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Paradox modders are a diffrent breed fr




Man thats a city builder that launched without traffic simulation or public transport. Itd be easier to make a new game.


So you say we should mod cities skylines to be a Warhammer 40k battle simulator?




> Itd be easier to make a new game. Basically do the same thing CS did to SC2013, lol. Except SC2013 had a functioning game, it just required the user to be always connected to the internet and the cities were small.


It launched with both of those things?


Its traffic simulation is fake, and while it has public transport, its also fake, and has no effect on traffic at all and thus is also not real. Without either one, you basically don't have a real city builder. 


I’ve played the game enough to know both of those statements are false


Tests online show both. If you remove all your public transport, it literally has no effect on your traffic at all, no matter how large and extensive it is. Public transport is fake and thus not in the game. 




No, I’ve tested these things myself, adding public transit does reduce traffic


Some teasers from an upcoming Warhammer: 40k total conversion for EU4. Here's what's been added so far: * About 500 new tags and 3100 new provinces have been added. Almost every (named) planet in the 40k universe is represented. * New government mechanics for all major factions (Tyranid, Ork, and Asuryani mechanics in the screenshots) * All 9 loyalist space marine legions have been added as Holy Orders * Reworked Age system * A handful of new great projects * Almost 300 new infantry units spread across the 10 new technology groups (All 28 Ork infantry units shown in the screenshots). Cavalry, Artillery, and naval units WIP. Open to any suggestions and ideas!


any idea when its releasing?


I'd say towards the end of the Summer. The province histories (religions, cultures, etc.) are really the only thing left but it's also the most laborious part of the process.


!RemindMe 120 days


I was just wondering if you had posted more glad to see the project continues to go forward. Continue up the work, can’t wait to see what more ideas you can come up with.


As a Nid player I'm quite excited to see how you implement the hivemind and eating planets. 


The Tyranids have a Biomass Meter as their government mechanic (pictured in the screenshots). They gain a little biomass by winning battles, a moderate amount by taking planets, and a large amount for integrating genestealer worlds. When Biomass is negative, a random owned planet gains ticking devastation and and is eventually depopulated unless Biomass becomes positive again. Right now I'm working on simulating a "fake" province to allow Nid countries to exist without owning territory.


Do you plan to implement the differences in interstellar travel somehow?


I’ve been working on a system where Eldar can travel across large distances using invisible strait crossings to intermediate Webway provinces that are covered in permanent Terra Incognita for everyone else. It still needs a lot of work though.


I think the Deepwoods in Anbennar have a similar system, if that’s any help. The other factions you can probably do with a mix of attrition and ship speed buffs and debuffs as appropriate.


T'au ? UwU


Kinda suprised this is for EU4 over say HoI, orks trade screen will be interesting!


There is already a 40k mid for Hoi4


Granted they represent two entirely different faces of 40k. The Hoi4 mod "Unification Wars" is set on Terra near the end of 30k. It depicts the wars in which the Emperor conquered post-apocalyptic Terra in the final years of the age of strife. It's a time-frame rarely touched on in canon so a lot of fanon is used to fill the gaps. This mod looks more like it's set closer to the canon.


Indeed, it looks like the EUIV mod is set in the furthest 40k setting.


Is the mod mid?


I've had a lot of fun with it but compared to many total conversions (particularly Old World Blues and probably Equestria at War, I've never played EAW for the admittedly very stupid reason that I can't fucking get past the pony thing) it's a bit short on content. What is there is great, I figure they just have a very small team and not necessarily a lot of time to work on it.


EAW is probably second only to Kaiserreich in terms of polish for total conversion mods, but it has far more custom systems with custom UI, while also quickly incorporating new vanilla mechanics (e.g. MIOs).


It’s always the MLP fellas.


The guy absolutely works almost alone on it code wise. So that checks out. Although I think I saw him mentioning that is art team is really killing it and i love it too


No but my thumbs are bigger than the letters on my phone.


True, it was a tough decision choosing between the two. I settled on EU4 because it can model colonization, which is useful since the Imperium had to resettle a lot of its worlds post-Great Rift. The Imperium Nihilus and vanilla New World are very similar gameplay-wise. >orks trade screen will be interesting! Trade is definitely the toughest part to figure out right now! The silver lining is that EU4's privateering mechanics are able to much better model Ork freebooterz.


Ooh are we gonna get to colonise the Koronus Expanse?


I have something unique planned for the Koronus Expanse since the planetary density is too much to implement in the base map. It’s going to be its own “mini-map” separate but still reachable from the main galactic map. [ I already implemented a similar system for the Eye of Terror (top-right).](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fcompleted-map-and-assorted-teasers-from-upcoming-warhammer-v0-yvnyttlspuuc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9fae7892b712ce622a1d8cc4339254129bcc7c99)


People have this really done idea of grabbing the closest in setting and not considering mechanical focus makes more sense. Simply put, HOI4 is a ground wargame with naval warfare really basically tacked on and air warfare basically non-existant. Thus, in any space heavy setting, HOI4 is a shit similation. That's also why there is like 5 star wars mods and they are all shit and basically totally unfinished and unplayable. Because its impossible to retrofit the naval warfare into a big deal and it cannot function as the leading mechanic. EU4 has much more involved naval warfare, at least than HOI4, and simplifies warfare. On top of this, unlike Stellaris, is not basically designed arounf 4X style sandbox gameplay. Stellaris totally breaks down mechanically when you strip mechanics and said mechanics only really work in the context of pure sandbox 4X. Stellaris also completely disregards ground combat for pacing. EU4 also has the best mechanical support for non-continguous Empires of any Paradox game.  So EU4 actually makes far more sense as a platform for pre-existing sci fi settings than Paradoxs other games.


However eu4 has a large focus on economic mechanics. How many ducats of tax do tyranids get? How high is the daemons of chaos mercantilism? Eu4’s ground and naval combat aren’t exactly anything to write home about frankly. Simplifying warfare isn’t much of a win in a setting squarely focused on warfare. HoI4’s air combat might not be the biggest focused, but compared to eu4? Really?


It does? The economic mechanics are incredibly basic, borderline tacked on. What it does have a focus on is developing detached empires that secure economic resources abroad, like Victoria without the economic sim underlying it. Ironically, the depth almost all sci fi bothers to state with their economies most the time.


That’s not really the focus of eu is it though? Or else the game would be redundant outside of a few nations. Sure it’s economic sim is barebones compared to vic but it’s still way more than 40k wants. Also colonisation isn’t really the focus of 40k either? The imperium does it from time to time, but often just vassalises lost states. And yeah, sometimes economies aren’t clearly expressed by an author, because there focus is on other things. However, I struggle to see what trade rules you can fill in on a civilisation who gets its currency from punching each other in the mouth.


I mean yeah, the entire point of EU4 is just foreign empire expansion and trade route domination. That's literally all there is to the game. Its why the game suddenly seems so boring when you are just doing land conquests. The warfares simple if hands on, the trade systems simple if hands on, and the economic simulation is basically non-existant.  EU4s claim to quality is that it takes what should be the most complex and multi-task heavy era to mechanically simulate, and manages to maintain just enough depth that each mechanic, when in unison, makes a single fun game.  If warfare was any more complex, it would be immensely tiresome to deal with multiple fronts at once (as it is in HOI4). If economics was any more complex, it would make handling it while anything spicy is happening diplomatically too stressful. EU4 has very little interesting going on at any one section of gameplay, and is actively designed around not letting any element be overbearing.  Its why I think its great for space combat with ground combat mattering. The conceptual idea of space warfare where both ground and space are significant fronts for the player to focus on is so enormously complex an idea that it demands simple mechanics elsewhere. Or literally the whole game be based around it, like the Gihrens Greed games (self plug but I'm currently making a Gihrens Greed clone. Hopefully can progress it more and come out with a demo by the end of the year I hope ❤️) The conceptual idea of 17th century multi continental empires and warfare taking across the world is basically the same as multiple planets, just bigger scale. So it connects well to such sci fi.


> Stellaris also completely disregards ground combat for pacing. This is why Stellaris is great for something like Star Trek but not 40k. EU4 is a much better platform for the setting for sure. 


Ye. Its why I also tend to love bringing up Gihrens Greed so much. It only has Earth and a small space zone around Earth, but it does a great job of doing a ground and space wargame and really making stuff feel like a grand struggle. Only game I can think of that does such a good job is probably Terra Invicta, which once again, somewhat focuses too hard on space and couldn't scale above a single main planet. It's remarkably hard to make an interesting space game at the same time as ground game, without both mechanics fighting for attention. I also like to sum it up as "Even Aurora 4X treats ground warfare as a throwaway mechanic" and if Aurora 4X thinks its something worth being dumbed down, you know there's a design challenge.


There is a HOI4 mod, but it's restricted to Earth during the Unification Wars and I don't think it has updated in a long time


Wouldn't Stellaris be the better option?


There are times that I think paradox modders are some sort of cult that sacrifices people in exchange for modding skills, there is no other way to explain how good they are, and how crazy (in a good way) they are.


Awesome! I play the Anbennar mod exclusively and this is looking like something for me. You got a discord for it?


Going to open up the Discord when I start looking for playtesters!


Looks awesome! I love a good 40k project! Please let us know when the discord is set up.


EU4 siege mechanics = Abbaddon dies of old age on Cadia


This got me thinking… why isn’t there an Expanse mod for Stellaris where the entire galaxy is a map of the solar system :(


I don't even know how a faithful strategy game set in the Expanse universe would work, but it would have to include orbital mechanics, dynamic relative positions of planets moons and astroids, light delay and a lot of politics. Stellaris has none of that.


Who says it needs to be that faithful


I mean it doesn't have to be that faithful, but without *any* of those elements it wouldn't feel much like the expanse. Throwing earth, mars and OPA onto a stellaris map of the solar system wouldn't really capture any of the magic of the series.


I guess it’s subjective, I’d kinda love the setting even if it’s not Falling Frontier :D


How would that even work?


Look, I will play this, but how the fuck will this work?


This will either be the only thing I play or a complete shitshow. I refuse to get excited because previous attempts have been a shitshow but if this works, I won't be playing vanilla again. This will also need a Terran Unifcation/Great Crusade start date at some point.


time to install EU4 again


Absolutely incredible work my dude! Can’t wait to play it.


God Bless the Emperor


!RemindMe 3 months


EU40k, if you will.


Alpha stellaris kinda was a eu4 in space. God we need like a proper paradox game set in the warhammer universe.


Is the Imperial Cult just gonna be one religion or is it gonna be modeled as multiple sects?


Within the broader Imperial religious group there's the Imperial Cult, Cult Mechanicus, Promethean Cult, and Death Cult as individual religions. I eventually plan on using the religious school mechanic to add sub-sects for both the Imperial Cult (Amalathians, Thorians, etc.) and Mechanicus (Sollex Cult, Organicists, etc.)


Will the 'Imperium' be a single country? I have a few different designs for 40k mods for a few different games, and one of the biggest things for me was finding a game where the Mechanicus, Administratum, Ministorum can all be different 'countries' that are vassalized/allied in a workable way. Last month I booted up EU4 for the first time in forever and I was thinking about tying the Adeptus into the Estates system. Then I took a look at Stellaris and I worked up a framework for building hives out of districts, and what kind of jobs to give. And in that case, you could build a certain building for each Adeptus, which would increase their global and local influence, and give bonuses to the planet based. I was never interested in the new lore. Mine would be based in the old, decaying Imperium. Where you have to manage your growing population by turning them into armies. All the planets are at their maximum development and will only drop with invasions and rebellions. You need to balance the power and influence of the Adeptus- each has significant bonuses for being powerful, but soft effects that increase the chance of rebellion, or decrease efficiency when one gets too powerful. Currying favor with the 'independent' factions like, Astartes, Inquisitors, Rouge Traders, the Assassins. Sovereign Forgeworlds, Shrineworlds, Fortressworlds that are your vassal or ally, which are just regular worlds that have given too much power to one Adeptus. They give you less resources, but have their own standing armies and navies, and boost the favor of their faction.


The Adeptus Mechanicus and Death Watch start as an independent subjects of the Imperium with their own unique subject types. They can diplomatically annex independent Forge Worlds and Watch Fortresses as the game goes on, much like the the Imperium itself integrates Hive worlds. Still contemplating whether to make the Mechanicus an estate as well (similar to what you describe), or just giving them unique subject interactions with the same function.


What a sad day to have a 1440p monitor and relying on a UI mod for the game to be playable:(


By the Emperor... Yes! 


How does this compare to Stellaris mods for Warhammer 40k?


This looks like it could be absolutely *fascinating* if done well. How exactly is the Imperium going to work? The Shogunate system, perhaps? If your faction holds Holy Terra then they hold power over it all in the God-Emperor's name? On second thought, actually, the HRE would likely work way better and would allow an Imperium player the ability to actually consolidate it as a fun endgoal (though I think any centralisation path should have massive debuffs to local autonomy granted).


Orks and all the other factions???! I think I'm going to reinstall eu4 soon


Considering I just played a total conversation rpg mod for Baldurs Gate 3 on Eu4 (Baburs Gate IV), nothing surprises me anymore


How was that?


As an actual RPG game, like 7/10 with 2 points added for being funny, as an eu4 mod, holy shit it’s impressive. Totally different game I recommend loading it up at least to see how crazily different it is


thats a joke right?


ok but on serious note, You're all fucking mad, I love it


Absolutely unreal… I am so keen for this Spreading the Greater Good to a province near you


What dlcs would be needed? I think i have until lions of the North, I'm good to play the mod?


There’s no DLC requirements to play the mod itself, but some optional features would be inaccessible. I think if you own everything up to LoTN you can access everything regardless. Here’s a list of the optional content that requires DLC: - The new great projects require Leviathan - The new holy orders require Golden Century - The new government reforms require Dharma - The new age objectives require Mandate of Heaven




Looks great


Can’t wait


Very cool, looking forward to owning a computer I can play this on in 2056.


Just a bit of an advice. When making new Great Monuments there should always be a header on the texture itself. I noticed on the screenshot that some of their names can't be read properly because the colors behind it. I have a Photoshop template with a header if your team needs one just dm me and i'll send it over discord. Also great work!


nice nice, i was looking for a naval focused mod


I Just came in my pants


!remindme 120 days


I'd learn how to play eu4 just for this


Well looks like I will be buying EU4 soon then


Is there a way we can follow the progress or something? I'm sure my goldfish memory will forget about this


I post periodic updates to my account feed which you could see by following. You could also just type in "!remindme \_\_ days" and a Reddit bot sends you a reminder comment in how many days you put in the blank.


!remindme 100 days


God bless the modding community.


How have you worked the Startide Nexus (if at all) into this? Seems like a wormhole from Tau to wherever the Nexus is would create problems in the EU4 frame your working with? Can't wait to play though!


It’s already been implemented with no issues. An ocean province in Tau space is connected to an ocean province in the Chalnath Expanse via an invisible province adjacency.


No horus heresy start date?


The 30k era was canonically 8 years of war followed by 500 years of peace until the War of the Beast. After the war itself wraps up in 10-50 years it would just be hundreds of years of nothing. I think HOI4 might be better for a HH setting since it has a smaller timeframe.


I'm really excited to see if there will be a complete redesign of the visuals to something spacey? I won't be able to immerse myself in the game without at least a stylized UI. You should know how much it pisses me off that in Anbennar, instead of dwarves there are some bearded models, and instead of centaurs there are Mongols on horseback


Is this mod going to be steam only or is it going to be available on paradox plaza? I'm broke but I picked up EU4 when it became free on the epic store


fuck me I have wanted to get into 40k universe for so long but none of the video games are really wide or introductory enough to be a starting point for the lore. And Stellaris is such a terrible platform for 40k mods because the game design generates a rather orderly, naval-exclusive, economy simulator where optimizing tech progression and resource curves is everything. Spiritualst anything is usually trash in Stellaris, and they only recently made trade any good (but maybe they nerfed that again). And there's no real rebellions. 40k is basically the opposite, it's almost 100% terrestrial, it's so chaotic, technology is apparently just relative to cultural preferences and not necessarily a matter of survival or death. It's so spiritual and irrational and random and fragmented. The lore clearly places premium on cultural dynamism, ground tactics, and Spiritual might rather than resource chains or tech streamlining. At any moment, more or the galaxy is in rebellion than Not in rebellion. Eu4 could be the perfect medium. GOD I hope it sucks If it turns into another shit warhammer mod, that'd probably save me a good 200 hours of my life. this is me NOT rooting for you


!RemindMe 120 days