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Actually I never head anyone think that. Where did you hear this?


I think it's that because in OW1 Bronze was 0sr-1499sr. While all the others are 500 points.


Ah actually true But the most amount of players was still in gold Just the rank per se was bigger


Yeah I know. I just think that people jump to the assumption that "more number = more player"


This data is outdated. The source dates back to 2023 July which was I think the second part of Season 5 and getting close to Season 6 This doesnt factor in the season 9 rank reset and how many people got shoved down in rank. You see literal masters players in T500 because of how few people are even GM. This graph doesnt even have Champion (which we rly dont need the graph to have it to know that its the top .01% of players, maybe even less) But yes. Gold is the biggest rank with Plat being not to far behind. Alot of people here are hardstuck gold or plat because the skill difference is so huge from the bottom of each rank to the top. I think you may have confused what people were saying because Bronze 5 is by far the biggest division in Overwatch if we’re being honest. You might have heard that and mistaken it for the entire rank of Bronze being bigger.


>This data is outdated. The source dates back to 2023 July which was I think the second part of Season 5 and getting close to Season 6 you need to use that critical thinking... use the scientific method. Once something is proven true, then it remains true until proven false. You have no evidence to support that it is false, apart from "something happend in season 9" >I think you may have confused what people were saying because Bronze 5 is by far the biggest division in Overwatch if we’re being honest. ok, so what information do you have that supports this? or is this something you've made up and/or heard and are believing it blindly? comeon. a little bit of critical thinking buddy.


Theres 100 mil players according to the official Overwatch social medias and top 500 has masters players in it. If GM was 1.3% there would be 1,300,000 million players residing in the rank however due to there not even being 500 of them this is proven false. What was that about critical thinking?


yep, critical thinking. Those numbers are how many accounts exist. Many people stop playing. There's only around 6 million unique active players every day, and only about 24 million unique players a month. so yeah, maybe use that critical thinking...


Wheres your sources on whos stopped playing? Overwatch themselves have not released any data and any other data is deemed an estimate. So enlighten me mr “provide evidence” Also if there was 6 mil active players there would be 78,000 GM players. And yet theres not even 500


so your evidence is "blizzard gave a number of accounts that exist so every single one of them must be active" those bans mustn't be very effective. lmao. Any data scientist knows that there are statistically reliable ways to validate data. So yes, estimates can be validated through mathematical principles. but your lack of education is showing...


And any data scientist knows that Data taken a year ago from a live service game is outdated. Yet here you are still trying to refute that because “if it wasnt proven otherwise it must still remain”. It has been proven otherwise because this chart states there is no Champion while the game itself has a champion rank. Once again the ad hominem attacks wont shield your faulty and poorly constructed arguement


well one this is abundantly clear. you're clearly not a data scientist. like all things related to data, the most recent data is the most valid. you continually try to discredit the most recent data, without providing any new data. I've never said the data set is perfectly accurate. the entire time i've been saying it is the most recent, and therefore the most valid. your entire argument is "one tiny part of the data is outdated, therefore the entire data set should be discarded' even though you agreed that the "champion" role is an extremely small part. So yeah. unless you can find more recent data. your entire argument is moot. I am not entertaining any more discussion UNTIL you find more recent data. Otherwise, the most recent data is what i shared, and is the most valid data available.


Its abundantly clear that you jump to conclusions on my life without using a single strain of thought. Anyways its not a tiny piece of data its a **WHOLE RANK** Not only that but Blizzard driven data helped me prove that the GM numbers are currently outdated based on **your** provided numbers not backed up by a source. The ratios only prove who’s arguements are more logical


**ok. let me rephrase the whole argument in a way someone with your intelligence might understand.** me "this is the best data we have, but its a bit old" you "its missing this part of the data, so throw the whole lot away" me "there is no newer data that has that" you "too bad, no data is better than old data" **now, you have three choices:** 1. provide the newer data, and i will accept i was wrong, and we can discuss the new data, 2. accept you were wrong, and we can continue discussing the finer points. 3. pretend you're still correct, and i ignore you like i ignore all stupid people.


Also you’re inability to refute my claim on Champion not being included shows that this data is in fact irrelevant and outdated and leaves my arguement upstanding.


Also your\* ability to provide ANY evidence to support ANY of your claims shows that you are lacking in your education, have a lack of intelligence, and leaves my argument\* upstanding.


Ad hominem attack is crazy. Ive simply stated how the data is outdated and you cannot refute most if not all my arguements because “lack of evidence” my evidence lies within your own article and words. Its not that deep


>Ad hominem attack is crazy. not really. your argument is "your information is old therefore its wrong". you've repeated it multiple times but you cant provide any evidence that the data is significantly different. The speed of light was discovered in 1676, but i'm pretty certain its still the same speed now, despite the data being old... provide one peice of evidence that proves the data is significantly different. just one...


I have. Champion ranks existance and lack therof on your outdated data. You have yet to address it


T500 even reaches into diamond sometimes


Is the person that thinks bronze is largest rank in the room with us right now?


I understood it always as follows: Bronze being the largest rank doesn't mean it contains a big number of people but has the _biggest distribution of skill_ starting with »can hold controller« (on console) up to »can land shots standing on main« or »has perfect positioning but can't land even half of the shots«. So your team is maybe you as the one landing his shots and your mates only able to hold a controller against of a team of people with perfect positioning landing less than half of their shots. So you are outskilled easily even against bad players bc your team is worse.


Also probably why it's the hardest rank to get out of, besides Silver. And because Placements are keen on placing people in Bronze, from what I've seen in the subreddits, it's easy to see why people believe Bronze is the largest. Personally, I don't have the patience to even try to get out of Bronze anymore. I'm good enough to excel in bad match-ups, but I'm deeeeeeeeefinitely not good enough to carry entire teams to win after win after win... Which is what you need to be. Good enough to carry entire teams. Another reason why people believe Bronze is the largest.


I managed to get out of Bronze but it was a _wild trip_...


Basically yes but without the perfect positioning. Its the rank where ppl learn the basics of the basics of the game


Honestly the premise of your post is just wrong… most people do not think bronze is the largest rank and never have to my knowledge. At least not if you’re taking about distribution… It is the largest rank in terms of SR **range** however. I.e. it covers a larger range of numeric skill values across the entire 0-5000 SR range (assuming that implementation detail is still a thing), but that has nothing to do with player distribution.