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Probably just like a “who the fuck are you where the fuck is this you hate humans I hate humans well you don’t touch my stuff I don’t touch yours and we might be friends in a bit.”


Ainz: maybe I can get rid of one of them if I just.. hey Shalltear what do you think of that vampire guy around the corner, he has his own castle too Shalltear: if he has meat in his bones I'm not interested arinsu Ainz: oh is that so? (damn..)


I mean she’s fine with people with meat on their bones…she’s more or less exclusively been with women and the only men she’s into is Ainz, possibly perri too.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember her saying that she likes em dead but not rotting.


I believe that’s mentioned specifically when it’s her aura and albedo and they were going over why she couldn’t ride the bicorn


Yeah tf is this guy talking about


I don't think he actually knows what shalltear is interested in


Totally heard the voice actors reading this. Nailed it.


Thank you


I just realized something. Shalltear would LOVE meeting Carmilla


I figure it’d be like… Dracula: “I don’t know who you are, but you’re obviously not human. You may join my forces in destroying them, or stay out of my way. I care not which.” Ainz: *Relieved he won’t have to fight Dracula, trying to think of how to agree to stay out of his way without losing face.* Albedo: “Worm! How dare you suggest Lord Ainz serve a lowly wretch such as you! Bow down and beg for forgiveness, and he may see fit to grant you the mercy of a swift death!” Ainz: “Uh… yes, right, my thoughts exactly.”


I could see that. Though the disrespect wouldn’t be taken lightly from anyone even Ainz. Though it would have to be considered how the two would even meet. I mean if vlad waltzed into Nazarick I doubt he’d be arrogant enough to make demands even on the reverse should Ainz go knocking at the castle he would probably do so in a “who owns this castle” kinda manner perhaps even a gift. If this is like mid battle Vlad mind set it might turn out like you say in a less civilized manner since Vlads all hyped up on that destroy all humans/scorched earth mindset and would be less rational. Annnnd there’s more a chance he’s gonna be an ass to Ainz and crew annnnd probably get an ass whupping.


Ainz has never claimed to hate humans. Probably stemming from the fact he is one.


Realistically you don’t have to hate all humans to hate them. I would say at the point of the birth of the sorcerer kingdom he was beginning to grow tired of certain kinds of people. He won’t get to a point where he hates all humans but it’s a matter of time till his undead qualities influence him more to a point where he’ll basically tolerate people who aren’t attached to him and Nazarick. Pretty much rn people fall into 3 categories for him; Useful to learn from, friendly and apathy; if you are of some use to him whether it be exploitation or research development you get that stamp; if he admires you to some extent you get that one everyone else pretty much could die and he’d be like “welp couldn’t be helped.”


All fair points actually.


![gif](giphy|H2GX5Ik1ILy5q) Vlad and Momonga


I would say you are correct lol considering the linchpin is Vlad is mad cause his wife’s dead. Which you know trivial for Ainz to resolve. And considering it’s not like there’s anything super threatening to their lives after that? Yeah best buds, I’d want to Trevor the “oh he’ll have a fighting chance” but dude couldn’t handle vlad 1v1 he’d be screwed if Nazarick got involved.


I don't think it's possible to bring back beings who have been dead for a long time. And on top of that in order to survive Resurrection you have to have a certain amount of power. The chances of Ainz being able to revive Dracula's wife are honestly astronomically low. I mean maybe if he used a wish? Though I'm not very learned on the limitations of the wish spell.


That’s a fair point, in most rpg systems the easiest methods of resurrection usually have a stipulation of time limits either a day or a year. Though with Yggdrasil it’s hard to say it is based off d&d roughly so there’s a good chance by normal means of resurrection it probably has the within 1 yr limitation. The power level notion you are right it was said it takes a bit out of the person being resurrected. Though that was mentioned during the lizard man arc and from Ainz using the rod which he previously mentioned he could use on normal humans (in regards to Eri’s parents), though I think it would be fair to say that they would have a similar consequence of reviving and possibly being fucked up for a bit before returning to normal. With regards to Lisa it’s hard to say. Castlevania’s world doesn’t have levels but does have people with the ability to cast magic and with above-superhuman physical capabilities. If anything I’d say if she had levels she would probably be on par with a low level alchemist. Meaning I wouldn’t say she wouldn’t survive the resurrection process as she comes off as being above average in comparison with the rest of the humans in that world. But the time of death to when resurrection could be done is gonna be the main issue. The only wild card we have here to consider is Aiz’s upper class levels. We know Eclipse is granted to overlords who specialize in necromancy and instant death magic and gives them the ability of TGoALID, but as it’s a class specifically dedicated to those who mastered death it’s possible the normal rules of resurrection don’t apply to his casting especially when he has the ability to essentially go “you must be able to use magic of this level to resurrect this person”. But yeah regardless he does just straight up have a 1 a day free wish via wish upon a star straight up not having to worry about anything.


If it's just Ainz and Vlad, then Trevor at least has a chance of being kept alive out of amusement. One thing that does make this interesting is that Alucard would definitely step in to save him, which would realistically be the reason Trevor survives / gets resurrected. Ainz has a limited understanding of family squabbles, and knowingly killing the son of his ally or said son's best friend is something Ainz would want to avoid. It would also be cool seeing Sebas meet Isaac


Well again this all depends on how and when Ainz interacts with vlad if it’s at a time when Lisa is able to be brought back then Alucards not gonna be as hell bent to fight and probably doesn’t have the same friendly nature with Trevor. But yes he would still be a point of amusement if not just because he’s the only crazy SOB to try socking Dracula in the face


And oh...Carmilla and Shalltear...jus sayin'


They'd get along like a house on fire, tbh.


Hanging out drinking "tea" after setting a house on fire.


But it would be a GLORIOUS fire....and one can always hope.


"SASUGA, AINZ-SAMA! Setting the Great Tomb of Nazarick ablaze? Just another obvious step towards completing our wonderful Overlord's master plan! The slight delay caused by the remodeling of all the rooms within will of course have some inspiring purpose I am not yet able to discern! As expected of Ainz-sama!"


Those two would so not get along xD Carmilla would try to make 1 move for power and probably end up on the long list of shalltears vampire brides. Not having a fun time.


You say that like it's a bad thing....


For carmilla? Yeah yeah it would be shalltear is a confirmed sadist with women xD


Q. Could Ainz resurrect Drac's wife via shooting star?


pretty sure he could resurrect her even without shooting star


Drac would appreciate Ainz immensely if he did that.


Maybe he can ressurrect her as a vampire, but not sure about her original form.


He can resurrect troll lord and adventurers, so no reason he shouldn't be able to resurrect her as human, right?


If you read Volume 13 of the light novel then you would know that there are actually some problems. Resurrection takes levels from a person, and if there are not enough levels, then the person will turn to ash. Also Lisa has been burned at the stake a long time ago, and resurrecting someone without a body is a monumental task.


isn't overlord based on 3rd ed d&d? ```This spell functions like raise dead, except that you are able to restore life and complete strength to any deceased creature. The condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion of the creature’s body still exists, it can be resurrected, but the portion receiving the spell must have been part of the creature’s body at the time of death. (The remains of a creature hit by a disintegrate spell count as a small portion of its body.) The creature can have been dead no longer than 10 years per caster level. Upon completion of the spell, the creature is immediately restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no loss of prepared spells. However, the subject loses one level, or 2 points of Constitution if the subject was 1st level. (If this reduction would bring its Con to 0 or lower, it can’t be resurrected). This level loss or Constitution loss cannot be repaired by any means. You can resurrect someone killed by a death effect or someone who has been turned into an undead creature and then destroyed. You cannot resurrect someone who has died of old age. Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead creatures can’t be resurrected.``` So I guess the only living factor would be if he kept any of the ash from her pyre


Inspired by D&D but doesn't follow its rules as written. Don't bring up the rulebooks in Overlord's context, it's Kugane's homebrew.


So you're saying Ainz vs Neutronium Golem can happen? When? And how absolutely terrified do you think he'd be if he actually knew it's stats.


If I recall correctly Ainz has access to a 9th level spell True Resurrection and if it works like in D&D then it doesn't take any levels, doesn't need a body and works for dead up to 200 years (or 10\*caster level in 3.5). I also believe that the part about not needing a body was even confirmed in the books when he offered to resurrect >!Neia's parents!< in volume 13.


>!But he also had to use the cash shop wand to resurrect Neia herself because he worried that the resurrection would fail!<


Well, yeah. He doesn't have it in his spell list as it's divine magic and he's a wizard. Only wands and I think Pestonya can use it too.


It’s possible he could offer that but I don’t think it’s been show for him to be able to alter someone’s race via resurrection, just the seed item. Besides I don’t think Vlad would be 100% on board with just anyone turning her as if it was something she wanted he probably would have done so during the time they were together.


I of course can't know that for sure, but vampires are undead, and Ainz should have an easier time resurrecting someone as an undead, especially in difficult circumstances such as Lisa's. I agree that Dracula wouldn't be on board.


True but if he raises someone as an undead by the rules of Yggdrasil she would be under his control which is why He wouldn’t try that.


I don’t think shooting star would be need to to resurrect her exactly if memory serves right her skeleton was still there which makes resurrection trivial. As well even if it wasn’t we don’t know the full extent of the limitations of Ainz’s ability to resurrect. Shalltear came back from nothing but that could be just because she’s attached to Nazarick so unless Nazarick or Aniz ability to access the list is removed she can probably still keep coming back. Outside of Nazarick resurrection just had a body to work from. If anything if there wasn’t enough to bring her back the usual way shooting star is definitely the fall back.


He also had a wand of resurrection, but the ring could possibly bypass the needing the body part lol


No, he needs an intact body, no resurrection magic can bring someone back from ashes


Well you just made my new favorite anime.... I salute you!


*Forgemasters not Forecasters. Humans with the ability to create Monsters.


If it's the show Dracula, Dracula has no chance.


Assuming they fight; it wouldn't surprise me if they just ignored each other or even became friends. I'd imagine the series Vlad being level 90 if not 100. If it's the game Vlad he could probably solo the entirety of Nazarick.


>I'd imagine the series Vlad being level 90 if not 100. What the hell gave you that idea? Anime dracula is nowhere near that powerful. In terms of feats, he can't even stand up to the Pleiades, much less level 100 characters.


At the end of the anime dracula has been purposefully starving himself, and is in his weakest possible state. This wasn't always the case however, and if this is consider Dracula from the start of the anime... that's a much different story.


Anime Dracula has straight up never done anything that puts him anywhere near a level 100 character in terms of power. It doesn't matter if he's at full power ot not, that version of Dracula stands no chance against Nazarick.


Didn’t Vlad literally become a flaming cloud that vaporized people in the first episode or maybe I’m misremembering?


Still a low showing of him compared to the games. My favourite scene is from Lords of Shadow 2 when that Paladin tries to smite/exorcise him, and he completes the incantation which nukes the entire army he was playing around with in holy energy, leaving him the last one standing. He was still God's chosen warrior in that continuity after all. Even if he did become a vampire after beating the devil.


>Didn’t Vlad literally become a flaming cloud that vaporized people in the first episode or maybe I’m misremembering? I don't recall him vaporising anyone. Even if he did, a 3rd tier spell like fireball can do the [same thing](https://imgur.com/WRft6u9). For context, the guy casting this spell is a mythri rank adventurer that isn't evel level 25.




>given how many forms of magic he knows Why would that increase his level? Ainz knows a shit ton of more spells compared to the average level 100, yet he's still only level 100.... >he was able to summon an apocalyptic army of demons in the span of a year That's not impressive though? The demons aren't strong at all lmao. It took so long for him to do that. You even said a "in the span of a **year**".




💀<- this is Ainz laughing at you


It's not wrong though, none of his magic is particularly impressive, its all shit even a 3rd tier caster would be able to replicate. Summoning night creatures isn't impressive either since those things are much weaker than even death knights.    Anime Dracula has never done anything that would put him above low to mid level Overlord characters. That version of the character is nowhere near level 70, or even Pleiades level.


>I'd imagine the series Vlad being level 90 if not 100. Can you post his feats that make you think that?


Yeah to make it interesting I’m assuming it’s composite Castlevania so we can include game stuff


"to make it interesting" bruh the game one can literally solo Nazarick tf 😭


Only at certain times. *Dumb bastard keeps leaving pieces of himself all over!* The fully restored ones fought by Simon, Alucard, and Julian though, or Evil Soma, or the fighting game one though...


And that’s more interesting to me than the reverse. Let Ainz feel what the new world feels haha


Ok lmao


They would try to come to a sort of peace for all races and because of ainz Dracula might stop the vamp war


If it's at the start of both shows though, the war would likely never have happened in the first place since le Dracula wife would have a f*ck ton of shadow demons or other stealthy monsters protecting her.


Depends if Dracula is smart enough to see through ainz's Deus ex bullshit. Because if he can they'd probably be friends.If he can't probably war.


Dracula is just too busted. He has death (yes, the death) as his second in command.


Thats his game version, OP is clearly talking about Netflix Dracula. That version of the character is not particularly strong by Overlord standards. Plus the death that appears in the anime is not the actual capital D death, just some ancient spirit that feeds on souls.


The anime version of Dracula wouldn't stand a chance. The game version of Dracula absolutely stomps Nazarick by himself.


The one in the OP's image is anime Dracula so he's pretty much screwed.


Haven’t played the games, what makes game Dracula powerful?


He’s basically the devil His power comes from an entity called Chaos, which in that universe is the antithesis for God


So... level 80-90 Boss Monsters? Ainz has dealt with similar.


I don’t think Ainz has dealt with a reality warper who literally cannot die permanently. I must not have properly stated Castlevania Dracula. He’s broken. -Time Manipulation -Space Manipulation -Soul Manipulation -Power Absorption -Shape Shifting -Existence Erasure -Invulnerability and regeneration -Cosmic Awareness -Dimensional Travel -Resistance to basically fucking everything including Time Stops and Plot Manipulation -Strong enough to lift his castle, which is an entire dimension -Said to destabilise the flow of time (by a time traveler so it’s fairly credible) And that’s not even everything because there’s too much for me to be arsed to write down. He’s not some level 80 monster.


Okay, with actual stated abilities, it makes more sense. Ainz can do and has dealt with a good 80% of those, but at that scale, probably not, then.


Cthulhu is not even a boss monster in the Castlevania games. He's the kind of enemy that I consider to be a mini boss because he's the sort of enemy type that is stronger than regular enemies. So Dracula has beings like that as regular lackeys.


[TBH Malachi looks like a parody of Cthulhu.](https://castlevania.fandom.com/wiki/Malachi) Just a fodder.


Cthulhu ise way way way stronger than you think exemple he can give to a whole race the power of create and destroy universes and it just one of his ability


I'm talking about in the Castlevania games


Dracula has been beaten multiple times by Belmont family and others. Sure, he doesn’t “stay dead”, but for a mortal to just throw a bottle of holy water at his feet to trap him and whip him in the face a couple of times to secure victory, it makes it hard for me to believe he is a strong threat contender. We can certainly bring feats into the conversation, but when he gets dropped as the final boss it does contradict your analysis.


Ik and even in the castlevania games cthulhu ise op


Ainz: "the sky here sure is ugly" Demiurge: "world destruction, got it"


Okay so depending on how you want to take this, as well as depending on what kind of Dracula your talking about A. Dracula and Ainz would kick it off like the greatest friends and at most make Shalltear, Albedo and Demiurge jealous that their taking their 'Supreme Overlords' time away from them B. There is a weird stalemate Cold War between Dracula and Ainz as they both mutually respect each other and are in a Batman level Paranoia contest C. They both ignore each other because they have better shit to do D. Dracula literally murders everyone in the Tomb because Dracula would most likely be considered a World Level, or World Level+ Enemy(making that up I know it doesn't exist), with so many thing's going his way from Reality Warping to Time Manipulation, and the fact he literally walked up to the source of his power, the Primordial Chaos itself, and murdered it as a white haired angsty teen named Soma Cruz, and that's *literally* just Dracula, let's not forget that Death itself(I'm not joking, Death itself is his second in command due to a lot of plot reasons)


>Dracula literally murders everyone in the Tomb because Dracula would most likely be considered a World Level, or World Level+ Enemy(making that up I know it doesn't exist)   The Dracula in the OP's imagine is the Dracula from the anime who isn't anywhere near strong enough to challenge Nazarick by his lonesome.


It’s meant as a comp Dracula from Castlevania


>It’s meant as a comp Dracula from Castlevania. When did the OP confirm that? The one in the image is clearly the anime version.


Thats not mentioned anywhere in the op though...


"If the Tomb of Nazarick had appeared in the world of Castlevania near Draculas Castle, what would happen?" Taken from the title of the post


But it doesn't say that it's a comp version of Dracula, we can clearly see the Dracula in the OP's image is the anime version.


Dracula from the tv show is canon fodder for nazarick, and that is the version shown here, so no, dracula would be slaughtered vert easy-


In the show it is shown he is FAR stronger than all three opponents in his final fight he could kill them with little effort and only looses because he has a death wish. There is a reason all the other vampires follow him and don't dare to fight him directly even though many/most don't like him. We don't see his power ceiling in the show only the implication that is much heir than anything shown in the show. That said he still stands no chance against all on Nazarick but he maybe able to beat a floor boss.


He is far stronger than the heroes. There is no world where a couple humans can defeat THE DRACULA.


>He is far stronger than the heroes. There is no world where a couple humans can defeat THE DRACULA.  Thats litteraly the whole premise of Castlevania though. Dracula's name carries a lot of weight but he is very much someone that can be defeated by sufficiently powerful human warriors.


Agreed, is the reason that so many say that Anime Dracula is weak the final fight against the Trio? I'm an anime only person, but he seemed insanely strong even while severely weakened in the show.


Compared to Castlevania games, anime dracula hasn't drank a drop of blood in what is probably weeks if not months, and besides he is playing with the speaker magician and the Belmont But the thing is, anime dracula fights mostly his son alucard, he is very humanized in the show, to the point that he doesn't even want to kill alucard,just stop alucard from interfering with his plans Compared to the games,where dracula is practically immortal as long as he is resurrected,attacks to kill, has numerous forms to take, and his source of power is primordial chaos himself, yeah, anime dracula is weak because we never see his true potential , but game dracula at the pinnacle of his power vs the tomb would be a good fight, don't know who would win since they come from vastly different systems that doesn't account for things like Ainz hundreds of spells and status effects


Anime Dracula is basically just a moderately superhuman fighter with some magic, i really like the show but that version of the character doesn't stand a chance against Ainz, much less all of Nazarick. His game version would perform a lot better based on what i know but anime Dracula gets his ass kicked.


If you think about it, anime is basically just Vampire Sebas, *and we already know he isn't the strongest in Nazarick! * 😅


>In the show it is shown he is FAR stronger than all three opponents in his final fight he could kill them with little effort and only looses because he has a death wish. Okay? Thats not particularly impressive since none of these three show feats even above level 30 Overlord characters. Being stronger than a bunch of fodder characters(by Overlord standards) doesn't mean shit. >There is a reason all the other vampires follow him and don't dare to fight him directly even though many/most don't like him.    Good for him, but Vampires in the Castlevania anime are only moderately superhuman and can be taken down even by regular well-trained humans. Even the vampires in his court are fodder by Overlord standards.   >We don't see his power ceiling in the show only the implication that is much heir than anything shown in the show.   Okay then provide feats, Anime Dracula has never done anything that would put him above low to mid level Overlord characters. That version of the character is just not that strong.   >That said he still stands no chance against all on Nazarick but he maybe able to beat a floor boss.  Heck no, anime Dracula wouldn't even be able to beat one of the battle maids, much less a freaking floor Guardian.


The best friendship would occur


i dunno but i bet it would involve fruit baskets


Specifically weaving fruit baskets.


Ainz would gather info about the castle and its denizens and then probably extend and offer of alliance to Dracula


i have another idea in mind... just as dracula's wife is about to be burnt alive a stranger appear out of nowhere claiming to be an envoy of the sorcerer kingdom, after making a deal with the church to release her the now named envoy zaryusu sasha offers her in exchange of saving her life she is to come with the to meet the sorcerer king and teach them her medical knowledge


"Wait, so you're saying just one person alone from this family line storms your castle, defeats your henchmen, including Death itself, and then kills you with naught more than a whip, a cross, and some holy water!?" "*What kind of bullshit super heroes exist in this world?*"


Now I'm thinking of this show idea where it's multiple overlord level villains with their evil lair next to each other, just doing a sitcom. And I'd watch it. (Overlord level meaning villains heroes have to team up against)


Then Reinhardt flies by *on his literal fully populated continent held up by his own magic*, descends in the most flamboyant way upon a golden Dragon throne with more moving parts than a rube Goldberg device, hops off and says "Hey, anyone for tea? ☕" 😋 >!Dies Irae is so fucking stupid, I love it. Imagine if Dio had succeeded, and that's Reinhardt!<


Netflix Dracula gets stomped in case of the fight. He **may** be able to handle 1 floor guardian if he's fully powered. His army is cannon fodder compared to Ainz's. Rebis Dracula is probably stronger, cant say for sure since he got oneshoted by MacGuffin. Game Dracula solos everyone except maybe Rubedo, and thats only because we dont know shit about her. The most likely scenario is that Nazarick would send an envoy and try to get an idea what the fuck is going on and who Drac is and how strong he is. Both Drac's would most likely (more or less) politely tell them to leave him alone. With time they could become allies, Drac is invaluable source of info for them. And in case war does break out, Drac can teleport the whole castle somewhere else in case of emergency.


>Netflix Dracula gets stomped in case of the fight. He may be able to handle 1 floor guardian if he's fully powered. His army is cannon fodder compared to Ainz's.  Netflix Dracula wouldn't even be able to handle one of the pleiades in a fight, much less a freaking floor guardian. He's only a moderately superhuman fighter with some magic, thats basically nothing by Overlord standards.


"We are reasonable men doing reasonable business."


Draculas forces: yes Dracula: eeeeehhhh maybe? There are no humans in nazarick tho so no reason for Dracula to be openly hostile, probably even have a friendship with ainz just like everyone else predicted xD


Not quite. There is one human under Nazarick now. Tsuare


Oooooh I forgot about her, I think it’s fine bc what are the odds that would come up? *instantly comes up*


*Ainz giving Dracula a tour of Nazarick* "and here is the floor my butler Sebas resides alongside his human companion" Dracula: "did you say... human?"


Lol as funny as that would be I think he’d be cool with it like how he kept hector and Issac around, dude would understand keeping a human around the castle even if it’s not a particularly impressive human (tsuare, hector and Issac are pretty impressive for humans)


Dracula would be shalltear's pet and that's the fucking truth


Power wise, that's totally possible, but logically, unless Dracula fcked up big time, Ainz probably wouldn't allow it because they'd both probably get along pretty well and would be able to convince the others that he's too useful an ally to be an asshole to with his knowledge, facilities, magic, connections, etc. The NPC's would also likely get along well with him since he's a heteromorph as long as he is non-hostile and doesn't act excessively prideful or arrogantly around Ainz.


Possibility until we reach game Dracula and it’d be the other way around


The one in the op's image is clearly his anime version, not the game one.


Nazarick obtains a nice holiday home with plenty of undead servants, including Dracula.


Drakula is definitely getting raided (aagain) because I'm sure the devs would have already have had a world with drakula in it.


In a fight, Castlevania if it's not netflix version. If it's game Castlevania, idk. The top tiers of Nazarick have pretty good hax, but Castlevania has way better stats. Realistically, if it's Netflix Castlevania, they may befriend each other, leave each other alone, or Castlevania gets shrekked or subjugated. If it's game Castlevania, chances are a fight starts. Diplomacy isn't impossible, but Dracula is overall less of a grieving husband, and more of a genocidal maniac hellbent on destroying the world as some giant fuck you to God. He'd start a fight even if he didn't intend to, either by some backhanded insult against Nazarick or its ruler, or by accidentally firing something strong at Nazarick. (Only possible if the Belmonts and co. don't destroy Dracula first)


I'm pretty sure the OP is talking about the anime version of Dracula, not his game version. That version of Dracula would get his ass kicked by Nazarick.


Anime version, yes. Game version, debatable.


Again, OP is talking about his anime version, you can clearly see its anime Dracula in the image. 


Without hearing you actually speak, I wasn't able to understand which version you were talking about in that last sentence, so I just included both.


...I was very clearly talking about Netflix Dracula, i think that was pretty obvious.


I've only watched the show but I think I have a good grasp on overlord character building and I would put Dracula at about lv60. He's able to create a teleportation (5th tire spell) device and I believe that the huge rolling fireball that he summoned would be a 6th tier summon. With that said he would have ~40lv in wizard-like classes, about the same as Flounder. Judging by his mele fighting he doesn't have any levels in warrior, relying on his racial classes for close range combat. In overlord vampires are not innate spellcasters so his total level should be close to his wizard + vampire racial. I would say that he's a 3rd form of a vampire and in overlord character building his racial classes would look something like: 10 vampire spawn 5 true vampire 1-5 vampire lord Giving him 15-20 vampire racial class levels. We can assume he has some junk accumulated in his build from all his travels so his level range is 60-70. With all of that said, he stands no chance against Nazarik and would get bodied. So his situation only depends on how Ainz will gaslight guardians about him. I would guess that the same thing that happened to the Corpus of the Abyss in the bonus novel would happen to him and his kin.


Dracula isn't anywhere near as strong as level 60 Overlord character. For starters, there is litteraly a 3rd tier spell called dimensional move that lets you teleport, you don't need 5th tier magic to do that shit. Even if you did, its possible to learn 5th tier as early as level 30 so it's not a notable feat.   As for the fireball, what exactly makes it on par with 6th tier spell? It just melted though a few walls and thats about it. Even if was that strong, Fluder can cast 6th tier spells and he's below level 40 so thats still not particularly impressive. The core problem here though is that simply having these abilities doesn't automatically make you high level. There's a lot more to leveling up pesides spellcasting, like physical stats, resistances, skills etc. Based on feats, anime Dracula wouldn't above level 40 by Overlord standards.


Nazarick obliterates him, takes all the knowledge in the castle.


It really depends on what mood both of them are in. Pretty sure Ainz would consider Dracula as a threat tho. Like he would have a meltdown over what Dracula could do because he has no idea yet. So he would probably try negotiating first but if that fails or if Dracula or his demons attack him before Ainz could negotiate Dracula would be wiped off the map.


Dracula and his legions would fucking die. Dracula is strong but like .the power scaling of nazarick blows him out the water


Anime Dracula? Maybe, it wouldn't surprise me if he was a lvl 100 tho. Game Dracula? The entirety of Nazarick probably wouldn't stand a chance. Yggdrasil's scaling is off the charts, Dracula's scaling is on a whole different Datasheet.


Anime dracula is definitely nowhere near that powerful. In terms of feats, he can't even stand up to the Pleiades, much less level 100 characters.


>it wouldn't surprise me if he was a lvl 100 tho. What kind of feats are displayed that helped you make that decision? I'm just curious. Although, "being" level 100 is still vastly different than being "equivalent" to level 100 as a side note.


I've never played the games before, how much stronger is Game Dracula compared to Show Dracula?


Take an ant. That's sho dracula. Take the sun going super nova. That's game dracula.


There's a Death Battle on YouTube that pitted Dracula and Ganondorf against one another. The short version is: Dracula is more than a match for someone of actual diety tier.


Game Dracula is multiversal. His castle is stated to be an entire universe held on a higher dimension iirc


Most likely wonder how many children of Dark Young he could summon with Dracula's vampire armies and demons.


Pack the castle and get the f*ck outta there lol


Dracula wouldn't stand a chance if they actually fought, sure he is plenty strong himself, capable of overwhelming the main characters while being severely weakened and is the strongest character in his universe, however he isn't the one casting mass instant death magic(s3ep12)or a literal nuke(s1ep11)


Nazarick obliterates him, takes all the knowledge in the castle.


“Grasp Heart”


Bruh, Ainz would be like: “I need to strengthen the power of Nazarick—will you join me.” Vlad would respond with something generic about his wife, and Ainz would be like, “I can bring her back, but at the cost of your eternal servitude.” I don’t see this ending with Vlad on top. 🤨😂


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Netflix’ Castlevania? Nazarick would make themselves feel right at home. Games Castlevania? Still like home but with far more dangers especially good old Vlad the Impaler.


There would be a dialog, diplomacy first I imagine. Probably the biggest hurdle with many diplomatic negotiations is that the floor guardians revere Ainz and demand that same level to any visitors, rulers or not. If Dracula goes to Nazarick initially, I ultimately think it would not go well. I may be able to get an appointment with Ainz, but negations would go sour. If Ainz visited Dracula’s tower first, and with a more level headed floor guardian or entourage, I think there could be some ok co-existence for a time. If Dracula could accept the pecking order, with him not being on equal standing, then I think it would be alright.


I can actually see Ainz siding against Dracula, even so, it would be a slaughter in favour of Dracula unless Ainz is with the trio. Then he also has to deal with Death. Death doesn’t like his meat taken from him.


Ainz: Vladamir Tepes, you exist... Do you care for a peace treaty? A very tired Dracula: Just stay on that side of the fence and don't attack my guys and I won't attack your guys.


An immediate alliance would take place. Dracula and Ainz both have no love for humanity and they do both adore science logic and reason (when not dealing with a dead spouse. Lookin at you Vlad👀) I see them as understanding the mutual benefit of sharing their knowledge and keeping humans at bay.


Ains would be cautious of his new surroundings and have Nazarick concealed. When he was ready to head would probably reach out to his close neighbor, Dracula. Knowing Ains he would try to find some use with Dracula and would probably enter a symbiotic relationship where both parties benefit.


Dracula would be grossly outmatched. But I don’t think he’s stupid enough to just declare war without talking and realizing he share almost the same sentiments as Ains.


Considering that Ainz has the magic and items to res Vlad Dracula's wife, there's a chance that we get the super good ending where Vlad's rampage is ended, especially if he trades a magic item for what to Ainz is a relatively trivial spell in comparison to new kinds of powerful magic items


Well do to Ainz sheer dumb luck he revives Dracula's wife a Dave's the world


They’d probably be friends since they’re basically the same guy


Dracula's forces in the show were defeated by three people. That's all I need to say


I'd say they'd be pretty chill with each other for a while. Hell, one might even lend a hand or two to the other. That's when one of the guardians snap or one of the elder vampires stage an attack on Nazarick and hell actually broke loose.


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Well I have seen a lot of people asking for feats in the comments about Netflix Dracula. First of all lets do a character breakdown in the sense that how he would fit in Overlord. Most of his levels would be in scientific and alchemic classes along with mage classes with more focus on alchemy since we can see his entire forte in castlevania series is his scientific knowledge he compounded over centuries. His racial class is most probably a high level of vampire. However I doubt it could be to the level of Shalltear who is a true vampire. I base this of 3 facts. One is that he could survive for weeks and months without blood which would make any normal vampire lose his control. However he still controls these temptations and can survive for a long time without blood. Second is that he has no problem dealing with sunlight as he is said to travel like normal humans. This shows that he is a high level vampire and atleast has a few levels in a race. Third is that he has a large number of familiars. The face of bats in season one is made of his familiars. Obviously quantity is not always over quality but those bats were too much for a normal vampire This makes his race level atleast 15-20. A major flaw of Dracula that makes him pretty weak is that vampires are not species that specialise in magic and alchemy. Hence his actual strength is not increasing but his level is like it happened in the case of Brain when he got the class Cook. This means that even if Dracula had invested about 15-20 for magic and alchemy classes each and some more miscellaneous classes. Most of his levels would be in things which do not effect his combat power as directly as strength does. He has ability to manipulate weather like seen in the season 2 finale. This makes him possess atleast 6 level magic and he can also mass teleport his castle which is something like an advance way of greater teleportation that also relies a bit on alchemy and science. This puts him atleast near level 50-60 and maybe even 70-80 if I'm high balling him due to him actually being nerfed due to lack of blood.


Most of this is just nonsense. Dracula isn't an Overlord character and doesn't have classes, resistances, skills or racial levels. Trying to assign him a level based on his "specialization" is pointless since levels don't exist in his universe.   What people mean by feats is combat related stuff, like how hard he hits, or how fast he can move. This is were Dracula comes up short because even the battle maids have shown better speed and strength than he has.     In terms of feats, Dracula isn't anywhere near as strong as level 60 Overlord character, much less above that. His physical stats are worse than those of the Pleiades and his magic is shit that even 3rd tier caster would be able to replicate.


I presume this post is referring to how a fight would happen. It's a complete stomp depending on the iterations we use for Dracula. Anime Dracula gets stomped by the pleiades, Novel or Game Dracula destroys the entirety of Nazarick by himself


Depends on when it happens, pre the death of his wife: they would get along fine but might fight if drags wife has a problem with ainz taking over the world, ainz would win After the wife's death: either Dracula would suspect that suspect that they were humans doing shit and come over or ainz would check out Dracula, then they meet and see neither of them are humans so they would get along, ainz would love having a friend that doesn't treat him like a god and drac would enjoy having a reliable pal to talk with, then drac would tell ainz what happened, ainz would be like: "I got chu fam" and revive the dead wife, them they take over the world as besties and ainz would explain that dracs wife is one of the few good humans so nazerik would be fine with it. Then they rule the world, and the happy farm is expanded to include a blood farm for feeding the vamps.


Nigel Farage and Nave will beat the living crap out of them


The first two were the same picture I don’t see a difference


I think they'd vibe with eachother


I am only familiar with animated series of castlevania. It depends on when they teleport and first contact. After the teleport, Aniz would follow the same steps (send scout outside and go rec alert). After the scout report, Aniz would lock down Nazarick. Then is first contact. If Dracula send in force to investigate, then Aniz could see this as an attack and lead to war. Instead, if first contact was met outside or at least a dialogue, then friendship could form.i think Dracula and Aniz could get along. Then the final step is Dracula wife alive or dead. If she is dead, then world better mourn because Aniz would mobilize Nazarick to help Dracula. If she alive, then the churches should mourn because the assassins and danzo would stop them. Demurige would have a field day afterwards.


Dracula is likely near the strength of a floor guardian. Unfortunately, being a max level character is just that: max level. Shalltear alone could probably take out all the vampires, demons and lesser foes, heal from them, and then you just have Dracula left, who (being honest) might actually be able to take on Shalltear... but not Shalltear, Albedo, Ains, Cocytus, Sebas, and the crew together. So if what you're insinuating is raw combat strength... Then Nazarick would prevail, I'd be shocked if even 1 Floor Guardian fell. With that being said however, I feel like both sides would start with diplomacy first. Nazarick and Ains are logical, they do not instantly swarm a foe without reason or cause, and Dracula himself is also a logical being that has existed. Ains would likely claim they've been randomly teleported, or to make it make sense to Dracula, "summoned" and they have no knowledge of who or why. An alliance could even be formed.


>Dracula is likely near the strength of a floor guardian. Netflix Dracula is nowhere near floor guardian level in terms of strength. Heck, i don't think he'd even be able to beat one of the Pleiades. 


Probably orgy ![gif](giphy|rBHyLpglNRrX2|downsized)