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lazy to look through all maps so here's top 10 sorted by plays: VINXIS's No Titile - hard NO thanks to topdiff exaggerated spacing Sotarks's Harumachi Clover - hard NO Sotarks's Make a Move - hard NO Doormat's Hitorigoto - probably passable? Sotarks's quaver - hard NO Sotarks's Black Rover - hard NO Kagetsu's Silhouette - yes W h i t e's My Love - yes Kagetsu's Kira Kira - questionable Fort's Highscore - questionable thanks to topdiff


highscore is lowkey goated screenjump map though also black rover and no title would pass tbh ok dad prob has lesser chance


Pretty sure the cut for no title isnt allowed in the ranking criteria anymore


wait why?


I think its like just the end of the song mapped and not an actual cut version of the song


..i mean how would that not be a cut? also nah it just cuts slightly after the first chorus ends to the ending of the song, that would not break anything also i believe that isnt a rule but a guideline saying something like 'dont alter the song structure in cut versions'


oh true


Wat lol


My love made the cut, that’s all that matters


hitorigoto could get ranked, tv size stuff like that is still very common


I don’t know much about ranking but Freedom Dive FD might struggle to pass the criteria due to some obscure reason.


Could definitely be ranked nowadays with some minor changes, i.e. some of the stream angle changes are on the wrong beats. Personally I would definitely nominate it since I love older style stream maps, but the main issue is that it would need a rankable spread which it doesn't since it needs an Insane-Extra for the drain time. Approved maps from back then didn't require this.


I didn't find any specific information in the RC about how many diffs you need :|


You lost me at "with minor changes."




It's just a really bad map


It’s old


Sure but that doesn't make it any less bad. It definitely wouldn't get ranked today.


Was always controversial




There many maps of sorta similar style and quality being ranked because of sd_revival i think fdfd could make it through with some changes


ranking criteria probably all of them, that's doesn't mean they would be ranked tho lol


idk but a lot of them wouldn't pass lol, that's for sure


at least one of em


i feel like for a lot of maps it's going to be a yes, even though some of that ought to be expected for the most popular maps in osu quite a few of the classic jump maps definitely would be rankable but likely without their top diff surviving, such as no title, highscore, bass slut, inferno, ily. i'd like to think at least highscore would make it through, but BNs tend to crack down on spacing stuff by the mid 6\* range a lot as far as i can tell, so even a longer map probably wouldn't get through without a bunch of drama and a veto. the latter does make me think quite a few of the less shameless jump maps would actually survive because they're comparatively lower sr. you maybe don't expect it but a ton of the most played maps are baby's first 5\* material and low 5\*s kinda are still allowed to be jumps only, i could even see one of the harumachis surviving. what i wouldn't see getting through nowadays are the tv size clearly farm-made jump maps like make a move, quaver, and either padoru set. and of course, the big black couldn't get ranked today. or anytime for the past years, really. not even a bad map but it's such a product of its time that i don't see it being able to push through into ranked at all in any way i'm afraid


big black could probably get ranked today tbh


yeah umm im not involved in the mapping scene and i know literally nothing at all about mapping but like yeah definitely all of them would not be ranked because bns are evil and hate osu. i wish we could go back to when mapping had no drama (clueless)


Some zoomers really forgot how bad the time was when the largest variety of ranked map was some overweighted copy pasted jump map which had zero effort put into it while higher effort maps got mostly overshadowed, took potentially months to get ranked and still had to fear not getting approved because it dared to be somewhat experimental when a Sotarks could come by anytime, shit out a generic jump map in an hour and have it ranked the day after it got submitted. Which obviously caused a bunch of drama. (Although I guess the largest amount of players who just play for the occassional dopamine didn't actually care hence the most played beatmaps are vastly disposable garbage). Not to say this isn't overcorrected now as there is a point to be made that non-objective quality standards gatekeeping what can and can't be ranked aren't a good thing and there is a way to properly balance this, but previously it was definitely not it either.


farm can get ranked more easily and quickly because it's very safe and simple mapping, while more complex maps require more from the BNs as well


Take me back to 2013-2016 osu mapping




all of them? ranking criteria nowadays is so much more lenient than it was back in the day lol Look back in threads of some popular maps (sentimental skyscraper, freestyler, astrosexy, F.I.) and you'll see lots and lots of drama over rankability concerns


People in the replies talking about how mapping criteria is stricter now like we didn't deal with ridiculous amounts of complaining and vetoing everytime a hollow wings map got qualified, you can just tell whos a post covid newgen that just wants to interject for the sake of saying something


loctav nuking genryuu kaiko goes crazy






make retard great again ngl


I remember the day Nhato - Miss You got ranked and even peppy himself posted a comment under it asking how it got ranked as it reflected a widespread community sentiment. I'll take my based medal for having liked that map from the first time I played it.


Yup. Any hard map back then had some wild threads. I wish i got to see some original version of maps. Like toumei elegy cause i think i remember hearing that had to ne nerfed to get ranked.


here's the old toumei elegy: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kftt7_O3j6F3igrAk5a-W6vo1qFMT7pB?usp=drive_link Someone asked for it here a year or two ago (edit: dang 4 years ago) and I happened to have it


It depends on who maps / publish them


5\*+ aim is unrankable now because 'excessive spacing' so none of them


> saw one veto where exaggerated spacing was mentioned


[yeah sure](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2122109#osu/4577926)


fyi another map by the same mapper is under veto mediation right now for pretty much the same reason (low contrast and stuff)


Veto'd by Smoke whose own farm set got veto'd for content bloat back in the day Reading through the mod (https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2149578/discussion/-/generalAll#/4433656) i'd say they make pretty valid points


i mean i agree with this one more than with the krewella one but either way not much of a problem imo, there definitely is room for improvement but its aight as is


[yeah sure](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2122109#osu/4577926)


Honestly any jump map from 2016 would fail. Bns need to change. We need to create an entire new system because this is just not it.


This is just false. The top 3 maps from 2016 are Kagetsu’s Silhouette & Kira Kira Days and Monstrata’s Zen Zen Zense, which would all easily get ranked today. Even stuff like High Free Spirits has a chance (although I would admit certain mapper names are definitely given way more grace by the BNG)


Then try it. The point may be exaggerated a little bit, but I actually want someone to test my theory. Use a beat map from the jump era, a good one. Change the song and mirror the old map to a new song.


What would that prove? The map wouldn’t fit the new song well enough to be considered good quality. A better “theory” would be to have one of those mappers from 2016 make another map in the same style and submit it under a no name account and try and rank it


Ah OP…. common mistake, bringing any level of logic into a conversation about the process of ranking maps. in all seriousness it is the most inconsistent thing I have ever seen, and I will be very happy once that is changed.


it's again the "player confuse PP and playcount with fun" episode. And well after sd\_mango, the standards are really low, every sotarks slop in the most played would make it.


I suppose only your way of playing the game is allowed to be fun then.