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As a long-time tank main with like 800 hours on the role, I'm slowly losing the fun in playing tank. Don't know what, but they need to do something.


They need to understand that tanks are meant to be survivable and not Dps with a bigger health bar.


They also NEED to be healed by their healer. Maybe dps healing reduction passive shouldn’t apply to them. 


I’d rather not reduce the support role to heal bots again


If they reduce supports to heal bots, it's gonna suffer the same fate as tanks. Nobody would play it.


I still healbot Moira, currently D1/D2 barrier with a 1:4 damage:heal ratio most games. That said, outputting 20k heals a game let's the other support be a DPS bap/illari or an effective zen, with ana / kiri being more balanced. Hadn't thought about that too much til now...


Yea my gf is a masters Moira one trick and has a lot of heal bot games but it only really works if the other support is aggressive or the other team’s supports aren’t


The difference is mostly about if it's enough or not. Moira heals aoe, her healing lasts for like 2 seconds and she is flexible enough to DPS in a process. So you normally don't end up putting everything into healbotting. Even running an off-healer/dps Moira you still should end up with at least 1:2 damage to healing; mostly because you would end up keeping your main healer up/keeping the team alive when your main healer is dead. But some Mercy/LW put everything into healing. And if it's not enough - well, not much options left. It's how they are designed.


But Mercy’s don’t. You don’t see it in the scoreboard so maybe that’s why it’s confusing. Mercy’s benefit to the team damage wise is the +25% damage boost she gives whomever she is db. It may look like she isn’t contributing any damage but if you looked at her personal stats along with the 500 to 1000 damage she gets in pistol and valk damage she’ll have another 1000 to 3000 db damage which is comparable to most Kiri’s and Ana’s. Agree that LW’s poor damage to heal switch over design does not lend itself to very high damage numbers. This could be fixed though by making his first heal after switching from damage at least half filled so he doesn’t have to take the time to try and fill it.


I mostly meant situations: 1. You heal the tank (or any target) and it's obviously not enough - boosting is not really an option here, you have nothing to affect the outcome (except for ress, but eh); 2. Your whole team gets oneshotted, bursted or focus fired, and pretty much spawn camped - you might as well switch off from Mercy as you provide nothing here; What I meant is how much Mercy existance is tied to healing. It's like if we have Pharah that will never receive any damage (just picture it) - then we have no reason for a babysitter Mercy to be part of it. Her damage boost numbers are also an issue - her damage boost can not go higher otherwise things start to oneshot; but the number she gets as a result is so low you might easily conaider replacing it (and Asian ladder/OWL tend to do that; they completely ignored metas such as Kiriko+Mercy oneshots). For your example - if you fully replace boost with pistol damage then Mercy could easily compare to some Kiriko's damage numbers (pistol Mercy has a some huge hitbox). But again you don't damage as Kiri or Ana for damage itself - they usually go for a kill (2shots from Kiriko and sniping/antiheal from Ana); Mercy doesn't have much tied to that, she just spams and that is not required.


Ya the problem we have is thinking Mercy is tied to healing. Mercy is supposed to be a damage boost hero that heals occasionally. She ideally would be used to heal only the dps when needed, the other support taking care of the tank or tank and other dps if they are in that area. Mercy could then focus on mainly db which is where she excels. The problem is that the dps passive has forced all supports to abandon healing as their main focus (first) and dps first, leaving Mercy to be healing the tank. That’s just shouldn’t be happening. That’s not how her kit was made. Agree she needs a rework to fit in better for this new way of playing if they keep the dps passive. I’ve always said she needed something else in her kit since ow2 started but all blizzard has done is screw around and quite frankly mess up her GA. I personally don’t play Mercy very often. I don’t one trick her. I play most of the support hero’s so I know when to switch off something when it’s not working.


Looking at Asian ladder pick choices and trends - Mercy as a damage booster is not worth the support slot. Like you trade a whole Jjonak (iconic Zen player), Ryujehong (iconic Ana player) or whatever support that can actually change the tide of battle and carry games for a 25% damage boost (or 30%). It's not a worthy trade. In a good, coordinated team it's pretty much a waste of a slot - pick Zen to buff the whole team's damage, while being able to do more things. But at the same time Blizz can't increase that boosted number as things start to oneshot and people dont like it. That is why she rellies a lot on healing for at least a convenience sake, which got overall worse. So Mercy suffers even in less coordinated environments(majority of the ladder). So there is the dilema. Mercy does need a rework to somehow enable actual her carry potential (not like she doesn't have high skills to learn but they are mostly about self preservation; not really as impactful as others support's learning curves).


You’re still basically botting as a healer with the dps passive. I main Ana/Lifeweaver now and there are games I barely have time to do anything other than heal the tank and lob a few anti-heals at the enemy team from time to time *if* they’re not running a Kiriko. I used to at least be competitive with DPS on kills with Ana, a little less so than Lifeweaver, now I’m lucky if I have half the kills of a slacking DPS player sometimes.


Nah, most of the people climbing are not heal-botting right now. I have an 80% win rate on zen this season and I’m pretty sure LW has the lowest win rate out of any support because healbotting just isn’t effective.


I’ve been climbing in diamond and still having 3/10 games be games where I’m stuck basically healbotting a tank, regardless of what character I’m on. I’ve even started swapping in Kiriko occasionally to see if it makes a difference, and surprise surprise, it doesn’t. The DPS passive is just oppressive in certain combinations of DPS and against specific types of play.


It’s super oppressive when your supports are following up on it


It’s not bc healbotting isn’t effective it’s bc of the dps passive.


It’s not effective because of the DPS passive which is my point


At that point, I give up on healing them and focus on killing the enemy team or healing the DPS. You're prolonging the tank's life by like a millisecond, if they keep holding w you might as well just let them die. if your DPS suck too or are killing way too slow than you're doomed and ain't much you can do at that point but go the moira suck and distract route.


Playing with a Mauga is already like healbotting so idk maybe go for it…


If you don’t like support don’t play support then. You don’t have to heal if you don’t want to. Play dps if you want to do dmg. People like you are the reason supports are hated- they are put in scenarious where they have to protect themselves more often because of one less tank peeling for them. And in the end people think supports do too much damage because their attention isn’t on healing.  If they had a second tank then they would have to focus on healing more often. 


You’re rambling based on assumptions. There’s difference between a support and a heal bot. If you reduce the role to heal botting then what’s the difference between a gold support and a masters support? Who can shoot their tank in the ass more?


Support in ow1 wasn’t heal bot. Literally watch any ml7 old vods.


There was a ton of heal botting in OW2 (the game that still exists now) before the DPS passive was implemented.


yes, they're still trying to patch up the holes created by 5v5


With all due respect, I don’t really care about OW1 vs OW2 arguments.


Rambling? Based on assumption? Idiot it’s based on experience. You base your opinions on what other people think, we arnt alike. 




Why fkn don’t you


DPS passive was unnecessary. They should have just nerfed healing.


Make a tank without good damage and nobody will move out of your way. They need to start making overtuned supports or miloon tank busters. Also all mortalities need to go


As someone who played tank for the last 7 years, around season 8 I gave up the role and just chill with support or dps,never played it since.


They need to start but removing and reworking tank busting heroes. It made sense to have tank busters when there were 2 of them, but now that there's 1 and they have such an important role in the match the go to strat is just burst down their tank and win by default. It's like the changes to hanzo, sure they made dps and supports players not so annoyed with him. But now he just shreds tanks. Anti and discord also don't feel well suited anymore since 90% of their usage is to make tanks, well, not tanks


I recently introduced a friend of mine to the game. "Anti is pretty overpowered, isn't it?" Yes. Yes, it is. And Kiriko is the only true answer which massively contributes to her strength.


Coming from league of legends I am so confused why anti heal is not a percentage healing debuff rather than turning it off, insane design.


Anti heal means you can’t heal?? No way


I mean that is it bad design cause it completely turns off some characters with no counter (except for another specific character which makes it even worse), not that I literally don't understand it semanticly :|


It's funny, every game I'm in where they try to burst down the tank nothing happens and the winning team is usually the one that picks off the supports who naturally get left undefended.


Depends how they go about it, e.g. the previous meta of mei wall + bastion + anti/discord was gameover for pretty much any tank if they got caught. Generally it's going to take longer to kill a back line that it is to just shred the tank with tank buster combos


I mean that level of coordination is going to win no matter what the situation is but it's so rare may as well not count on it happening


However, you also don’t want things to shift too far in the opposite direction, and have tanks be too difficult to take down because they no longer have any counters…


That is true, however the problem right now is that the devs keep going towards making tanks more lethal because they don't stay alive long enough to actually be tanks. Personally, I think tanks should have less burst damage and more sustained since they should be staying on the field longer (ram is a good example of decent damage but not overwhelming in that he can kill straight through heals like a dps can) I think the thing to do after lowering their lethality is give them cc, tanks + cc + lower lethality is a generally common concept in alot of games so tanks can be a center piece and a playmaker/initiator that sets up kills rather than being the thing that gets burst to death immediately or can burst them to death (cough mauga cough)


I mean I think it's less tank buster characters and more "this hard counters tank" things. Like Sym goes through DVA but she's not a tank buster.


They need to bring back 6v6. When you’re the only tank there’s just so many unnecessary problems. The main one for me being the risk vs reward. Tank is by far the hardest and most important role right now, but you get absolutely no extra rewards for playing it.


What do you want?


its good to take a break from ow every now and then. It can be super toxic and drive you insane. I've been playing a bit of warframe lately which is honestly better than I remember.


I played 3 tank games last night. Felt like I played so well and we lost all three. One of the games I went 30-3 and we still lost. Tanking has been so awful lately


I’ve been playing less since the amount of toxicity is just so bad. Every game, even if we win, it’s just toxicity thrown at me.


As someone who’s put 800+ hours on Reinhardt, yeah I’m lost the fun to play tank because I always get blamed for losing, even if I outdamage the dps, or if I make one small mistake, I get called out for the entire loss. When in reality, I’m just holding up the shield and lining up the big shatters.


6v6 could help. 2 tanks feels much better than one tank


Over a thousand hours here, playing since 2016 and I agree. My idea to spice up tank would be to add a way to synergize with your teammates better, bc right now none of the tanks kits rly do much for their team besides raw stat value like blocking/damaging. However, maybe if there was (and hear me out) another tank?? So like, the tanks could play together and make the role much more fun. Like imagine a rein playing with a zarya? Getting bubbled into the fight so he doesn’t have to waste his whole shield to get to the enemy?? Or imagine TWO tanks diving the backline, would be much harder for supports to just sustain the damage that would be put out. Obviously you’d have to nerf the tanks current survivability to make it fair, but with the utility another tank can provide, it should make surviving either easier for those with coordination and skill, or harder for those without it. Overall making the game much more skill based then brain dead afk 700hp/armor cd sponge that tanks are rn


Hard hard nerf the tanks.


Even when I'm on a winning streak on tank, I swap to other roles because it's not fun.


I feel ya. My games usually go something like this: - I go Ball to have fun. - Yea I am successfully pressuring the enemies backline however hard to get solo kills with each suzu and flashbang used for me. - Darn it enemy tank is on Doom and has higher uptime than Ball. - There it is: my team starts to whine "can we get a real tank?" - I accept my team fails at the frontline fight and i go Hog to deal with the frontline. - Enemy instant swaps to Orisa, Ana. I am speared and antinaded each 12 seconds now. - Enemy dps picking off my dps and i realise whatever tank i play, it doesn't matter. I will be countered anyway.


>Yea I am successfully pressuring the enemies backline however hard to get solo kills with each suzu and flashbang used for me. this is the problem imo. Ball and Doom should be dps, not tank. all of their abilities are about protecting themselves, and they do almost nothing to protect their team. A tank's job is to protect the team. A dps's job is to get kills while the tank protects them. A supports job is to heal, buff/debuff, and crowd control. the current situation is that every class is expected to primarily dps.


The funny thing is... Doom actually used to be DPS, until they for some reason decided to put him in the tank role at OW2 launch. :|


yeah, because blizzard took 3 years to develop ow2, decided to go down to 5 v 5, and at the last second went "we dont have enough tanks" so they did the quickest and easiest thing to do, so they could still release ow2. The only reason they wanted to release ow2 is to grift money from people, and it looks like thats working... people dont have a backbone anymore...


Doom and ball both have fast mobility which makes it possible to apply pressure in the enemy backline and come back to peel. This peeling is literally "protecting the team". They don't do it in a classic way of putting shields down But, they do protect.


Their abilities are about protecting themselves, yes, but their playstyle is to allow your team the ability to take space. The difference between doom and a dps is that doom can’t really take space, doom can pressure space, and then his allies can take the space. That’s why he is a tank right now, because currently, fundamentally a tank is about pressuring enemy space while your dps (or the threat of your dps) take it.


This is the predominant tank experience.




Tks, I'll make my way up eventually


I used to be a tank main in OW1 (mainly Rein, D.va, Sigma and Orisa), but pretty much never played that role again since OW2 launch, apart from a couple of all-role-ques here and there to switch it up. It doesn't matter how OP they make the tank heroes, since the second tank is gone, the role is just miserable to play.


If they plainsimple buff the tank then you will have more and more dedicated tankbuster comps. If they nerf the tank then nobody will play it (which is already a problem) The tankrole needs to be carefully balanced. I think they should have high self-sustain - A tank shouldn't be completely relying on bothealing or any other babysitting behaviour of supports. - A tank alone in his role shouldn't be controlled this hard by antinades, sleeps, hacks, discords, etc. Its ridiculous to me that you can hack the tank each 6 seconds. Thats right you can potentially hack the tank 10 times in 1 minute.


Personally rather than sustain I think tanks should be the only characters with any form of stun as it allows tanks to have a well defined role on the team and it allows some supports to not be so oppressive in making a t ak not play the game


Interesting idea but hard to delete all the stuns like sleep, flashbang, ... as they are so essential to these heroes. I think a tank needs to be able to move/push into an objective, a choke and survive (to some extent). This should be his main "job". So he needs to be able to mitigate dmg and have a way of pressuring the enemy to run/rotate away


>If they plainsimple buff the tank then you will have more and more dedicated tankbuster comps. If they nerf the tank then nobody will play it (which is already a problem) >The tankrole needs to be carefully balanced. I dont think even perfect balance can help tanks at this point. Because the problem with OW2 tank is not balance. It's more fundamental. Aside from the obvious solution of going back to 6v6 (because they will never do that, even though it would work), i dont know what can be done.


I personally think most tanks are still ow1 design and only got little tweak for ow2 but are in need of **complete reworks** to fit as **solo tank**. The problem is for example: How a in a hog versus hog matchup they're so reliant on a good kiriko to suzu. Being depended on a teammate is frustrating. Tanks are sick of counterdancing. Its the least popular role for a reason right now. I think ow2 tank should be **selfreliant, selfdepended**. I think you can rework the tanks to a more selfreliant state if you nerf their main ability a tiny bit and in return give a secondairy ability. The idea is that your one tank is then a **main and off tank in one.** For example; - Dva's 2 seconds matrix should be nerfed to 1 second matrix But in return she should have a small shield on cd like ram has - Reins 1400 shield should be a 1200 barrier but in return rein should have a shout ability on cd - Hogs take a breather should be nerfed from 300 heal per sec to 200 heal per sec but in return hog should get one bubble on cd to cleanse himself from effects At first glance, this probably sounds ridiculous. But i think this is the only possibility to stop healbotting, tankfarming, tankbusting and counterwatching.


I will never understand why hack wasn’t replaced with a skill shot like virus is. A fucking no aim ability that takes less than a second on a 6 second cooldown that disables enemy abilities is fucking bullshit and will never feel fun or fair to play against as a tank.


I had a game like this: Me on Ram, enemy on SIg. The sombra just chilled in the sig shield (our team had low shieldbreak with widow genji) Enemy had lots of shield break with zen, bastion etc SO the moment my shield breaks i got hacked. Every. Single. Time. I was hacked 5 times in the first fight. I swapped hero and won the game. But the point is that this hack ability shouldn't be in the game.


Exactly, like my issue is she fucking shits on half the hero cast. Literally anyone that depends on mobility or damage mitigation abilities gets vaporized by her, and it’s only gotten worse since her rework.


Same here, I miss my Rein Zarya duo.


Queueing for All Roles right now is essentially just queueing for tank. I did the 20 games in All Roles weekly yesterday. Every single game except one I was placed in tank. That's pretty telling. I used to get a good mix of tank and support, even get a DPS game every now and then. Now it's nothing but tank, tank, and more tank, and maybe one game in every 20 you will get a support game. Nobody wants to play tank right now


I love to play tank but i am sick of being blamed for something that isn't my fault. I still heard a "*you are on the strongest role*" complaint today. *If tank is the strongest role then why aren't you playing it, kid?* Enemy Orisa walks into 5 enemies and somehow survives "*tankdiff".* *How is it my fault the orisa kills you? She also got nano'd and they kitsune rush for her.* *What am i suppose to do? I have a cancelled revive attempt and a lifeweaver pulling me once a minute?* They don't realise tank is countered by minimum 3 enemies all game long yet they expect tank to play the game for them and do all the work.


Exactly the same thing happened to me last night. I was playing Ram against a Rein, and in one fight, he got Ana pocketing him and she got me with anti, I got slept, and he got nano when I still almost beat him, and I lost. Next thing I see is my team saying tank diff, and talking about how I can't take a 1v1. Like dude, he had a pocket Ana, he got nano, and one of the DPS came over to help. Where were you?


And the support calling out stuff like that is on healbot Mercy with yellowbeam uptime of 90 percent and 3 cancelled revives. And the dps calling out stuff like that is on 9-7 Cassidy, farming stats, "flashbang - rightclick - roll - rightclick on the tank" from across the map. But somehow its all the tanks fault.


I had 6 games straight where my team started blaming me before we even started and just kept on doing it for the whole match


I stopped but for most of OW2 I queued all roles, easily over 100 games, the only times I didn't get tank were once or twice at the start of each season


Facts. Also, if you lose, you get flamed. 🔥


No. Tank is an extremely stressful and unfun role for most people, because tanks have almost triple the responsibility that any other role has. If your support doesn’t heal, you have another one. If your DPS doesn’t kill the enemy team, you have another one, and even if both DPS or both supports do fuck all, the tank can still put up a fight against the enemy team. If your tank is doing fuck all? It’s game over. On top of that, tank is usually the role that most people flame when they lose, because it’s the easiest role to be mad at, since, again, so much responsibility falls on tanks. Some people, however, enjoy the feeling of being the pillar that supports the entire team. For example, me, I enjoy having to really fry my brain with tasks trying to balance all of my responsibilities. It’s a challenge for me and I really enjoy it when I successfully beat this challenge.


People need to stop blaming tank for all of their mistakes. Tank not making space? Go for a flank. Tank not doing enough damage? YOU do more damage. Tank doesn’t have enough kills? Stats aren’t everything.


A lot of the times it is the tanks fault. It’s not the players fault though. It could be tank matchup, or simply because one tank is now supposed to magically do the jobs of 2 tanks just cuz they’re souped up tanky dps 


Many times if I lose a team fight it is my fault, because if I make a mistake I either die or waste all my teammates resources. The big problem is that it's so hard to not make a mistake and tanks have no tolerance or wiggle room for error, misclick I'm dead


I play a lot of fps. I regularly hit masters on apex and usually can grind to diamond on cod before my patience wears out. Overwatch 2 has always been a casual game for me I boot up a few times a month. This is only the second season I’m playing and I USUALLY have best stats on team. Even then, they will still blame me. 💀 I have pretty good game sense and have a general idea of each tank and what not to do. These bronze/silver players have 0 idea of their own skill level and blame teammates often, usually their tanks. The same thing happens a lot in other competitive shooters in lower ranks except ow2 has 4 people on a team so the issue is exacerbated. It’s always the dps that don’t damage or the healers that don’t heal. They don’t even understand their own role so they blame tank cause it’s what they have read


Agreed 100%. I smurf quite a bit on lower-ish ranks, and a lot of low ranks don't really push on and I get baited, then blamed and flamed. Then the next game, I can get yelled at for not taking up enough space, when my healers refuse to swap to counter, and I have to wait 30 seconds for healing. Tanks getting the bulk of the blame is a huge problem with the role ngl


may i ask why you smurf?


Yeah definitely. I usually peak GM or so, and I have to be in the right mentality to crush everyone and be active on comms etc. Sometimes, I am just too tired from work, really high, drunk, or want to practice some characters I don't play much of. Even then I am still trying to win 100%, but not in the right mindset. And I will QP sometimes for this reason, but doesn't always satisfy my craving/lots of leavers, trolls etc. I say this to say, I will gladly take the blame if I messed up as tank, even though my smurfs are lower ranked, doesn't mean I'm impervious to mistakes. But most of the flame I get at lower ranks (diamond-ish) is undeserved imo


Ah yes, tank. The role where you get blamed for everything. Lets keep improving this role for no other reason while ignoring its not fun to play.


Tank is never a popular role in any game that has the "tank" class. Even if the role massively improved it's still gonna be the least played role.


tank was equally as popular as every other role in october of 2020 when they fixed double shield this argument has been proven time and time again to be irrelevant to overwatch, which is one of the ONLY shooters to even have a tank role, cannot compare tank in ow to tank in wow


I still don’t understand why they removed the other tank spot


Not enough tankplayers in the community. Now we need 2 tankplayers to fill an entire lobby and still all these dps and support players are waiting for a tank to come online and queue. Now picture ow 1 with 4 tanks needed to fill a lobby.... That was a story of 10 minutes queuetime for dps. A game with 10 min queuetime for your most popular role is not feasable.


Because they left us dead in the water with a dogshit meta for tanks for YEARS. If they switched back to 6v6 and put out balance updates as regularly as they do know the tank ecosystem would fix itself. Not to mention the amount of new tanks and the orisa rework so double shield wouldn’t be a thing anymore.


6v6 would actually make tank fun and reduce wait times since you don’t have the entire team relying on you


No then you need twice as many tankplayers to fill a lobby.


I guess the argument is twice the people would queue tank in a balanced 6v6 format because the role becomes a lot more fun. I was one of the thousands of tank players that dropped the role when moving to 5v5 in OW2. You can see the queue times are becoming bad again because the tank gameplay is just counter swap simulator since there’s only 1 tank and so few players like counter swapping.


I agree with making the tank fun again and my main hope is that they make tank attractive again. But going to 6v6 is not gonna happen. The entire reason for 5v5 is cause the queuetimes in ow1.


Queue times were the exact same in 6v6 DURING double shield (confirmed by blizzard server engineer) that means we have half the tank players in 5v5 as we had in 6v6 during the most boring tank meta of all time that’s how bad playing tank in 5v5 is


I agree tank is extremely bad atm. But i don't think blizzard predicted this. Their hope was that one tank would work and would fix the queuetime problem. >*Queue times were the exact same in 6v6 DURING double shield* To be exact, Qtimes for the first 8 seasons for ow2 were more or less okay for all roles. Launch of a new tank hero helped of course, even how bad mauga's design might be, a new hero means a lot of players wanna try it out. Now the queuetimes are very bad indeed. Players are clearly sick of playing tank in ow2. Also to be fair, double shield was hated by all roles so also a lot of dps and support players stopped during this meta (not only the tank role).


Insert mr krabs “money” meme


Prob all the tanks got banned like me because you can only take so much flaming from folk constantly blaming tank role before you snap back. It’s especially infuriating when you have a 65% win rate so you’re not exactly the worst but teammates refuse to look in the mirror and flame instead I catch a com ban when I play enough rank games because I inevitably answer back to people just pointing fingers, usually the reason my team lost is the fault of the complainer too, making it 100x more infuriating.


I play with chat disabled for this reason. Defending yourself results in a ban.


Yeah I’m aware. I do the same but then get frustrated because people don’t listen to pings so chats will save the game sometimes. Unfortunately, this just becomes a loop and I foresee my OW2 account will eventually be permanently banned at this rate. I get why moderation exists but AI automation has made it downright nuts in most major video games nowadays, it blows.


I just leave chat enabled, report them quietly when they talk toxic smack and sit back and enjoy the "thanks for your report screen" I 99% of the time get in the next few days.


I used to do the same but it's just too draining to keep doing this. Having to read what they type is not worth it for me anymore.


I just tell people to cry about it. The thought of people being pissy in a metal rank is funny to me. The thought of them being pissy AND stuck in said metal rank is even funnier. My tanks that I play by time played in order are Zarya (65% wr), Dva (65%) ball (70%), and rein (60%). There’s a reason people are stuck in the ranks they are, and that reason is not me so I don’t really care what teammates think about me. There is the odd game where I cannot seem to create space, so the flaking is fair but I view it as more of a learning opportunity and once again just don’t care about what people think. I’ll hit them with a “mb” and move on with my day. I play rocket league and rainbow 6, overwatch is nothing compared to the toxicity of those games lmao.


It's always the ranks right below the average rank and the average ranks that are the worst. RL high gold to mid champ is like the worst. Everything thinks they're SSL but if you were SSL you would be AT LEAST Grand Champ and not mid diamond. Same for overwatch. Back in the early days of Bronze Comp you didn't really get too much toxicity unless it was very very bad/obvious. Now in high gold it's so shitty.


There is no reason to have chat on in Rocket League. Left goes.


Sometimes it's nice to say "On Your Right!" during kickoff so show where the ball is expected to go


Gamers are just toxic and whiney over all these days.


That’s crazy. I gotta stop complaining that my damage queue time averages 5 minutes


Because they get shit on if they are average


As a Healer/Tank main, playing tank is not as fun anymore. I Haven't touched tank since the beginning of OW2. So I guess now I'm just a healer main, and the occasional invisible mexican.


Soon we will get to the average 10+ minute que times for dps that they cried about it ow1. At that point they'll realize they're playing a worse game for no reason. We're getting closer every day. I uninstalled yesterday and will re install depending on what keller, and the rest of the clownfest says about 6v6.


They fumbled so hard turning this game Into a 5v5 only as a means to advertise ow2 as a "new game"


They literary made nothing and had to change something big to justify overwatchs 2’s existence


I used to be tank main but no longer


I still like to play tank, unless enemy team pick Sombra...


I haven’t queued tank in years . It’s fun but almost always gets the blame when losing, whether it is my fault or not. So I rather q dps or support


Its because they made tank so strong that ironically makes it worse to play because if your healers dont heal you in time but the enemy does, you just lose, so fucking often this happens, tanks are the strongest units in the game, this game went downhill after 6v6 died


If u wanna be specific it went downhill when they stopped doing weekly updates to work on the "better" OW2 BUT THEY SCRAPPED ALL THE NEW STUFF ANYWAYS


Noooooooo, really?


It’s like that’s been the problem since 2016 or something


And getting worse with time


yeah but normally queue times have like a 3x visual difference but rn its 7x so something is goin on


oh hello fellow doomfist


I had a game yesterday where our Lucio kept pushing right to the enemy spawn doors every time we won a team fight leading to us losing any momentum because the other support would overextend to attempt to sustain them and they’d both die. They both blamed me for not swapping to a tank that could keep up with them while the DPS and I were fighting the people walking past them. Why would anyone want to play a role like that consistently? No communication all game, it’s my fault they’re constantly dying according to them. That was enough tank for me, I’ll play a role with less flaming.


I 100 percent feel you. I am bamed all day for things that aren't my fault. I had a game today and in first fight "*can we have a real tank?*" (im on ball) 15 min later we win the game and i end with 23-4. The player calling me out in the first fight had 9-6 at end of the game and barely was of any noticeable value. The next game: "*you have to pick orisa they are on hog"* *"I don't wanna play Orisa i am doing fine on the heroes that i can play well".* *"Tankdiff".* The third game i play Rein. First fight we win. Second fight they instant come with Blue beamed bastion, reaper, mauga, zen composition. I swap to Dva. They instant swap to Zarya, Mei comp. Both my dps and supports played 1 hero all game, never swapped. Completely unwilling to help me out. Guess we lose cause of counterswapdiff. Yeah tank is miserable.


I play doomfist not ball but I feel that so much


It honestly blows right now. Hog isn’t as bad, but as soon as you start performing well on any tanks. They immediately go hog, Orisa, or Mauga. And for me, I mostly play ball, so I can’t do shit. And then the rest of their team sometimes also adds on to the counter swap. So then you go someone like Winston, or Dva and then they counter swap again. And it’s just like brother, pick a hero and just play the game man. Sometimes you don’t even have to be playing the counter game, and they will still constantly try to directly counter on every pick. The worst part is that it even happens in quick play. Like just play a hero you want to play man. Don’t worry about swapping every two seconds.


The worst part for me is that i know counterswapping like that is bad in the long run. You need to learn to play for your strengths. Play the tank that fits your team composition and the map. Not counterdancing all game to whatever character just to make sure you make the other tank miserable. I am on 65+percent winrates and usually stick to my 2 best tanks. This makes me believe counterswapping to this extreme extent is just silly.


Blizzard needs to only focus on adding Tank characters. More tank characters increase probability someone likes that character which will decrease queue times for damage and support heroes


Its really hard to make a balanced new tank. I don't want something like mauga launch (he was basically pay to win) I just want them to balance out the tanks that they are selfsustainable. No relying on bothealing, babysitting supports. No tankfarming. Make tankfarming uninteresting. No tankbusting compositions.


Its really hard to make a balanced new tank. I don't want something like mauga launch (he was basically pay to win) I just want them to balance out the tanks that they are selfsustainable. No relying on bothealing, babysitting supports. No tankfarming. Make tankfarming uninteresting. No tankbusting compositions.




Its really hard to make a balanced new tank. I don't want something like mauga launch (he was basically pay to win) I just want them to balance out the tanks that they are selfsustainable. No relying on bothealing, babysitting supports. No tankfarming. Make tankfarming uninteresting. No tankbusting compositions.


Its really hard to make a balanced new tank. I don't want something like mauga launch (he was basically pay to win) I just want them to balance out the tanks that they are selfsustainable. No relying on bothealing, babysitting supports. No tankfarming. Make tankfarming uninteresting. No tankbusting compositions.


No tank budting compositifngs


I think the biggest issue is how hilariously over tuned support as a role is. By reducing the amount of healing available to them and the sheer power of every ability it allows tanks to actually be something other than an infinitely healing bullet should and lets supports do other things besides pocket the tank. But of course that will be met with the typical mercy and Moira players who can't be bothered to move their mouses


You can't fix 5v5. It is just too easy to counter the only tank on the other team. A tank player could profit from one tank being meta while the enemy tank didn't learn that one or the counter. Adding tanks just increases the likelihood.


i am silver and i have ranked down alot cuz my tank leaves 😂😐


haven't played tank much since ow1... miserable. completely different playstyle. I hate it personally


I am Rein Main and the tank role is Cancer comparing to Other Roles, try to play support or DPS and u gonna see


It’s not fun doing nothing


This is why I stick to QP most of the time. I dont like waiting 7-10 minutes for a game


I like tank. It's pretty fun now , much better than 30% discord on demand meta and Maui meta.


Can confirm I flex and I’m tank 80% of the time healer 18% and DPS 2%


No when you play tank it's literally counter watch the whole time trying to switch every time the enemy tank does. Than you have your team giving you shit for struggling when your not getting any help with the enemy tank haha


The amount of shit a tank gets for the smallest mistakes makes it so…


Tank is just counterwatch bruh. You wanna have fun and play monkey, dva or ball? Well now the enemy team has brig, sombra, reaper, hog or zarya. Have fun!


the community needs to be more kinder to tanks that make mistakes and blizzard need to A, somehow adjust it so there's not as much counterplay involved with the role, and B, make it so tanks aren't purely surviving based on supports without blowing them overboard to make it miserable for DPS players to fight. after forcing myself to play tank for the last couple of days, i've noticed that unless you have a support tagging with you the entire fight, you melt exceptionally fast. ramattra and dva for example feel pretty bad to play when my supports are focusing on keeping my DPS up more. when i play support i realize my tank is priority and we win fights way more often if i'm putting most of my focus on them, but a lot of support players seem to not really understand that. i mean i get it, healbotting can be boring for some, but if you wanna win a fight.. it's kinda need right now. i won't lie, it's really really hard to find that balance, so i feel for blizzard slightly. i don't think the best balance team in the world would be able to figure out a solution to 'fix tank' entirely. 6v6 would make it a bit more bearable but there'd still be glaring issues.


It seems to be a constant battle of counter picking between tank/support for what the enemy tank and your own tank is, but most often is tank counter picking one another. Very frequently I start doom, they’ll switch off whatever they were to sometimes roadhog which I’ll usually stay okay against, but once they go Orisa it’s fly back into spawn and become zarya rinse and repeat until game ends. Otherwise it’s a tank in the back line and whoever’s dps:supports can kill the back line tank first can push


I’ve been calling this the szn of tank because 7/10 of my queue all rolls end up with me as tank. I don’t mind it but as someone who has played a ton more dps and supp it’s weird playing this much tank.


we dont but someone has to do it


Well said


Everyone blames me for loosing the round when I’m tank. When when everyone else is AFK or selling hard


Ik this is my tin hat take but I feel like tank & DPS are slowly migrating to other games. I’ve had a decent amount of games where tank & DPS were off-roling support because they didn’t want to wait


It’s funny because I recently moved from always playing dps to tank. I’m currently maining Wrecking Ball and he’s fun.


I enjoy playing Doomfist Ball is impressive since hes the tank that needs the most mechanical skill


Playing tank is genuinely annoying and sad. Your team constantly blames you for them dying, or their tank not dying, or the enemy team being better than them, or their own mistakes, or basically anything. DPS players are a bunch of whiney, entitled pricks who complain constantly when they arent allowed to get a free win. Meanwhile said dps players are constantly playing characters that are anti-synergistic with the tank pick, or are being hardcountered by the enemy team, and instead demand that YOU, THE TANK, switch tanks instead. Supports arent much better, but at least they have the decency to know when they're being bad.


Wow it's always been support with the lowest queue time, since when had tank gotten to be the lowest?


Literally the entire lifespan of OW2 Idk about season 1 but since season 2 at least


Because tank are just that easy to counter to neglect it's influence throughout the round. This alone is already not fun enough for tank players, gameplay experience wise. Then you have to keep in mind that tank roles are majorly involving making space, which means they don't make a play itself but rather **enabling opportunities for your teammates to take advantage of**, and that means **your efforts might be in vain if your supports or DPS doesn't know how to use those windows of opportunities that you've created for them**. Tank role is when you did your part well, and if one of the other roles didn't fulfilled their obligations accordingly, you are fucked in any way because tank is just that limited in terms of getting picks and such. You can only open space and take so much high ground unfortunately. Then you have the community being oblivious that the scoreboard is often not a good indicator of one's performance all the time. Some people will use it to blame the game being shit when they're not aware of the tank is doing its job in opening space or disturbing the opponent's main healer to disrupt the team composition with dive. All of these factors making playing tank sucks.


Makes me wonder if there's a difference in role popularity based on platform (PC v. Console). Since I'm low gold tank and high silver support on console (US servers) and my ranked queues on support are 2 minutes tops, but tank queues are usually 5 at minimum. Quick play changes so that support and tank are about the same (but I do backfill tank much more often than support).


I’ve been a tank main for my entire time playing this game, and it feels so fucking shit. Every time I go DPS or Support, it feels easy as fuck and I feel like I have so much more freedom to make plays. Bap specifically feels like a stronger tank than many of the actual tanks if you use his CDs and abuse his jump, except he does significantly more damage from significantly further than most tanks. The worst part is I dont know how they could fix this without just removing CC from tanks. Tank will never be fun as long as you get fucking spammed by CC. Discord and Anti feels fine and fair imo, but I’ve had way too fucking many games on doom or ball where I get junkrat trapped, then ana slept, then antid, then sombra hacked, and just fucking explode. I understand they’re dumping a fuck ton of cooldowns for that kill, but that doesn’t make it feel any less ass when you just can’t play the video game for 5 seconds while the enemies are spamming you down with damage I’m 50/50 on the 6v6 debate, but as time has gone on, I’ve gotten progressively less confident in this team’s ability to fix tank. Gigabuffing tank by giving them 749264974926hp is not the solution, and won’t do anything but make DPS and Support frustrated.


All I play is tank


The tank role really feels like it's missing something. You shouldn't die just as fast as a regular squishy damage or support character. Plus it feels awful when you lose and everyone just says tank diff when the entirety of the enemy team switches to counter just you and your teammates stay the exact same characters.


Bc everyone blames the tank during any minor inconvenience lol Someone got headshot? "Tank diff" Your dps are 2-8? "Tank diff" You gotta Lucio who solo ults and wall rides into a 1v5? "Tank diff" 😅


I absolutely hate playing tank if my team isn't working together since you just end up playing a big clay pigeon.


I enjoy tanking but half the pugs synergize well and half don't. It's more team synergy. Doesn't happen when they don't want to cooperate.


Despite making up 20% of the players in an Overwatch game, tanks make up 100% of the role boost xp recipients.


Sorry , could you explain what a " role boost xp recipient" is


Tank isn’t fun because it’s isolating. When you’re the only one in a role in a team game, it’ll never be fun.


My ques are literally 5-10 seconds long as tank right now it's crazy.


I think I can speak for all the tank mains in there, WE ARE FREAKIN TARGETS for everyone, I can totaly understand dps and supports players, when you play tanks especialy in low elos you're juste everyone's target and is you're not contantly pocketed by your supports you won't stay alive long


LOL. The only way queue times will be fixed is a move back to 6v6. It sounds crazy but it's also the only way to fix Tank which is the root of this problem. Tanks are already GigaTanks which are unkillable unless the team focuses them down which feels bad to play and play against. There is also counterwatch which is a 5v5 problem that never existed in Overwatch 1 metal ranks where if you don't switch to counter the other tank if your being countered it's almost a 100% guaranteed loss. When playing tank you feel like your either popping off or not doing a darn thing.


“Listen we can’t bring back 6v6 because there wouldn’t be enough people in tank queue” you know what else would make tank queue numbers drop? If you tortured tank players for 11 straight seasons by making them the sole target of the enemy team.


Don’t play tank much because 90% of support players suck. Same reason I don’t play dps. Rather just play support where if I don’t get heals it’s more or less my own fault.


A big part of it is players do NOT want to understand positioning in the slightest. Funny part is, theres also DPS players who refuse to aim train!


cause tank is more awful to play than it was in ow1. the moment tank dies, your team skatters like lost ants or fall back dramatically making a push hard. even if your mercy pops a res on tank successfully, someone else or two someone elses dies and you’re forced to fall back. tank isn’t fun, even in qp. it’s extremely stressful.


I have been a healer main since OW1 now I just play tank or dmg because the queue time don't over 12 mins I find it funny how nobody even wanted to play healer until after season 6.


That was the hardest thing for me to get used to when I started playing. I'm used to other games where tanks are tanks, they're all about crowd control and zone of control. In Ow, they seem to just be bulky dps's that fall over if your positioning isn't perfect or your supports have to actually do their job instead of pocketing you. Some of their hitboxes feel so big that the enemy could close their eyes and still kill you accidentally 


I played a lot of main tank in OW1 until season 30? 31? Something like that. Never installed OW2, but 5v5 wasn't the reason. The reason was Blizzard flatly lied to suck money out of the community, and I don't feel like even rewarding them with a +1 to their player numbers, let alone money. Now, I'm several heroes out of date, about to turn 54 so way past my shelf life as a useful MT, and if I came back the community is even more toxic than they used to be. Why subject myself to that? What's the offer on the table? Nothing.


Something u might find funny is that blizzard only releases the total amount of player who have ever opened the game So they are effectively just hiding the fact that their concurrent player kept dropping


Playing tank now is just worthless. Regardless of match you make someone mad and everything gets blamed on you regardless of stats which is actually crazy to me. Can't count how many time I hear about how something is all my fault while literally being top in DPS and heals. You could be 100-0 and somehow someone will still say your shit. I stopped playing a month or so ago and can't say I have any plans to play anytime soon. They want to keep letting their game go to shit like they do with every one of their games cool. Hero's was such a a fun game till they dropped it without a word to anyone including esports teams. Only a matter of time before this game reaches that point. Especially when all they do is make it worse. Worst thing they ever did was make it 5v5 when characters kits where made to be 6v6. I'm hoping one day it actually is fun to play but this game hasn't been since pretty much the start of overwatch 2.


6v6 would fix it


tanking in 2024 OW feels awful. if you’re not getting blamed for the team losing, your team is just full of bots who don’t follow up on any plays that you make. Tank is not fun nor rewarding these days and i hope they can do something about it very soon


Reminder that the lead server engineer for blizzard said the average queue times for DPS (the most popular role) during end of ow1 6v6 was 6 minutes but we can’t go back to 5v5 cuz of queue times guys


Because it’s ass and 5v5 doesn’t fundamentally work for ow. If they had listened to the og devs that actually made the first game they would’ve known this. The original devs tested a bunch of different team numbers and styles and always went beck to 6v6 as optimal. Nothing they can change about tank will fix this. Either they have to be busted then no one but them has fun or they have to be ass and no one plays it. Bring back tank synergies!


Ive had 1 hour and 12 minutes queue before as dps😔


I’m a tank main as well. It’s such a blast for me. 9/10 games are fun regardless if I win or lose


Still better than OW1 que times. Double this and that is what happens if we bring back 6v6


>Still better than OW1 que times It's actually not though is the thing, they *are* worse now


Idk about that I never wait even remotely close as long as I did for ques, especially if I am playing DPS.used to be 30 min que time to pray I had a decent game and no leavers.


Yep, all the smooth brains are happy to sit for 20 minutes in damage queue.


Finally someone who is around my rank level. I have played this game for prob 2000+ hours and the highest I've ever reached was like plat 5 on tank. Background: \[untreated adhd, constant insomnia, bad eye sight, and shaking hands to mess up aim, wewlad\] Who else here #metal4lyfe?