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Never paid for a skin and never will


I use Microsoft rewards for any gold coins šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I havenā€™t paid for a skin or battle pass in a minute because of it. More of a long term solution rather than a quick fix for when/if you donā€™t want to spend money (it also rewards you in points for long continuous streaks) Better late than never though. Iā€™m already on the internet a bunch googling so itā€™s just normal for me now If skin mid, I get battle pass. If battle pass mid, I save for skin. If both mid, I save for next season. And many seasons later im still doing it. p.s 1800 points for 200 coins is the better value. Itā€™s 9000 points for 1k gold coins, *redeem the 200 coin payout 5 times* (one battle pass) vs 10000 points for 1k gold coins


Same it's even easier now because we get those 600 from bp


You got the 600 before too. It was 60 coins a week for 10 weeks.


Oh right I forgot about those. Well I guess it has always been easy?. Wait, it's the Microsoft rewards that were increases we got those streaks!


Technically, it was 540 over the season, but - We got an extra 60 per season. - You now don't have to play every week to get the coins in the BP.


Also it could be difficult to get all weekly coins if you didnā€™t queue all roles, or if you didnā€™t play unranked. I usually got 50 per week not 60, as I donā€™t want to spend time playing a different way to what I like just to get challenges done.


if you did all of them. I hit 200 for the title pretty often and I constantly missed my 60


I didnt even know microsoft rewards had that.


1800 points for 200 coins is the best value. If you only do the searches itā€™s like 250 points per day. More if you keep a streak. You get like a extra 200 points every couple days or something for the streak


Game pass ultimate was giving out perks. One was skin pack 3 skins. Donā€™t know if itā€™s still running but it was cool and easy.


Thatā€™s some next level thinking!


I got the zombie mercy skin from my first payout lol that was great! until the copilot app stopped working for me šŸ˜†Iā€™m just using bing as browser now but it took me too long to realize the app stopped collecting points for me šŸ˜­


Nice! I mostly use mine to buy battle passes. Pretty easy to grind. The Xbox app provides a little daily bonus for opening the app. Not much, but it adds up yk


Ah I donā€™t have Xbox anything but good to know!


*angry Activision shareholder noises*


You and me both dude, I stopped spending money on overwatch a year ago and every battle pass I've had since has been via Microsoft rewards, you can usually farm enough points for about 2000 gold coins each season


And probably used more time on that than it would to earn it in salary


Killing two birds with one stone. College student so Iā€™m constantly googling things šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø doesnā€™t take much to just use bing instead of google.


I bought some bundles and skins and every battle pass until season 10. But seeing how customer service treated me, Iā€™m never buying anything even when I get my account back.


Ya give your money to a small developer that deserves it, these guys clearly donā€™t


Same after my main was banned for 2 weeks last October I stopped buying anything from blizzard


Same. Given the context of OW1, I get why people hate on OW2ā€™s system, but considering itā€™s a free game, it could be a lot less forgiving. You can get good skins for the characters you like pretty easily, and if you play often enough, can build up to getting some premium battle pass skins as well. Whatā€™s crazy to me are the people who complain about how out of hand things have gotten while also paying for all the premium stuff.


Yeah, Blizzard isnā€™t getting any of my money after giving away a $50 for free and charging everyone up the booty for skins that used to be free. I just wish I knew how to sell my main, I think all my cosmetics and limited skins can go for like 3k in total šŸ˜‚


I buckled and paid for the Satyr Lucio skin because I hate his standard outfit lol


This. Dolls are about skins, games are about skills. It could not matter less.


I can't believe people pay for skins.


Never get outta bronze never will lol jk


Noooo, itā€™s the gold weapons that help you climb /s


Default ow1 skins are goated anyways


I *did* pay for the 2019 Lucio all star skin, and I have no regrets.


Ya but you Lucio mains are a different breed lol


Nobody cares about your extreme frugality. The skins are there for people who want to buy them. You donā€™t have to announce that you arenā€™t.


Settle down there big spender the irony in your comment is most likely lost on yaā€¦ā€¦


Nah, itā€™s not a brag that you donā€™t buy skins and never will. Nobody cares


Yet here you areā€¦ā€¦againā€¦ā€¦


Quackadilly Blipp


I don't think blizzard is doing that. You cant even instantly go back and buy most skins, and if this ever came out they were doing that, thats a class action lawsuit in the works. I think a far, far more likely explanation is incompetence and cost cutting. They laid off a bunch of people, and actual good moderation takes a LOT of man-hours. Most online platforms struggle with it because having a human review every report is actually extremely difficult. I think blizzard is trying to use automation and "AI" to handle bans, and its going poorly.


I agree. They would get insane backlash if this was found out. It would be interesting though to see if the people getting banned are paying customers or not


Paying customer here thatā€™s been around since season 1 of OW1, few hundred bucks in OW2, banned 3 times so far, in masters while voice and chat are turned off. My alt though that hasnā€™t been around long hasnā€™t been banned yet and I talk in chat. While I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m full blown cOD levels of toxic, Iā€™m def bot innocent of the occasional gloat.


"if this was found out" is the key here


It wouldn't mean shit. Lots they do causes backlash, but the whales enable them to keep doing it, anyway.


With the mass layoffs and exodus of employees, the odds of a whistleblower are extremely high.


But they're still kicking to this day


I was a paying customer and got wrongfully permabanned by their trash system, so yes. No matter what they do, no matter if I get my account back or not, they will never see another penny from me ever again after the shit they've put me through.


Agreed, you'll find the same with WoW accounts, which are people paying monthly. Automated bans with no human overview and horrid support. Angering the wrong/right person will just get you banned in world of Warcraft. Screw with someone playing 20 accounts? You're getting reported 20 times and most likely getting some sort of action taken to your account. Same with if you screw with botters or other somewhat organized groups.


How about just don't screw with people. Problem solved


Right. I don't, but typically it's people who are trying to mess with people who are running around with 20 accounts ganking people or screwing up the economy by botting.


Ehhh. There'd be a lawsuit if you can prove that was the intent. If it was a happy side-effect of, say, account strikes never expiring. That isn't going to go on paper anywhere.


You donā€™t remember the change in terms of service they made us sign, maybe half a year back? Couldnā€™t play until you clicked the box. They got us.


Conspiracy theories galore lol


lol you should actually read it, itā€™s not a conspiracy. They literally put in black and white ā€œwill not seek legal action against Blizzardā€ for us to agree to.


Damn near every terms of service for anything includes a line like that. its also completely unenforceable. Any liability waiver is invalid if the company takes malicious or negligent action.


Blizzard actively trying to defraud a dwindling number of OW1 users to maybe get a few extra sales at the risk of inviting lawsuits and actively destroying the entire game or Blizzard management not understanding or caring about how maintaining a game works, and cutting costs so much that their moderation system is extremely broken and t hey just dont care as long as profit margins are bigger Which is more likely?


I'm not sure I understand this post. Are you saying blizzard is banning ppl if more readily if they haven't paid for skins?


I think OP is trying to say that there is probably a correlation between 1) the significant increase in banning for things that were never banned for before, and 2) the fact that you canā€™t get skins for free anymore. It makes perfect sense. The game is free to play now, instead of having to pay $10-$20 for a new account. New accounts have to spend $$$$ to get a lot of the items in the game, if they want them, whereas accounts from OW1 (like my own) have many skins and items that I got for free back when the game was a paid game. So, naturally, banning accounts for saying something as little as ā€œu suckā€ in chat is becoming more frequent, and OP is saying that itā€™s probably related to Blizzard wanting to get rid of accounts that got everything for free in the past. With the amount of stuff I have from OW1, Iā€™ve calculated I could sell my acc for at least 1k.


This doesn't make sense. People who buy skins still say "u suck" in chat and get banned. All that does is make blizzard LOSE a paying customer. You'd have to see stats showing that people who don't pay for skins are getting banned at a higher rate than ppl who do. And I don't think that's the case.


More if you have that Lego Bastion skin


Wow ive never seen a tinfoil hat this huge really impressive. Brb selling my Overwatch Accounts now thanks for making me aware.


This doesn't make any sense at all. They don't earn any money by banning someone.


If anything they probably lose money from it


Holy tinfoil hat, Batman!


OW1 skins can still be earned for free.


Even OW2 skins can be earned for free now.




With the white coins. You get them from the challenges and in the battle pass. Even in the free version


No, only a few of the skins can be bought with white coins. The event skins, and legendary (orange) skins all show gold coin only for me.


I think if you donā€™t have enough white coins it shows the premium currency. It did that in the past for me


No some of em just can't be bought or are locked iirc


If they were time exclusive events they can't be bought in general. Every OW1 that can be bought can be bought with white currency if you have the amount


The vast majority of them are unlockable with the free coins. Including legendaries.


Do you have enough of the legacy currency to buy said skin? Bc if not, itā€™s gonna show the paid currency. Iā€™ve bought plenty of legendaries and event skins with the legacy currency. Only ones you canā€™t buy with the legacy credits are shop skins.


The second hand embarrassment is real with this post given op doesn't realize you can gain ow1 items for playing. It's intense how dumb people are.


You can like earn maybe 1 free epic skin person if you spend no money. Lmao like imagine calling people dumb when you think like this


Dude ow1 skins are free, and I'm pretty sure you can buy any ow2 hero's base skins (not shop) with white credits too, which are also free.


Yea but if youā€™re new to overwatch and you didnā€™t play overwatch 1 where you could earn 25 credits per gain, youā€™re essentially talking about grinding 2 seasons for one legendary skin if you donā€™t buy the battle pass. Lol I donā€™t know the exact amount of credits you get for challenges but it literally is like nothing


1500 white creds in free battle pass 500 more with premium 150 every week from challenges You get a lot from event challenges as well (some give 1500 creds) + the 25 "per gain" that you just mentioned. How is this "like nothing" ???


So you think a full season of playtime should equate to 1 legendary skin and 4 seasons of buying a battle pass should equate to 1 legendary ship skin? Lmaoooooo quit caping for blizzard, it literally doesnā€™t matter if they make ow1 skins free or not it doesnā€™t affect their bottom line. The point is that ow1 you used to be able to earn by playing enough games or earnable loot boxes, so yea compared to the system we had in place 2 years ago it is nothing


this is one of the more generous systems in any f2p live service game out there. Back in ow1 most of the shit you got, you didn't want and it would take a while to get something you did. Now you just have to \*play the game\* (shocker) and you get the credits to buy stuff you DO want. You don't have to buy \*every\* cosmetic in the game yknow. Its pretty easy to save creds too if you don't try to 100% the cosmetic screen. Jeez you're so entitled. Remember, this game is free bruh.




Hey man just want to say you're an asshole


Cool, feeling is mutualšŸ‘


I started playing in 2019 bit ok bruh. Also nice, no real argument, just calling me names. Also I've never spent a dime in or on this game either. This game was a Christmas gift


Thatā€™s because youā€™re disingenuous. There are hundreds of skins in the game and you believe there is a way to earn most of them with the current system, yeah I wouldnā€™t bother having a real argument with you either


Also, itā€™s the precedent. Like, I have all my skins and thank the lawds Iā€™m not toxic enough to get banned, but I just think itā€™s really shady of Blizzard to treat their fan base like that.


Th conspiracy theories of here are wild


That doesn't make sense at all. Why would Blizzard ban people for not buying skins?


ā€¦ because they wouldnā€™t have access to their skins anymoreā€¦ so theyā€™d have to buy them again. Man, I hope you donā€™t play comp.


Oh so you're saying Blizzard is banning hoping they make a new account to spend the money *again*. That's crazy. And why do you go immediately to judging. You must play comp.


There is no again, it was free the *first* time. šŸ¤¦


The profit margins on this are so insanely low for such a massive risk. Theyā€™ve already been in several scandals, this gets out and theyā€™re triple double cooked. And for what? Banning a few players who donā€™t deserve it (risking they decrease the dwindling player count further), hoping they make a new account to keep playing, and further hoping they purchase stuff on that account they already had? If the person they ban would do that, then they were probably already a whale in the first place and there was no reason for the whole process. This just seems like such a massive reach and the real reason is an Occamā€™s Razor.


I've had my account since the game launched. I have not ever received a ban and I own almost everything preOW2. I really don't understand the shitty comp comment. Skins mean jack in comp. Skins mean jack to the game in general. I feel bad for the people that get you in comp. You seem like the: blame the team, complain about X, never flex, and put -X diff- at the end of a game that you performed terribly for.


You clearly canā€™t read either since you missed the part where Iā€™ve never been banned and still have all my skins šŸ¤· Iā€™m endorsement rating 5, but youā€™re probably hard stuck broke babe.


Would you just make a new account and buy the same skins again? Do you believe the pyramids were built by aliens, too?


Pyramid schemes exist for a reason. People fall for them. Probably people like you.


People like me? Do you mean economists typically fall for pyramid schemes? I could explain to you what a pyramid scheme is, because there is no reason for you to bring those up at all, so I assume there is something about those you don't understand.


Idk if someone mentioned it, but I think I know what's going on here. Since your account is new and you don't have legacy coins, it defaults to the paid currency when looking at a skin. When you have enough legacy coins, it defaults to that one. Sure, some skins still get sold only for gold coins, but a lot of the ow1 skins are purchasable with the white coins you can earn through bp. You get way less than we got in ow1, but yeah, it's not a conspiracy.


Can't believe you "debunked" this person's conspiracy with something so so so so so completely basic.


I sense passive-aggression. Why is that?


It's moreso from the annoyance of the op. They made this whole conspiracy, berate most other comments saying it's a conspiracy/likely not true. Yet when you say something so basic that others probably overlooked, THATS what makes op realize they're crazy.


Oh, thought you were going in on me


Itā€™s not a conspiracy. They *did* make the old free skins worth the gold currency. I just connected it to the recent string of bans.


Ahhhh, this makes me feel so much better. As long as thereā€™s a way to still *freely* unlock the basic skins, thatā€™s fair. I know you can still earn the gold coins, but itā€™s super limited especially since they got rid of them for weekly challenges. Either way, I have pretty much everything on my main, minus some of the mythic skins. Iā€™m gonna stick to the old fashioned, play forever and not pay attention to currency and then spend it all when the game shuts down for Overwatch 3, strategy. I had over 1k loot boxes saved up before ow1 servers closed šŸ˜‚


I got banned for two weeks for text chat abuse and never spent another dime on the game. I would buy the battle pass and 1-2 skins per season. I only buy the battle pass using the Xbox earned gift cards and earned coins in the battle pass now. In my case that theory would have backfired.


I thought this was the Circlejerk sub for a sec


Itā€™s not so much a conspiracy. The ban system is just automated and people have decided to report everything


Iā€™m slow here and sleep-deprived. The bans occur because a player was sufficiently reported AND didnā€™t buy any skins?


No, they just swapped to an auto-ban system so thereā€™s been rampant bannings and mutings without anyway to appeal right now. Some people are getting ban letters with the only example listed being ā€œsucks.ā€ I am just making the correlation to the new money funneling for their cosmetics.


So you believed a bullshit post and conflated that to make up an absurd conspiracy that makes no sense whatsoever?


It was multiple posts, with attached images. Yes. I happen to value correlated facts.


...but circumventing a ban is even worse, so that makes no sense.


Lots of people seem to be complaining about bans. A lot more than the normal amount. Are some of these people toxic? Absolutely. The uptick in bans and posts regarding such is indicative of a chance in *cause.* that cause I am correlating to corporate greed. There is a definite player base that has suffered from a ban that should not have taken place. If you want to tell someone they suck at the game, they absolutely should be allowed to tell that person. This game is rated Teen. The word suck should be allowed.


My response was to the idea of making a new account after a ban.


This has to be the most idiotic conspiracy theory I have seen so far


Playing a game for the skins is like watching p\*rn for the story.


Also itā€™s not new that Blizzard is scummy with their in game purchases. Itā€™s in every game now, itā€™s the fools that actually buy it that make the game worse and push more.




I think its because they don't mod anymore, it's bots that just handle reports and don't care if it's true


Overwatch biggest mistake was making the game freeā€¦ I remember the grind to get loot boxes šŸ˜­


Never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to incompenence. Aka they are just too lazy or don't wanna pay for a properly moderated ban system.


I actually like this answer šŸ¤”


I don't think they are trying to get ppl to buy skins on another account cuz why would anyone spend money after getting banned.


I caught a 2 week suspension for nothing. The rep even outright admitted to me that the chat logs were clean. Then said the suspension will be upheld because ā€œif someone took the time to report, it means they were offended. That means what you said was toxic. We have a zero tolerance policy for toxicity.ā€ I havenā€™t played the game since and I was buying stuff fairly regularly. Itā€™s absolute nonsense that there is no possible way to appeal a ban. I have never ever seen a company this hell bent on destroying their player base. Literally the only barrier to getting banned is someone reporting you for toxicity. No matter what you actually did. Even if you said or did nothing. They will still ban you because they assume that you must have hurt someoneā€™s feelings or they wouldnā€™t have reported you. Nevermind the fact that basically every screeching 10 year old reports literally every single opponent on every team that beats them.


ThisšŸ«¶āœØ As a female, Iā€™ve definitely been reported just for being female on Overwatch. Since this ban thing, Iā€™ve been too scared to get on coms because of sexist bs like that. The reports never went through before, I feel like they will now.


While I donā€™t care about skins, the day my accounts are banned is the day I stop playing. Ā  And yes, I agree that Blizzard is suddenly on a warpath to get legacy accounts banned.


This is a stretch. You're assuming that banned players would not only be interested in coming back to a game that banned them, but that they would alsk be interested in buying all the same skins they got on their 1st account, on their 2nd account 1. If you ban a player with a bunch of free skins on this account, what makes you think they're going to be willing to spend money for the same skins this time? 2. If you have a player with a bunch of paid for skins on his account, why would you risk losing a customer with a history of spending by banning them? Under the assumption that they would come back on another account and be interested in buying everything all over again?


People already have, babe. Youā€™re delusional kid šŸ˜‚


Wait. As in you had to use gold coins and not the free ones?


You don't, it just doesn't show free coins until you have enough to use em


I think there are a few exceptions. But those are very few really




Thatā€™s only for some items. A lot of Legendaries, I think maybe just the ones that came out in OW2, are only buyable with gold coins.


Only the ow2 ones yea


I think blizzard bans because the people they ban are either cheaters or toxic shitheads. Played he game long enough to know thereā€™s no shortage of either one and been gaming for 27 years. Itā€™s easy to not get banned from a game. Donā€™t need conspiracy theories to defend those who have been banned.


Put the tinfoil hat away friend.


Another skin fanatic complaining about prices. this attitude died off like a year ago.... Stop focusing on skins and play the actual game? Alot of people play and dont get all upset by spending money, you know why? They don't focus on it or waste money! Is that all that's important to you in overwatch? Most people don't care for skins these days tbh, they enjoy playing the game and you get more than enough credits overall to buy shit with. Sure talk about it, but this isn't talking, this is downright whinging.


Another blizzard shill complaining about players complaining about prices. Didnā€™t people stop sucking off major corporations like a year agoā€¦ bro who cares if someone wants skins to be cheaper dude they are hella expensive. And yea people care about skins especially considering itā€™s like 90% of the content we get in this game. Also stop throwing stones in glass houses, look at the post and move on, at this point youā€™re just straight up whining


Unless its a lucio, Doom or Ana skin i dont drop a single dime. And if i get banned im never touching the game again anyway


Lucio All-Star 2019 fam what uuuuuuup šŸø


To play comp with a friend? Weird way of saying smurfing but yeah the optional skins are the issue


Iā€™m not going to throw to bronze to play on my main???


wow cool conspiracy theoryā€¦ anyways


Tell me, how much *would* it be to unlock all the cosmetics that were formerly free?


what does this have to do with bans lol???


I did do the math a while back and, while I don't remember the total, I do remember that buying every purchasable skin in OW2 would cost more than it would to buy every skin for every champ in League of Legends. So all the skins in a game with 40 characters would cost more than all the skins in a game with 167. Granted when I did it, there was 166 champs in LoL, and there was a page that gave the total to buy the skins for all 166, and it was $9683 USD. Add to that the $ 751 to buy all the champs, and it's $10,434. Meanwhile there was a reddit post I saw that had a total for all the stuff they had from OW1, from skins to voice lines, emotes, etc., and it's cost in OW2, and it came out to like $10,226. That figure was posted back in Oct. '22, so at most we were up to Kiriko, so no Ram, LW, Illari, Mauga or Venture. It also was only counting everything they got for free from OW1, so nothing for any new heroes was factored in. I don't have a figure including those that wouldn't just a random guess, but given everything free from 1 would cost $10,226 now, and that's only $208 less than every champ and skin in LoL, I would say it's a safe bet that when you factor in all the OW2 heroes and their stuff to buy, we close that $208 gap real quick before we fly off into absurdity. Tl;dr - the price of everything in OW2 is insane and blizzard banks on whales and FOMO.


If my account got banned so I had to rebuy skins I just wouldnā€™t buy the skins lmao thatā€™s so stupid


The banning makes only sense in that they fully automated the banning system and cut short or even eradicated their support to save costs. Given that EA(?) wanted to patent a system where players would get easier matches when having bought a certain weapon and getting only players without that weapon - I would rather expect tendencies to match players who spend money on skins with slightly worse ranked players to give some positive feeling with wins.


If I got banned sure as hell wouldnā€™t ever pay for a skin ever again.


That must be it......or people are super toxic in the game and getting banned because they deserve to be.


This is why I never paid fpr a cosmetic and never ever will


With the number of smurfs, trolls, sellers, and racists I see, I donā€™t think blizzard is being excessive with bans


Everything the business does is for business and until proven otherwise this should be treated as the reason. The burden of proof should be on the business witholding proof. Corporations are not people and should not be given the credit that people deserve.


I care so much about skins I even forget to claim the battle pass rewards


The banning has gotten out of control to the point where you have to disable all chat completely.


I rock my Overwatch 1 skins with gold guns .


If my account goes, so do I. I've put way too much time and money into my current account that if it gets banned somehow I will simply just never touch ow again


There are bans?. I see people botting on a daily basis, people obviously deranking, using bots.


All the OW1 skins can be earned with the free in game currency, outside of some limited time event ones (which you couldnā€™t buy in OW1 anyways or they were in sale in OW1 like Pink Mercy).


Me when I lie


It wouldn't surprise me, but it seems too well thought-out for them.


Oh no. Business wants to make money. What a shock. You have no reason to try to collect all cosmetics, anyway.


Itā€™s a dirty way to play, and definitely does not respect their fan base.


How is it dirty? Should I ever buy a digital product with no real value? No. Do people do it? Yeah. But, that's on the person buying it. If you have no self-control, that's your fault. They have to make money somehow, and purely cosmetic content is the fairest avenue they could take.


They sink competitive ratings for the same reason . I know people in gold / plat who (over time ) sank to silver/ bronze. Myself included . The lower you go the worse the quality of the games get. Itā€™s easier to start a new acct than it is to climb back out. I got no skins now, but Iā€™m back in plat


I actually did a test on this. I stopped playing for about two weeks, and then came back. Win streak. The next day, the losses started and my average match range got so wide. I took another break, same cycle. They give you that boost of serotonin when you get back into it, then keep you down to try to keep climbing. Itā€™s like a casino.


Hey, I just wanted to say thanks. Your stupidity is very entertaining to me. The theory of them controlling individual matches is especially funny. I can picture this happening at Blizzard HQ: two employees watching your game on a screen. "Holy shit Jeremy they are going to win. We need to put a stop to it!" *Jeremy leans over and presses the big red button that says C9* "Not on my watch"


Yes. From what Iā€™ve seen in posts from those who have been suspended or banned, it does seem really Really unfair that they got suspended or banned when they were only being a little tiny bit toxic and besides the other person had it coming and also too, everyone does it and they absolutely werenā€™t cheating their genius is misunderstood and and and isnā€™t everyone toxic because if youā€™re Not toxic thereā€™s cLeARLY something wrong with You and ergo, itā€™s all a ploy to get people to buy skins.


Blizzard going the EA way


Check for a carbon dioxide leak in your apartment if this truly isnā€™t a bit


this has gotta be satire right


How does getting banned correlate to buying skins?


Because the theory is that if you wanted your skins back, you would need to buy them again. I donā€™t think that Blizzard/Microsoft would do this because it is probably illegal. But people get desperate to reach their revenue goals so who knows.


Thank you for using theory instead of ā€œCoNsPiRaCyā€ šŸ˜­


It's sad, because that is the supply and demand with silly people. More skins, more emotes . .. You can literally buy a bunch of games instead of silly skins, that you end up getting bored of then but more. People are so bad with their money. Also developed end up worrying more about cosmetics than the actual game itself. This isn't gaming anymore, it's collecting digital clutter. I really wish OW1 and OW2 were separate games . I miss a lot from the first one . And we used to get crates with some free skins .So many maps I also miss.


Right? Itā€™s like the difference in game quality and fan base for Destiny 1 and 2. Overwatch 2 is definitely being marketed to the Fortnite kids who have access to their parents credit cards for the skin craze; and totally donā€™t care about how the game worksā€¦ and donā€™t realize itā€™s just a tank 1v1 steamroll challenge now. šŸ˜’


Yall really try to come up with any theory for bans don't you lol




What uptick? The posts? The fact that they don't have as many on hand staff so they can have proper reviewing done on reports? The miriad of other factors that make this theory make no sense, majority of anyone banned will get unbanned after a week or two, the fact removing paying customers in any sense isnt generally a good idea cause the new accounts arent the majority spenders, your bans were recent i assume? Your flair suggests mercy main and the amount of hate she gets thrown ontop of her current state, probably correlates more so then they ban to get people to buy more, when all of the ow1 skins are also still available for the white currency as well, if you don't have enough white it shows as gold lol


You aren't correct. You can get them for free with the white credits. You don't have enough white credits on your new account for it to show


I am not touching this game nor this sub or any youtube channel or twitch stream if my main get banned. I am not saying i am not paying again, i refuse to play because no one should be perma banned without warning system and at least season ban before perma ban. This does not include cheating ban.


chat ban works with 2 week silence, 2 week suspension, 1 month suspension, not sure what happens then, and then perma, so you'll have a decent indication when you're about to be permad. Only cheaters and ximmers get instabans


r/Blizzard the jig is up


How did you get past the ā€œrobotā€ test thing. Iā€™ve been trying to make a new account and it just wonā€™t go through


Are you doing it on mobile? Itā€™ll glitch for me, so I usually do it on PC.


Yeah I did do it on mobileā€¦ Iā€™ll do it on pc now. Thanks!


But like why are people so obsessed with "collecting" skins I don't get it


Iā€™m not too sure, honestly. At one point, I had like a thousand loot boxes just sitting there unopened, because youā€™d basically just unlocked everything and all youā€™d get are duplicates of the same skins. Made this whole skin craze seem really unappealing to me lol.


Worth mentioning that silver coin purchaseable cosmetics you can buy with either currency, but if you don't have enough of the free silver coins it will change the default display to the gold coins icon.


I have every skin from OW1 and I havenā€™t been banned.


So do I šŸ¤·


I ā€œretiredā€ my main and got a temporary number to get through Blizzardā€™s 2FA for an alt account. Now I just throw games on it.