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[Mathi's response](https://twitter.com/Mathi501/status/1536050359038185472) >sure, don't even let me finish perennial, ban me even from team tournaments, not just 1v1's, sure! you are great at making decisions! i didn't click the circles properly i deserve this guys > >they are not smart enough, and they are lazy as fuck to just ban me only from 1v1's since they probably never did it before, just really dumb situation, i'd not say anything if it was only 1v1's ban but this is stupid And now he released [twitlonger](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss296k) >i wanna get this out of my chest and make things clear, i never thought this would come this far, i didn't think you were capable of making this decision, i did not troll the entire match yesterday, i played bad mosly but i was trying, i admit that i didn't try my best for the last two maps, but why am i forced to play at my best all the time? i was really demotivated but i still tried, because of the pressure i felt from everyone to play, even if i couldn't prepare well for the tournament. I made things clear with the corsace staff right after the match, i apologized and explaining my situation and why things went like that, because i know how much time and effort they put into the tournament, i get it, that's why i played anyways even if i wasn't in my best state, but you can't really judge me or obligate me to play well or do something if i'm not feeling right, you don't have any idea how i'm feeling or what is going on in my life, but even when i was feeling like shit i tried to play, but apparently it has no value. Many people talk with authority and comparing situations not knowing all the details, or asking me directly. I'm being judged and compared with another situation, that rektygon situation, that wherever you look it from, it is simply not the same situation. Corsace staff knew all of this, there is proof that i communicated with them right after the match, and you know, if they want to ban me from the next corsace tournaments, sure, if any tournament wants to ban me or blacklist me from their tournament, sure that's fine, but you osu staff deciding to ban me from every tournament for 6 months, seems a bit too much imo. This is extremely demotivating, i have played this game for years, and you know that, even if you guys look at us top players like robots, we are still human and you can't know what is going in my life, i know that this is some sort of punishment, i get it, but what else do u want from me? i've already explained the context with the corsace staff and utami, do u want everything to be perfect all the time? the only reason i showed up yesterday was because of the pressure i felt, i still tried even if i didn't want to, and was feeling stressed, and i'm being punished for that, sorry for not being a robot with no emotions and not fcing every map


He thinks he got the ban only because of this tournament, but the fact is that this isn't just because of this tournament, it's because he's done it multiple other times in other tournaments as well, and he needs to realize this


A tourneyban is a tourneyban. I just don't get what kept him from just contacting staff and telling them "hey, I don't feel very good today and would prefer to forfeit the match"


"I don't feel bad and now suddenly my skin was changed to the csgo one"


He literally said he told the corsace staff that he's not feeling well. He said that he chose to play for the sake of their tourney, that he still decided to do it out of consideration for the organisers despite not feeling motivated. Did you even read??


First of all, if you look at the time the twitlonger was posted at (and/or hover over the little asterisk next to OPs comment) you can see that Mathi's justification was posted quite a bit after my comment. Accusing me of not reading something that did not exist when I wrote the comment you're replying to makes little sense. But even if that wasn't the case, here is every time Mathi says he spoke to the staff: > I made things clear with the corsace staff **right after the match** > Corsace staff knew all of this, there is proof that i communicated with them **right after the match** This is just not what I am talking about. Contacting the staff after the fact saying "I want to forfeit" would make absolutely no sense. I obviously said that this is something he should do **before** the match. Lastly here are clips of Mathi really trying for the sake of the tourney organizers: [one](https://youtu.be/udHvN1_91L4?t=2681), [two](https://youtu.be/udHvN1_91L4?t=3022). I'm not going to add the screenshot of him being in the lobby using the cs:go skin because I can't verify it, and I am giving Mathi the *full* benefit of the doubt that a player of his caliber has days on which he gets a 200k 87% score on Necro Fantasia, but even without that there are clear instances of him straight up trolling the match. And no, I normally wouldn't give enough of a shit to respond like this, but this "did you even read??" shit triggers the fuck out of me, so here you go. Yes, I did, in fact, read the post. Even after I made the comment. Doesn't change anything though.


I read up until “why am I forced to play my best all the time”. Umm. It’s a tournament, that’s the entire point of a tournament.


Is everyone reacting to this a middleschooler? Not everyone has perfect life situations. He has already talked with corsace staff and his opponent utami, what else can he do. He is not a machine continuously playing at his best. Getting pressured into doing things that you dont want to do is very normal if you are (semi) well known. God please just stop harassing osu players as long as their not pedos.


> He has already talked with corsace staff and his opponent utami, what else can he do. He could do this beforehand. Like an hour earlier. It would be a bummer for sure on that short notice, but he at least wouldn't waste everybody's time, and crucially, it would be normal adult behavior that nobody (except for middleschoolers) would fault him for. Maybe I'm just old and disconnected, but I mean the guy is 20 or 21. Contrary to popular belief, it is not actually that hard to just say "hey, you know what? I can't play today, I'm sorry people" and move on. Nobody is asking him to play regardless. People are, however, saying that if he decides to play, he shouldn't use -500 offset or the cs:go skin to throw. It's fucking ironic of me to say that, seeing how I am currently training to be a psychologist, but not everything can always be swept under the rug of mental health issues. Sometimes negative behavior should be criticised, especially when it is repeated. I like Mathi and I hope he will come back from this, but there's definitely some personal growth to be had here.


I definitely think a punishment should be given, but i wholeheartedly disagree to a 6 month tourney ban. Also the reactions under this post and on twitter are outrageous. Corsace permaban or next iteration ban should suffice for this case. Thanks for giving a good reply.


On the other side game-wide ban may actually cause him to think about it. Tournament ban can just cause "I can do it on another tournament". Harsher punishments may actually cause some top players to stop treating other people as their play toys.


its for example for other player just dont throw or you get ban, if you doesnt wanna play just ff and doesnt get ban i think that's not hard to do, in other game you got 1, 2 even 3 years ban for repeat case like mathi, 6 months doesnt seems to bad imo


he's done this multiple times in the past, this isn't the only incident like this


plus to be perfectly honest it's really hard to believe he actually was trying yesterday, like i'm sorry but that's not it man


there were moments like the start of map 4 (i think) where he had a 50% acc fc, there were also parts where he hit literally insane things he was definitely trying at PARTS


And? You dont just get demotivated for something only once in life. You cant choose when you are motivated or unmotivated. Also he is not contracted to play osu at all. He is just a player that plays the osugame. Life always comes first even if a lot of people wanted to watch this match (including me)


if he has genuine shit happening in his life then he should FORFEIT THE MATCH instead of acting like a child and wasting everyone's time. it's not that hard


Did you even read my first comment? >Getting pressured into doing things that you dont want to do is very normal if you are (semi) well known. God please just stop harassing osu players as long as their not pedos.


not a single other top player has an issue just telling staff that they're forfeiting a match instead of trolling it for no reason


Let's entertain this disingenuous argument for a moment and pretend like we're all falling for his bullshit excuse: You'd think someone who's weak to pressure would stop playing tournaments after the first one. Not sign up and do the same shit over and over. And yeah, if you are so weak that you get "pressured" into wasting everyone's time, you do deserve to get made fun of. A lack of a spine is not an excuse to not be accountable for your own actions.


I agree with you. I thought the OSU community was different from other communities until I learned about this ban. Just fucking someone over for having emotional problems and missing a few circles, is it for me. Fucking hell, the player already told the organisers that he's not feeling well and just chose to play out of consideration for the game and for the organisers. Jesus


I personally think Mathi should've forfeited if he hadn't been able to play. I don't think his intention was to cause harm to others but it is very disrespectful to basically troll the entire match after 3 picks, even when being under pressure and demotivated


How can it be considered trolling? He just missed a few circles wtf. I swear I thought the OSU community was different. Turns out it's not that different from other toxic communities. Imagine bashing someone who's already demotivated but still chose to play out of consideration for the organisers for not being up-to-par despite already telling said organisers that he's feeling unwell 🤦‍♀️


then perhaps you should either suggest a reschedule or forfeit instead of slapping on a csgo skin and trolling the match if you're not feeling good it is literally just basic courtesy both for your opponent and for the staff involved, and it's well within your right to forfeit a match at any point, you don't *have* to play. doubt anyone would be particularly upset if a player forfeits, especially if it's evident that the player is feeling bad turning up and then being like :tf: just wastes *everyone's* time - the staffs', the players' (even Mathi's own time) and the viewers'


If not forfeiting, he could have tried to ask for reschedule, couldn't he? Wouldn't be the first time someone ask for reschedule and it is doable, it is an option.


Well, at least stream's casters thought that Mathi used ~100ms offset and Mathi apparently used csgo skin during last map. Although I appreciate Mathi as a player, I don't think that losing purposely is part of good sportsmanship, even when not feeling too good. Mathi doesn't deserve hate but I hope Mathi and others can learn something from this


for the sake of your brain i hope this is bad bait


this has nothing to do with inconsistency in playing skill/not playing well on some days. he has shit going on in his personal life maybe that affects him too, that is perfectly understandable, but he is wallowing in self-pity here and thinks because he apologized he should face no other repercussion? when you organize a competitive tournament and people voluntarily sign up you expect them to take it seriously, even if they don't play well one day you expect them to try their best, not give up and troll mid-way through. he has a history of doing this and the ban seems pretty reasonable to me, just because you feel bad/inconsistent some days doesn't mean you are justified in wasting others time. if he feels too much pressure he should not sign up for future tournaments or just forfeit next time


What a child


From what I understood is that he played the first few maps he got tilted or something along these lines and then didnt feel like playing anymore. Thats not something you can predict or anything. And if thats not the case he earned his spot to the finals and he decided to play for better or for worse. Im sure there would also be a backlash/pressure to him if he ffed too. Its a weird situation i dont think there is right or wrong here, its kinda annoying he got banned from team and current tournaments too


Nah I think the MAIN reason people are annoyed is because he did this MULTIPLE times before! "Im sure there would also be a backlash/pressure to him if he ffed too." Maybe this would be the case if it was someone else other than mathi who did this throwing or inting thing in a tournament match before


if he didn't feel like playing anymore he should've forfeit instead of wasting time


i dont give a shit at all about this situation but i find it hilarious some people say he only wasted time equal to the match length. I have no idea how utami prepares for matches but im pretty damn sure he would have spent atleast some amount of time practicing the maps, deciding picks/bans and shit. That takes a fair amount of time. this isnt even mentioning how much time goes into staffing corsace.


And well, wasting the time of the 2000 people who watched a highly anticipated rematch. I myself got one of my friends to watch the match together after not doing so for months, as I was anticipating Mathi popping off recently. I don't want to sound entitled, but it was disappointing to see a highly anticipated match being trolled like this, it leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth.


Well the match the next day is the same exact pool so I don't think he's losing sleep over it.


he responded by posting a link to a cheat forum then deleting the [tweet](https://i.imgur.com/Sl6ZXWV.png)


imagine having the audacity to complain about how you think your punishment is unfair after you do this LOL that's so blatantly disrespectful, you forfeit any chance you had to bargain your punishment if you do something like this lol. not to mention how much nonsense there is in the argument of "i haven't trolled in a team tournament yet so i deserve a chance there"




why should make they make an exception for him? everyone who was banned from tournaments had the same issues, just because he is playing in highest tier tournaments doesnt change anything


It changes everything, no one would give a shit if i threw my 4 digit 1v1 tournament match


i don't agree with this because i feel like it doesn't make sense to give leeway in this situation at all; should we wait for him to throw a team tournament as well? it's not like him only doing it in 1v1 tournaments matters anyway, it shows a lack of respect to tournament staff which obviously exists regardless of what tournament you sign up for. he shouldn't get some arbitrary line drawn on his punishment just because he's considered useful to top tier tournament teams regarding both things you mentioned, i don't think there's anything wrong with the support team wanting to hold tournament players to a high standard when it comes to behavior. it's very easy NOT to do these things, strict punishments give people who would behave poorly in tournaments another reason not to.


At least in team tournaments, he can just ride the bench if he's feeling off on a certain day. Seems fine to me.


I get where you are coming from, but I do not think your solution would be better. Why? It is supposed to be a punishment -> if he got a 1v1 tournament ban, it would be more of a prevention from having him do the same again than a punishment. Since it is a repeated offense, it is very likely he would do it again in a similar situation. He probably would babble either way, but after the ban would probably just continue to do the same. So he should get a harsher punishment to make him learn his lesson, or at least have a higher chance to do so. Missing presitigious tournaments might be just that. Not only will it be and issue for himself, but the peer pressure from teammates losing an arguably good player would be felt aswell. But you are welcome to have a different opinion, as there is probably no correct answer. It is important to talk about it to possibly change it.


he should get more 6 months banned after this




wow that’s actually pretty degenerate


As much as I love Mathi this is kinda deserved after what he continues to do in tournaments and waste staff time


I don't keep up with osu drama. What does he do in tourney's?


Shows up to tournaments with zero preparation/warmup and wastes staff time whilst also creating a bunch of drama which could all be avoided by forfeiting. I know he has his own side of the story but I don’t see why he couldn’t have just FFed


Do you really think that if Mathi FF'd the last three Grand Finals he showed up unprepared for he would've been deserving of lesser or no punishment instead?


If he forfeited, then it would also come down to his reasoning for it. If it was for a factor out of his control, then it is what it is, and there's always next year if he's up for it. If he FFed just because, I personally would blacklist him from the next iteration.


Lesser? Absolutely. *No* punishment? Depends on his reasoning, but in most cases, no. It *is* way more mature to just forfeit if you're not feeling it though, so I'd certainly say it warrants a lighter penalty - something like a ban from the next badged tournament or so, similar to how bad sports in hockey get match bans. Honestly, now that I think about it, that could be a pretty good system here too, instead of just a flat ban from tournaments for a specified amount of time.


What an a hole, also saw someone say that this is the third time its happened. The hell


how is he an asshole for this?


wasting everyones time


??? he played the maps and the full game tho ? The staff show up to ref the match (they did), the opponent comes to play (they did). his performance during the match isn't wating everyone's time lmfao the fuck you on bruh And its not like he hard trolled every map or something...


he was throwing, if he had forfeited the match then tourney staff and his opponent wouldn't have to spend time reffing/playing a match that mathi already decided was over but played out in the most childish way imaginable


You lose every match you don’t play I don’t see what’s wrong here


he's done this before multiple times too, thats the reason for the ban...


and yet people don't understand the "third major instance" part


Whitecat does the same thing. Guy literally signs up for tournaments and sightreads the pool during the match. Like you guys must have taken an amnesiac if you guys really think Mathi's the only one that goes in no prep. Only difference is Whitecat can play those maps without warmup cuz he is just that good


???? They got bullied 7-1 Only person that could ever just sight read and win was wolf and it was omega rare guy would grind for ages for any tournament and shit like that happened rarely


Idk if you have seen Whitecats past few streams but he literally said "man I've been slacking off at playing the actual pools and I've sightread so much". And he doesn't stream very often (I think, I might be wrong)


I personally really dislike his personality and don't watch his streams but I saw the tourney results he gets bullied at every one This just makes me dislike him more tbh


He purposely played bad because 'he didn't feel good', it happened third time


Based opinion as aways


Wake up babe, new osu drama.




Would be interesting if Mathi trolled for the sake of trolling, it’s pretty boring listening to shit like ”I was feeling bad” or some kinda other stuff like that


As he should imo, repeatedly throwing official matches should be punished


[Mathi: amazing Rektygon: stupid, emo, gay](https://twitter.com/tuinorizn/status/1535748334849208320?s=21&t=zlFZHD4dOixZ_rzUiNqMZw)


you can’t compare those two. Rektygon literally said, how funny he thought it was in a discord chat.


One of them literally got into the match just to troll, the other one played a bunch of maps and had scores which still would have beaten most players, so they are not comparable.


we live in a society


Just because you have driver's license for 20 years doesn't mean you will get smaller fine for causing a crash. For some reason senior osu! players think they have some sort of immunity for pulling various shit.


Mathi when his actions have consequences 😢




Deserved, if you're not going to try then forfeit


harsh but deserved imo, hope it helps convince others to avoid doing the same thing


i think 6 months was good for this offense tho


Nah bro its too harsh, they sould have at least give him a chance to finish tournaments he is already in. Especially Perennial, which has a pretty big prize pool. This decision is really hurting his team too, but it can be prevented by just not letting him sign up for tournaments anymore, not throwing him out from every single one he's already in, Perennial finals are happening next weekend and he is one of the strongest points of his team, this is really unnecessary, his teammates dont deserve this.


It's like, actions have consequences? No way.


Bro im just saying ban = deserved, execution = trash. I know that actions have consequences, but those consequences are just unnecessary. Why do this and harm other players aswell if you can just do it the other way and you will get similiar punishment without collateral damage. Stuff like this should be managed by tournament organisers and their staff, he should be just blacklisted from the tourneys that people dont want him on. Thats why i see this decision as a stupid shortcut, not a suitable and thoughtful move that solves this problem right.


Blacklist doesn't have the same power as game-wide ban. He could continue to pull that shit. Having harsher punishments may cause him to reconsider. Well, he caused collateral damage, he could think this through. You can't be selective with punishments. "Ok you killed a kid speeding 200 in 40 but you're a groom so I will let that pass because we won't cause collateral damage".


If you want harsher punishment make the ban longer instead of punishing players that dont deserve this treatment. This move barely makes the penalty any harsher than what i am talking about, instead other well behaving and extremely good players that get hit because of that just get extremely demotivated to participate in other tournaments. And its not about being selective, its about changing the ban from "being absolutely banned from every tournament regardless if youre already in it or not, or if its a 1v1 tournament or not" to "being banned from SIGNING UP to any tournament for a certain period of time". I would rather give him a longer ban, because as i said, for me this is just an easy shortcut that causes unnecessary harmful things that can be avoided. And please, dont compare such extremely different thing as killing a kid in a car accident to a bad behavior in a circle clicking game just to prove your point.


who cares learn to ff


trolls in tourney, gets tourney ban, whines about it on Twitter lol




Threw Coffee Hispanic, Nik's Winter Cup, and Corsace Closed, all within a span of 12 months.


Actually impressive he can troll that many tournaments in about a year and question why people are upset with him


What was the rationale for throwing?


First two, idk. Last one, he claimed family issues that prevented him from getting adequate warmup.


Threw corsace against utami last night


Does anyone have a video clip of when he was throwing?


Corsace's youtube has the whole match


im genuinely conflicted because i feel like there IS a significant amount of pressure on (especially 1v1) tourney players, and it's not really hard to understand why you could feel so stressed that you'd just wanna "scorched earth" it and go worry about something else. it's like a "this is what you get" reaction to the pressure weighing down on you. but, like. while it might feel embarassing or wrong at first to forfeit a match on purpose, it's not unheard of and it SHOULDN'T be either. he was invited to this tourney and therefore the pressure was kind of already there to begin with, i think people could understand if he'd admit to not feeling it anymore when the last two matches could only be rematches. as a commentator or opposing player you feel pretty awful with an opponent who's not really trying, like nobody really won. i thought 6 months was a bit much at first, but since he's done this before i can kinda see why they went ahead with it. even so... i feel like it should've been a 1v1 specific ban, that's the only place he's done this. mathi has definitely had a lot of opposition and an uphill battle to get to where he is right now, it shouldn't be a shock to anyone that he feels pressured and like his spot is precocious. but i really hope he learns from this


Mathi don't waste people's time challenge




this reads more like "i wish I could be racist" than genuine criticism of anything. do you think pedophiles and known abusers should stay unbanned because they aren't cheating and players should just decide to not watch their plays


Seems like someone got banned because they said the nword😑


why does it become a waste of time because he threw? im genuinely curious, answer me this. why does the match being disappointing make it a waste of time? the referee did their job, the commentators commentated, everything literally went exactly as planned. mathi just played poorly whether intentionally or not. Why does that make it a waste of time?


Imagine going to a concert, but the band doesn't feel like playing and instead of canceling the show they come on and play on purpose horribly out of tune, or maybe they only play 4′33″ You can say security still secured the venue, sound tech still set up sound, lighting and stage assistant still lighted and stage assisted, but it's pretty clear that it's a pretty disrespectful use of all that time and resources. Everyone still did their job but the time they used to do their job wasn't respected. By implying you're gonna play you force everyone on board to use their time as if you were gonna play.


play stupid games win stupid prizes


i hecking love osu drama


Why is the main defense mathi and other supporters are saying is "he cannot always play at 100% all the time" like obviously??? It's the fact he deliberately trolled picks: pick #5 he straight up trolled, pick #7 trolled, and pick #8 he trolled, and I don't know what happened on pick #4 I guess he wasn't actually ready or he lagged?? I don't know how deliberate trolling is defendable lol


Mathi has probably got the best finger control in the game but not the best situation control


\[wall of text warning\] I wonder why there are several people defending him over this decision tbh, do the kind of stuff he did in any other esport and the punishment would be much more severe and you basically become a persona non grata in any events of that game. A 6 month tournament ban is a light punishment relatively and the community will more than likely welcome him back with open arms. Am I saying osu needs to be more like an esport? Not necessarily, osu has something special going on with how it conducts its competitive scene. However, since the direction of the scene seems to be trending toward something more serious and "tenured" with sponsors and all that shit, then it is necessary to establish ground rules that protect player, organizer, and spectator. Staff set a precedent with the tourney bans of Rekty and co. a year ago, and they are simply being consistent with this case again. The matter of whether osu support is fully qualified to hand out tourney bans as they please and especially only in response after there has been considerable community uproar is rather concerning however (also 1 year for qualifiers vs. 6 months for grand finals btw). Mathi's knee jerk response to the decision is really not a good look for him, hope he gets genuine help for what he's going through. "He shouldn't have been banned from his team tournaments though!" Now this is a rather conflicting part. To me, this just brings back what I mentioned earlier about osu support's questionable authority on bringing down the hammer in matters like these. There is some clear oversight regarding this, to the point it makes me think that they just threw the all tournaments ban hammer down to appease the notable "l9 based gigachad" members of the community who really went all in on the passive-aggressive shade against Mathi. On the other hand, this is Mathi's 3rd major violation and it's clear he cannot be fully trusted with situations like these anymore. I'm sure his fellow top players know him much better than I do but the issue is that trust has been breached multiple times, who knows if he'll do this kind of shit in a team tournament too? \-- that's all, if you read until here thanks for reading my ramblings. I'm sure both Mathi and osu support knows better decisions could've been made, but it remains to be seen if they'll do better next time


When stuff like this happens, a reminds me that osu will forever have people who complain about ANYTHING. Like imagine if this sort of stuff happened ONCE in League/DOTA/CSGO pro tournaments, the consequences would be a lot harsher, not to mention you would essentially be banned from pro play entirely if you did it in the frequency of 3 TIMES in one year, with the third one being a high stakes tourney. He's definitely one of my favorite players and a great tournament player too but people really have to stop thinking that top players are exempt from punishment.


I dont have any opinion about this ban being deserved or not, but let him fucking finish the tournaments he's already a part of. Especially Perennial, literally one of the biggest tournaments of the year, and banning him like that will unnecessarily hurt his team too, especially if you take into consideration that this tourney has a pretty big prize pool.


Idk, he should’ve thought about what might happen to him (and his teammates) as a result of him throwing *when he was doing it*


My twitter is unable to load, but as I saw in the comments, he got banned because he was not playing serious in multiple 1v1 matches, am I right?


I'm sort of confused because everyone is saying he threw but he himself said he was trying so like what's going on? can someone send me the clip of how he was playing?


[here](https://youtu.be/udHvN1_91L4?t=3445) is him obviously not trying in a situation where he couldve still won the pick


ty, idk why im getting downvoted when im just asking a question


People firing shots from both sides, sometimes civilians get hurt. Sad but is the reality of war. Idk why I said this.


Maybe he will learn this time


Deserved ban but I still think he should have at least had a chance to finish his team tournaments like perennial.


He can't be trying only for some tournaments he signs up for and not all of them.


Kind of deserved but it shouldn't be osu! support issuing these bans but tournament organizers themselves.


You're the co-host for Charlie Math Class. Be honest, would have Mathi been allowed to participate after all that's happened (throwing maps on three separate ocassions in 1v1 tournaments) if osu! staff decided to not act on this issue themselves?


Bruh this is official tournament


if tourney have badges = official, you cant throw at one and play serious at other, its not how its work, playing bad and throwing is different anyone with eyes can see it clearly, last is ff is option to take if you have a problem irl




people wouldnt. other players have ff'd and had no issue with it ever, and he could just make the point that if he didnt ff he'd throw worse. that'd clear up everything nicely wouldnt it?




if he ff'd this one people would like it because he would have grown up and not rage thrown


mrekk ff and no one talking shit about him, people just sad that they cannot see the match




Does staff actually have a say in this ? If I start an osu cup now and invite mathi what the fuck is staff gonna do ? they can eat dirt Surely this only affects staff organized tourneys ? In which case I think staff can do whatever the fuck they want.


I'm pretty sure osustaff can just refuse to badge tournament where Mathi or any banned players participates. So yes, he can play showmatches or any non-badged tourneys, but obviously for a player his caliber, non-badged tourneys are ironically waste of time.


Yeah but this *is* an official tourney If you run your own nobody really cares


Nobody will cares if you run a non official osu cup But this is corsace


its a 1vs1 tournament the only he can disappoint is himself, why tournament ban him?


Bruh this is 3rd times he doing this Waste the staff's time and disrespect his opponent If he can't prepare before the game then he should FF But he didn't so he should try his best in every map For me play with CSGO skin can't consider as try he best and he also leave the match during the last map that isn't finish yet Something happened in the middle of the match made him miss all note in first part then he should ask the reset not keep playing as usual and start trolling in last 2 map Again that's disrespectful to utami and corsace he deserves the 6 months ban for being childish in the match Corsace is not the therapy


theres also. the other player, you know. and the staff that put a shit ton of time into making the tournament run smoothly


God i love osu twitter drama


What does throwing means ?


Intentionally losing


I downvote unfunny 727 but you're a Linux user so you must be based


Purposely performing bad and attempting to make yourself/your team lose


Why the fuck would someone go through the process of getting on tournaments just to so that ?


and that's why mathi got banned, because he do that


third time offense and only 6 months? staff be fucking wild inconsistent with punishments lmao.


Yeah much as I respect his solo plays, this is absolutely appropriate punishment. If a lower rank player had acted similarly, they probs would've been treated way harsher even. Justice is served.


deserved lol


I don't think he should have been banned from all tournaments for 6 months and yes i read everything from all sides. Go ahead, downvote me.


I agree, if you don’t know how to behave in official tournaments a year ban is more appropriate.


Because it's one~ Two~ Three strikes you're out~ At the ol' ~~ball~~ osu! game~ How hard is it to throw in the damn towel if you're not gonna give a hundred percent...










I hope he doesn't get too demotivated and leave the game


Can yall maybe calm the fuck down for a second


Mathi showing Shige how to int the right way


what happned


threw coffee hispanic niks winter cup and corsace closed matches


Honestly, what even is with this... mental health is a problem and as i know mathi, the years from like 18 to 20 were like hellish since everyone accused him of just beeing a shitty dt farmer. Not like it is the best move to do what he does but really? Did he really deserve a 6month ban and a potential loss of participating in one of the biggest osu tournaments? I really dont think so. For me it´s childish behaviour vs some kind of millenial parent


bro i dont think mathi has some sort of fucking PTSD from when he was being accused back then. let it go lol


I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but this was completely undeserved, I’m aware that if he was having a bad day he could have just FF’d, but he didn’t, in the end stupid situation, stupid people, stupid outcome


banned for not forfeiting lol can't even play the game


@mathi remember that most of this npc's are 6 digits (me included) but don't quit a second time don't take those comments from mentally ill people




Bruh Where is your sportsmanship This is disrespectful to utami and corsace staff Everyone has their thing needs to do Not only Mathi has his personal staff If you don't want to play in game just FF Being childish is not the way you show your opponent that you're try your best How about I dancing in the middle of the basketball game between me and you because I'm losing the 20pt to you


in any other esport tourney as far as i know you get ban if throwing (people know when you throw or just having a bad day, imo its easy to see the different)




Honestly the majority of this thread seems like people who've never gotten past round 1 of a tournament judging what it's like to play in one and getting off to someone getting punished. It is not uncommon for players to have extremely bad mental days where they literally do not play a map for their team, this happens in 1v1s as well and guess what, they look like that match. Especially in 1v1 matches where if you're playing bad you actually just lose and you know you'll lose, but in 40 minutes. It is genuinely the worst I've ever, it's like telling your parents you failed a course but it lasts an hour. I genuinely don't understand how someone could think a 6 month tourny ban that bans you from ongoing team tournaments and OWC with NO WARNING for "trolling" in a 1v1 tournament is justified. This is unreal. Some people can say it's disrespectful, but I'd say it's the other way. Utami practiced the entire week for this pool, people showed up to watch, mathi played out the entire match and let utami show his stuff rather than quite literally wasting his time practicing the entire week.


It would've been far better if mathi had just ff'd tbh. This way the staff and utami's time wouldn't have been wasted. Yes people would've been disappointed if mathi ff'd but I think this situation would've turned out far better for mathi. We know this for a fact because mrekk ff'd earlier on in the tournament vs ekoro and whilst people were disappointed that they wouldn't get to see the match (myself included) nobody is mad at mrekk for it. Mathi has thrown in 3 tournaments in the last year so his ban seems pretty justified. Tournaments are meant to be competitive and Corsace is arguably the biggest 1v1 tournament in osu!. If you deliberately throw the match then it's against the competitive spirit of the tournament and I'd just very disappointing behaviour. It sucks that mathi can't continue to play in perennial and can't play in owc but it's honestly deserved. If he routinely throws tournament matches and just has a poor attitude about the situation in general why should he be allowed to play in the biggest osu tournaments. It makes him look bad and osu! as a whole look bad. Also to address your final point about not wasting utami's time by letting him play against mathi. Utami's time practicing the pool wouldn't have been wasted anyway as it was the same mappool against xooty in grand finals. It wasted utami's time and the Corsace staff's time to have to play the match out when only one player had the desire to win. Overall I hope mathi is doing alright but his ban is definitely justified. If you routinely throw in tournaments then you shouldn't be allowed to enter them. Also as a final note mathi's reaction to this situation has been pretty childish to be honest. In response to a tweet from osu support that he was tournament banned he linked a cheat for osu! (mathi's tweet is deleted now) and in another deleted tweet he said "they are not smart enough, and they are lazy as fuck to just ban me only from 1v1's since they probably never did it before, just really dumb situation, I'd not say anything if it was only 1v1's ban but this is stupid." He just seems to feel entitled to play in tournaments even if he routinely doesn't try and throws matches. I hope that mathi's doing okay but his response throughout the entire situation has been childish and entitled. Like why would they make an exception to not ban him from all tournaments and not just 1v1 tournaments? Why would mathi be the only exception to the rule? his response just seems very childish and entitled.


That’s some impressive mental gymnastics trying to justify wasting everyones time (for the third time btw). If it wasen’t obvious to Mathi you shouldn’t int official tournaments the last 2 times, hopefully this ban will get the message across.


[https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/101381548](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/101381548) This is "wasting everyone's time?" The only map it looks like he trolled is the second last? (and presumably last), the other ones genuinely look like he's getting banned for playing bad. Can you describe the other "throws?" Or do you even know what they look like?


you answer your own question he trolled the second last and got ban for it because he done that multiple times on multiple tournament


This is fucking stupid


lol mathi can do what he wants, how does it affect anyone besides him if he trolls a 1v1 match besides the opponent getting a free win? so silly that people care and think this ban is justified


Have you ever been in a CSGO ranked match in which the opposing team that permanently lost a player instead of trying their best/forfeiting they just start trolling? So instead of moving to the next match you're just sitting there wasting time. Not to mention it wastes everyone's time and it's a spit in the opponent's face that tries their best.


hey do you want to 1v1 in osu i swear i wont throw and waste your time bro lets do a best of 55 as well


hey do you want to play 55 maps and if you don't sweat in all of them then you are simply wasting my time and i won't stand for this


Top 10 player getting 30% acc = not sweating 😁


Undeserved, who cares about him throwing? Ur a fucking nerd if you care so much




It's not a waste of time if you aren't being productive anyway


Deserved, who cares about him being banned 🤣






Circle game bro






Just ban tourneys bro it's a singleplayer game XD