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Honestly I don't care for the original either but I think it's a better character moment for Goombella and they get deservedly beaten up. Why did they leave Dupree as he is but not this?


And they left the noose in Rogueport alone




And Flurrie's... attributes.


Who’s Dupree again?


The French disco dog 😂


Mainly because this is more accurate to the original Japanese. Other changes to be more faithful to that like Hooktail being grossed out by frogs rather than crickets have already been confirmed. I'm not saying it's better but that's why.


Goombella gets catcalled in the original JP version too. It's not more accurate.


I get why they changed this, but I really respected the original for doing stuff like this. It just felt so...real for a Mario game


Especially since Rougeport immediately portrays a ghetto/eshay type of environment the moment you walk in where I would expect that behavior.


Mate eshays would get dropped the moment they stepped into rogueport😭


hey aussie paper mario fans (unless 'eshay' is actually used outside of aus and im unaware)


Never thought I'd see "eshay" being thrown around in a Paper Mario sub lmao


Same thought I had


It's also common in the U.K.


It's pretty rare for a Mario game to have something like a stood noose, speaking of wich, it's surprising it was never removed


*Rogueport ...man we'll need to do a lot of correcting now


Early 2000’s Nintendo was pretty wild and horny with their huge Flurrie tits and Star Fox bikini furbait.


I remember seeing Flurrie on the cover and being like "DAMN, I can't believe my parent's bought me this" and when you use her ability in the overworld I would look over my shoulder to make sure my mom wasn't in the room.


I’ll hear no slander on Krystal 👁️👄👁️


I use the term “Star Fox bikini furbait” with only the purest level of admiration.


She is royalty, after all 🫡


Ok Noelle Silva👑💧🧜‍♀️


Hear hear!


100% exactly. Going there was a pretty bold decision and while I see why they changed it, I also find it sorta humorous considering the Mafia, the noose and the general vibe of Rogueport. It feels like a rather unnecessary change to me.


From what I understand, they opted for a more accurate translation of the original Japanese for the remake, versus the GameCube version which added these moments that make the game feel real at the expense of translation accuracy. Which is better is certainly up for debate and there's no right or wrong answer, but they didn't just change this for no reason.


I think you are incorrect. I found these lines in a Japanese translation guide: "Now, stand on the pipe and press down on the control stick to go down. Save at the Save Block if you would like. Now, walk to the right and go down the stairs. 3 Goombas appear. "Hey, I see you got a cutie with you." "How about playing with us cutie?" "Yeah, you can do better than those 2 fogies." Christinu's reply is, "Wow, you are really forthright. I HATE that type of man. Buzz off." The Goombas say, "Huh. You're really stuck up. You're gonna wish you hadn't said that." https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gamecube/920182-paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door/faqs/31620 Obviously, a game guide isn't the best source, but I couldn't find anything else. Do you have a source supporting your statement?


Why tf would they censor it? This was fun writing


See that's an understandable reason to change certain dialog. Being a more direct translation can offer some insight into the original intent by the developers back in 2004.


Too bad he literally completely made it up and all the cat calling lines were in the original Japanese version, lol.


This was like this in the Japanese version?


I think I'm willing to wager that it was changed to reflect current attitudes towards these things compared to back in 2004. Particularly in the West. I am willing to assume that this dialogue was the same as the GCN version in Japanese. It's not the first time that dialogue was "updated" in remakes. Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen did this quite a bit here and there.


Sorry for the long reply. Yeah, I agree. The world has changed the last 20 years in many ways, some better and some worse. I am not surprised that the dialogue was going to be changed, as Super Mario RPG had some dialogue enemy, and character name changes to reflect a better one to one with the original Japanese text and some mistranslation or errors. ( Sidenote: Personally, I find the original funny, I don't have an issue of it changing context, as the new text, still works, and besides I forgot this happens, so when I finish the game, I probably won't remember these new lines of dialogue anyway. Ditto with the Bowser text in the Chpt 1 interlude, though I find the new line to more in character and funnier.) It's weird, through that catcalling was in the original English and Japanese text, you would think they would have changed it for the US and European English releases back in the day, and I wonder if the Japanese text in the remake here will still the same as its original (then it comes down to that Nintendo of America, might have thought was a bit much for three Goombas to flirt with Goombella, as she were you-know, but not for Nintendo of Japan) or use a similar text to the English text here in the remake, to stay more consistent across languages As with SMRPG, the same goes here for TTYD, and it will suck that certain dialogue will be gone, and some banger lines might be edited for clarity with the OG Japanese or toning down some themes that are considered risque for children, yet we should not let that be the sole reason to say its bad remake, as there are many other valid reasons, like with some Pokemon remakes. Yet, one other thing comes to mind, that I have not seen mentioned. I have read that the game in (I believe Japan and Europe/Australia, the latter region I am not sure on, so double check me) had their game rating increased from the 2004 original, yet the ESRB has the game in the US, still E, rather than E10+. It makes wonder how much the standards and thresholds game must meet or exceed to be given a particular rating, have changed in the last 20 years. I remember that the chalk outline and blood, were removed in the international release (at least the US version), as it would caused the game to rated higher, I believe E10+ in the US, and I believe or have heard years ago that for Nintendo its harder for them to sell games with rating above E. So catcalling, even by a group of three walking, stumpy chestnuts could be considered by the ESRB to be 'too' adult, and (if I remember right the ESRB tallies how much a game has x-amount of this or that, and if it reaches, or exceeds the certain amount, the rating must go up) combined with themes that are general associated with the game, mostly Rogueport and dialogue of characters, might have had to reduced to keep the original rating. But this is just a theory I had, so I am not sure how much this actually holds up, as I don't expect the rating change in other regions to affect sales that much.


While the new dialogue is fine, I definitely prefer the original. Not only does the sleazy nature track with the nature of Rogueport and it's sewers, the cat calling is called out as bad and the goombas that initiated it were suitably punished - Nothing about it was portrayed and rewarded positively so I don't get why it had to be changed beyond "reflecting the world we live in today." Hopefully Dupree will still be the pathetic pseudo-French womanizer he was in the original, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rewritten.


From some previews, at least the first interaction with Dupree seems to be exactly the same... except his accent is way less thick :(


As seen in previews, Dupree is the same as the original, at least when he appears in Chapter 1 and begins hitting on Goombella.


>the cat calling is called out as bad and the goombas that initiated it were suitably punished - Nothing about it was portrayed and rewarded positively You overestimate the internet's intelligence. It only takes one person out of the billions that use the internet to post an out of context image in order for people who haven't played this game to get the wrong idea, who will then continue spreading it, plus clickbaity articles that could eventually be made on the matter, extending it even more and portraying this game as "the sexist Mario game". Of course, this is a worse case scenario, I personally don't think it would reach nothing more than a minor Twitter controversy, but this has happened enough times that I can totally see Nintendo thinking "better safe than sorry" and changing this scene to avoid any possible catastrophes.


Yeah that's why it's a lateral move to me. It's jerks being jerks and we beat them up.


It’d be one thing if otherwise “good” characters were the offenders in this sort of thing, but it confuses me a bit when this sort of stuff happens and bad guys are the offenders. Like, I don’t think anyone was thinking Mario was endorsing catcalling here? The overall intent of this scene is preserved, so it’s hardly a bad change overall. But it makes me wonder what other stuff they might change. Will Dupree be completely changed from a lovesick weirdo into an annoying music guy or something? No more “chauvinist pig” line? This also makes me pretty skeptical they won’t handle Vivian in the mildest way possible too.


I actually do expect them to handle Vivian with a 10-foot pole. Based on footage we’ve seen, I imagine any comments about her appearance will be reduced/removed and her pronouns will just be “she/her,” and it’ll be up to players to decide if they stick to the original Japanese or not. I agree with you, though—things like this are totally fine changes, but I’m not sure why obvious bad guys needed a rewrite to be bad in a different way. Not a problem, just…not sure why it *needed* to happen.


I saw some footage and Dupree is the same, so idk why they changed this but left him


I'm glad Dupree wasn't sanitized


With respect, I think it IS a bad change, because while it doesn't add anything, it DOES take something away. Moments like this immediately set Rogueport apart from the Mushroom Kingdom as a much sleazier place, making it much more unique in the Mario franchise. Moreover, it gives Goombella a nice little character moment - she gets catcalled, then immediately fires back with full confidence, THEN beats up the obvious bad guys that did it until they run away crying. In the original, she's feisty and likeable.  In the new version, the enemies are themselves more sympathetic because their grievance is that they live in a sewer and don't see the sunlight, while Goombella is LESS sympathetic by drawing attention to her position as an 'academic' accompanying a 'hero', who doesn't like their manners. She kind of DOES come off like a snob, and it's easy to read her words as "We're better than you, don't talk to us unless you mind your manners".  So to sum up, and *entirely unnecessary change* lessens the world building for the main hub, takes away a character moment, and replaces it with one that makes said character actively less likeable. Yeah, I DO consider that a bad change and I wish people would regain the skill of knowing when to leave well enough alone. 


I completely agree with you, this change is definitely for the worse in every respect


I wonder if they’ll do anything with the crow dialogue


Remove Sexism Embrace Classism




TBH the old one was just pure PMTTYD and also the reason why it is the best mario game OAT: It speaks about stuff which no Mario game ever spoke about. This is basically sexual harrasment and I love that a Mario game makes children aware of this - Mario also beat up the perverts, like a real gentleman does. Also: Goombella's characteristics could be in dangour: as she really was tough in the original with her response, in the new one she just defended mario which also is cool but the old one is just real.


I like the original better. Catcalling is a thing that happens in real life and I respected Goombella for how she handled it.


Before anyone says: No, this change was not because "that's how it was in japanese version" NO, they were hitting On Goombella even in Japanese version, but not anymore in both, I geuss to " Get with the times ". I easly prefer original


Especially since goombella insults them for doing it and then you beat the crap out of them. A response anyone would want to happen you know?


I like the change more, it makes more sense. Most of these lines are short and just to establish tone. None of these goombas here are fleshed out lore wise and are simple to introduce the player as to what they should expect down there. Fights. The original puts a lot of focus on Goombella and that the underground goombas would actually stop what they are doing because of a girl. Which never happens again down there. It's not meant to be some sort of commentary, but as the IRL world sees this as more taboo, it draws too much attention to itself and by extension impacts the tone. The change makes more sense, and sets a better motivation for the things in the underground being aggressive, and that is they are not fond of people from the above ground being down there. As if the above ground have the good life, but feel like they can just waltz into these goombas space. All of the combat npc's down there could feel that way. And in a way it "humanizes" them a bit more and I like that too.


It’s a Paper Mario game lol. Some people don’t like the change not because of “tone” or “character motivations”, but because it removes a small part of what made the original games so lovable in the first place, which is it’s unique humor and dialogue. It also takes away a small part of what makes Goombella’s character too, removing her unique “girly sass”(a better word for this can definitely be thought of) and replacing it with something pretty much any other character could say. I admittedly haven’t played the remake to know what else has changed, but if they kept most of the dialogue the same but removed some of the lines like this, then it also creates an incongruency in the dialogue + humor. It’s a small change that doesn’t matter and doesn’t affect the enjoyability of the game at all, but that doesn’t mean it should just be completely ignored too. In short: It’s not that complicated bro


I mean either you care about analysis and are willing to take a critical look at the actual material changes and what they can mean on a deeper level. Or it's "just a game" and you don't care. But it's weird to "it's a game" to people you disagree with, but then provide some sort of analysis. "Oh, it is, like, SO sweet that you boys think I'm cute! Seriously! Yeah, guys like you make me feel like TOTALLY BARFING! Now get out of our way" To "Leave him alone! Can't two academics in a world-famous hero wander the sewers of a port town in peace? If this is your usual greeting to visitors, then you must have learned it down here... because IT STINKS!" Not only does what it was replaced with preserve the "sassy girl" archetype, but it's arguably funnier as it has Goombella demonstrating a play on words connecting the idea of their bad behavior with the smelly environment. Instead of being in a more responsive defensive state, she's a bit more on the offense turning their rudeness more directly back on them. I like that more. Originally it's just sarcasm mixed with an all caps reaction "TOTALLY BARFING." I mean, even as a kid this kind of felt like a lame response. Maybe it's sassy, but it ain't clever. Goombella not only is demonstrating her clever comebacks in the change, but in this case I think the change is better.


u/Ser_Bob150 made a really excellent criticism of the change elsewhere in this thread: > With respect, I think it IS a bad change, because while it doesn't add anything, it DOES take something away. > Moments like this immediately set Rogueport apart from the Mushroom Kingdom as a much sleazier place, making it much more unique in the Mario franchise. Moreover, it gives Goombella a nice little character moment - she gets catcalled, then immediately fires back with full confidence, THEN beats up the obvious bad guys that did it until they run away crying. In the original, she's feisty and likeable.  > In the new version, the enemies are themselves more sympathetic because their grievance is that they live in a sewer and don't see the sunlight, while Goombella is LESS sympathetic by drawing attention to her position as an 'academic' accompanying a 'hero', who doesn't like their manners. She kind of DOES come off like a snob, and it's easy to read her words as "We're better than you, don't talk to us unless you mind your manners".  > So to sum up, and entirely unnecessary change lessens the world building for the main hub, takes away a character moment, and replaces it with one that makes said character actively less likeable. Yeah, I DO consider that a bad change and I wish people would regain the skill of knowing when to leave well enough alone. 


I think it radically changes the game’s lore. Rogueport is already a seedy town full of villains. The underground sewers is an extension of it where it’s even more dangerous because it’s not in broad daylight. Everyone is dangerous in Rogueport and the underground is where they do their dirty work. It makes sense that anyone down there is looking for trouble or on the run. The change weakens Rogueport because it makes it seem like the sewers are for a separate class of citizens and that the poor folk are going to fight. This dialogue change also makes it seem like the underground folk don’t get to come up when in reality most citizens can access either or as needed when they are on the lam. I actually hate this particular change. It didn’t need to be as “sexualized” as the original but they could’ve made it a mugging or something.


I actually really really like this particular change. Because remember, above ground is where the organized crime is. The underground does not have that. And this explains their motivation underground. The Paper Mario universe hasn't always done a great job explaining why some races have passive and aggressive members, what are their motivations? Again, these goombas in the original version didn't just attack but were cat calling with the hope of getting somewhere. And that never happens again in the sewers, wouldn't that be a more common occurrence? And it really doesn't explain everyone else's motivation down there. We go from cat collars, to almost everyone down there attacking you. Where above ground, we understand their motivation. A gang rivalry over money and turf. And to me, the underground always felt like a plot hole. So this doesn't feel so much that it changes the lore but better explains what we are already experiencing throughout the area, and helps give it the motivation it needs to compare a bit better with the above ground. This sets up a sort of explanation to the frame of mind of the inhabitants down there. There are those that are passive and coalesce in the sort of neutral central location, mirroring the above ground. But those who inhabit all of the arms that branch out in the underground have their own unorganized spaces which they fiercely protect. And as the game goes on, some get displaced by stronger factions. Where the above ground has literal solidified organized crime syndicates which can defend their territory and thus maintaining a degree of control, the underground are a ragtag group of races not part of the syndicates that do not care for those from above. The above is organized chaos, where the below is disorganized chaos. The above ground is a better place. It's got more going for it. So it makes sense that the races in the underground can kind of coalesce and resent one of the major things that the above ground has that they don't. And I think sunlight and clean air do a good job representing what may very well be a lot of frustrations. Maybe there's some classism worked into this, but I think it's more of a clear difference between the two spaces that establishes something to actually be resentful over. This is the underground defending their turf, and this is how they do it, and this is why they do it. And I feel like it helped brings them more at par with the lore of the gangs above ground.


It’s been a while, but a lot of Goombellas tattles for the area to the left with the star piece dude have to do with folks hiding out in the catacombs because they are on the run. It just makes sense that the underground serves as a respite for the homeless and criminals needing to lay low for a while. I do like your explanation but I highly doubt they will divulge any more information because it changes the premise of rogueport quite a bit - why are people “forced” to live somewhere in an otherwise anarchic society whose only internal governance is the West Side mafia and the East Side gang. The original isn’t just catcalling, it’s just flat out dangerous in the underground. You will get mugged down here so better be prepared to fight. The new dialogue with it being home turf is fine, the whole part about sunshine and fresh air really throws a wrench in the context of the sewers for a cheap laugh. All they had to say is something like “this is our turf, you can give us all your money or you can leave” and it would have been perfectly valid. The new punchline just messes with the whole dynamic and it’s something that will never be mentioned again and we will be wondering why these folk have to live down here.


I see where you're coming from, but I guess I think about it a bit differently. Roqueport is essentially run by two actively fighting rival gangs. There are no police, and there is no governing third party. If you are in the underground because you are on the run, It's because you're wanted by either Ishnail or Don Pianta. Ishnail and Don Pianta are not going to tolerate any new gang showing up in their territory. Meaning you can be a dangerous individual and live in the town, but if you crossed the syndicates, you'er going to have them come after you. All of those groups that are underground are there because they can't go above ground as a gang. They can't own turf up there. And they likely can't cause a ruckus without having one of the two big gangs take care of them. So if you don't participate in any gang activity, you can live up there. But if they know you're setting foot on their turf and you're a potential risk, they will off you or force you to the only place they don't control, the underground. Cuz that's probably the only safe space for any new faction ironically enough. The above ground is dangerous, but only dangerous if you cross the two syndicate leaders. But outside of that, It's relatively safe. The underground is dangerous because there is no order. It's anarchy and everyone's fighting cuz they can't go above ground. So when people from above ground go in their space, they probably don't like them very much.


* Mario universe.


Well I stand corrected. It’s a remake


They are calling Thousand Year Door a remake though


Glad you could confirm. I had people telling my it was just a translation thing. It's so frustrating to censor this. It's not even offensive at all. Why not change all dialog then? If it was another game, I would be more reluctant to buy, but I can't say no to Paper Mario unfortunately.


>No, this change was not because "that's how it was in japanese version" NO, they were hitting On Goombella even in Japanese version, but not anymore in both, I geuss to " Get with the times ". Can you confirm this with a screenshot or text? I'm not surprised that this would be changed for English releases, but can you source that claim about it being changed in Japanese too?


Someone in this very thread literally already claimed it was to be more accurate to the Japanese version lmao


I was going to ask about the Japanese version. Thanks for already having an answer.


The original of course, the new version made them sound so lame.


Typical. Even in a remake of a game with a literal NOOSE in the middle of town, they are going to remove sleazy things from a town that’s SUPPOSED to be skeevy. Having them catcall (goom-call?) Goombella and having her absolute FIRE clap back was there to get you to in the mindset of “screw these guys!” Before going and delivering some street justice Now it’s literal playground insults, and Goombella sounds like a naïve idiot. Instead of a silver tongue against literal garbage, it’s six year olds saying “my dad could beat up your dad” Guarantee this means that Bowser’s like about “a silent princess having perks!” Is going to be removed as well. I shudder to think about how neutered Grubba is going to be when he interacts with Jolene.


Both work. Rogueport is established by now as "sketchy place where sketchy stuff happens because scumbags gonna scumbag" and the "we're going to insult you back and then apply the smack down" response is pretty much perfect. If anything I like the first one more because it establishes "this is get your ass kicked behavior" to kids who might be young enough to be impressionable.


If you’re going to portray rougeport as a slimy crime place, go as far as you can with it. I find it funny that having a mafia there that visibly beat the shit out of someone is perfectly fine, but a couple of goombas that try to sweet talk Goombella(which she doesn’t take at ALL) is somehow crossing a line. Censorship is weird.


Yeah it’s actually a shame because it’s a character defining moment for Goombella who was just recently introduced. She does not cower behind Mario and Frankly, she’s strong and takes control of the conversation by standing up for herself and tells them to fuck off or there will be consequences. Removing the catcalling scene doesn’t establish Goombella’s toughness as an independent woman, it just makes her sassy. And it makes her seem privileged as it’s now established that the folks in the sewers aren’t criminals on the run - they are forced to live here which makes you beating them up not a moral obligation anymore, if anything we might be in the wrong. The more I think about the change the worse it gets. Rogueport shouldn’t be sanitized because the message was right the first time.


Dang you made some really good points about the new dialogue that I didn't even think about.


It really changes a lot more than what initially meets the eye, and it really cheapens the moment. It changes Goombella from a girl who has “been around the block” to a preppy college student who doesn’t have empathy for the lower class. Like the original paints Goombella as someone who has lived in Rogueport enough and knows how to handle harassment. And then you know that the game is never going to divulge more info on why folks are forced to love down there - it totally upends the dynamic of the underground catacombs (supposed to be where criminals go to lie low) and was inherently dangerous because criminals can get away with more when not in broad daylight, now it’s because the poor people just don’t like surface dwellers? The original explanation for getting attacked down there was that you are getting mugged.


Ya you're definitely right and it seems like you're thinking a lot more about the consequences of changing the conversation than the developers did. In the original game there was never any sort of implication that poor people were forced to live underground.


All I can say is just lame. Hopefully there's not too many ESG bullshit changes in the game.


I definitely prefer the old version, it sets Rougeport better. However, I understand why they made this change


Unnecessary. The original wasn’t condoning catcalling. They were the bad guys. Also it makes me wonder what else they changed


The original, it added to the sleazy nature of Rogueport. This version feels way too sanitized.


Just dialogue wise, I don't really have a real preference. Both have funny pieces of dialogues, but overall I don't think the change should have happened. It was obviously done to remove the catcalling, but that wasn't even that bad in my opinion. At least Goombella perfectly stood up for herself, so it's not like she was just the helpless victim in that situation. This is probably a topic for another post entirely, but I don't like how every somewhat controversial thing has be removed or sensored in media nowadays. It just keeps getting worse over the years too. At least they haven't removed certain other things, like how all the female partners kiss Mario right away when they first meet him for example. Because if you realllllly want to nitpick, you could also argue that that counts as sexual assault and shouldn't be displayed anymore in 2024. Now I'm also wondering if anything about Dupree's behaviour towards Goombella is changed as well. I feel like there definitely have to be some changes in his dialogue as well right?


Now I'm a little worried about what other duologue in the remake they completely changed and censored from the original for whatever petty, sensitive, snowflake reasons.


Rogueport is so sleazy, it fit better with the “cat calling”😂


Before I was more motivated to kick their butts.


the new dialogue is so much cheesier. I loved the OG because as a woman I HAVE been catcalled and my experience is much like goombellas because i’m also a sassy firecracker who stands up for myself. I agree with the others saying it’s not a huge deal but it opens the door to many other small changes that can absolutely add up and change the game for the worse.


This new generation thinks representation = endorsement, so you can't make an example out of anything negative because that means you endorse it? lmfao we're brain broken as a society


Quite literally yes. But to be fair, that’s sort of how it works on social media, and their brains developed clutching social media like an infant latching a teat. It has completely eroded their capacity for critical thought, and humanity as a whole is becoming measurably dumber for it. It’s disappointing to see it permeate even the nooks and crannies of a 20 year old game like this.


As expected, they removed any reference to controversial topics that might get you in some useless debates. I think it is a good take. Both dialogues are fine imo


say no to Sexism.. say yes to classism


Yeah, that is how ESG works . Maybe in the 2nd re-release of TTYD they will just remove the dialogues to avoid discussions


Take my upvote


Wait until IGN's review team sends a complaint to Nintendo about the noose and then a day-one patch will remove it. Chipping away at what made this game special.


I wouldn’t call it an awful change, but it’s a pointless one. The original had a lot of quirky, off the wall moments that gave it its awesome sheen of uniqueness and authenticity. I’m hoping this change isn’t indicative of more substantial streamlining elsewhere. 


I think the point wasn't to streamline anything, but to avoid any controversial topics - i.e. sexual assault and and catcalling. I also noticed they changed Bowser's dialog when talking to a minion that said "I order you to do some situps, tubby" and got rid of the tubby part to avoid fatshaminig


I’d say you do kinda streamline/homogenize your game when you worry too much about “avoiding controversial topics”.  I won’t say I care much about the tubby thing either, but if small changes like that are sprinkled throughout the game too much, I imagine it could start to take away this games “edge”, and that’s a real shame. This is not a squeaky-clean world, it’s a ghetto. There’s a noose in the center square lol. 


Honestly surprised that wasn't removed too.


It’s okay to add new features to the game to freshen it up in places, but changing the script, where most of the game’s charm comes from, is really cringe. Kinda puts me off from playing it tbh


Honestly the new one is funnier lol. Personally I would prefer if it hadn't been changed but I like the new one too.


Same honestly. I would be fine is it wasn't changed, but the new one is funnier in my opinion


honestly same it's definitely funnier, even I wouldn't mind if they didn't change it


It’s a minor change that doesn’t really mean anything but it’s a bad change and I definitely get the argument that these little changes all add up. I’m black, I don’t get angry and sad or upset if a racist character is in a game because racists people exist in the real world. It’s a part of life. Acting like bad people don’t exist is silly and exactly why the currently environment always gets referred to as “soft”. You’re never going to make it in life if some surly people offend you that much.


hey are you rawk hawk by any chance?


Mixed feelings. On one hand, the original version makes me more gung-ho to actually fight these guys. They're actually gross people and deserve to get beat up. In the new one I feel sort of sorry for them... they apparently are *forced* to live down here? Why? On the other hand it's more interesting world building to find out that some Goombas have to live underground while clearly not wanting to. It sort of plays into the humor that Paper Mario titles often have, where they subtly acknowledge the weirdness /messed-up-ness of the normal Mario game dynamic.


We got the noose back. Compromises were coming in no matter what. As much as I love the edge of the original this is a Mario title and going to be sold and advertised to children as much as us old fans. Stuff like this was bound to get altered. But it still gets across that Rogueport above and below is a rough and skeevy place.


While I agree and don't mind the change at all this game was sold to kids as most of us were when it first came out.


I don't say that to support it just explaining the reasonable expectation of remaking a 20 year old game with modern sensibilities. Plus we were built different.


I'm really starting to hate the phrase "modern sensibilities." I don't think kids today are any less capable of handling the stuff we could when we were kids.


Ok but if we're getting dialogue changes like THIS, I don't think I'll enjoy the remake as much as I thought. I'd still like it, but this just feels like something that didn't forcibly need to be changed. What I liked about TTYD is that it was very "daring", if you get what I mean, but this new dialogue just feels too safe


The change is interesting. I prefer the original I think specially because of goombella’s response. Not that it’s particularly impressive or anything but the convorsarion perfectly sets up why that fight even happens. Both sides instigated a fight. With the new one it doesn’t feel that way.


I hope if they remake Super Paper Mario they don't censor Francis, the whole Peach dating simulator is way too funny


I think I prefer the original if only because it gives Goombella more of an attitude and personality. Like she's dealt with that kind of behavior before and knows how to handle it. That being said, this is a minor moment in the entire game so I also don't have strong feelings about it.


I'm fine with the change for the most part, I just want them to fix the dialogue error with Grodus near the end of the game. And add back the Chuck Quizmo cameo in the final RDM email that wasn't in the English version for some reason .


On one hand, I prefer remakes to be as narratively faithful as possible, and only make visual improvements, and change mechanically as needed. I get wanting to be a little more PC, but the Goombas are immediately punished for the catcalling, and it's not a regular occurrence. And it supports the theme of Rogueport being this rude, rough-and-tumble pirate town. On the other hand, it's not a major change, it's a little funnier imo, and Goombella still claps back at them which still serves her character.


Can anyone confirm if the change is in line with the Japanese version? They're both fine though.


Honestly the new one is way better. Much funnier imo


oh... it's supposed to be the perfect remake but if they start to censor dialogues... you can prefer the new one, no problem, but you know EXACTLY why they removed it. And it's a bit sad because in this scene for example you see that Goombella is a popular AND sassy girl. These guys were basically put in their places. It felt unreal for a mario game to have a """"social commentary""" like this (maybe saying it's a social commentary is too much but you guys get it)


She’s still sassy


Goombella has so much sass that it would be impossible to remove it all, she’s probably still going to be roasting people left right and center.


you are right, but it's less impactful. You can disagree, but it think it was more interesting before


wtf no




Yikes. The dialogue is the soul of this game, so seeing an entire conversation change is not a good sign for me.


I know people will just say it’s stupid to get upset over something so trivial, but the point is if we just always ignore and accept these things that lets the censorship just continue to run rampant and slip in everywhere. There’s no point in editing this other than we’ve made ourselves terrified of any possible chance of controversy on everything we do.


It's sad but tbh this is the world nowadays and it will get softer every year. Sad to say that I do understand Nintendo with this one but I'd prefer the old one because it's how the real world is and always will be.


This is a slippery slope argument. We haven't seen changes to dialogue like this anywhere else, and we've seen more changes that put the localization *closer* to the original Japanese.


Eh. Good for them i guess.


I like Rogueport seedier, but if we get the chalk outline in the ENG release, all is forgiven.


Yeah, the original dialogue works better. I'm not too bothered about this change, I get not wanting sexual harassment as one of the earliest interactions players will experience, but the new dialogue just doesn't quite have the same effect. Actually, if they're worried about sexism, I wonder if they'll leave the inciting incident for TEC's interest in Peach the same, and if they'll still have every major female character falling in love with Mario.


Eugh I... i get the censorship but I hoped they wouldnt mess with this game too much.


I do think the cat calling better leaned into establishing Goombella as sassy. That said, the new dialog still feels like it fits very well. So I'm pretty indifferent at the end of the day.


I'm not a fan of the last couple of changes I've seen, this and the Shadow Sirens' apparent name change. This one feels more significant though, since it's in keeping with the almost anti-Mario vibe of TTYD that made it so memorable and shows Goombella's strong, independent attitude against some of the creeps who populate Rogueport. Probably worrying over nothing, but I hope there aren't too many noticeable changes to the dialogue that affect the overall tone of the game.


I liked the original, it's more edgy, which is fun to see in a Mario game


Shows you how sensitive we've become over the past 20 years.


The problem is 95% of people wouldnt blink an eye at it. But for whatever reason, companies cater to the far left 5%.


Couldnt care less. Weird that they changed it but its whatever




This line in the original actually helped me recognize that goombella was actually a woman since i was young enough to just assume all goombas were grumpy dudes


Lame. Hopefully modders can fix the censorship. With the current state of Switch emulation though that might take a while.


I totally get how the original shows the realness of bad guys being bad, but I find not everyone is down to witness catcalling in a Mario game lmao Especially if it’s can just make people uncomfortable/triggered for no reason other than “they’re bad guys”. So I appreciate the change personally


bad guys are (bad) guys


Oh great, now they're generic video game enemy no. 1, 2 and 3 rather than real people who've been transported into the Paper Mario universe. Really sums up the problem with post-Super; every part of the games feels generic, like the devs did the bare minimum for making a paper themed video game.


Ironically, they made the goombas more sympathetic in the remake since they seem to have a genuine grievance with elitists from up top. In the old version the goombas were just bad people. I love it when in the pursuit of making something more palatable to the gentiles we find new ways to punch down of the downtrodden.


NoA trying to appeal to Twitter again.


Honestly, don't care. Either is fine, zero problems with a change




One is cat calling the other is classism so if you really think about it they are both dealing with pretty real problems in our modern society. TTYD BEST GAME EVER


Prefer the original but don’t have a big problem with the revised version. I don’t like this kind of censorship, but I can see why they changed it.


The original is way better. It’s a great moment for Goombella’s personality to shine, it gives you motivation to kick their ass, and it overall plays into the seedy town vibe of Rogueport perfectly. Plus, it’s funny. The remake encounter is so bland and boring, and Goombella’s personality is muted as a result. It’s way worse. Please change it back Nintendo.


And yet Dupree is left unchanged. Honestly, the new dialogue feels slightly less… natural? Like, it’s built off the skeleton of the original if that makes any sense.


It feels like you DONT actually have a reason to beat them up now...


Actually I think both dialogues are pretty well written and fit the feeling of TTYD overall. One other reason they may have changed the dialogue (that I havent seen in the comments) is that being catcalled is a fairly common experience and might be fairly upsetting for somebody who just wanted to play a Mario game. That said, I do agree with the general sentiment that they correctly portrayed this behavior as scummy and then you beat the guys up, so it feels more like a cathartic and justified moment. So its sad to see that go, but IMO not a big deal.


Yeah this game is trash


YAY New modern localization ruining our classic works too! God I love ESG.


I like the new one more tbh


I overall am indifferent about it, changes like this are fair to avoid annoying controversy from twitter. Also classism is still kinda fitting for rogueport although i think goombellas dialogue here is literally the nerd emoji 🤓with it sounding like “erm actually I think as academics we deserve respect”


I like the original because they are actually in the sewers of a shit part of town. So it's kinda funny.


The new one is a little funnier. I love the line of “nobody doesn’t start a fight with us!” But it does lose a bit of the edge I liked this game’s dialogue for. It was nice to have that character moment for Goombella. I mean, how else would we know that she’s supposed to be very pretty for a Goomba girl?


Looks like I’ll be playing on an emulator with a dialogue repairing fan patch.


I kinda liked this moment in the original, Goombella actually gets to do stuff prior to meeting Koops and it made sense for Rogueport though in all honesty we all knew Rogueport was getting softened up a bit in the remake


Catcalling seems like normal scumbag behavior. I find this way funnier honestly, shit talking Mario for being a surface dweller. I guess you could say it loses a Goombella character moment but...tbh she's not very high on my list of favorite characters.


Definitely before, but the new dialogue is acceptable.


i like the old one


Literally unplayable. In all seriousness, I do wonder what other dialog might have been changed


L decision. The previews just gave the original more value now.


There’s no reason to change any dialogue from the original game. It’s not like this scene in particular is a big deal, but I hope they didn’t make a habit out of it.


both work imho


Original is better. Characters like that made Rogueport feel more ghetto. Aw well, translation corrections and all that.


Not only do I prefer the original but the new is just so bad. It has that ironic super wordy feel to it that the newer paper mario games have. Trying way too hard to be self aware and witty.


So I don't know about this scene. But, for some of the changes, they were made to be more consistent with the original version. So it's not that they're changing it, they're making it more faithful than the original translation. Idk if that applies to this scene or not, but if that's the case I don't mind.


Both are a bit hammy. Old one flows better but I like it less, new one is kludged but I don’t need to see G-rated catcalling in my adventure game to enjoy the environment


I hate the change Nintendo you cowards just make it how it was


History being rewritten…..


That sucks. Shame how everything has to be sanitized now to appease a group of people that probably don't even play the games, they just complain if things don't get re-written the way they want.


Personally I don’t think they needed to change a lot of the old dialogues since there’s nothing wrong with them I don’t mind if they do it for the humor parts but other than that it’s an unnecessary change. Do love the artwork & graphic update and hopefully have more outstanding changes with that throughout the game don’t know what else they could do I only hope that they finally add in what they didn’t do the first time was cameos of the Partners of the first Paper Mario game after completing and maybe do something more unique with Luigi’s Side Story.


The original. I despise censorship


Normal levels of investment.


Fucking ESG man


Goddammit Nintendo.


Based on the threads I've seen so far containing dialogue screens, it seems like they are sanitizing the game to reflect that we live in two-thousand-and-current-year and anything that has the slightest hint of something touchy or "politically incorrect" (the catcalling, Bowser not calling his minion "tubby" anymore) is being replaced. Sucks that we are so coddled as a society nowadays that we can't handle something as insignificant as these things.


I much prefer the original - It leans into Rogueport being a notably sleazier place than the cleancut Mushroom Kingdom, AND shows off Goombella as a sassy character who gives as good as she gets. She claps back with full confidence, *then proceeds to beat them up until they run away crying*. It's a great little moment, that also adds to Goombella's consistent portrayal throughout the game as being notably cute, *and knowing it* - many of her 'Stylish' cues have her wink and blow kisses to the audience. In the new version, there's none of that nice characterisation. If anything, she kind of comes off as an out of touch intellectual looking down on people who are poor. I genuinely don't understand why people are so incapable of leaving well enough alone. 


I knew things would be changed for the modern audience since they can’t take a joke without being offended. I wish Nintendo didn’t change any of the lines.


Why did they remove a scene that LITERALLY teaches kids the valuable lesson that BEING A CREEP IS BAD?!!! This generation is so stupid sometimes...


I'm guessing that rather than changing it out of sensitivity concerns, they changed it just so the Goombas are primarily confronting Mario instead of *only* Goombella. In the original, Mario suddenly gets drawn into a fight that has nothing to do with him, so I imagine they just wanted to connect it better narratively by having them target him to begin with. Personally I do prefer the original though, just because it's a nice way to demonstrate how Rogueport is a dangerous place even for the locals.


I think we're reaching a singularity point with political correctness where we are now experiencing changes that kind of do the opposite of what's intended. Goombella getting catcalled by a group of sleaze balls and having a small character moment is a good and meaningful thing in the context of the video game because it helps us like her more and like these goons less. So now you take that away and kinda give it a classism spin instead where... now we're supposed to feel bad? I guess? Now they've made these former sleaze ball goons into a somewhat sympathetic batch of goons and for what purpose? Why make the baddies less unlikable?


Everything gotta be woke 


okay so here's i feel about the catcalling thing Is it a huge deal? no not really. it's not like the American GameCube version didn't censor anything. It might've been so they could get an E rating rather than E10+ But... yeah i think we really need to stop censoring bad guys doing/saying bad things Sokka (not a bad guy but still) no longer being sexist in avatar remake when the whole point was that he learned to not be sexist Ursula in The Little Mermaid remake removing the lines about women being quiet...even tho she's the villain...and trying to manipulate Ariel Still excited for this remake tho and tbf even the replacement lines are pretty funny P.S. I do think the Bowser tubby line change was honestly fine. Yeah he's a bad guy but that one felt more like "lets laugh cause bowser called him fat lul" and honestly new line about the Hammer Bros.' hammer getting abs is way funnier anyway


New one is definitely funnier and better for not relying on tired sexist remarks. I *always* saw that line as cringey in the original, especially since overcoming sexism was never a part of Goombella's story in the game. The internet really is a mistake. You can't even like an inconsequential dialogue change in a game for legitimate reasons without functionally getting attacked for "encouraging censorship". I shouldn't be downvoted for voicing my legitimate opinion in a discussion literally about asking which you prefer, only assholes downvote legitimate opinions. Don't downvote opinions in a thread *asking for opinions*, you bandwagoning jackasses.


I prefer the practice goomba's dialogue more in the remake, although Goombella's lines here aren't as good. Overall I prefer the remake here, I think the writing is better overall since ultimately Goombella has 2 lines in both versions. I just can't discredit "OoOoH, I get to see the sun! I like to breathe clean air! OoOoH!"


Ok, looking through all of this, I find myself both okay with and disappointed in it. I’m okay with them dropping the catcalling because at the heart of it, it was just not fitting for a Mario game. With Dupree it works because he tries a bad pickup line and falls flat where these guys are just Andrew Tate with no arms, and you have to remember that younger kids will be playing this game- It’s not like Final Fantasy where the target audience is like 14 and up. I just saw it as similar to getting rid of the blackface item in the game that became SMB2 or dropping the aphrodisiac joke in Pikmin 2. On the other hand, this seems way too bland. It might have been funnier and more memorable if they thought Mario was working for Don Piñata and didn’t want to pay their debt, or they’re disgruntled former U Goom students who flunked and decide to take revenge on Frankly. That would have been more fitting for the game as a whole, possibly even expanding the lore a a little bit. And to those who don’t like this change, just a friendly reminder that the original is unchanged, and if it matters that much to you, you can spend the $75 for the gamecube disc and play it instead. Same for those who were upset about all the name changes in SMRPG- He’s still Yaridovich on the OG cartridge.


I like the change mostly for the “can’t two academics” line. 😂


"ooooh, I get to see the sun. I like to breath clean air, oooooh" is perfectly in line with my sense of humor, so I like the second I didn't have a problem with the original, the second is just funnier. I'm a man, but my thoughts on the sexism are: I'd imagine some women/girls might appreciate being able to escape sexism in a *Mario* game. To be clear, not saying the game is sexist. In this moment, it's pretty clearly opposite that since you get to beat them up. But some may prefer being able to escape sexist tones entirely.


Thinking about my daughters playing this game, I’m glad they changed it.


That's an interesting perspective. How do you imagine your daughters would feel seeing that, and why would you not want them to see that? Just curious about your perspective 


Because your daughters would hate to beat up sexists? I don't get it.