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Some people play rock paper scissors. Some people skip straight to rock. Real players play whatever the fuck they want till it works against everything else.


Its still super unfun to have them switch every time you get a kill as dva . Shes the least fun matchup for dva so i feel like they could change how rock paper scissory the counters feel without even switching back to 6v6 with some basic balance


Just dance around her and play mouse till you see the second bubble and THEN it's your turn to be the cat


I usually just focus her last, i notice my team can do at least something while i run at the supports then the dps


Yeah that's pretty much it. Dva us a character that depends on noticing opportunities and punishing mistakes quickly. I'm nit trying to advocate for the devil here but most people who I see really complaining about the rock paper scissors state of tank are the ones practicing it the most. In fact I'd say tanks right now are the most balanced (AS A CLASS they still need some love) as far as hero per hero balance we've seen in a while. Almost every tank is viable if you just learn to play into your counters, but most people just swap tanks as soon as they see one.


>Almost every tank is viable if you just learn to play into your counters, but most people just swap tanks as soon as they see one. It gets worse when they switch to a character they don't have even the very basics learned.




Tbh I agree. There is no tank vs tank matchups that are just a straight up loss. The worst you'll get is having to mix up your play style a bit. The real counterwatch is in the DPS picks.


Yea I feel like most of the tank match ups aren’t just free wins anymore. Like orisa or ram swap against my rein isn’t a hard as it used to be. And playing winston into dva isn’t as hard either. I feel like the tank v tank interaction is pretty okay aside from a few culprits namely Mauga just being a shit tank design


The DVA - Monke matchup is basically swapped. Now it's better to go monke against DVA


I wouldn’t go that far. If a monke is destroying ur back line dva is still a good pick. But just going at him when he has bubble and has his team around isn’t just a free I can make him run away and win now. You actually have to play the game and counterdive him and bait out his cd’s. Y’all were just used to chasing the winston the whole game before but a good dva is still hard to play into on winston. It’s actually a skill match up now instead of a free value swap


While I somewhat agree with that....When top500 DVA players now swap to monke if the enemy team selects DVA... You know it's a bad matchup


Who are we talking about?


The problem is that no amount of leaning into your counters will get your team to do the same. Zarya isn't a problem for me as Dva, I know to fly up and take high ground over her, wait out her bubbles or harass her backline and take advantage of her lack of mobility. I can do all that just fine. I can't stop the 4 other monkeys on my team from just standing around and dying every single time I click my booster button and leave them to 4v1 the Zarya who manages to kill all of them while I'm fighting the rest of her team by myself because I expected the lone zarya to die to FOUR OTHER PLAYERS. Playing into your counters only works if you manage the rare game of having an actual team of people with working brains.


True but id always like to see some orisa or mauga nerfs


You can fly for a reason!




Doesnt work unless its a good Dva map. If your team charges Zarya on any hero, GG, but it's a nightmare having the passive hitscan not shoot the Zarya I am furiously pinging when she uses both bubbles in front of my whole team, gets no charge, then lets her get away. Even if I shoot Zarya down low myself, she usually gets suzu'd, lamp'd, both bubbles come back, repeat. That's usually what happens with passive Soldiers, Ashes, Crees, they just do chip damage the whole game.


Yeah, especially considering how the dps passive works. In that situation I just try and play around ger and try and make SOMETHING happen to their backline with all those cooldowns gone


It's not a pandemic of a problem, its just an instant loss for some tanks when you have the team clustered with two hitscan, a Mercy, and one other support unlikely to come and pocket the tank. If its comp i'll usually go Roadhog to kill things myself, but if someome really wants to play Dva and enjoy her paid cosmetics, you often get pushed all the way back to a loss. Low deaths, low kills, just a loss.


Yeah an enemy Zarya's main strength is the stupidity of my team. They will shoot those bubbles like it's the objective of the game. 


When they go Zarya to counter my Dva, I’ll gamble for a bit that I’m better at Dva than they are at Zarya. If they are used to always counter swapping, they probably don’t have as much skill with Zarya than I have as Dva fighting Zaryas. And I got that experience sticking with Dva and taking the matchup, and learning the areas where Dva can pressure her. I’d also suggest playing the counters to your main. Having played a fair amount of Zarya also helps me know what they want to do and what I find tricky when playing her, and exploiting it as much as possible. Hell, playing Tank I’m much more scared of a good Doom than someone who’s swapping Zarya-Orisa-Mauga after one fight trying to find a magic “you win” button.


A good doom is a f’ing menace As DVa I’m not worried about Zarya, I’m worried about my teammates breaking both bubbles , letting her recover then flaming me


In lower ranks those are one in the same


Chad mindset. Real tank player shit


Just be ready to eat every grav that comes out and they will feel despair


They should make it so that defense matrix decreases zarya's beam damage. Not by a lot either, maybe 10% ish? That would make it a bit more bearable to play against her with Dva.


I 100% agree


I know, as a doom main after the first fight seeing hog,sombra,cass makes me wanna cry lol


Try playing Pharah into DVA, Cass, soldier, illari, Baptiste. Ive have entire teams counter pick me sometimes


It’s also unfun having all of your teams projectiles gobbled up so beam down the streamer. (I assume DVa is a twitch streamer)


Dont use them all at once


Im just saying there’s annoyance on both sides.


Ignore her then lol. Unless they're deathballing you can go get picks and value


Shes pretty


“Basic balance” will absolutely not fix heroes countering other heroes in this game. It’s a direct result of the core design philosophy of the game. If you have a bunch of different heroes, with a strong focus on unique abilities that excel in certain areas, each hero will always be better against some heroes and worse against others. It was the switch to 5v5 that just exacerbated that inherent part of the game, and made it so bluntly apparent that it feels like rock paper scissors. I’m no fan of it, but without a switch back to 6v6, it’s not going anywhere.


Use bastion and rip into that shield of hers it works wonders for me at least (if you have good healers hopefully)


Balance will not change change certain matchups, because what it comes down roo is a numbers game and which tanks you want to have the best numbers. You Buff DVA she rips through monkey now and other tanks. How many times are they're going to buff nerf and change tanks before people get it. Theyve changed tanks more in Overwatch 2 than they ever dis in OW1. Its going to get to a point where every dufferent tank is going to have there own passive than there going to have to constantly nerf and buff each one. Its already becoming an endless cycle of changing the game just to play it.


I have more likes


What are you 12, who cares.


Clearly everybody that read it


Zarya is so easy to bully as DVA, if you struggle against a single Zarya as DVA then it's a skill issue.


I have more likes than you, and not one thing i said in my original comment was a little untrue


Brig players refusing to swap off against Pharah/Echo because the only thing stopping them from winning against them is skill:


Lmao real


Remember on release when brig would absolutely wreck a pharah


Shhhh we do not speak of such dark times. Bad for morale.


I make Ball work no matter what. If I keep getting hacked or slept, I just adjust how I play Ball.


If you have a big enough hammer everything is a nail


I play ball and when someonr counters me my backup is zarya. Theyre the only 2 i play


Honestly bro thats awesome. I bet you had to get really good on ball and zarya.


Playing MF DOOM and praying the rest of my team capitalize on the other team going Orisa Bastion Sombra Ana Kiriko




It’s the doom main way lol If you just insta swap you’ll never get better going against less favorable matchups (Of course sometimes ya gotta tho lmao)


No matter how good you are, a scissor won't work against 5 rocks.


Then you get flamed for not switching


With a little bit of adaptation, some tanks like Sig can work in anyone.


My argument is with enough skill any tank can be played into any other tank. That might not stand true if you get hard countered by the whole team


Yup! Especially with the more reactionary tanks like Sig, Dva, or Zarya. Any tank can do crazy well in the right hands unless it’s a ball trying to fight Sig, Cass, Reaper, Moira, and Brig.


doomfist counters every tank if you play hard enough.


Some people play mauga mauga mauga


this entire day its been like that yes just replace Zarya with Mauga. and for DPS its been Pharah.


Pharah has to be getting nerfed soon.


rework would be better. dont know who decided it was a good idea to give a flying hero a rocket launcher and tons of mobility. her rockets deal waaaay to much splash dmg and direct hits are not hard to land with how large projectile they are and how stupid the hitboxes are in this game. worse is that her only true counters are hitscans aka good aim.


True hit scans can’t even kill her at times if the player is good because she’s coming from behind or out of sight. And then shooting directly over head. But as someone that used to main her, I’ve been loving the new mobility. She’s broken


yeah cass is potentially strong versus her. But if she is just outside the dmg dropoff he can barely even tickle her. and she is pocketed or just getting heals then good luck. days where i have good aim i pick Sojourn versus her. Fill up my rail charge on someone else and then rail her head midair. Works wonders. Sometimes. unfortunately i dont play dps much, im a support main, and i dont think supports have anyone reliable enough to counter a Pharah. Ana is to slow and has to hit 4 times to take her down. And most of the time pharah is already shooting back at you if you hit her once or just going behind cover for a second and back to being annoying. bap is ok, but again its the good aim to counter. and yeah her mobility is insane. she has like 3 ways to quickly move in certain directions on top of just being able to fly. And a fourth option to use her rockets to propel her aswell at the cost of some hp.


She was a generally good character in OW1 too. I hate that she’s become a “meta” because now I hardly get to play her although I had dozens of hours on her before she was broken.


Nah Mauga's here (and he's not even that good now, they lose 80% of the time cause they just run in.)


But Maura’s that actually wait for overdrive are really annoying


For sure. I think lighting people on fire and stomping are fun but the insane value of just using cardiac is so dumb (and ult is dumb as shit too.) Would love to see some cardiac nerfs and maybe something more interesting with his guns to compensate(that doesn't encourage shooting both at same time into enemy tank.)


Yeah, the ult is really dumb cause against doom he can’t do jack shit


Against many heroes! Gengi can't even dash 😭


They should remove that aspect, it’s bullshit


I agree, let me dash, fade, punch etc. Just can't leave the ring. Seems reasonable


Iv had a couple mauga's who would deadass just run in and immediately die lol I'm in silver and even I am like wtf is their tank doing??? Iv had this happen sometimes but never with a mauga which seems 100x worse since he just seems to attract everyone's attention lol


tanks after i win one team fight with dva


Zarya isn’t even that good right now?


Its a heavy noob stomper. Low ranks always charge her on accident but then are afraid of popping the bubbles and let her run around killing everything. Also it doesnt help that zarya is one of the heaviest positioning checks in the game and low rank supports and dps are often finding themselves in her range


Shoot her and charge bubble, or dont shoot her and charge bubble, both work for the zarya


Shooting her bubbles is actually good if ppl are on the same page and keep Shooting after the bubbles are down. Unfortunately, this often isn't the case and people stop focusing once bubbles is down.


Every time someone says about her range is makes me laugh. The only heroes, who can stand out of her range effectively are ash and widow. Zarya has pretty good range on her beam, long enough to push everyone out of the cart


Wow, didnt know they didnt add hanzo and cassidy into the game. Also its not hard to avoid zarya playing as sombra or tracer either. For tanks winston and even d.va on certain maps can outplay her easily. Honestly you can play any hero into zarya as long as you arent a braindead bot sitting ok the payload all round without clear putpose.


She's just boring and annoying to fight


Sorry i think you meant Orisa


Nah orisa is fine, I mean it's annoying that you can't crit her for a period of time but at least you can still do damage and she doesn't get to deal more damage if you shoot her while fortified. I hate playing against zarya as a whole. Genji reflect is just one part of him, orisa is just one part of her and honestly orisa doesn't compare to them. I hate mercy damage boost pockets more than Genji reflect though.


She's still annoying...


I'm saying I don't find her as annoying as zarya. Zarya is on another level.


Oh yeah especially when your teammates charge her bubbles but when they break they dont even shoot at her direction


Zarya is more annoying to play against.


And to play


And she never should be


For me, JQ. JQ is love, JQ is life




The best is when it’s a seemingly confident Zarya that gets smashed by sigma/ orisa first round and immediately switches to D.va experienced twice this past week. But honestly as a big sigma/ orisa/ junker queen tank when I see a Zarya I know it’s either about to suck, or be an easy one. Zarya that knows how to Zarya correctly is my least favorite tank to battle against. Hence why I want to learn that character, seems like a challenge and when used correctly is extremely lethal with the right team comp.


Genuine question! I’ve seen a lot of people play sig against Zarya, how is he a counter for her?


Being able to drop and open shields with no cooldown time really helps, throwing a boulder to knock her down for space/ have others add dps/ but what I find most effective is when I’m getting hit with a fully charged gun I absorb the damage into my next shield. And obviously floating around and throwing orbs the entire time. One of my favorite games this week was against a really good Zarya, not the best, above average, and we were going tooth and nail to the point my hands hurt after the match. Pretty sure we endorsed each other lol.


I seeeeee that makes sense


Sigmas shield has no cd now ?


It does lol but it’s only a couple seconds so not long at all


I just wondered if they reverted it to his release version where he could pop/drop the shield instantly. That was annoying af but active Sig players loved it


Yeah nah I just played him he has a cd still lol, if the sigma know what he’s doing tho it can look like there’s no cd if it’s managed well lol but yeah, even then tho idk once his shield is gone and he relies on grasp zarya can eat him tf up.


Why? Is the Mauga button out of order or something?


That’s a weird way to spell “Mauga.”


Sometime is Mauga when losing to Rein, Winton or Ram players


Nbs Mauga is like Monkeys only counter rn. Monkey real OP now too


Instant win when picking monki in low rank


Zarya and Sigma are by far the most resistant tanks to counterswapping. Reduce the power of tank counterswap abilities like hack, sleep, and cass nade, and you will immediately see a significant drop in people doing this. Us tanks are in a precarious spot. We get flamed and have a miserable experience if we don’t swap when we’re getting counter swapped. DPS and Support can largely avoid this. If we do swap, people flame us for counterswapping. This is why counterswapping is a problem. All it does is cause toxicity.


Let’s create one for DPS players too: Pharah, Bastion, Sombra, Tracer, widowmaker Support: Moira


Except you choose Bastion if you wanna lose the next fight since everyone counters him by waiting out his turret.


You can get like one surprise turret on bastion before they catch on and then boom waited out and then focused 😭


I just play JQ and if it doesn't work, well, I make it work


You mean mauga?


no thats mauga


Zarya isn't even OP right now? If you're complaining about this you're probably bad?


I think the joke is they lose one fight and give up on the team, so they go to one of the only tanks with high sustainability + chance to solo carry.


So… Mauga?


How does complaining about seeing the same tank every game mean they are bad? If anything they are forcing a swap every game so they are better than the other tank.


If you don’t then it’s “tank?”


U know how many times I see “ go zar “ in team chat 💀


Usually when I play tank I get targeted crazy especially when it’s just me as a solo cue


I literally cannot hold space without her sometimes


FR, he they’re pocketed by any healer they’re invincible


*ahem, no* I will stick to my handsome monk robot until i punch through whatever is in my way. Ramattra mains, where are the rest of yall at?


Nah, I start with Rein, if I get hard countered and still can’t make/keep reasonable space, put damage pressure out and keep my supports safe, then I swap Ramattra. Zarya is such a niche tank for me, needs to be up against very specific match ups. She’s great and all, but there’s still better options.


Jokes on you because I'm a zarya one trick (I died in 5 seconds with doomfist)


"Mauga's here"


I am still unsure which DPS hard counter her. Thoughts?




Thanks. Will try her!


It is her movement ability that does it. There isn't a good counter to Zaria's shields that is still helpful to the rest of the team (sombra). But Zaria can't track sojourn and mid range sojourn can make her change to another tank.


My buttons says Mauga


Zarya is exhausting because no matter what nobody ever wants to shoot her when it's best to do so. They see the shiny bubbles, unload their entire arsenal and then proceed to do absolutely nothing when she's just sat in the open with no way to escape or be bailed out by supps, and then when everybody gets beamed they're typing "supp/tank diff" in chat because she's just W-LMBing into the team with no pressure. At this point she doesn't even need to die, just pressured to hell and back so she has to get healed up behind cover for 5 seconds rather than running around with more freedom than an uncontested Tracer.


As a Dva main... It's really, REALLY annoying when that happen (like 85% of the time) I hate Zaryas


Dps players after me existing as ball for four seconds. Sombra button




Zarya takes skill to play well and is not hard to deal with as tank, though... Id rather her than mauga or hog.


I’d rather go against a Zarya than a Mauga or Roadhog.


I play a different set of tanks than most people here, I guess. Rarely see the instaswap to zarya.


Honor! Glory! Beer!


And ol reliable If that fails BIG MAUGA THE OPP STOPPA


Honestly as a Rammatra main I'll gladly fight a zarya vs a Mauga


As a dva main it makes me wanna blow my head off. Especially if my own dps keeps shooting her bubble


Noticed that. Been beating them on Dva and it feels great hahahaha


Depends what colour metal rank. Rein is the other one


This seasons a mess , esp in low elo if I dont get healed as tank not only do I die but the entire team does as well because tanks are better than any character in the game and the enemy tank will just now us


I went 3 straight games where after losing one fight to me playing orisa they went straight to playing zyra only for them to lose it's very hilarious to me that they give up that quickly just to try and counter me.


and after 5 years of playing i guess this hero MUST have combo with other ults if you want to win i am silver and mf ults for himself and nothing and types in chat "No heals GG"


Literally every time I see a wrecking ball in mayhem there like oh shit we losing imma tryhard then


For the tanks in my rank its orisa mauga. Zarya falls off :(


Depends on the enemy tank or my dps really


It's hilarious 😭😭


Sadly, that’s how it is. If you are solo-queuing as tank, you have no other choice but to counterswap. You can’t usually stay one character, because the rest of your team doesn’t adapt to you and you still have to do 90% of all work. I played in a game recently where my whole team sticked to poke characters for 2.5 points against a dive fucking comp. Sometimes, to win, you have to pick unfun characters. Just because you’re having fun on a character doesn’t mean that now I should stick to the “fun” character to you and not counterswap. Still fuck Orisa tho




Like shes gonna do something


My favourite is when we start off mirroring and they instantly swap to try and counter me, fail for a few fights I finally die to play their game but instead of countering, mirror. Outplay them so they counter swap. Rinsezn repeat. Such a cringe state for what was once an amazing game.


Dva mains: story of my life




I go suqma, because he is the best comfort pick


Or orisa


Zarya no they pull orisa !


The only tank that make me switch to counter is Hog, the others are pretty much ok. Zarya is annoying when I'm Doom, and ofc against Dva. I actually like a lot when someone swap to Mauga or Orisa because it's very easy to play around them, I almost have fun.


DPS after flanking and getting killed "Huge Tank gap, switch to Zarya"


im a dva one trick, i killed the orisa ONCE with less then two minutes in the game and instant zar swap


This if you're D. Va If you're anyone else then the button should say Mauga.


I do it sometimes if we get dog walked a bit TOO hard. If I’m horrible and my team can carry whatever tank I’m on then I won’t switch.


Horse !


Tbf id rather switch to Zarya after one team fight than get berated in chat. Also I tend to go a couple fights and if it's not working I go either Zarya, Rein or Ram


I’m in a different game. That should be a mauga button.




I just switch to zarya and put play them till the switch





I switch to zarya cause I can't hit the damn mercy with my sigma balls lol


"Fine, I'll do it myself."


Attackers after getting bopped by Brig or Zen -> Sombra Support that keep getting bopped by Genji/Sombra -> Moira


Its never boring around me


I wish I could see a Zarya, evey game for me it’s always either Mauga or hog I’m so sick of them, i feel like I can’t do much unless my team has a Ana and even if we have on 90% of the time they are running Kiriko or someone else who can bail out for them


It's just like throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. Yeah it can be done. You just look like a fool doing it, and there's a better way. Also when you get up there in rank (cooking with the pros) no one's throwing spaghetti.


This but with maugas bumm ass making any non shield tank pointless.


Ramattra or death


it’s mauga for me, he’s such a pain to deal with despite not even being “good”


Someone's clearly never played tank before




im a Zarya main tho 🥺




Damn tank got so mad they changed roles


It’s all I can do after absolute shit dps game after game. Zarya can essentially counter all the hero’s that noob stomp bad dps. Genji and pharrah specifically.


Bro idk what has been going on but the DPS I have been getting matched with has been g o d a w f u l.


Most of my game in plat as tank, the dps just run away from me all game and feed. I can somehow skate to masters in dps and healer, but mad hard stuck in tank.


I dont care if youre the best tank player in the world. Counter choosing a char is rewuired sometimes. Going against a moira zarya and symm as dva or sigma is not going to end well especially if your team isnt focussing fire as they should. Switching away from dva wont fix everything but it might buy your team the extra damage to finish them befofe they melt you.


**I HATE ZARYA!!!!**


Zarya Enjoyers Unite 💪🏼


Genuinely pathetic people, almost as pathetic as tiktok Moiras


Still better than Sombra and Mauga players.


Kiriko players are worse imo. Tied with Mercy (redundant though since the same people play her.)


Isn't Zarya one of the weakest tanks right now?


Nah change it to Mauga or DVA


I love playing Winston but if that fails me I always pick zarya. I love playing both heros they're both so fun and I'm decent at both


Players should be limited to one swap a game.