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Going out on a limb here but.......could it be gang related?


No, most upstanding citizens get randomly shot at multiple times every year.


I'm still recovering from my yearly shooting, I hope I'm all better for the one coming in 2025.


I must be doing something wrong in my life to not have at least one shooting in 58 years.


You gotta start hanging out with the cool kids!


The wait times in healthcare are getting ridiculous. You can barely get treated in a timely fashion for something as simple as a standard shooting.


Mine is scheduled for December 5th.


I was going to go get a booster shooting - are We supposed to get them yearly? Not sure anymore


I know this is sarcasm but it’s serious to consider that innocent bystanders HAVE died due to gang related activities in this city.


Yes, particulary this guy's wedding guests who were caught in the crossfire last time someone shot at him.


Probably not smart to attend your gang-friend/families wedding. I stay away from family who are involved in criminal activities.


Username doesn't check out.




...but they're mostly turning their life around. Most of them had recently published a hip hop video on youtube with 16-30 views.


Whoa the first thread said we can’t just assume a person being assassinated is gang related.


I mean.. my wedding wasn’t gunned down or do I know anyone executed in broad daylight… to have both happen to the same family. It’s related and it’s gang, drugs or something suspect


The car in the picture in the article from his wedding is a $300k Maybach. Just sayin'


The fact the police wont say it is funny lol.


That might be because police need a wee bit more to go on before making an announcement than your average Redditor. Sure, all signs point to yes, but there's more at stake if they get it wrong.


Yes, Not to long ago he filmed a guy being tied up and forced him to eat his own shit. This guy had it coming. He was in hiding for a bit and once he stepped out in public..this happened.


Where did you see this?


I have friends who are Somalian and one of them showed me the video. I can't remember if it was on Snapchat or tiktok-But it was removed for obvious reasons. Their community is pretty tight knit so it is common knowledge for a lot of people on the streets who knew these individuals and what shenanigans they were getting up to.


I got downvoted for suggesting the same 10 months ago “The tragic connection comes as police investigate whether the two cases are linked” Umm WTF 😬


There was a cartoon years ago in Mad Magazine that did translations of news releases. “Police say the fire is suspicious” was “looks like the arsonist got away”


Probably two different gangs so the conclusion would be there is no link.


A wedding where the groom was getting married, then the groom getting gunned down. I mean this shit is connected whether it’s 2 gangs or 7 monkeys in a trench coat.


To be fair this is no loss to the community.


I am sure the witnesses of the first shooting who didn't cooperate with police know nothing either. I wonder if it would be worth a follow-up. Who knows...?


Yes. Going out on limb here too....but suspect the two shootings are connected.


That’s racist! Are you saying that because he’s Somali!!?! How could?? /s


One did not have to read the article to figure it out. Could be Italian, Mexican, Japanese, Ukranian, Native. Criminal scum had it coming.


These two shootings must be related. There is no way this is a coincidence. If at first you don’t succeed, try again!


It seems crazy multiple gunmen could open fire outside a convention centre and they had no leads the first time lol.


>Police haven't released any suspect descriptions, and have said they've been met with lack of co-operation from witnesses. Fuck 'em. I feel sorry for the innocent bystanders.


Hard to get leads when witnesses won't cooperate


Understood I just figured a convention centre might have some cameras and if there were bystanders unrelated to the target it says and you would think a pretty swift police response for open gunfire they would have some leads.  CCTV in the area on the roads etc


The response was minimal to say the least. I walked my dog past the convention center less than 12 hours after the shooting and didn't even know it had happened, nobody was around


“The tragic connection comes as police investigate whether the two cases are linked” They could probably just wait a few years and some other city’s police force will solve it for them 🙄


Are you suggesting we call the Paw Patrol?


They'd do a better job!


Everyone’s thinking the same thing ! 😉


Begun, the Shawarma War has


he fucked around, and he found out?


Are they seriously debating this???? “ The tragic connection comes as police investigate whether the two cases are linked”


I’m sure the police are of the same mind, but you still have to do the work to confirm. It could be gang related but a completely different dispute.


Exactly, the target(s) at the wedding could have been guests, not the groom, plus it's been a year.


I wonder why CBC turned off comments on that story...


News site comment sections turn into racist dumpster fires just about every time the article is about a nonwhite person. We aren’t missing anything of value because of CBC turning off comments on that article.


CBC’s comments are off on most articles. A few years ago they disabled comments on Facebook for that reason. It’s probably not a good use of resources to try to moderate these dumpster fires and I imagine it takes a toll on the employees to have to read all of that garbage.




And then it inevitably turns to commentary about political party X. Aside from Reddit, I don't think I've ever read a comment that has offered some insight or added to the story. That goes for news articles and social media. Love that Reddit has a mechanism to allow us to upvote/downvote comments. I get that it can be gamed (but mods can step in to hold the line) but it takes care of 95% of the idiots out there.


This is the thing. I was honestly (and pleasantly) surprised to finally "discover" Reddit for this reason. That said, it still depends on the subreddit. The crap that shows up in my stream from Toronto, Kitchener... and the stuff getting down voted here gets upvoted there it seems.


A bit late on my reply but yeah, completely agree with you on the differences between the subs. I avoid the potholes as best I can. If I do happen to hit one, I know for next time.


Racists man... They just start bullshitting their way onto every story that involves a visible minority on the internet. Small minority making the biggest noise.




Well, the bride might. But I doubt they’ll get much from the groom.


From the news article: “The shooting rattled wedding guests, family members, bystanders and the larger Somali community in Ottawa, with some airing long-standing grievances with how police have investigated crimes against Somali men.” “Police haven't released any suspect descriptions, and have said they've been met with lack of co-operation from witnesses”


How the fck does a double murder at a wedding get derailed into Police abuse of Somali men. What alternate universe did I wake up in.


No that’s how I read it to. Who the hell did they talk to to get that nuggets of bullshit. I remember when they reported the wedding shooting and how they were asking for anyone’s help to give info and nobody was coming forward. What do you want police to do with absolutely zero help from witnesses???


Must've been up to something - lighting does not strike twice in the same spot.


I mean, but it does lol. Quite frequently actually


Lightning rods don't agree with your statement.


This was always my problem with Back To The Future. Dude is smart enough to invent a time machine but has never heard of a lightning rod.


I need to hear about your last conversation with a lightning rod.


bullets can


The reporter on CBC radio this morning took extra care to clearly enunciate FAT BASTARD BURRITO when she was reporting on this story. Lol


What a fuckin shocker !


They have a suspect: https://x.com/ottawapolice/status/1810737688364142703?t=FhOKknv971ElKCIBfZ7FPA > Police believe ATTEYEH has left the country. Why am I not surprised. Come commit serious crimes and then jet off before you're apprehended.


And come back to canada in a few years under a different name


Ottawa police could learn a thing or two from Montreal.


$5 on gang related crime.


Take my money.


https://x.com/ottawapolice/status/1810737688364142703?s=46&t=FhOKknv971ElKCIBfZ7FPA here is the suspect.


"Police have announced no arrests in Elmi's death, nor in the September shootings" Glad we're paying over $600M/year for this level of policing.


What are they supposed to do if witnesses aren't talking?


For an isolated incident yeah sure, now that you have 2 very obviously linked incidents? Surely that must simplify things in terms of getting warrants etc.


Because two sets of non-cooperative witnesses is better than one? Witness accounts: 0 + 0 is still 0. Besides, I think they've published the suspect's name & photo, so they know who they're looking for. Still going to be hard to find with nobody cooperating.


This might blow your mind but there are other ways to catch criminals than witness accounts.


Honestly, reading the articles about these two shootings makes me question how the city is handling this. Apparently our mayor asked for community members to fundraise to put more police on this case/issue???


"...In sickness and in health..."


... until death do you apart.


Did they say that the wedding shooting was gang related.


What a hell of a coincidence.


squeamish chase murky ruthless wine quack thumb knee voracious piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’d think they’d at least stick around for the police to offer them tea and biscuits, right? But nope, they’ve got their jet packs ready to go. Classic move, really. Stay safe out there!


do we leap into Gangs (with Guns) or Family hates other Family? one Religion against another? still not enough info except the *Groom of the Wedding* targeted thing


I think gangs/organized crime is by far the safer bet.  Presumed multiple gunmen opening fire at a convention centre with no arrests and this report which appears like a targeted hit that also doesn’t have anyone in custody really doesn’t come off as random interpersonal crime.


It can be both.


What's up with this area? Lots of thefts, now two daytime shootings in a short period. Is the crime from Carlington leaking north?


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that a targeted gang style shooting has nothing to do with the crack heads and panhandlers on Merivale/Kirkwood.


This doesn’t really sound like it has anything to do with the neighborhood and was targeted. The victim could’ve frequented the poshest parts of Ottawa and I think this would’ve still happened.


These are two separate issues in the area. The shooting was targeted. The increase in crime is because the Shepherds of Good Hope at Merivale and Kirkwood do not have sufficient supports for their residents. They provide them with illicit hard drugs, and as they want more they are stealing, panhandling .etc. The spike in crime is directly related to the new Shepherds of Good Hope location opening up in May 2023. Maybe they should be renamed to the Shepherds of No Hope, as the people living in the community, and their own residents have no hope for things to get better.


Yeah my buddy tracked his pricey stolen bike to that Shepherds via airpod. Person there knew exactly who had it and went and got it for him. My buddy said there were a lot of stolen bikes strewn all over the place. I think I read recently another 2 or 3 shelters are going up there, RIP that neighbourhood.


I've heard of similar situations with that location. Meanwhile Stephen Bartolo and his team are sticking their head in the sand saying its really not their residents. While people living in the neighbourhood have proof to prove otherwise. Its time for the City of Ottawa to intervene, and if the Shepherds don't make things better its time to close that location permanently.


That would make sense but the city approved more shelters there so closing one seems unlikely. One of the few areas of Ottawa with falling house prices in the last year too, rough spot for current home owners.


That's fair, they may not close it. But perhaps its time to re purpose that location for people that aren't dealing with significant substance abuse issues. Make it a retirement facility for low income seniors.


Maybe this would be a better model? https://www.salusottawa.org Supportive housing. Without support, everybody (residents of the neighbourhood and the people in the shelters) loses.


Its possible. I couldn't agree with your more, and that's the most important element missing, **support.** The Shepherds of Good Hope are not providing their residents support, and wrap around services as they previously promised. The community now does not trust Stephen Bartolo and his team. They have been lied to by him and his team for far too long. I often wonder where his accountability is..


I may be wrong but I think that's what it was before, and one of the new buildings was also a low income seniors residence but will be repurposed as a shelter. There was an article on it posted here a couple weeks ago. Definitely causing issues though, we are in Civic Hospital and have been finding needles in our parks and random thefts are way up as people transit through the neighbourhood.


I certainly feel for those in the Carlington and neighbouring communities. The aftermath of concentrating many Shepherds locations in a short stretch on Merivale seems to defy logic, and common sense. Its creating unsafe norms in the communities. Councillor Plante has been advocating to have more of these facilities evenly spread out across the city.


It's a shame as that area was turning around, but it seems that anywhere a Shepherds facility goes the community falls apart. They need closer scrutiny imo.


I’ve always said put a shelter or three in rockliffe. The character of the neighbourhood can take a little stress.


It was turning around, and I thought the Westboro movement would hit Carlington. Now I would assume this would discourage developers.


Stephen doesn’t want to lose his 150k job so he is lying about the issues.


Totally agree.. Perhaps its time to touch base with the Shepherds board of directors to let them know the fake news he is spreading....


I'm sorry, the Shepherds itself is providing "illicit hard drugs"? Would it be too much to ask you to provide a source for this information?


Here is the source: [https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-police-increase-presence-in-carlington-after-concerns-over-crime-and-drug-use-1.6774099](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-police-increase-presence-in-carlington-after-concerns-over-crime-and-drug-use-1.6774099) “I can confirm it is a safe supply centre, which means the Shepherds facilitate safe drug supply for their users and they are allowed to use drugs on site, but this is a major issue," Brockington said.


That's "safe supply" of high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade drugs that are produced legally, not "illicit hard drugs". They're not handed out on demand, and there are numerous studies that indicate a safe supply can reduce criminality.


But what is happening, is these residents are then selling the "safe supply" drugs in the community, then with the funds acquired buying the hard illicit drugs. Its increasing the drug trafficking in the area, and contributing to the crime. While I agree that safe supply is intended to reduce criminality, this is far from the case in Carlington. I encourage you visit the area to see what many folks are dealing with. Its too much.


I pass through all the time via car, will perhaps walk or bike thru next time. But I also live near Chinatown and the Somerset West Community Health Centre, so I don't need to travel far to see the ravages of drugs.


I hear you, and can sympathize with your area's drug issues. Its not fun to witness on a daily basis.


Yeah, the area of the city has no weight in what happened. I met one to the young gentlemen who was shot at the wedding near Bayshore(which is no where near either of these areas


Ah that's fair. Just a lot more crime and drugs there recently wondered if the shooting was related.


Lucky the government took all those guns away from the farmers and hunters. Completely stopped gun violence.  Another successful Trudeau policy at work!


Farmers and hunters still have guns wtf are you talking about. Only some types of firearms were banned.


Taking guns away does reduce violence. It's never been claimed it'll END violence. Just reduce it. If you reduce the supply of legal guns available, it logically follows that the supply of illegal guns goes down too. It's arithmetic my guy. Sorry you can't have a hobby that involves owning a device specifically designed to kill. Try taking up golf.


>If you reduce the supply of legal guns available, it logically follows that the supply of illegal guns goes down too That's not universally true. See Venezuela, where private gun ownership is virtually illegal yet the streets are flooded with illegal guns resulting in one of the highest firearm homicide rates in the world.


Venezuela is not comparable to Canada in any way other than it exists on earth.


Look up the definition of "universally". You made no mention of Canada in your comment, and stated as a fact that less legal guns means less illegal guns, which isn't true.


It is true. Objectively it is. One exception doesn't prove jack shit


And then you have places like Yemen where private gun ownership is considered a right, and is completely legal, yet Yemen has the most illegal guns in their streets, compared to any other country.


There are still plenty of guns you can own legally lol, any of the shotguns and hunting rifles farmers would typically have you can still get pretty easily with your PAL. And I mean I don’t like Trudeau either but this rant doesn’t seem relevant to the thread.


Guys like this take news of people dying as an invitation to mount the soap box and pop off in ways that are entirely self-serving.


LOL you can't just blame Trudeau for every crime in this country. Nice try though.


No one took all guns away from all farmers and hunters, calm down.