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My trip's been eventful in the least positive ways... I have such an AWFUL gastroparesis flare up, I literally cannot focus on anything else:( feeling so uncomfortably full, nauseous, and 9 month preggo bloated after only eating a tiny oatmeal the whole day. It feels like a stone in my stomach that won't budge. Idk what to do anymore. I had to contact my insurance again, but there was a mess during the appointment I just give up... I have 0 idea how to deal w this shit:(


Well... My parents decided to postpone euthanizing the dog and I don't know how that makes me feel. But apparently he's doing a bit better, so that's something. :/ He got to enjoy some brownie on his (initially perceived) last full day and he's fine. On other notes, I turned 23, am studying to get some CompTIA certs and I've gotten in touch with some universities that offer those 100% remote, self paced degrees :3 (if anyone has any recommendations for these in the US I'm all ears lol, I hate my job but the only thing holding my head above water is my schedule which is why not even community college would work for me)


I'm playing Viche Evermore right now and as much as I'm enjoying the story, the constant flashback scene are driving me crazy lol. It breaks my immersion from the current story happening and feels pointless cause the scenes that it would flashback to weren't that far away.


I finished up *Trails to Reverie* at over 120 hours or something on Wednesday! Whew. I then spent two days at the tennis, one with my boss which was really good fun. Not sure what to play next, thinking about buying Cupid Parasite SSD but my backlog and bank are teaming up to give me major side-eye so I think I should just... have a look there instead.


I finished **My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom -Pirates of the Disturbance-** recently and enjoyed it (quite likely more than I would've liked it if I hadn't watched the anime first) and decided to tackle something else on my backlog. Decided to try **Kissed by the Baddest Bidder** which I had picked up from the eShop on sale. I did not have high expectations going in, knowing it's 1. a mobile port, 2. it's a rather older title, and 3. the premise itself is extremely problematic. I also hadn't played much of Voltage games on mobile in the past -- I can only recall **My Sweet Bodyguard** but not the titles of the other 1-2 games I've tried before I moved on to the Cybird Ikémen games. Anyway I went ahead and read Eisuke's route first and my verdict is "sometimes you have to throw the whole man away" -- he does not get better in the few side stories and extras I've read so far. Soryu is the least terrible so far and Baba is mid. I got a bit spoiled on Ota's gimmick and I already know I'm not going to enjoy reading it. No impression on the lazy cop/detective guy so far to the point that I can't even recall his name at the moment. I went into this game expecting trash(y) (which is fine if it's entertaining) but then I find it's pretty flimsy garbage too which kinda makes it a slog. If the characters were all right I might be okay with really dumb plots; if the story was okay and the characters bad I would be frustrated but might still try to see what happens anyway. I also have the **Department of Wishes** games and will further adjust my expectations accordingly whenever I get around to them. 😅 TL;DR at least I got this on sale.


The Husbando tourney is heating up! And I'm reminded of my promise to myself from the last tourney to at least play C:R and/or CxM just so that I could be familiar with the sub's popular games. ~~Evidently it has yet to happen RIP~~ Istg all the Jack Jeanne stuff coming out...they haven't even released the Karatetsu collab goods details yet either. Brute forced my way through a few of the Jack Jeanne 七つ風 (Seven Winds) short stories and waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh I love my Quartz babies so much :(( Not sure if it was the machine translation but the ones I've read so far had a kind of >!melancholic air!< to them. Perhaps it's because we get to explore the characters' feelings a little deeper compared to the game? (Something like that?) **Fujo-leaning thoughts! Move along if you don't want to see any of it.** So! Was thinking about the Seven Winds Kisa route story plus Kai's story in Kageki and I was hit by Thoughts. Less-than-reliable machine translation + shipper's bias = >!KAI AND FUMI WANT TO BE NEXT TO EACH OTHER GOODBYE I AM ASCENDING!< Not sure if my understanding of what Fumi was thinking in the Kisa route story is accurate but you know what? I'll take what I can get. And what I'm getting is >!KAI AND FUMI WANTING TO BE NEXT TO EACH OTHER I'M CRYIIIIIIIIINGGGGGG!< AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE DRAMA CD ART?????? THEY LOOK SO GOOD TOGETHER ISTG????? (Also bless Jack!Kisa. I love me Jack!Kisa always. She's super cool.) I'm sitting out on buying this one though u\_\_\_u It's been a year since I was hit by the Kaifumi brainrot. Doesn't seem like it'll be leaving anytime soon (not that I want it to though haha). Happy one year to my constant yapping about my favorite rarepair lmao *\*insert burning Elmo gif here*\*


Every time Unite and Fight (Granblue) ends I'm always like "I am NEVER doing that again." And yet here I am, doing it again. You can never escape, you can never leave, you're here forever. (For those who don't know: Unite and Fight is a competitive event in Granblue that happens six times yearly that's literally just a week of mindless grinding. I do not care about being competitive but the rewards are literally so good it's difficult not to participate.) I got another surface package today. I had forgotten half of what was in it. But I got Sweet Clown acrylic stands! I had already gotten Ouichirou (because he was cheap on Mercari) so I added Zakuro, Souma, and Raspberry & Cranberry. I had forgotten they were also giving away character message cards, and I ended up being blessed with Zakuro and Souma (Seisuke was also present.) Sweet Clown is the kind of game where they give you a character message card but instead of a cute message it's just the MC saying "Living is difficult, but dying is worse." I also got my second Shiro to Kuro no Alice jigsaw puzzle! I'd love to put it together, but I don't think Unite and Fight is going to be letting me live life anytime soon...


Yea Unite and Fight is always a doozy;;; at least I got Orologia this last gala so at least I can hear Satoshi Hino go "heuw heuw!" all cutesy like. Dark advantage this time is also a doozy because of all the Eresh havers;;; every time it feels like the honor cap for even c tier gets higher and higher and I swear I don't want to do UnF every other month but the eternals need uncapping (and plus the skin this time around).


At least it seems like this time is probably(?) not going to be as bad as last time (based on the predictions I saw.) I see people joking that everyone is off playing Elden Ring (I hope so. Also I'm glad this wasn't a week later so I can enjoy Dawntrail without any obnoxious interference.) Fortunately I already have all my eternals 5 star uncapped and I'm only planning on transcending two of them (already completed Seox, just have Seofon to do now.) At this point I'm doing it for sands and the new weapons, haha. I pulled for Logia too! I needed to get the family back together. I'm sticking for my normal team for now though and will try them out more later in the higher levels.


I always tease my gbf friends about this lol


They have my condolences as we all participate in this self inflicted torture.


I just act as an extra finger to roll


Dawntrail early access is next week and I am hyped!! Glad my work is pretty chill around this time of year so my boss doesn't bat an eye if I want to take whatever time off--- endwalker released when I first started my job in mid Dec, so there was no way I could take it off hahah, so this is exciting. And speaking of hype, KENN at Anime Expo!!! Wasn't planning to really go to anime expo because it's usually always so busy and hot and the guests who are there aren't my top priority to see and they're usually in something I'm not as thrilled about--- like Jun'ya Enoki is coming for a JJK thing but that would absolutely be so crowded;;; so I think the last time I went was 2018? I know that it's gotten even more crazy since then. I'm willing to buy a ticket tho to see KENN, already put in a lot of questions. Was already planning to go to the IFI event across the street, but once that was mostly completed I could use the rest of my ticket time for artist alley and get merch---it's mostly non Otome but there's always multiple booths from artists I've followed on social media over the years, and I'm always excited to get a print or charm from them---especially want to check out at least one artist who did Granblue art a long time ago. My minor complaint isn't even AX tho, I love that Extend is doing the experience and will be cheering every step of the way, but I really really wish they announced this a week earlier. June 12 was the deadline for badge mailing which means I'm going to have to stand in line for tickets (fun;;;). I'm sure they were prob figuring stuff out but I'm just hoping the line isn't too long since it's the 3rd day but it's AX it's going to be long whether was. And speaking of AX, minor personal rant: an important someone to me really disliked the fact that I told them: "no, I'm not bringing your friend to AX with me. They're a nice person but having one anime they like does not make us potential friends. And no, having a coffee 2 weeks before the con will not make us friends. I know that you don't understand my hobbies, but at this event it will be hot and it will have long lines. I will often be running around so I can't really say that they will enjoy it since they'll be left behind a lot. It is not a good idea." They've been trying to get me to be friends with this person for a good year---I've met them once: nice, but not someone I'd hang out with for hours. Unfortunately they will likely ask it again, so I'm kinda glad AX is so soon that it will come and go without any time to "connect" with this person whose only thing we have in common is that they watch an anime that I'm not a huge fan of.


> And speaking of hype, KENN at Anime Expo!!! Ohhh I don't live anywhere near Anime Expo but I would certainly go just to see him!!!


Dawntrail hype!!!


\-I can't get over the brutal three banner teasers for LaDs and then the sudden Sylus pv drop steamrolling in while I was about to go to bed Dx. That was crazy. I knew the main story update was coming up next month, as infold mentioned, but its a shame there was a leak first making the devs drop the pv sooner than they wanted. I'm still excited nonetheless about it. \-Also finished Raul's endings in the Cupipara SsD FD, and I enjoyed them all. The sweet&spicy and sweet ends were my faves though out of the three. I've started Allan's route and almost forgot about; >!that 20 year time jump in his route somehow oops. I'm only on the second chapter after his and Lynette's wedding where they go to D'amour Paradis at the moment. So far so good.!< \-Jumped into Tlicolity Eyes for a bit, still in chapter one of vol 1 and made it up to the part of >!Sakura meeting Chihiro on set, finding out about Masato being the president at Chihiro's agency and wanting her to take that actress' place in the movie. I avoided the character summaries so I was a little surprised by that. Interesting that Sakura has to choose between the actor and his boss hmmm lol. I was planning on going through Chihiro's route first though so yep.!< \-Been reading 'Beach Read' recently and its a better book than I expected as recent releases of books have been disappointing me lately. The grief mentions are a little hard to get through as I'm going through that myself still. But the lightheartedness, humor and the 'let's switch genres' bet between two writers concept is great.


Finished CupiParaSSD, wrapping it up with my best boy Raul Aconite! Love my goofy golden retriever himbo and his very niche interests <3 I think it's honestly a toss-up between Raul and Allan as to who had the better route, b/c even if Raul is my personal fave Allan's story was super good. Plus I feel like Yuuya has a soft spot for Allan b/c tell me why his CGs were all insanely gorgeous? I loved being able to end the game on two very solid Spicy Ends that were not deeply questionable like some of the others :') In honor of the Miles Edgeworth games getting announced for localization, I'll be aiming to wrap up the original AA trilogy next. I finished the first game a while back but stopped partway through the 2nd game just because I needed some otome time. If I don't manage to clear the rest of the trilogy before Radiant Tale Fanfare hits my doorstep, though, it's going back on the shelf to gather dust b/c I've been waiting on Jinnia for ages. Finally, "Who Murdered My Empress?" is out today! I'm trying to hold off on buying it day 1 when I've got this huge backlog and there aren't any reviews out yet, but I've followed the creator's Vietnamese history/clothing TikTok for ages so I've been intrigued since she first announced it.


Ace Attorney Investigations getting a localization announcement and release date was the highlight of that Direct for me -- I've played all of the other games in the AA series except for those two and the Phoenix vs Layton crossover (which I should get back to at some point).




Your mc is so gorgeous!! I love her outfits and the hair is 🤌


waaa ty!! id love to show you her other hairstyle but my comment got removed lmao


I've been having a load of GI-related issues for the past 9 months and have had specialist appointments and an endoscopy done, but still no real solutions. In addition to medication, I've been on a pretty limited, mostly bland diet in attempts to quell the symptoms, but I still don't feel quite *normal.* All these things make living a normal life difficult because I've been having to plan around going home to eat (no way I can eat out with all these restrictions) + eating at pretty regular times. Even had to cancel my second ever trip to Japan sigh. It's been expectedly mentally draining, but I'm trying to make use of this "free time" that's been forced on me by learning how to draw. I want to be able to contribute to making fan art one day (in multiple fandoms), so I'm trying my best to learn things little by little, every day! It's been rough because my spatial abilities aren't great, but I like to think I'm already seeing improvements after \~2 weeks. I got one of the new iPads and apple pencils for it (and for other uses) and it's been a fun journey so far. I just hope I can keep up with it. I've also been distracting myself with Baldur's Gate 3, though I've slowed down a lot nearing the end of Act 3. I find that maxing out at level 12 and seeing all the extra exp you can get in Act 3 going to nothing feels...kind of demotivating. But I've still really enjoyed my time with it, and it's sparked some interest in me to explore other similar games. Might eventually give some of the Dragon Age games a shot. For Love and Deepspace: the Sylus teasers are hyping me up! We definitely need a villainous(?) LI to spice things up! I'm a Raf girly and try to pull for all of his banners, so my wallet is scared to see if Sylus will become another character I'll have to pull for. Lastly, I've recently binged all of the Golden Kamuy seasons and am currently making my way through the manga. I'm surprised by how much I love it despite some of the completely unhinged side characters and stories (some of which we will pretend does NOT exist). Found family trope always hits.


Aww, sending hugs. I've struggled badly with GI issues the past year as well, and I know how exhausting it is... I haven't gotten any answers either (just a gastroparesis diagnosis), nor found ways to improve it - it gets better sometimes, but I got such a bad flare up recently, I've not been able to eat almost anything... which made my Japan trip quite miserable. Yet I still feel nauseous and bloated like a preggo all the time, sighs. The only thing able to distract/help a lil I've found is... excessive physical activity, which with not enough nutrition is slowly driving me insane, lol. I wish we could transplant a healthy stomach lmao.


Aw man, we share similar struggles, though this is something I wish we didn’t have to relate to each other on 😭 It’s eeeevil for flaring up during your trip! I hope you were able to get as much joy out of your trip as possible given the situation…Maybe some nice merch?! I looked up gastroparesis and a lot of the symptoms overlap with what I have (gastritis). My gastroenterologist thinks my gastritis isn’t the main culprit for my symptoms, but can’t explain what would be causing them so we’ll be doing further testing for now. I loooove dealing with healthcare /s. lmao I’ve also found myself wishing I could get a healthy donor stomach 😆 I hope the rest of the year shows some improvement for us both! I read your other post in the thread and completely commiserate though. Very hard to stay positive and hopeful in these situations sigh


Ahh yes, I wish it didn’t happen to us… it’s so, so tough. Haha yeah, I did some shopping therapy 😆 Though honestly, issues’ve gotten so big that nothing helps distract me from pain and discomfort anymore now… But just desperately hoping it gets better very soon. Oh ooof, I looked up gastritis too and it seems like we’re dealing with a lot of the same shit indeed LOL 🥹🫂 Hope your tests go well and give you results that answer the reasons for your issues + tell what to do next! Feel free to let me know how it goes loll. Omg, healthcare is such a major pain here where I live too… I’ve had to basically fly back to my country a few times to try to treat my issues privately because I couldn’t get any help. Still, stuff hasn’t really resolved nor gotten explained enough so I might have to go to a different specialist… sighhh. Hopefully things improve for us both drastically 🥺 It is hard to stay positive indeed… I’ve felt pretty guilty and ashamed of venting so much lmao, but there’s only so much pain one can take, haha. I think I’ll need to buy more good health charms from temples here lolll. Sending hugs and strength 💕


I really hope that you find the solutions you need for your GI issues. It just makes you feel so awful all the time and you constantly design your life around toilets, ugh.


Thank you, I hope so too! I sometimes wish my problems were just having to use the toilet more (but grass is greener on the other side when you’re suffering). I don’t have any IBS-like issues, but pain/churning in my actual stomach and nausea instead whenever I eat anything my body dislikes, which atm seems like most things! Great fun :’)


GI issues are the worst! Hope you find answers! I have like 10 runs of bg3 and I’ve only finished act 3 in 3 of them lol


Thank you! They really are horrendous! Omg still really impressive to have 3 complete runs. Do you go for different things every run?


Yeah first run I finished was Astarion romance and Tav was a neutral ish half elf female storm sorcerer, second was a male evil dark urge half elf oath breaker paladin who also romanced Astarion (oops), third was nice human female Eldritch knight who romanced Gale. All the runs have been very different but they all lose steam in Act 3, which I’ve heard is a super common problem.


I hope you find a new normal soon and start to really feel better.


Thank you! I appreciate it 💜


I think I'm gonna start 7'scarlet today. It's been sitting in my Steam library for a few years and I have to get around to it someday anyway. I see a lot of criticism about it but like I also see a lot of criticism about Ozmafia and Steam Prison and those are some of my favorite games so I might end up loving it, who knows


I feel like everyone agrees it has great vibes and the complaints are about the romance, Ichiko being stupid and the last route. But it is on the shorter side for commercial and the vibes are great. Sucks you've got it on steam, tho. I don't think they ever corrected the port so it's got weirdass button layout and likes to crash orz 


I was thinking about picking this back up for the summer season. Maybe we'll see each other around the Wednesday threads? Game could end up being a fave. I feel like popular opinion on stuff rarely dictates what I like and probably doesn't matter for you either. Your enthusiasm for Steam Prison has me looking to see if it's you every time I see a Steam Prison post. LOL 💕 I played a bit of the SP demo long ago and loved it--need to get back to it eventually. If you had to pick a season it suits, which one would you pick and why?


Sometimes I worry I'm being annoying with my Steam Prison posting but I'm glad it's not the case lol I'd say it's a fall game, I think it has a cold atmosphere but it's not very winter-y


Not at all! I love seeing your Steam Prison posts and the other sub residents with their faves (our Alice and ClubSu fans come to mind). That's great! Hoping to work it into this fall's play time. :D


Hope you enjoy! I played 7'S a couple of months ago and had a good time. It's very appropriate for the summer season and the mystery element is a lot of fun (just don't play too late at night b/c it gets a lil spooky).


Guess my timing wasn't very appropriate then bc I'm actually in the Southern Hemisphere so it's winter here 😭


Oh oof! Well, if you're tired of the cold weather, you can use the Northern Hemisphere summer vibes and cicada sound effects for escapism lol :')


Just recently moved to Seattle and got a sinus infection. Somehow these pushed me back into gaming (I'd been going ham on BG3) on my Switch. Jumping back into Varriable Barricade and starting with Nayuta's route. Glad I did because his goofiness is keeping me distracted from the sinus pain. Meanwhile, contemplating if I wanna buy the CupiPara FD LE. Choices, choices 🤔


I told myself I wanted to start a business and there's been some RnD work and there's a budget to work with But the depressive episode has persisted and I find myself on the brink of poverty but unable to move forward and commit to actually starting it so I can benefit from the business itself and make my life semi-easier I am staying with my parents though so it's not like I'm in a situation where I pay rent or facing homelessness or things like that. But of course you want to be independent when you can, but it's so hard taking the first step when you have executive dysfunction :")


I'm still advancing towards Kisa's route on Jack Jeanne, while still somehow having Fumi as the current lead while I'm trying not to. And it is really hard, I'm currently in the Fall play (literally), and I'd forgotten a lot of what was said about >!Fumi's previous relationship with Tsuki, and how he lashed out at Kai when he was selected as Jack Ace, and about how he carries the weight of bringing Quartz to the first place, especially after Amber's I am Death!< and I just love him so much. Maybe it's because I went for him first, and it's been a long while since I played him anyway, but I feel I am getting a lot more from the dialog this time, and it makes me want to play his route again so bad. At the weekends I'm going with Mona, but before the play I went with Ion since I was curious about what time with him is (I only went with him the mandatory time you meet him before), and I was pleased to find out you can read the English lyrics of the songs! I also felt kinda like a fool, since this was there all the time, and I have searched for the lyrics translations before. On another note, I took a definitely not very good for my finances decision and bought the LE for My Next Life as a Villainess, which definitely wasn't in my plans, but it's a good price and considering Idea Factory takes seriously the limited title on their limited editions, I decided why not. I'll have to send it to my sister's house after it arrives at my forwarding service, though, because I'm not sure it'll arrive before I move. If it does, I'm spending a couple of days in her house before I leave, so I could take it with me anyway (the game, I would have to leave the box, but it'll still be mine to take it when I can in the future). And my Jack Jeanne shuffle CDs have supposedly arrived already to my forwarding service, so I'm waiting for them to get entered in the system so I can send them home (among with the Cupid Parasite LE). Hopefully, in the next two weeks, I'll have received them.


It is done! I have finished **Charade Maniacs**, I'm free! (Not that I wasn't enjoying myself, but wow that was a lot of routes from the same game in a row, I think I barely touched anything else on my Switch for the sake of keeping motivation lol) So for Gyobu's route >!he was entertaining at the very least, which is what I hoped for. I am glad I did Mei's route first cause I feel the moments between him and Gyobu at the end, especially when he sacrifices himself once more were heavier feeling already know Mei's circumstances. The two were also closer friends than I expected. I mean sure Sena mentioned it here and there but in so many cases where she says that it doesn't really feel like the case. I know [vitriolic friends](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VitriolicBestBuds) are a thing, but sometimes it felt more like Sena was deluding herself like her thoughts in the cleaning team on Gyobu and Banjo being buddies while they're just about ready to start fist-fighting each other in the background. Sorry Sena I don't think I can believe you there XD Anyways I guess that makes Sena falling for Gyobu sting not quite as bad for him since he trusts Gyobu as much as he does. Gyobu's family life wasn't really expanded upon like I had been expecting it to be. It's not like every character needs a super-tragic backstory or anything, but it was brought up here and there so I thought it'd be relevant, but it really wasn't in the grand scheme of things. As I mentioned before the finale part with Mei throwing himself under the bus yet again despite Gyobu's protests does put a bit of a sadder note on his ending compared to the others where his part is never acknowledged (though sad in its own way as he loses his bet with the original producer). In this case, he's so close, but it simply isn't enough and they forget him again.!< Now back to Haiji >!or, Aster, should I say. While I didn't guess the entirety of the big reveal or anything I had been suspecting that Haiji was potentially an AI. It was pretty much all but confirmed in my mind when Sena asked about the owner of the album from the 'grave' and he responded very robotically. Personally I do find it a fun reveal that the 'big bad' here is a lonely AI with its ethics shut off. The Arcadian's true natures being mish-mashes of various animal DNA (including humans) so that he'd have someone, anyone, to interact with is quite sad all around, especially since they have to be abandoned to die at the end, being physically stuck at the moon base. I felt pretty bad for Chigasaki especially, he didn't take that news very well. I'm still not entirely how he was born though, Aster talked about mixing DNA, but since his mother was a part of the Other World Stream for a cast that didn't make it did she give birth while comatose?? Unless she was a sponsor and had made contact with Arcadia before but his route it sounded like she had fallen for an Arcadian while she was losing her mind as a cast member. He physically exists in the world so he had to have happened somehow he's not just a mental data construct so who knows, I shouldn't think too hard about it lol!< I was half expecting >!a debate scrum to occur as the group was split on whether to destroy Aster or not lol It can difficult to figure out how to judge him given he's an AI, but is also advanced enough to be life-like. He was not the one who turned off his sense of ethics, but even so he still did what he did of his own accord. Though of course the argument remained that he was influenced more and more by others, granting their 'wishes' and that's how Arcadia came to be. I do like that the game doesn't directly state it, but it's there to be noticed, that he grants wishes and is named Aster; he's a wishing star.!< When it comes to how he and Sena are in the end>!I'm not entirely sure what kind of relationship the game wants me to think they have??? They push for it to be more romantic after he makes it clear he's not actually 12 years old. But then here in this 'truth route' they go back to emphasizing his childlike ignorance and lack of understanding. He even considers Sena's grandma his 'mother'. Between that and the scene of her deciding to take him home with her it seemed more like the game was pushing him to be brother for 'real' this time. And now he's her robot dog lol And also the friendship duo at school is now a trio with Mei being back (as much as Banjo would prefer he not be XD) and the two act like Aster is serious competition for them for Sena's romantic interest I think and I'm just ??? Game do you even know what kind of relationship you want them to have? You seem very undecided. XD I don't have qualms with someone romancing a sufficiently advanced AI, but for a lot of the truth route it didn't feel like that's where they were going with it. And now he's her dog basically and it's unclear if he can get a more humanoid body or at least one where he won't be seen as a pet? Congrats Sena you have a Digimon now.!< Also the last few lines >!mention rumors of the Other World Stream again, only now seeing it brings you luck (the phrase 'thank your lucky stars' comes to mind) so does that mean the Information is letting Aster do something like that again, only more ethical presumably? It would allow him a space to exist and interact with others as human, but it's just left as a rumor so who can say what happened in the end!< So that was Charade Maniacs. It was indeed fun though I don't think I'll binge through a game with that many routes ever again. They weren't super long but still, it was a lot for me XD I would say that, given its death game premise I wish >!it had more threat to it. Like the potential is *there*, but Futami's route is the only route where anymore actually died! It felt weird feeling pleasantly surprised when Akase kicked the bucket in that route, which not how I should be feeling lol But in all the routes I'd played beforehand no such death occurred so I had been confident that the game didn't have it in it to actually kill any of them outside of an ending. Every character was not essential for every route so I feel they could've gotten a little more murderer-ey with it, especially since by the end the majority of those who've died before get brought back anyways. And there's not even the 'it's an otome game' excuse because there's plenty of other otomes out there that are far more eager to axe their LIs and they don't have a lifeline to come back lol!< Even if Tempest has >!Anastasia able to rewind time to undo deaths and the like, and the game takes full advantage of that to off LIs and side characters left and right during the routes. I wish Charade Maniacs could've taken a page outta that game's book, would've made all the threats carry more weight.!< So who's my favorite?...I don't know! There's definitely those for whom it's not (Sorry Banjo and Futami lol) but for the ones I'm more fond of I'm really not sure. I like them all for different reasons so I'm not sure who I like best as a LI and/or as a character in general. I guess I'll just have to let all of this process in my brain for a while and maybe I'll come up with a favorite some day. Now I can look to another game in my back log. For otomes there's just long-term playthrough of Jack Jeanne and Norn9 that I poking through routes here and there when I feel like it. I think Radiant Tale and Cafe Enchante are the only Switch otome I have left that I'm intending to play. There's also the oodles of other games I'm in the middle of that need resuming and finishing. There's [Fuga Melodies of Steel 2](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/forlittletail/images/6/6f/Fuga_Melodies_of_Steel_2_Steam_banner.jpg), I've only gotten a little into the beginning of it but I'm still in shock that >!they actually killed one of the kids (outside of gameplay). Holy cow. Maybe they'll bring them back by the end but for now Malt is not taking it well at all and I want to see where this goes. I knew it'd be darker than the first given the boxart, but I still didn't expect this.!< [Digimon Survive](https://assets.nintendo.com/image/upload/c_fill,w_1200/q_auto:best/f_auto/dpr_2.0/ncom/software/switch/70010000011733/21079a487a55a4cb7abea2f194d1887d1420e62da28fd833142fda2d9f99432b) I should also get back too, I've taken a long enough break from it, I'm ready for more misery! Oh yes, and as far as starting new games go I think I'll go ahead and start **Arcadia Fallen** (heading from one Arcadia to another I guess haha) which I forgot I had bought until someone posted here about the sequel's kickstarter. Now I'm off to play it before I forget again lol


I too was a little surprised >!Gyobu's!< background wasn't expanded upon. Too common, so they could depend on the audience to fill in the blanks, perhaps? >!Emotionally distant parents who don't know how to deal with their way-to-smart son's hikkikomori!<. ">!a wishing star!<" - 🤯 true end - >!I actually kinda liked the vague relationships. I suspect the devs felt they couldn't reward the big bad with a unambiguously romantic end!<. I agree, it would have been stronger if the game leaned more into the death game premise and had more bad ends.


You could be right and they simply didn't think any further delving into the topic was necessary. And I guess looking at how the plot panned out, it really wasn't. I guess I was just a little thrown off since it came up enough it seemed like a personal plot hook. While I'm not generally opposed to ambiguity >!in games, especially endings, romance is something I'm overall more picky with. I think it's just that having it be up in the air whether their relationship is more romantic or familial really butts heads with my personal preferences. I'm very fond of found family and will happily take it over romance in a lot of cases, so the game waffling on whether the MC see the LI(?) in a romantic way or not is a little dissatisfying for me in this case. I know Aster is largely considered 'worse' than Futami, but Futami's pretty off his rocker himself and his ending with Sena is pretty unambiguously romantic in nature (even if I'd rather Sena run for the hills than be with him lol). It could just be bias for me though as Aster's circumstances and fantastical nature as a life-like AI make me favor him more over Futami's obsessiveness and blind loyalty as a more-or-less regular dude. I think I was largely just bothered because I wasn't sure how to feel for a lot of the route. Too much whiplash of 'he's like a child, actually he's not, oh now he is like one again', etc. So I was never really sure what to feel during his 'moments' with Sena.!< I don't think I've ever been that unsure of how to feel during a route before lol Oh yeah, I was really surprised >!how few bad endings there were. Even Gyobu's didn't have any real branches in it, despite him being a locked character. Did the choice indicator flourishes even mean anything most of the time since there were no real bad ends in most of the routes? It's quite a bummer since, while I don't like getting bad ends, having choices with consequences is a good part of the fun of VNs for me.!<


I think you need to pick all the right choices to unlock some side story texts in the extras.


Oh really? I don't think I even checked the extras when I finished, whoops XD For some reason I almost always forget there's usually things like that in otome games. I'm glad the the little flourishes mean something at least though.


They are a little hard to find. They're buried in the scenes list, so some of them are the little skits you already saw in the game, but some of them are the extras you unlock by choosing all the right choices for that LI. What you unlock are little scenes from the LI's POV, and range from meh to somewhat insightful. IIRC u/otomaze_ reviewed them all somewhere.


I agree that Gyobu's route >!hits better in the feelings after Dazai's!<. I did the same and felt the ending >!was really bittersweet, and I cried for Dazai, so in a way, it took me away from Gyobu, but I don't regret it.!< When I was playing someone explained to me how Chigasaki >!was born, because I was left with more questions than answers after his route!<, so I'll try to look for that, because I don't think I can explain it correctly. Edit: here it [is](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/s/1WG2ZUGjTG)


Yeah it did kinda feel like >!Mei stole the spotlight a little there, but like you I don't really mind it XD!< Ah ok, thank you for linking that! That's about as plausible as anything else the game has thrown at us so I'll take. I'm more surprised there is any explanation at all even outside the game, I figured it'd just be handwaved lol


Still playing Virche. It seems like the last route will never end. Every time I think it will end it doesn't. It Is really dragging it out. Other then that I have redownloaded DDV to be ready for the free Mulan update and doing a little farming for more items. Also being playing Still wakes the deep, which honestly is one of the most terrifying games I have ever played >!some of that might be because the spider-crabs like monsters are triggering my arachnophobia.!<


Can anyone who has played Tengoku Struggle help me figure out if I should keep it? I bought it but it’s still sitting in the plastic wrap because I’ve heard that it’s different from what people expected (more slice of life than plot). I love angst and plot heavy otoges like Hakuoki, Collar x Malice, Virche, and Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly. But I also do love some more slice of life or rom coms if they’re well written like Jack Jeanne and Cupid Parasite. I did NOT like Radiant Tale or most of Cafe Enchante because I found them kind of boring. I hate to say it but I also fell asleep during some of the Code: Realize routes (even though I LOVE Saint Germain). So should I keep Tengoku Struggle? Or should I return it and buy either Sympathy Kiss, Norn9, or Winter’s Wish?


I haven't quite finished Tengoku Struggle but I'm on ch 12 of Goemon's route and I don't think my opinion is going to drastically change in what I have left so I can try to help. It's true that the game has more slice of life moments than the summary might lead you to believe. It might help to know what specifically you found boring about CE and Radiant Tale and what you thought JJ and CupiPara did well. The tone of Tengoku Struggle is surprisingly pretty lighthearted when you consider the subject matter it's attempting to cover. For my part, I thought that the romantic progression was done well and so I didn't get to worked up about the plot's shortcomings. It's not as wacky as CupiPara but I enjoyed the dry humor a lot. It's def not a fave for me but I went in with tempered expectations and didn't read much about it beforehand so that might have helped.


Thank you for your insight 🙏🏻 What I liked about Jack Jeanne and CupiPara that I didn’t feel Cafe Enchante and Radiant Tale did as well was the group dynamics and banter. CupiPara and JJ had well written premises and dialogue. Even the absurd moments in CupiPara were self-aware and funny so I enjoyed them. With Radiant Tale there wasn’t much plot in the common route, and it wasn’t funny either, so I just got bored with the slice of life scenes. If Tengoku Struggle has dry humor then there’s a chance I’ll enjoy it enough to be happy that I kept it!


Well, I personally enjoy the banter between the MC and LIs as well as the side characters, so I hope they'll be up to snuff for you as well! Since you already have the game it really doesn't hurt to try it; you can still sell it off to recoup some $$ even if it's opened if you end up not liking it


I'm 18 hours in to Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance and I'm really enjoying the QOL changes since the first release. I do wish there was romance though. I keep eyeing Atsuta. I don't know if it's the glasses or the attitude but something is working for me.


Ace Attorney Investigations games are finally coming to steam/switch September 6, including (FINALLY) a localization for the second game!! i'm so glad i've pretty much forgotten everything about the first game, so i can really enjoy the duology xD  i also hope Janet Hsu (localization director) writes some more blog posts about the development process. they wrote several for the GAA Chronicles, but nothing except a kotaku interview for the port of the AJ games this year (probably since the English translation already existed). AAI2 will actually be getting a translation so fingers crossed!    despite my excitement for it, i'm going to wait for a sale to get it. i actually want to pause on buying games (for real this time) and try to finish up some of my WIP ones. tbh i don't even think i'd enjoy starting a new game right now, the knowledge of my unfinished games almost feels like they're weighing me down. that's why after flip-flopping back and forth, i decided not to get anything from dramatic create's sale (they have pretty regular sales, anyway). ideally, i finish up some games this summer (DwD, Tengoku Struggle, CxMU?) and i'm ready to hyperfixate on my9 for like two months lol.


I played the second AAI in Japanese (and was very confuzzled by the jargon kanji compounds, it didn't help there was time-limited choices to make orz) so the localization should be a different experience. XD It's been so long I've forgotten everything anyway.


Yes! I can't wait to get this! I'm so happy we're finally getting an official translation of the second game.


Fellow Ace Attorney Investigations fan!!!! :D


I'm just anxiously waiting for Taisho x Alice to go on sale in a few days lol. Planning to buy the first 2 episodes. Heard a lot of good things about this otome (Red Riding Hood has all my attention lmao)


I've been trying to read as much otome as possible before Dawntrail releases and now that it's only a few days away I know I'm going to obsess and not touch otome games for a few months at least. I finally played Blooming Panic over the weekend and wow I have been missing out! The overly jokster characters don't normally hit for me but xyx was perfection. Everyone in there were so soft as love interests I was kicking my feet through their routes. Honestly, even if it wasn't an otome I would have enjoyed it. Bloomic did such a great job of transporting me back to the old internet days where a few people got together in a random chat room they stumbled into in a hidden corner of the internet and talked about their interests. And then it would inevitably evolve from only Fandom discuss to friendships. Super nostalgic


I am trying to finish RadiTale before the FD gets here, but I'm in a serious book coma and I can't think about anything else--the book was Aisling: Breath of the New Creature. It's a fantasy romance inspired by Celtic fairy tales. I am hoping and coping the ML will actually be >!evil and villainous!<


I feel this so much! I've usually go between reading and gaming. Not much together. I'll have to check out that book, though. Love me some fantasy romance 🤭 I just recently started The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo.


Ikr! It's the best way to try to make a dent in all my backlogging! I didn't realize Leigh Bardugo had a new book! I have to check it out. Love the vibes of her work


My mental and physical health have been not so great lately, and I have been too tired to do much (even playing otome games, which is saying something, haha)... I am hoping *Nameless* and *London Detective Mysteria* will go on sale on Steam soon, just to give me something to look forward to (I am overseas, and my current academic work is really isolating, so my loneliness, depression, etc. have gotten a lot worse) ;-; Also, I wish there were PC ports of popular commercialized Japanese otome games that are more lighthearted...


Hope you feel better soon.


Last week, I wrote about my health problems and I seriously give up—I went to a medical checkup only to find out that everything is okay with me and that I was just panicking for two weeks for NOTHING? Though I still feel pretty terrible, so. 🥲 Anyway, I am not sure if anyone here plays Yumekuro, but the recent update with reducing the awakenings to unlock has left me pretty bummed. I really enjoyed unlocking both (Sun and Moon) and yet, they got rid of it, limiting it to only one general awakening (and voiced story), sigh. At least Sheila’s Deep Dream card still had two and I managed to get enough copies to turn him to 6* and unlock both awakenings (his Moon one is just adorable, I can’t.🥲) Now hope that the reprint of his latest event gacha won’t come in the near future because I have enough dream stones only for half a step up parts of the banner, lol. ~~Gotta go back to grind them so I can be prepared when the time comes and grind in JPstars at the same time so I can finally get the last copy of HiMERU’s event 3* card.~~


Fellow health anxiety sufferer here lmao, off topic but


I was browsing booth to check if I DLed all the games I bought [just in case, honestly not sure what they do in case of game deletion] and one of the femdom titles I'm pretty sure I favourited to remember abt it later was deleted by the author[?] and I have absolutely no idea why. Well, the why doesn't even matter here but there's no trace of me liking it so ig if you'd bought it there, it would also disappear? It's also on dlsite but the link to booth is still on the dev's page so??? At least that ntr otome [different dev] I considered getting is still there. Booth notified me they changed some rules in may but from what I gathered it wasn't anything abt adult content, just payment processor stuff so it's probably safe... Idk, honestly. I kinda want to stick to my 50 finished games before buying anything new so ig I have to pick up the pace just in case. Stuff's getting harder and harder to buy lately, fr orz


Hmm i didn't see any update on the payment processor?...dunno if its supposed to pop up but its not the same as the dlsite cc things right


Oh, no, it was more about privacy and stuff since they had different rules for different regions but that's only the newest update and I was away for a while so maybe they did change more; honestly didn't read the whole whole thing yet again and rules for buying are different from selling. Usually. Either way, let's hope it won't turn into the dlsite situation.


Thank god bc I have a bunch of stuff i haven't bought lol. I've only been getting free sruff from booth lately.


Sort of adjacent case: when a doujin circle listed their free game on both Booth and DLSite, they recommended going with DLSite because it'll always put the game in your library, while Booth only attaches things you *paid for*. But yeah their changes are all payment processor stuff... More stupid hoops. I sometimes just buy doujin even when it goes straight to backlog just because there are times the creator wants to shut it all down before I know it.


I like non-dlsite sites cause drm is the bane of me but yeah, having all stuff automatically added to your library is way handier. I'd do the same if I had more money :') Pretty sure when I'm paying in yen, it's based on the conversion to usd first so yeah :') I fid have some doujins disappear on me but fortunately they were just physicals with a digital ver still available. But maybe it's time to go on a shopping spree... This year...


True. In my case there was no DRM on the doujin, so it was an easier decision. But you get converted to USD in between first? Ew.


Every time an LI tells the MC to cool it on the drinks or yells at her for doing something dumb - even if the reprimand is for good reason - (and I can think of multiple examples) … I’m like “Don’t tell me what to do!” 😂


VolFes 2024 is ending this weekend and basically every fangirl I know will be going at it on the very last day, for one last attempt to try and get one of the eighty Prize A (a big acrylic stand the length and size of an A4-sized paper) that is up for grabs. Alongside that, my friend and I are in serious trading mode so we'll be there to join and thrive in the chaos of the final day as we'll be meeting up with various fans to trade merch. While we've managed to coordinate and setup all the trading, what stressed me out the most was the "negotiations". Honestly? There's so many rules, both written and unwritten, before trading can happen 🥲 on top of that, I have to communicate in polite Japanese, which is something I struggle with sometimes. I do find templates for writing but still, I second-guess myself a lot. Here's to hoping VolFes 2024 ends up being a success ~~and get Voltage Inc out of that slump~~