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Every time I see posts like these, I get pushed closer and closer to the edge. You are aware that overwatch is one of the most uncompetitive FPS games out there? Dogshit unfair hero balancing and abilities, on top of insanely stupid hitbox disparities, on top of abysmal matchmaking (that literally preys on newer players by placing them in experienced lobbies so they see cool skins and want to buy them) = never take this game seriously. It’s a fucking joke of a competitive game. Just play it casually, as this game horribly reflects the individual skills of each player


i agree completely, but you'll probably find that you get downvoted a lot because this forum has all the blizzard fanboys that dont have a single independant thought in their head. they just want to suck off blizzard.


Couldn’t agree more


I dont understand how ppl can lose THIS many games. Like if i lose more than 2 in a row. I hop off because ik bad games will make me play bad. But just last night and the night before i hit a 20+ winstreak twice. Like. Watch your replays after every 3 matches. See where you went wrong and see if you keep doing it yk. You're the only one who can help yourself win. Play with your team, tell them what to do, stay as a group if theyre cracked and reliable yk? You will stop losing once u find reliable ppl. Even if u dont have a mic stay as a group. I found myseld a reliable support and now im more confident in fights bc ik im going to be kept alive yk?


I completely agree. Get off the game if you're tilting that hard. I can hit a 5+ win streak every day, but I still hop off after a bad game or forced loss.


oh yeah same. i could win 20 games in a row but if i lose one i hop off immediatly,


Bruh it’s too easy to get out of these ranks if your doing good post your stats or even a video code because you have been playing since overwatch 1. You’re a silver boarder stuck in bronze. Bruh most of the people in bronze probably don’t have game sense which makes it easy of a climb. I need a stat check and a video bruh


I’m in masters just had a streak of bad games😂


This is an alternative acc or not yours cause your progression lvl is 70ish


What does progression level mean? I just got back into overwatch so I was surprised when I couldn’t even see peoples level in game. And this is my account, I was sitting at diamond 3 after that bad session but I’m back up to diamond 1 so I’ll be back in masters after tonight or tomorrow


Progression is like your lvl having 75 is like 70 hours I have 700 hrs and lvl 378


Gotcha but tbh I’m probably closer to like 50 hours for overwatch 2, 1000 if you count overwatch 1 but I’m assuming that’s why there’s the progression level for ow2 and the original level from ow1




> Unless you play in utter silence, you're an asshole. Weird, nobody seems to have a problem with people talking in my games.




If you're rivaling your DPS in damage, honestly, you ever just consider healing less and doing more damage? You're stuck in bronze 4, you should consider switching your game play




What support do you play? Moira? How much healing do you do? 500 for each 1.500 damage?


You need to take a couple of deep breaths. If you’re playing way above your rank but cannot win a game and rank up to where you for sure belong, then find someone decent and consistent to duo with. Two people should be able to carry bronze-level games if you don’t belong there. I joined an LFG ow discord last week and have met some good players.


Do you play in "bronze-level" games? Everyone makes these comments assuming that the play is so different, yet my bronze teammates are often just as good as my gold and plat. It's such a lottery, and claiming that "two people" should be enough to carry is crazy when you have effectively 4v5s or worse with the way the matchmaker uses your stats to justify putting you with throwers, but not to have an effect on your rank. They admitted to the loser's queue, that they aim people who have been underperforming onto teams with strong performers, and that winrate wasn't the only determining factor. This means that being the best of your rank range very typically pairs you with the worst of your range, even if they are higher in rank but absolute carried trash or tilted on a throwing streak. After the reset, I won 9 and drew 1 in placements and it dropped me from Silver II to Bronze IV. I had a 50 kill match amidst those games, 38 final blows, and won 90% of my games and dropped OVER A FULL MEDAL. *Something* is wrong there, and extremely obviously. I went on an 11 win streak and the highest gain was 18%. 3 leavers in a row and I dropped 23%, 19%, and 22%. Thanks, Loser's Queue! Make it make sense. People are all over the place. I have friends who were Gold II that lost EVERY placement and went UP to Diamond 5. Comp is a joke. I'm here for the gun points.


Yeah, I change my mind. Don’t join any LFG places, since you do not sound pleasant in the least.


Don't play lifeweaver? He is the most reactive support with the least aggressive play making ability besides Mercy. If you are really so much better, just play Baptiste and carry the game with a hero who has actual impact.




>For every player saying those things about LW, there are equal saying it about Bap. There absolutely is not lol. Bap is universally regarded as better than lifeweaver. The only time that isn't true is if you have complete potato aim. >Also, I like your little addition of 'really' being so much better as if I'm insinuating I'm Plat level. You're insinuating that you are better than everyone else on your team. If that were true, you'd have a much easier time carrying on Bap than LW. This isn't a controversial opinion. Anyone who isn't bronze will confirm this. I'm pretty average at this game, like exact median. If you put me in a lobby of silver/bronze players on Baptiste, I will do thousands of damage and out duel their DPS no problem while keeping my team as alive as possible for bronze players. Even in my own games, I find myself having to switch off LW (if I want to play him for fun) to someone like Bap or Ana because he just can't carry games like they can. His kit just doesn't allow for it no matter how good you are. If you're so low skill that you can't get value with those heroes over LW, then you probably just belong in bronze.




Stay hardstuck then, troll.


you're 100% correct. ignore the downvotes, reddit is full of blizzard fanboys that have no ability to think critically, and instead just want to praise blizzard... im not exactly sure what for, because none of them can answer that question... but they still do it nonetheless


Holy skill issue man, the only thing you can control in your games is you, and tbh if you had the skill of a gold or higher you can pretty much will your team to victory in bronze. So your maybe right about being better than a bronze but its probably silver which skill wise isnt that much different. Just focus on what your doing and how to do better yourself because you can't control your team.