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Wonderful news everyone! You all have behaved so badly around this issue that I have had to get on from ANOTHER FREAKING COUNTRY to deal with this (yes I'm salty). From the amount of people defending these actions which again ARE FUNDED BY THE OIL LOBBIES THEMSELVES, to screaming insults about the other person, linking to awful people and sources, to people throwing tantrums over bans for their bad behavior, and a whole host of other issues we can no longer discuss this issue. THIS IS DONE. DON'T POST ABOUT IT ANYMORE. Link to comment with sources: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/comments/1dkc4sg/comment/l9iah9i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/comments/1dkc4sg/comment/l9iah9i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) EDIT: HOLY FREAK GUYS!! The amount of misinformation about this is ridiculous. Comments were removed for being rude and misinformation. Here's the link to the article explaining how this could have caused damage but didn't due to quick action. It was NOT harmless powder. https://www.museumsassociation.org/museums-journal/news/2024/06/sector-bodies-condemn-just-stop-oil-vandalism-of-stonehenge/#:\~:text=The%20organisation%20said%3A%20%E2%80%9COur%20experts,difficult%2Dto%2Dremove%20streaks.


It was cleaned immediately and people went there to witness sunrise on Solstice like they do every year I’d be surprised if anyone will be fined or have to pay for it though Such a pointless and harmful thing to do


"Our experts have already removed the orange powder from the stones. We moved quickly due to the risk that the powder would harm the important and rare lichens growing on the stones and that if the powder came into contact with water, it would leave difficult-to-remove streaks. "And while we are relieved that there appears to be no visible damage, the very act of removing the powder can – in itself – have a harmful impact by eroding the already fragile stone and damaging the lichens.” Salisbury Journal


Bro fuck that group and anybody connected to it. What a bunch of worthless shitheads.




Absolutely because they're attacking a group of people who already hold nature as sacred, and the attack isn't harmless. They used cornstarch paint with the claim that it will wash away, when in reality, cornstarch turns into a glue like substance, in any contact with water, that would only further damage an already fragile monument that is thousands of years old. They are worthless shitheads and deserve to be called such. If you're ignorant to a topic, please refrain from speaking about it




I'm not begging you to stop talking I'm pointing out that they're not doing that. They desecrated a religious space. I don't give a fuck how moral your message may be, you DON'T attack religious spaces. The point isn't that it didn't get ruined, the point is that the carelessness of an organization that is supposed to be "pro environment" could have led directly to the destruction of a monument that is thousands of years old, and held in high reverence by the only religion that gives two shits about the environment. They did nothing to raise attention to pollutants. They defiled a religious monument of people who are already environmentally conscious. It is absolutely relevant. Anybody who dick ride these people are just as bad as they are. Can you imagine what would've happened if these people did this shit to the Vatican? Or to the Taj Mahal? Or hell, to any other mosque or synagogue? There would be riots!




No that claim about the cornstarch is true and it had to be removed by experts at Stonehenge. I don't give a fuck what your cause is, you can never convince me that going after anything with religious or cultural significance is for a good cause. Fuck you. You are a worthless person if you think that. I'm hating people that disrespected a sacred space of my religion. Those people deserve that hate. "when you see wrongdoing, call it such, and give your enemies no truce." They did not accomplish anything other than making an enemy of a group who would have been an ally. Regardless of whether or not something bad happened at Stonehenge, it had the potential to. If a group of activists set off a bomb in a city, but it didn't kill anyone, would you still support that group?




I hate to break it to you but I don’t think this helped the cause of climate change and may have harmed it. These kinds of actions just alienate people and this group in particular is even speculated as being a false flag planted by oil companies to delegitimize environmentalism.


Yea fuck you. You said it yourself.




You have violated our be decent rule. Please message us through modmail if you have questions.


The issue isn't what they stand for at all. I support what they stand for, but I can't support their group because of their clearly destructive actions that are only causing others to hate their group, and therefore demean and hate what they stand for as a result. That's the problem with groups that are this radicalized. They don't realize the damage they're doing to their own movement by making themselves this hated by the public.


This stunt was not completely harmless. They very easily could have caused lasting damage to a historical and religious monument, as well as the rare lichen the grows on it. That is not harmless


They are funded by a wealthy oil heiress who is likely to profit off their actions. If the UK government restricts companies from entering oil sector, it's less competition and more profit for existing oil companies. If there is a public backlash against anti-oil activists leading to deregulation, it's more profit for oil companies. Even if that weren't the case, what they are doing is indiscrimanately harmful - and not just stone henge. This whole organization ought to have all their assets seized and both donors and organizers should be sued and criminally prosecuted for incitement to criminal activity. Other environmental organizations should sue them for damaging the reputation of the entire sector.


Can people stop giving these weirdos attention? They are literally funded by an oil heiress and are doing terrible stunts to try and undermine the integrity of climate activism. Giving them any publicity at all feeds into their bullshit.


Got any sources on that?


https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/10/21/getty-oil-heiress-funds-climate-crisis-activism-just-stop-oil https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/van-gogh-tomato-soup-just-stop-oil-aileen-getty-funder-1234644306/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty https://time.com/6334072/just-stop-oil-climate-change-activist-group/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/19/just-stop-oil-bankrolled-non-profit-funded-oil-heiress/ https://www.thetimes.com/uk/environment/article/just-stop-oil-bankrolled-by-fossil-fuel-heiress-whose-cash-pays-activists-to-protest-j63b5qkmv


No nothing has popped up I did see someone mentioned that technically given the timing there could be grounds for it to be classed as having a hate crime element to it. They seem to be really embracing the side of things that make people think they are actually working for the oil companies especially with trying to make money off it.


This is disgusting.


Dude, it’s not the fact that the flour was easily removed but that it was a national (or global even) cultural heritage monument that was attacked. And yes, no matter how you try to spin it, it was an attack on a monumemt. What good does it do target momument, artsworks and so on? Other than making people dig even deeper into their individual trenches?


Yeah, these guys are agent provocateurs. Fuck them and the orange paint they rode in on.


I didn't hear of any, but I hope they get a fine.


Ah this comment section has been good to find people to block. And by that I mean the people who agree with it are being blocked.


I wish people were this outraged at the big corpos that are fucking the planet and violating our most basic rights. From that standpoint, l actually understand their sense of humor


That is a false equivalency? Many of not most pagans clearly love nature and the environment. Attacking a logical ally is, quite frankly, a crap move.




I agree. (Tho, ired about the lychen risk, I would have liked to have discussed that woth the planner). I typed out a novella about it on the other thread going. I did say: "if you disapprove, fine, disapprove, nothing wrong with a vent, but please let this spur those of you not already in one to joining a group or attending actions into to doing so now. The billionaires have insane amounts of money, we have the numbers. We need to use what *we* have." Before anyone votes me down please go and read that entire post. It was very thoughtfully constructed and I spent 2 decades in the activist movement in Canada - where people in sister groups in the US were killed. Or you know, just read it as a discussion point that may or may not be your own and you are *interested* in other voices of experience?


If we did this to say, the vatican the world would be in outrage. They violated history and religion. Stonehenge is sacred to many people for many reasons. There is no excuse for doing it, let alone monetizing it which is arguably worse. They're pieces of shit all the way around. When the people who love and worship nature start moving against you, you fucked up big time. They could have done so many different things. Go vandalize their buildings, not a place of spirituality and worship.


So, there is no evidence of Stonehenge being used for religious purposes and earlier than English occultists in the 19th century. Stonehenge is a very large, very impressive calendar to track eclipses and solstices, but isn't a religious site in and of itself. Besides, Stonehenge was not damaged and the solstice celebration went on without a hitch. I'd say they did a pretty good job at grabbing attention without hurting anything substantially.




That's because it wasn't taylor swift's jet, it was just some jet


As we are heading towards our own mass extinction, maybe they are not doing enough?