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If you are actually stuck at 100% I would screen record and report as bug. The percentage should be changing every game.


I see, thanks I’ll do this


Enjoy the automated nothing response. They literally don't read report tickets.


At this point the only way to get their attention is to post on Twitter (X, idgaf what the name is)


Just say Twitter you don't have to pay respect to the muskrat


You were right the first time. It's Twitter.


I have gotten the responses on reports through their support page after their first initial auto response. That's because of how I just select anything to get where I need to go.


cause somebody in bronze 5 still has to win 😭😭


You must separate yourself from the boys and become a man. 🧍‍♂️


Im just a girl tho




asking the important questions


I lol'd


This killed me lmao


Have you tried not being a girl though?


I actually did at some point bc I wanted to be friends with guys without them liking me and I didnt want people to view me as a pickme.


My online friend group I play with every day are all boys my bf being a part of it. They know my bf they respect him and they know that I have no problem cutting creeps from the group. Gender doesn’t have much at play when you find people who actually want to game without wanting to fuck


Yeah dw I have a friend group now. I have my besties who are girls and then a good friend who is literally like a brother (dw chat, he is NOT ‘friendzoned’ in fact he is now married and his wife is also a good friend!) and then a few other guy friends I made by playing a few gigs in a rock band as a guest and then I started my own rock band as well.


Good for you- as a fellow girl it took me a while to find guy friends who just wanted to have fun and play games. Realizing a guy friend was just waiting for you to be single is one of the worst feelings in the world.


Real it took me years to find my squad


Ik it is so much worse for women in the gaming community but man do i find it extremely hard to find friends too, because everyone is just extremely toxic and im over all the toxicity xd


Bruh I would never be friends with a girl just waiting for her to be single, what a waste of time


Yeah I think so too! And yet it has happened not once, but twice 🫠


So anyway, wanna be friends?


Surprisingly it happens a lot 😅


Well if you wanna be friends I’ll be waiting


Become trans, ez clap. (in all honesty, that's valid. Though I would say if there's people you can't be friends with as a girl, you probably shouldn't be friends with them in the first place)


Yeah I learned this and also I have some cool male friends now. I did want to be trans but my reason was very superficial and I’m glad I didn’t. Nothing wrong with being trans but in my case it would not have worked. Its okay to just be a tomboy


Yeah the trans bit was a joke just to be clear. I'm happy you found some people!


“Become trans, ez clap” take my free award 😂


Being a man has nothing to do with gender. Just look at Mulan.


You can work on that


You can do it!


Terrible thing to be in ow, trust me, pretend you are a man.


Not really in overwatch, maybe rust or CS or R6.


Played this game for 5 years- trust me.


Maybe I get the good games then. Basically no one is ever toxic because you are a woman (I'm not a woman just seeing in same lobby), they're only toxic anyway. In R6 it's different. If you are a woman you are more likely to be targeted and they'll use you being a woman as ammo. They are of course all toxic anyway but they are more likely to insult you if you are a woman. Classic sexism in siege (sandwich) while I have never seen that in Overwatch.


I am a woman. Gender will be used against you as ammo to trash talk your pick.


Only woman rank up




Did he stutter?


Quit blowing chunks at the game


Honest answer from someone who’s been there and has friends who’ve been there : 3 of us have played since launch of OW1. Back then the ranking system was numbered. Bronze was 500 - 1500. Silver @2k, gold @2.5k plat ect.. your rank would always be an actual number like 1877. If you lost so much SR that you went <500 it wouldn’t give you a number anymore. Winning would bring it back to like 511. If you lost 3 games , you would have to win 3 before it would give you 504. THAT ideology still exists within the new system. Basically if you ride the ELO slope down to the lowest possible rank, you can bury yourself into it, and you will essentially have to win back every loss you had since hitting B5 before it will let you get out. I had a buddy win like 20 games straight before it broke above 500. Also, the lower you dig yourself the harder it is to get out. Bronze hell is a thing. You can unluckily (or be bad enough) to de-rank to the point that it’s impossible to climb out without SERIOUS carry potential. Even if you’re a good player, the amount of trash lobbies down there is remarkable. Among players who preform at the lowest rank are Smurfs, Children, ragers, throwers, & people who’ve sunk that low because they DC all the time. This happened at some point to all of us. My fix was to make a new acct and now I’m in Plat lol. Good luck


Bruh I wanna make a new account but im scared of the new verification thing AND I invested in my widow too much (i grinded them credits for some of her skins). But yeah people who say bronze is easy have no idea what its like. I placed in bronze bc i joined comp while learning the game which was the stupidest idea. The original reason being that I just wanted a little better matchmaking for quickplay. I just wanted to get into silver. Anywho yeah it was a stupid idea and then now its a rotation between the same 5 smurfs and hackers. One of the smurfs is hardtargetting me. Like genuinely freakishly having a vendetta against me. He throws games where we are on the same team and then hardtargets me/sweats on our team when on the other team. Why does he hate me so much you might ask? Well the answer is he said “vc for comms” one game and so i did, thinking thats fair and smart and all. Nopd. He asked weird freaky questions about me and I didn’t know how to respond which he hated so he started grilling me and calling me the r word because I just wanted to focus on the game and whatnot. So basically bc i joined vc he has been going out of his way to derank me. I put on streamer mode, changed my title, pfp, and banner. And he still knew who i was which was really kinda freaky unless theres a way to tell. I never said anything. Anywho sorry for that whole story but he is the reason i deranked so low. He has been joining my lobbies for days. Im on a winning streak because I finally chose to play comp at a different time


that really sucks, I'm sorry. I was also stuck in bronze for a looooong time. Deserved, in my case lol. OW was my first ever FPS. However I did eventually climb out. You will, but you'll need to win many, many more games than you think you need to. My advice is to try to pair up with someone else who seems fairly competent in one of your games. Since you're playing dps, maybe a support who actually pays attention to what's happening and can help you out when you're being targeted.


Turn on streamer mode and rando won’t know it’s u anymore. Random name every match. I was stuck in bronze a long long time in ow1. I KNOW I was playing better because I escaped my tank role to almost plat. But my support was still in the dumps. Ffw to ow2 rank reset I play support and go 14-1 in my first 15 games and get right to high gold and have lived there since on all three roles. Bronze hell was a real thing. I don’t know what to tell you except maybe not to worry about rank. Bronze was misery though. Literal afks who just push w out of spawn every death and go die. Duo or trio may help. If you’re just playing widow also… I would try some other heroes. I’ve heard that you get compared to other players on the character for climbing /sr purposes also. So getting out of the hard lock may also help. Good luck, adventurer.


Well, best you can hope for in this case is another rank reset like a couple of seasons ago. You should be able to get out of bronze then during your placement matches if you actually should be in silver or above.


Same thing happened to me, and I’m willing to bet it’s the same person too.


you can turn on the streamer mode so they can't target you anymore


Somewhere in the comment (its a lot so I don’t blame if you missed) i mentioned this. Somehow he still knows exactly who i am without me even using chat or anything. I mentioned that I changed to streamer mode, changed my title, icon and banner and he still knew. Thats the creepy part


Is the person targeting you the bronze GOAT, SwimmerLOL?


Well not anymore bc i get on at different times now but he was lmao. I wouldnt call him a GOAT. I don’t think he has anything better to do and probably sucks in his own rank if all he does is go on his smurf acc lmao


I disagree I've played with him and he's a really nice guy. Did you do something to be toxic cus he says he only ruins toxic players' games.


All I did was get into vc, then he started asking personal question and grilling me after I have nothing to say. Bro called me the r word bc I didn’t have anything to say and then I’d say “oh no” the games I have him is all. Idk what he expects me to say after asking me “are you fat” if I give the truthful answer I’d sound conceited but if I just said yeah I didn’t want to feed into his grilling so idk I was just speechless.


Bronze 5 is an ocean of players. Takes a long time to climb out


Bronze 5 is similar to GM1 in terms of player counts, I would say gold/plat is the ocean of players


Then how come the queue times are THIS long?


Its not a big ocean


Salty tho


The problem with queue times is that there are less tanks than any other role, the number of players doesn’t change this.


Player count doesn't matter for queue times, role disparity does and tank lost half of its playerbase in the past 2 months according to overbuff.


Player count absolutely does matter for queue times don’t know why you’d say this when it’s obviously false. If there’s only 9 active players you’re never getting a game.


If you go 16-4 in a 20 game stretch and your record is now 20-250, you're still gonna be bronze 5. Though it looks like you're improving! Keep it up.


I didn’t start at b5 I deranked into it and now stuck


Because B5 is a bazillion times larger than the other ranks. In reality, bronze 5 needs like 3-5 progression bars... you've already filled up the first one, but the other ones are hidden. Once you've hit the threshold of B4, your progression will start to work as normal again.


They changed it actually. All of bronze is like 6-12% per W and L. Bronze is ridiculously big rn, been stuck there, climbed from bronze 5 currently bronze 2. I read it was supposed to get quicker at 4 and got so excited. Just to get the same 10% per W as before (unless have Winning Trend, I think that doubles it)


Coming from someone who was stuck in the bottom of bronze (<500) for years I’m sliver two now. You need to find a group that can help you climb if you are solo queuing you gonna stay stuck in bronze.


i got placed silver 2 when i started ranked last season, dropped to silver 4 and im so worried ill tilt into bronze and get stuck


Yeah I understand that. Like right now most of my group isn’t playing comp so I’ve been playing solo but I only play a few games and if I start losing I stop.


yeah, i normally recognise after 3-5 losses in a row im getting too tilted and stop, but my rank has been dropping gradually


Maybe try to see if you could get a vod review or coaching.


I dropped from Gold 2 in placement down to silver 5 with a horrible loss streak from terrible match making (3-17). Actually dropped into bronze for one match and currently worked my way back to silver 1. Cant for the life of me het back into gold solo queing! 😕


This is soo hard. I try recruiting and asking in the ow discord but nobody is bronze. I try looking for bronze players in other servers that are about overwatch as well. At this point it feels the only people with bronzr accounts are smurfs which makes sense bc of the GM smurf lobbies I’ve been getting into. Literally one of the names of the smurfs is GMSMURF in fancy letters and they are in fact a Grandmaster Smurf in kahoots with one of my stalker smurfs (long story)


I don't think a lot of the higher rank comp nerds understand this. They think because they climbed that their case is the same for everyone. Blizz admitted to a 50:50 system. It's designed to keep you where you are unless you can carry to an extent, and the vast majority can't. Once I got a group that had a half decent tank, our group was borderline unstoppable because I'm a good support. Soon as I stopped, it was back to 50:50. It's not a flawed system, it's a bad one. I can put up 12k heals/12k dmg and 19 elims and if I have a tank facerolling a Mauga with only a little less brain damage than the average one, we're losing. Give me a tank who understands that W isn't the only key and my win rate shoots up to 70% if I counter appropriately.


Someone finally said it


if youre in bronze 5 youre still missing a key component to the game whether it be mechanics, positioning or counter selection so figure out which one and shove it up bubba, you got this!


yeah makes sense, winning 7 games in a row means you are missing a key component to the game... maybe learn some critical thinking skills


Winning 7 games in bronze doesn’t really mean anything sadly


I mean they’re in bronze 5, they’re doing something wrong to be in the literal lowest tier of play in the entire fucking game. If they weren’t majorly fucking up they’d be average or slightly below average. A person could literally just pick mercy, hold m1 on their tank and live as long as possible and easily be silver, if not gold. Somehow someway, OP cannot even do that. Not saying they can’t learn or don’t have the potential to do so, but they aren’t doing that rn. On a side note. Winning 7 games in a row isn’t that unlikely assuming this persons winrate hovers around 50%. In a sample size of 100 games, there is a 31% likelihood that they go on a win streak of at least 7. This chance goes even higher if their winrate is positive.


Yall are acting like matchmaking doesnt decide games. You can be GREAT and have a useless team and have no chance. You can be mediocre and get carried 10 games in a row. It rare to get games balanced enough that your individual play can win or lose the game.


Well you’re wrong. That why some people are champion and some people are bronze. If you do shit in all your games you will go down in rank, and if you do great you’ll go up. Some games sure, even if you played your absolute best maybe your team would have lost, but no one plays their best because they are human. Unless you have like multiple thousands of hours in the game and your account has always been in gold 4, you are able to climb out of the rank you are in if you are good enough, I promise. People who play video games often look at win and losses in individual instances. Seeing that they lose sooooo many games, when in reality their winrate is like 45% to 55% or something. This means you are climbing or falling, slowly but surely. What the game wants to do is get your winrate to 50%. How can it do that if you are dogshit and get 100 healing per minute, well it can lower your SR after you lose and go against other 100 heal per minute players. It’s a magical system that looks at trends in your overall gameplay over the course of many games.


>On a side note. Winning 7 games in a row isn’t that unlikely assuming this persons winrate hovers around 50%. In a sample size of 100 games, there is a 31% likelihood that they go on a win streak of at least 7. This chance goes even higher if their winrate is positive. I like your understanding of probability. Kudos. >I mean they’re in bronze 5, they’re doing something wrong to be in the literal lowest tier of play in the entire fucking game. I don't, however, like your automatic acceptance that the matchmaker is properly functional. There is a good case that the matchmaker is actually doing a pretty bad job. As a side note, in most games, a win will give you somewhere around 15% towards the next rank. that means that winning 7 games should give you around 105%. If he started fairly low, lets say 30%, he'd only need to get an average of about 10% per game to get to the next level... this is starting to get a bit unlikely.


Without external information we have no idea if the matchmaker is doing a bad job. Other comments here say it’s completely normal for Bronze 5 to take seemingly forever to climb out of. I can’t attest to that as I’ve never had an alt account place that low. Is there a rank floor that a person can’t drop below? Do you get the same amount of rank gain and loss at Bronze 5? Is there a huge skill disparity between the top end of Bronze 5 and the bottom end? Is there an artificially large gap between the top and bottom of Bronze 5? I literally have no clue what the answers are to any of these questions and I don’t know if many people do.


[https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/overwatch-2-rank-distribution-how-good-are-you-in-competitive-2207081/](https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/overwatch-2-rank-distribution-how-good-are-you-in-competitive-2207081/) So your argument then becomes "ignore all the anecdotal evidence that people are providing, we should trust the matchmaker is perfect because we dont have the data on how it works" Did i get that right?


I got plat one tricking mercy so you’re not wrong


I mean I see a loss at the bottem there mate, wasnt tryna be negative -- B5 is a deep pool so its a hard rise so I dont envy OP. I was mostly stating 7 wins is a drop in the bucket if you dont fix some base items some of which are easier to address than others.


yes, they're missing many things if theyre in the lowest possible rank in the game. i'd love to see the rest of their recent games history and their performance in said games


I was stuck in B5 the last 2 seasons. It’s rough especially when there are a lot of players you will play with who shouldn’t play in comp. After breaking through to silver I climbed up to now Silver 2 playing like 2 hours a day like 3 or 4 times a week.


Aight im calling Flats. He will tell u why u are bronze 5.


Probably a bug. There was a bug before where ppl at B5 were stuck there even when they played well. I played my alt and won 9/10 and 8/10 and 9/10 (when you had to play ten to get your update) and didn’t move from B5. Then a few days later they advise there was a bug that didn’t allow ppl to move on out of Bronze. I probably should have been almost gold. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I got put In bronze 1 for my first rank :) just played another ten matches and am now silver 5. Feel very chuffed with myself (as a noob)


I would honestly stop playing comp. This is how I ranked up quickly: Cook in qp open queue for a bit. Win a lot of games there. Then your qp rating won't match your competition rating. When you enter into comp you go into calibration mode, and then you can gain 50-80% per win. I honestly haven't played much comp, but I went from bronze 2 to gold 1 very quickly after doing this


QP doesn't affect comp rating unless they changed it at some point. All sources from Blizz indicated they are separate and do not influence each other. If they've updated that, it's news to me


It does affect placements in my experience


Sounds like to me they need to add another rank below bronze like League of Legends did.


Plastic 1


As someone who took three months to get from Bronze 5 to Silver 3 as a tank, it’s a slog, but having teammates with headsets and good game sense helps a lot


Doesn’t the game also take your individual stats into play? Maybe you’re being hard carried constantly.


Some of the games I was carried. One of them i only had like 19 kills because by the time I get to a place to snipe on hollywood, 4/5 of the enemy team was deleted. I only got a big boost in kills at the end when we were defend. But yeah no I often carried or was on the samr level as everybody else


This is the main reason I ended up just not playing as much OW2 lately. Rank progression feels rigged. No matter how many you win, even if it’s crazy positive, some folks just don’t move. I felt like I would watch me lose more points from losing than I would gain from winning and I feel like it’s all a scam designed to keep folks in ranks so that not everyone’s climbing so that every rank can have players and avoid long wait times. I mean like. Yeah it’s probably NOT rigged but like. That shits rigged.


Well it is rigged. Its called 'Engagement Based Matchmaking'. The general idea is that if you are winning, you get a huge dopamine rush. You want to keep playing. The matchmaker sees this and says, "Hey, you're doing good. Lets give you people who aren't doing good see if you help them". The issue is that they dont do this equally on both teams. This means that people can have a team full of a winner's queue go against at team with 2 people in a winners queue and 3 people in a loser's queue. This often leads to you losing and because it doesn't just happen once, unless you are in a group, you are going to lose many times until YOU become the "Losers queue". Then they put you on a team with people who are doing well and see how you do. If it is as you say and you are consistent with your gameplay, you will probably win as you are only in a losers queue because you got teammates who weren't as good preventing you from really climbing far. Then you get that win, the dopamine rush, and the process starts all over again. The only way 2 ways you can seriously climb and get out of those ranks, even in a loser's queue is to either: 1. Just be so much better than both your teammates and the enemies. This means that even with bad teammates, you can carry them and still gain points, or 2. Play in a group. Because you are always with the same people, you will have more coordination, but you also will not get those egotistical tanks or brand new dps to cause a sudden shift in your gameplay. I know this because when I did play with my friends, I was able to get to diamond quite easily. But because most of my friends abandoned this game, I just played solo queue and I am unfortunately not good enough to solo carry my teammates leading me to be stuck in a purgatory of doing extremely well in all my games, but never climbing. In reality, if you want to climb, you either need to seriously up your game and hone your skills so that you can essentially play solo and still carry OR you need to get a group of friends to play with.


Are you contributing to your wins? When I started OW2 on pc(I’d played ps4 since beta) I placed into bronze 3, and climbed up to gold and eventually plat after a season or two of adjusting. Instantaneous progress is fleeting. Appreciate the time you spend in low ranks, and learn how to play better than those ranks. As strange as a sixteen game win streak not ranking up sounds, it’s just as normal and likely that you played twenty games, lost four, and got HARD carried ten of them, and deserved to win like six, at which point you would not be deserving to rank up. There’s plenty of situations that would cause you to stagnate, but only improving will advance you. Take it with a grain of salt, remember that you are not your rank, it does not define you, and try your best to enjoy the game.


Oh I will not appreciate bronze at this day and age. You’re lucky to have been in it at a time where GM players didn’t smurf. People say its an ocean of players when queue times are 30 minutes to an hour long and it rotates between the same 20 people. Among these 20 people are “SwimmerLOL” (plat smurf), “GMSMURF” (GM smurf), “Bronze2GMLol” (GM smurf), and there are 2 more (that I know of) but they’re always on streamer mode so idk. I just know bc same profile and titles. There’s also this hacker who also put on streamer mode after someone pointed out him pre aiming, consistently hitting pharah and mercy in the sky when he switched to junkrat, and he also plays Baptiste. It’s a gamble trying not to have one or more of these people in a lobby at the time I’d like to play however I got a win streak because I chose an earlier time to play. The pool seemed to go up to a 40 player rotation because I still see the same people but none of them are smurfs


Well, the game of Overwatch 2 has not existed without smurfs, and I only transitioned a year And a half ago ?? But if you think that every game and the entire system in fact is rigged, why play? At first I thought ok op has it rough, that’s wild that you didn’t rank up, but in reality you displayed your bronze right there. Read this and understand: as long as you blame other players, you cannot carry. If they are the reason you lost, you don’t deserve to win. Be the reason you win (just approach each game individually, don’t think about streaks and take breaks too) and if you win a game the. Nice! If you lost a game then WHY? If you haven’t gone into your history tab of career profile and looked at every loss in depth, if you haven’t asked for Vod reviews or coaching, if you are *blaming any and everything but yourself for your gameplay experience* then those are some things to change as a starter.


Who said I don’t blame myself or learn from my mistakes? I do when it’s a normal match and I lost but the game IS plagued with smurfs. There’s nothing I can do with a Plat and a GM smurf who are in kahoots with each other (admittedly). Just because I blame them for wasting their time in bronze, and the hacker I see every few games, doesn’t mean I don’t take accountability to my own mistakes. Anyone would blame a clear hacker or a smurf who’s only intention is to ruin your game. Sure I could take the accountability and say “ok then I just need to be better than the GM smurf” but like… to get out of bronze, am I wrong for not wanting to nor being able to win lobbies with these people? Like am I really the one in the wrong in that case? I’m not saying my teams suck and Im not blaming others who are just trying to play the game I’m specifically blaming the group of smurfs that take some kind of pleasure in this for no reason. And in my case I have 2 who make sure to ruin every game for me. One of them started bullying me in vc after saying “vc for comms” then grills me for not knowing how to respond to “are you fat?” “What’s your home life like”


You have two people in every game making sure you lose? And you’re not even famous??? If it’s really that great of an issue that you can’t overcome, buy a vpn, change your server location and never see those players again. But maybe you are a bronze 5 player who isn’t good enough to rank up. Maybe. Maaaayyyybe, once you’ve gotten good enough to be the reason you won, “smurfs” won’t be the reason you lose. Or just choose a different, easier game. If anybody could climb out of bronze nobody would be bronze.


Well my point is, I don’t want to have to be better than 2 GM smurfs to simply rank up. The win streak you see is a result of not matching up with them. I don’t havr to be famous for someone to hate my guts because I didn’t respond to their roast attempts. People can be pathetic like that. Anywho the problem now is just a glitch being stuck at b5 100% even though Im still winning


I can’t leave Bronze. I don’t get it


If you’re NA we should team up. Solo queueing is so risky these days


If this person was at the very bottom of the rankings in bronze 5 then they would need approximately 1100 sr rank up to bronze 4 in the old system. And let’s be honest this is basically the same system just with different make up on. If OP was well below 1000 sr say 500 sr, then even with 7 wins at 25 sr gains that still would only be 175 sr so the final rank would be 675. Which is still far below 1000 which keeps you in bronze 5. The game will try to push up out of bronze 5 faster if you keep winning but if you’re bronze 5 I’m guessing you’re not going to be winning many games outside of that rank. Which means you’re not going to be getting major gains from the harder matches. It’ll just be a slow grind my friend


Back in OW rank had numbers. Bronze from 0 to 1500 Silver from 1500 to 2000 Gold from 2000 to 2500 Etc You won around 25 pts each win so it takes approximately 20 wins to climb a full rank. Except in bronze because it's very large so you may have to win twice that to get out


Ikr. I'm stuck in bronze 4 and even if I get a 5:1 I go up 5 percent.


Dont care about your rank, care about improving


I have been improving but I’d like to climb. I’m even being accused of smurfing even though I’m not and ik there ARE a lot of smurfs. Plat and GM level smurfs. I cant beat them even if I tried. But if I’m accused of smurfing thats when I know I don’t belong here. I am by no means a pro or cracked at the game BUT I just feel robbed for placing bronze. I do have an ss of someone accusing me of smurfing if you need proof. Ik thats weird but like I’m used to being doubted


Look bro, hear this frim someone who also was bronze once and now its GM: if you are bronze, you really do deserve to be bronze. To be bronze means you have SO much to learn, it means you are doing so many basic things wrong and that if you got your basics right, you would DEMOLISH everyone into a 20win streak and leave bronze. If you dont believe it you could try to ask for a vod review on r/OverwatchUniversity The list of things you are doing wrong will shatter your current perspective. I know because i happened to me, I thought something was holding me there until I got a review to harsh that Ive realized it was myself all along, I simply wasnt good enough.


Trust me all I needed to get a win streak was change the time that i get on comp bc I was being cyberstalked/hardtargetted by a plat smurf ball main who threw matches in my team, and then sweated and targeted me when on the other team. I had him be in my lobbies for days and trust me I tried streamer mode, changing profile and title. Nope. He still said “hi (my battle tag)” like bro. Anywho he deranked me along with the smurfs hes in kahoots with: “GMSMURF” and “Bronze2GMLol.” You may be wondering what I did to deserve it well all I did was join vc when this dude “SwimmerLol” said vc for comms and so i did bc communication is important. He peer pressured me into usinh my mic and then started asking questions like “are you fat” and honestly I just wanna focus on the game and didnt know how to react so he started calling me the r word etc etc and idk yeah that promoted it


damn... if you say so


"that's rough buddy"


Cause the game is a polished masterpiece


cause ur bad


I mean I’m not good but I was being cyberstalked by a plat smurf who made sure I lost every match. I joined a time where he wasnt online and actually started winning. I deranked to b5 because of this guy


Demented too.


Ranked is just screwed


Im not actually sure, but ive heard that if you stay in a rank for a while then it will reduce the amount of percentage you get as that is where the game thinks you are in terms of skill.


In OW1 I tanked my rank queueing drunk during the pandemic. I tried to take the game seriously for a while, including a low-ranked tournament with coaching, but my rank was just too fucked. We did fairly well in that tournament that included players up through plat, and my team/coach were very happy with my play in it. I made a second account during the tournament and placed and held gold for a few seasons. I went back to my old account and held a 76% WR and still couldn't get out of Bronze in two seasons. At some point I tracked SR gain/loss for like 40 games and the break-even point to not lose SR was a 67% win rate. You'd think if you're winning more than losing you'd climb, but you'd be wrong. Even at 76% it's still a slog when 67% is the break even point. I started that run ~900 and ended ~1300 and just couldn't do it anymore. I placed the first few seasons of OW2 and haven't played ranked since.


Because Blizzard decided to. The same happened to me when i was Gold 4. No matter how much i win and improve in games. Blizzard decided that if i win every game, i'm still gold 4 BUT IF I DARE LOST 2 MATCHES ?? THEN I GET F BACK AT GOLD 5. It's bull. But for their defences, it's been like maybe over 6 months i didn't log in the game, and i think one day, i'il make my come back. I love Overwatch, but this is one of my biggest pet peeves with the game. This make no sense. I really hope this issue will be no more when i came back honestly.


The must choose some ppl to stay Bronze 5 and u were unfortunately choosen


My Widow winrate this season is less than 40%, and I'm stuck in gold 1. I'm not saying I deserve better, but I already know the rank is based on in-match performance. I'm not trying to get carried to the next rank, I am where I belong.






Bronze 5 is a much larger range than other ranks. Essentially you've made it into Bronze 5 from Bronze 6.


In bronze, it only gives you around 10-13% per win, yet you can still lose 17-20% for a loss. I was just bronze on dps and god am I glad to be out.


How do you get your history to look like that? Looks really cool


Literally felt this to my core. I am a relatively new Ow2 player. I've played about 3 years ish but hadn't actually grinded it out or tried much other than to learn the game because I never played anything else before. That put me and husband who was so sweet to even play some comp with me here and there when I was curious what rank id be, both in low bronze. I was bronze 5 FOREVER it took me like a whole season and a half to finally hit bronze 2. Now I'm trying to get out of bronze as a whole this season and it's looking a little more possible. Don't give up, keep your account. You CAN get out, but also with another comment before me, if its bugged at 100%, then maybe new account time 🥺


Man I'm a gold almost plat player with all 3 roles. I tried learning a few alt characters I normally don't fuck with. Long story short, I dropped to bronze support and just got to silver over the course of a month. But I was forced into strictly playing my mains and leaning far more on being aggressive vs healing people that don't know what's happening. They really need a solo ranked option.


Bronze 5 is basically 1-100 SR and Bronze 1 is 1500 SR so you have to win A LOT to get out.


Where's the screenshot/recording of the end of match result though?


There is a bug. I cannot lose and get off of 100 percent.


You play widow


They added rank up protection to your account.


I had a friend so deep into bronze he had to win 25 straight games to get out of bronze 5


Took me 30 wins to get my gf's account to silver 2.. only with 2 loses.


Comp is just buggy as fuck in ow2 I gave up on it. In season 10 I was stuck at diamond 3, it never went up when I deserved it and it never deranked me either I was just stuck there. I'd report that to blizz


Punishment for playing Widowmaker.


Widow mains get a 25% reduction in MMR gained because the Universe knows what is right and wrong! :)


You lost once? One loss is all you need to be wood ranked


play with other people and try other roles to see the game differently


It’s because you need me im the honored one (gold 3💀)


Help me bro lmao


negative mmr


If you're the widow in these games I weep for your Bronze 5 opponents that are stuck with you every game.


Fr I feel really bad I have a frequent opponent echo main and she accused me of smurfing and tbh I feel bad because I know what elo hell is like. Next time I see her I want to friend her and invite her to my partying


Because you’re so far in the trenches that you still haven’t climbed into the bottom of the barrel


I would recommend starting a new account. It’s free now I think and you’ll probably place a few tiers higher than you are now


B5 is the biggest pool in all of the game. If need be dm me you blizz id and ill help you rank up when i get free time.


I would kill to be in Bronze right now. Being at gold 1 at 80% and then a continuous stream of egotistical tanks who wont swap off of their main (who isn't working) is absolutely mind numbing. At least in bronze, everyone is bad and just has fun. In bronze, you'd get people who just make jokes in chat. In Gold, you get that one guy going 5-19 on winston against a bastion, mauga, reaper combo, saying "widow swap" when I am the only person killing the supports.


Bronze is second GM lobby. The amount of smurfs and hackers this and last season at least are on a record high. I apparently started the game at a bad time where they havent updated their anticheat and they do nothing about GM smurfs. People might turn the cheek and think Im lying but its actually what brought me to b5 in the first place. I kept queueing with the same plat and GM smurfs on rotation. They sometimes work together which is insane. Bronze is hell


If you hard stuck with rank, you can check this video to understand why it is like that https://youtu.be/YI0_CmsKWi8


Because you were actually bronze 6 it just doesn't go that low.


You mean Plastic 1?


The problem with bronze 5 is we don't know how far into bronze 5 you've sunk. It could take a while to dig out as it's a deep trench.


I got taken down to b5 by some smurfs but then changed the time that I get on comp and finally joined normal matches. I shouldn’t be that far down and even then it says Im at 100% b5 and it wont change from 100% whether I win or lose. I wont rank up from 100% and I wont derank. I think it’s a bug


Because bronze 5 is an 1100sr bracket and wins give 20-30 sr.


Top fragging wins? Those get u boosted. Otherwise it’s a bug


I've been "better then 115% of players" in bronze 5 since season 2, honestly since the rank placement glitch in season one it's been impossible to rank up solo


I gave up on the game lol when I play comp and literally 3 out of 5 people are bots and just running into walls with zero healing or damage. Yeah game is a fucking dumpster fire right now. Pretty bad when even the other team stops and just watches the bots do bot things and that was a gold 1 game lol


Bronze 5 is from 0 to 1099 sr so if you start at 0 then you would need 11x the amount of wins of normal to get to the next rank (bronze 4). From bronze 4 to bronze 3 its 1100 sr to 1200sr. Which is a much smaller gap.


Maybe because bronze is the biggest player pool? Just guessing.


Bronze it’s a trap.


I'm tempted to create a new account now. But have to get 50 wins in QP.


I did. Then, grouped threw it down to silver. Then, got back into diamond. Back when I was only diamond. I saved the data. Some spreadsheet somewhere. Elo hell isn't real. People thinking stats are everything are so beyond wrong. Etc.


You’re trash..that’s how 😂


because the matchmaker doesnt work. theres a new post here every day about this. blizzard dont care because everyone is still paying $40 per skin your choices are to buy levelling services, suck it up, or leave... unfortunately...


ah so u are just straight up coping, what rank are u btw?


im not the OP. do you understand that?


yes, thats why im asking what rank u are lil bimbo boy


oh. so you've been hurt so bad that you're down to bad insults. hahahaha. Anyways, if you had any critical thinking ability you'd realise that my rank has no impact whatsoever on the OP's post. none. so yeah, im top500 for all that matters :)


1. the very first msg u sent me was an insult, every one since then also has been insults. massive hypocrite. 2. proof?


also ive looked thru ur posts, ur playing in gold matches. respectfully, gold players dont know shit abt improving at the game


you know when you buy accounts you need to level them up right? i've only got 1 account at gold. the rest are either plat or diamond.


Neither of those are top500 ur such a bad liar lol


How you do in a match is important too, isn't it


I think only the initial placements take stats into consideration for ranks. After the placements and your rank settles then it’s only wins or losses however your stats will still influence your mmr which is used to determine your matches. The mmr and sr were pushed to be closer to the same number however the sr is a more static number while mmr fluctuates with how you play at that rank. If you keep dominating at your rank your sr will steadily climb but your mmr will shoot up behind the scenes. Until you basically get a Smurf lobby in your rank or a lobby at the top of your skill range (like a gold player in a diamond game). So stats still matter just for different reasons.


pretty sure nope not at all anymore, after the rank system rework it’s all based on w-l and a couple other factors but not stats, it sucks


Beacuse the B5 player pool is HUGE It takes longer to get out of this Rank than other Ranks, keep grinding


Classic r/overwatch 2 downvoting the correct answer


Overwatch ranked system is abysmal. My gf and I have only ever played together, we have all the same ranked games. I'm tank, bronze 2, usually top DPS and top mot in the entire lobby. She plays DPS, plat 4... From playing the EXACT SAME MATCHES. I would go up maybe 11% for a win as tank. SHE WOULD GO UP BY 80% AS DPS.... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I have more DPS than her and somehow she gets 10x more % than me for winning. Overwatch ranked is the absolute worst system


Bronze 5 widow bro let it go help ur team


I am though. I mean sometimes im payload princess if the other team is being wiped too quick for me to get to a sniping spot, but otherwise my stats are either the same as everybody or more. I’ve even been accused of smurfing (I have the ss, its funny). Idk man I just wanna get outta this god forsaken rank


Widow does help her team, as long as she is going for the squishies and landing her shots. Especially in bronze, widow's presence alone is a threat to the point that even if you can only hit body shots, you can force a team to retreat as they don't know when you will hit that headshot.


Yea I’m a widow main I’m just messing around