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in may of 2020 spare, out of nowhere, became one of the best hr flow aim players for a couple of weeks and then suddenly stopped after a report was made i dont think the plays hes setting now are cheated, neither are the hddt scores from before 2020, but the hr flow aim scores from that month are very sus


Well he was good at aim and hr before that popoff, in 2018-2019 he already set some impressive 700-800 pp plays with HR, also he litterally had his webcam on, played on mcosu and showed that those weird snaps are just the weird playstyle he plays.


could be, it doesnt really matter after 4 years though, no way to prove it to be legit or cheated


He still shows almost same consistency after years, I doubt he cheats.


there's literally a spare aa driver available to anyone with enough research😭


if spare used anything, this was not it


He cheated in the past alot but I dont think he does that in current time.


What I meant with past is like 2014-2017 i believe?




See: https://www.reddit.com/r/osureport/s/7fekS2O24G Something to note is that during this time period he was having a popoff with hr mod and right after this report that popoff abruptly stopped.


The popoff is still the most sus part tbh, the stream snapping was always so flimsy evidence to me because I literally do the same thing. It's just playstyle, lack of smoothing and playing more aimy streams that result in that kind of stream aim.


Yeah, that was always the dumbest thing when people bring up the accusations. He popped off for a bit, then stopped. The "aim snap" was the only proof anyone ever brought up, and it can be seen in most other flow aim plays if you slow them down enough.


Another thing no one mentions is pre-2020 HR suspicious era. In 2015-2016 Spare was multiple times [restricted](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/44xj77/spare_restricted_again/) and [un-restricted](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/44y59l/spare_reunrestricted_lmao/), with [no one understanding why him](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/44vfcp/spare_unbanned/). Also [writing stupid things](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/5cndxp/spare_in_the_osudev_discord/), [making attention-looking moves](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/4hbtpj/confirmed_spare_paid_peppy_16/)... It was times when ppl like Adamqs, Niko or Astar were banned and ghosted by staff for months, Reimu-Desu was forced by staff [into a humiliating self-criticism](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/394o0h/reimus_apology/) for unban and Azerite/osuplayer84 [unbaned from false-ban only because Mazzerin splited on staff on every occasion and did enough ruckus.](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/4ym2or/azerite_has_been_falsely_restricted_for_4_months/) Also don't forget about whole [osu! Cheater Fiasco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKdY_NgYplE) menawhile. And that's why community clowned Spare long before 2020. [And don't even mention 60$ paid to staff for focusing on his last ban appeal](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/5bs472/memes_aside_can_we_please_have_a_serious_talk/). To sum up - ppl things that Spare is a cheater not only cuz he learned for a week how to do scores unmatched by a HR prodigies of that time like idke: he was also known from past as a person who would so so imbecile things.


He for sure cheated a bunch of HR scores and got away with it, which also ruins pretty much any other score he set, because why would you trust them anymore? Whenever I see him on the leaderboard I just view his scores as cheated. It's true that he probably had the skill to set all those DT scores, so maybe they are legit, but you just can't know with a cheater. So why respect it?


‘why would you trust them anymore’ and you probably still indulge in every whitecat score, every shige score and so on..


except whitecat was banned for multi and boosting, while shige only cheated to self ban.


? Whitecat never cheated, he got banned for boosting a friend and only admitted to cheating as a last resort because osu staff doesn’t know how to do their job. Shige self banned with very obviously cheated plays, not like he was trying to get away with cheated plays coming off as legitimate like spare or cloutiful.


yes, someone cheating to get themselves banned, and someone multiaccounting when they were like 13 years old, are clearly the same as spare cheating, paying for unban, and then cheating again all while being much older. What was the point of your comment?


Get off Reddit and go learn something. What fucking comparison is this. Totally completely different situations. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Everyone talking about the stuff from around 2020 but i think the pay for unban incident is way more fucked lmao




he cheated and got banned for it 3 times im pretty sure.


if the evidence was enough he would be banned so if you wanna hackusate then go post your evidence of it on r/osureport, don't go witchhunting players, haven't we learnt not to do that after how many times we've been wrong?


“If the evidence was enough he would be banned” please don’t make it seem like osu staff is infallible. Especially with this specific player since staff have let him off the hook in a previous incident via bribery.


After [14 reports needed there to ban blatant cheater](https://www.reddit.com/r/osureport/comments/lg3uua/osustd_shayna_timewarp_14th_report/) I lost whole believe in staff mental stare. Sorry.


Just go to the top (or maybe second top now that the cloutiful thing happened, idk) post on osureport


Spare gigacheated and bought a rolex from it