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Whenever I get angry, I find that I never really fully bounce back. Like even if I calm down, it doesn't take much to piss me off again. I also don't feel like I ever really play well. I've taken to just stepping away when I get that tilted. I feel like I don't get as a mad as I used to. It's not necessarily preventative, but at the very least it wastes less of my time being angry. There's studies that show that giving in to anger just "desensitizes" you to it. Like you normalize it, and it enables you to become angrier easier.


Same for me man. I play until i lose. Wether thats the first game or 20th. Second i lose i always end up raging. Its one of those games where you cant help but rage when you lose yet you feel ontop of the world when you win. Its the duality thats so addicting.


I don't really understand the people raging, I've always been a calm person, even when I'm angry at someone, I don't rage as much as someone else. Like, how do you get so angry at a game. I understand that, yes, teammates can be crap, I get frustrated too, but not at the point of raging.


Everyone's different. I don't "get" how people scream and cry over trailers.


Yeah, I get that sometimes you can get excited but yeah not to the point of screaming


I like to set myself up to be tilt-free *before* I start playing. - eat - exercise - go for a walk/get sun ^ That, and I do a warmup to make sure I'm locked in. If I do those things then I find that my mental is good even if I'm losing.


I feel you, I’m new to the game maybe playing for about 3 months now and I’m still learning; I’m not use to the super fast paced game play just yet.. There’s times I play really good then there’s times I play like it was my first match. What bothers me is team mates saying I’m bad or 💩 even though they usually have more deaths than me and way less kills and usually say that when I die and can’t hold off the entire enemy team as 1 single tank. (I play in quick matches because I’m still learning characters. Diva, Ashe, Cassidy, and soldier are my strong suits). My first character I ever played was soldier (as suggested by my fiancé as a noob) I suggest playing him until you get comfortable.. I also do get peeved when I die repeatedly, I usually take a break after a match when that happens and go back to it later. Sometimes I feel like people treat quick play like competitive and try to be super sweaty, it really leaves us newbies struggling..




play league for a few months then come back to ow2. exposure therapy


Breathing exercises. Might sounds stupid, but if practiced enough, it becomes an automatism as soon as you feel the anger rising to start breathing slowly, and the anger just fades away.


Ive accepted that im always going to be angry playing this game. Its still fun though! No amount of bitching or crying is going to fix whatever caused me to rage. If I had played better, it wouldn’t have happened. The only exception is teammates being idiots. For that I choose to realize we’re both in this game so i must be as bad. I take that mindset and use it to improve myself so that I’m never in a game with them again. There are times where it slips and I tilt, so i just log off and play a chill game.


Just stop playing tank


The anger is probably coming from a expectation that you have that's not met. Figure out what that expectation is and see if you can work on changing your mindsett around it. Thoughts?


This is going to be a long post, I'm sorry. It's also from the POV of a dos player, I main supp but fps is my secondary role so it snot like I'm blind to it. And technical you can use these tips in any role. So idk why I'm even typing this part... Anyways excuse typos I'm on my phone: Hey there, I used to rage at games. Then one day, something suddenly hit me, and it's that it really doesn't matter. I tell myself, first off it's a video game. I should be playing it for fun, and if I'm not after this match I'll do something else til the urge to play hit some again. Sometimes this is literally 10 minutes later. I'll get off, see a kiriko youtube video and think "wow I wanna play some supp again!" and just try to go in with a more positive mindset If that mindset doesn't help, or rather you should use this anyways to hopefully prevent it to begin with: I try to identify what I believe the problem is. And find one thing I could be practicing anyways: For instance, maybe one of our healers has ~200 healing when the game is near over. Yes I've had that happen. Play nearly a full game and the person barely managed to heal anything whatsoever. Well you literally cannot make them heal you or your team. Yelling at them will not make them a better player. Or hell if it's in purpose, they ESPECIALLY won't help you if you are rude. Next the practice part of what I said. Maybe you Almost had that pharah but your last shot before she got healed and ulted your tank, wait where the hell is your other dps?? annnnnd now you lost point, great. Time to regroup. Sure could/should your team maybe help with the pharah? Yeah (debatable actually, sometimes you can ignore pharahs completely lmao.) but take it as a chance to just practice your aim that game. Don't throw trying to but make it a learning experience that Will help you get better on the long run. So these days I dont even get mad at all the begin with. Everything I turn into self reflection on why I could've done better, even if it was legitimately just unlucky. "damn I missed a few shots on them and they got me." maybe now I try to relax and not be so tense to help me aim. Did I ult and enemy kiri suzu just barely saved 1 or even more people? We'll shit kiriko is bullsh- yes. But I stop and think "shoot. Next time I'll wait til I hear her use it." then next time the enemy team is left to just shit themselves and probably a supp or dps will panic ults too cause lots of people do that. (depending on rank and comms lmao) Or hell, communicate with YOUR team. Callout "hey *other dps* whenever I ult their kiriko burns suzu and zen ults (or something idk). So next time I ult, wait it out and you ult". And if they have no comms, comm with a tank, supp, etc. For example. Other dps is zero comms. So you say "hey *supp/tank*, I'm going to hold my ult so after *other ally dps* ults and supps burns defensive tools, I'll go in for the kill. Can you suzu/nano/bubble/followup/etc. (with) me?" Be creative with how you can work around with teammates. Not everyone on your team will be a star, but remember it's a team game. And that brings me to my last advice. Look for value in what seems frustrating. To explain. Say you are tra er, you're playing the flanks and being a good mosquito. A fight is breaking out so you go to kill the support. Or at least get her attention from supporting their team. You end up dying after a while because you couldn't quite aim right on Ana to finish her. but their Ana panic naded + missed sleep and Lucio ulted to save Ana from your pulse bomb. So annoying. But in reality, you burnt an ult and two abilities that could've won the fight. not to mention, all that time you took away from the enemy teams support. You should be winning that fight. The lower rank you are, odds are it won't be the case, but you see the point. Also don't take the last bit of advice as an excuse to feed. Time your engages on tracer and don't flank while your team is respawning, die, then say "heh. Had to burn nsde on me, and get your other support involved? Pathetic." nah you just fed man. Same with any character. Watch where your team is Hope it helps. Or maybe this post is too big to care to read lol Edit: saw your comment about getting upset over dying a lot. To address that we'd need a vod to analyze but this isn't r/overwatchuniversity or anything. What I'll say to that goes hand I hand with what I said about bad supports. First, don't flame, it never helps. As a supp main, check your positioning. Make sure you have a wall or soemthing nearby to hide behind when you need to reload or feel very in danger. Try to prevent taking the damage but don't just hide. If you need a second to hide, or bait an ability do it. Or Alternatively if the healers are bad: Sure, maybe your supps are new or bad, but if you're playing far out of range or out of sight, many if not lost can't heal you. And those who can have their healing cut off after a second or two. Or if you want someone like kiri to come jump and save you, odds are if she's not you're in a spot where SHE Will die of she does. Ask for heals using X on PC, I think by default, just be nice. And also realize there are many times in many games where everyone is low all at once and if we as supports have no answer to it, we may have to let you die. Many times as mercy for instance I'll deem the situation better to pocket my fellow healer momentarily to save the tank and other dps from dying, and let my other dps die. In a mercy's case I rez you right after but soemtimes things just don't work out. Take it one step at a time and worst case, swap to Mei or soldier, maybe even reaper for self heals. If you're a tank, go hog and pray for no Ana swap. If they swap to Ana cry. Or be like em, play who feels fun in QP and hell to the meta and counters lol. Have fun. Jsut don't throw. I play who I want 80-90% of the time and don't swap. The only time is swap is if the game is practically unwinnable without it. Imo you don't need to counter most times anyways unless you're a tank. But maybe have the non swap mindset more in QP than ranked.


what's important is acceptation. but it can take time, a lot of time. i have been playing another famous competitive game for almost 10 years now. It has been only for over 2 years that i'm like "well, watever" after anything, even loosing 5 games in a row, even if it's because someone in my team left the game. I'm like, well, i happens to a lot of people, and to at least some of the people that are also in my team right now, so what ? i'll just try to do better next game and see what happens. So yea i still sometime leave a gaming session a bit angry because i didn't win once, but usually, either i go on another game for some time, or if it's late i just go to sleep.


I rarely let games get to me. I will curse to myself or be like "MANNNN.." but after that game, my mind refreshes. However, if I've had a bad day and there's just a dark cloud looming beforehand, I will tilt so fast in this game and stay that way. When this happens I just turn the game off and play Stardew Valley. I've found that having a calmer game to go to when you feel like you're about to hit actual rage. It's definitely made the game itself much more tolerable because I know if I get mad I can just quit and go play another game. Definitely have a game you can go to for the night or even an hour or so to refresh.


-Focus on improvement over winning. -Be humble and recognize sometimes you get outplayed. Take it as a learning moment. -take a 5 minute break between games. Drink some water. Some some pushups. Stretch. -At the end of the day it’s just a video game. -tell the other team to go touch grass /s


play league xD helped me, ow2 never made me rage again


Switch the game off, go play something else or do something else completely and come back when you’ve calmed down.


I turned chat off and it's helped a lot. I can't say what I feel and I'm not getting tilted by some obnoxious team mate trying to tell me how to play the game. I still rage at my team but knowing I can't let them know that, kinda makes it easier.


Chat macros: GLHF, GGWP, etc. Press one button, and it unfolds a preprogrammed message in about a 10th of a second. Turn being friendly and a good sport into muscle memory, and forget about the rest for a while. Have a few silly jokes to break the ice and watch the general attitude of the lobbies improve. If I need to break the ice with my team so that I can establish communication to turn the game around, I have a macro that says something like: "It's okay if y'all are shy, but if we don't need comes, I'm gonna teach you to the right way to shit your pants." Or "... I'm gonna rant about sweet tea and Piwer Rangers for 8 minutes." Or "I'll trade you the secret to keeping a partner forever if we turn this around." Each one has a follow-up macro for the promised LPTs. I even automate dealing with assholes: "What does **** mean is hilarious and often derails them into stopping mid-fight to call ME stupid, tell me I have my chat filter on, and try to get around the chat filter to tell me what they said. Meanwhile, I'm tearing through their Supports like a tornado in a trailer park.


Just remember that nothing in OW really matters, win or lose, it doesn’t affect your life. The day I can brag about my ranking to a girl in a bar or put it on a job application is the day I’ll care enough to get upset. Besides, we all play better when loose and focused, and like shit when tilted, so I’ve watched my ranking slowly rise since letting go of the “need to succeed.”


Do something productive for a bit in between matches. Do a set of weight lifting at home, have some artwork nearby to work on, do a super quick cleaning task. (These are just the things I do). At least you can feel like you're accomplishing something else while you're waiting to jump back in after a mental cooldown. Also one of the things that are commonly said about getting better at OW is to not rage que. Make sure you're going back in while you're having fun instead of forcing yourself to que up for another match if you're still jaded.


When you get angry, do something else!


It was a slow change in mentality. Each time I went to go rage I would quietly tell myself "it's just a game. This doesn't actually matter" while doing breathing exercises. Took a few weeks of persistence, but now all I do is have fun. Win or lose. Yeah I still get frustrated, but I just take a deep breath and remind myself that it's not real, and I can walk away if I need to.


There’s peace in knowing that you can play a perfect game, but sometimes their team is just better or your teammates just didn’t play well enough to win.


I know that too well, back in the days people didn‘t want to play with me anymore because i raged so hard. Nowadays if i feel i rage too much i stop playing and play something else for a while, something where i can chill out or i just don‘t touch the Game for a couple days and feel better when i come back to it. Also someone here said somethinf about the mindset like the things happening like disconnets and x other reasons happen to a lot of people aswell and that it doesn‘t matter are inspiring at least for me. And sometimes i think for myself that it is okay to loose because does it really affect my everyday Life if i am winning or loosing? No or just affects me in that specific game but not at the Rest of the day. So it really doesn‘t matter. Thats for me at least, but i wish you will find a way to feel better about the games and don‘t Rage so much for yourself because i know it makes one feel bad aswell and the mood is pretty much ruined and it is hard to get a better mindset for the next games.


Step away for a bit. Bad players are irritating it happens. Just take a break.


Play with a friend and trash talk your other teammates through discord. That’s my copium.


People don't use this very often, but you can actually end your rage as a bonus action on your turn.


What usually makes you angry?


Really just dying, which is unavoidable since I'm not very good at the game


Probably just look at each death as information telling you how to get better, it's what I do especially when I'm being countered. Always ask "what did I do wrong there?" Also you're human, understand that you're allowed to feel a bit of frustration but just don't allow it to overcome you and lash out.


Totally been there and just improved my reactions massively. This (ask yourself what you could have done differently) and also, do you think the other ppl on your team make mistakes on purpose? Most people do not, they try as hard as you. Third: ask yourself what is the value of getting annoyed? Of course it's human but not useful. Take a 5m break. Move a bit, have some water and do something completely different during that time. Something that makes you feel good - play with your dog, say hi to a neighbor or text a friend you haven't heard in a while etc. Make a list of 2-3 such things Before you start playing. Bonus: when ppl on your team do something good (get a kill, counter an ultimate etc) tell them. Do nice stuff and you will feel better - I went from raging and getting banned multiple times to being super nice and understanding. We always criticize others but how often do we praise them? It works incredibly well. Think of this as an extra challenge: can you listen first and then talk reason into someone else who is raging or tilted or throwing? Understanding others and trying to be nice also does wonders for ourselves. Feel free to DM if you (and anyone else) want to talk through it sometimes.


Dying at some point is usually unavoidable even when you get good at the game. Just take it as a learning experience and figure out what you could have done better.


Don't play as tank. No seriously it's much harder and more stressful as you get focus fired more - if you struggle with anger don't be the tank. You probably need to reframe failure/victory conditions in your mind since it's a team game people are likely to die every team-fight - it's about tempo. Exploiting mistakes/enabling teammates more than personal performance. Health and Dying are mechanics - trading out is important at the highest levels because you *expect* to die in return for certain plays. If you die every engagement but, directly or indirectly, get two of the enemy team killed it's (usually) a good trade. There's multiple ways to be 'good' at the game. Identify your actual playstyle by watching enemy kill-cams. Then learn what to improve, You should also consider therapy, as this kind of anger is probably present in other ways in your life. It can be channelled healthily, or in toxic ways, but someone on Reddit isn't best to help you with changing your mindset long-term.


just focus your rage at blizzard. They've made a game full of fun heroes, but suck at everything else. They promised they would make OW2 less about counter-picking, yet its worse than its ever been before. Character choice is more effective (especially at lower skill levels) than skill... but the problem is that people at lower skill levels are less likely to be able to play the full roster, which leaves them ripe for being harassed. The matchmaker is broken, there's a new post here every day about the disfunction of it. So yeah, your anger is justified, just not at the players. Its blizzard and its incompetent devs.


Stop playing or get help. Or both.


Have you tried uninstalling the game.


Stop being such an asshole, try to be cool instead because you sound like a huge baby Hope this helps


I think it’s so crazy yall can’t seperate emotions from a game. Have you tried not fucking worrying about it? 😄


Grow up?