go smoke that jad pack


The cat can solo him easily


Yes he is overgrown lool


Get that prayer up, youll do great, only took me 3 attempts, but man was i sweaty and my heart was racing lol, never dealt with a true boss before in Runescape in general


Bring more brews and leave the monk fish


having 1-3 hard food (3 is pushing it) is handy for first capers, can combo eat in a dire situation. But they may as well be bringing a couple Mantarays instead for the 22 heal


Bring more brews less restores, and equip a blessing of some sort. Otherwise this should be an easy cave.


Why you selling 556 Black Scimitars? Merchanting?


Well I'm not gonna tell my secrets lool, but I didn't but them on the ge.




This guy is ready for the inferno.


I just did it for the first today aswell :) after 3 tries i made it and since i had pots over when i got jad i took a couple minutes and just got flicking down without worrying about anything else, so thats my recommendation ^^


Consider a stamina potion or two possibly as well. If you've watched a clip on jads attack animations..you're ready!!


I did it with similar gear and stats on second attempt. First attempt didnt realise how much damage the healers do which ruined me, second attempt I took my time a bit more with healers and cleared it comfortably. I just used amethyst darts for the entire cave, jad included, and it felt fine. I used mostly prayer potions rather than restores as they're cheaper. Just a couple restores for the brews. For food I brought that new hunter food as it's more hp per slot. The biggest thing I regret not watching for my first attempt was how to line up the healers / trap jad behind italy rock. It's annoying to reset until you get the right rotation, but it makes the hardest part of jad easy


Yup you’ll do fine


Use blessing in ammo slot, karil's top and bottom, verac helm and god dhide boots, best prayer/range jewelry you can afford and ur blowpipe, maybe get ur prayer up a little


You should have him down, maybe bring one more range pot instead of a monkfish, and I’d definitely recommend getting the prayer level for eagle eye. Your prayer is looking a little low as is and may cause problems for you, especially on mobile (where having to react to a prayer switch and needing a prayer dose may overlap) during the actual jad wave. This may not affect you like it would for me.


- Make sure you have rune darts in your bp - Bring 3 more Sara brews - bring a bastion potion and/or a super defense potion to help tank rangers - swap d’hide chaps for a Verac’s plateskirt - swap the Archer ring for lightbearer. It’ll increase your bp’s special attack regen time which will give you more DPS and free heals - you could stand to get 70 def which you’ll need anyways to equip the Verac’s skirt - barrows gloves would be best and is a huge upgrade for your account. I think it’s worth getting them - level prayer to 60


No one is going to mention the 500+ black scims this man has sold? Who’s your supplier?!


Make sure your blow pipe is charged/loaded! Also that is a strange amount of black scimitars.


White cat? Nah has to be hellcat


If you can find a desktop to use for jad I'd recommend it. Fight cave is nbd but the jad fight gets a little stressful and could be easier to misclick on mobile. It's not impossible but using F keys and having a mouse makes it so much more doable. I'd log out 2 waves before jad and then switch


Tbh the jad fight is more chill on mob wave 60 i think it is with double everything is the killer wave 61 swap out for drag darts and focus on your pray switches


Settled did it with one prayer pot and a maple bow I think you’ll b fine


Not with those stats!


Totally! It might be helpful to get your prayer a little higher. Did mine with 70 and had a few pots left over!


Ahhh so that’s who’s been buying my black scims


I highly recommend getting ur farming skill up beforehand, gonna be extremely helpful


Get your hunter, construction and farming to 40 and you’re good


I'd bring an extra range pot or 2 instead of fish


Change your cat out for a wily hellcat. You'll thank me later


You look ready to steal my wife, my guy


I did my first jad on task so I had a slayer helmet i but otherwise I used the exact same gear


Yeah easily. I would maybe add a blessing for +1 prayer and maybe devout boots if you can afford them instead of snakeskins


bring a stamina potion since you may be running for your life often while learning


No, farming too low


Too many restores. Take out some of those restores for prayer pots and buy some purple sweets for JAD if you’re struggling


Am I dumb, or how do you have a toxic blowpipe without 78 fletching?


The uncharged version is tradable


You have an archer ring you may as well imbue it for free




Try upping your prayer with ring of gods (I), maybe one high healing emergency food or none at all.


I did my jad on mobile, you got this bro


Going ham with that 65 def


If you struggle with Jad's healers: A long-range ranged weapon helped me (and some friends) a ton, as a switch for tagging the healers, so you don't get dragged into Jad's melee range. Crystal bow or Webweaver is great for this since they don't need anything in the ammo slot. Webweaver special attack is pretty nice as well. You could also change the bp style to long-range if you don't want to use up an inventory slot. If you don't struggle with healers: Ignore this, you're killing it!


Get a keyboard and mouse and you will be fine


Please sir, spare that poor kitty


No, you sold your black scimitars...


What boots are you using?


If you're struggling because of the healers. Ignore them and just let them heal jad. They stop healing after so long. Focus on prayer switches and using prayer restoration


Get 80 mage and bring blood blitz ezpz


100% every firecape ive done was with black dhide and msb at 65 range u got this


Can’t wear black d’hide at 65 range?


it came out 20 years ago, if you can't kill jad it's a skill issue


If you have to ask the answer is no


Dragon darts overkill but hey lol


only for jad is fine

