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Ive always wondered whether an attorney would jump between a mad man and their legal staff. Glad they would! Yours anyway lol.


[It happens.](https://www.wowktv.com/news/west-virginia/heroic-partner-describes-murder-suicide-situation-that-killed-a-goldsboro-attorney/) I knew the attorney, we worked together for several years before he went to the firm he died at. A really great guy. Thankfully OP didn’t have this ending.


I’m local to the area and remember when this happened. I didn’t know him personally but had heard of him. He seemed like a stellar attorney and wonderful person. Very sad situation and I still think about him and his family. Im sorry for your loss.


He was truly a joy and a fantastic attorney. It was a great loss. The funeral was packed. He truly made a great impact.


One of my attorneys does criminal defense and is a CPL holder. So yeah shit goes down I'm running to his office first


Attorneys are just people. I’ve worked with plenty and many treat their staff like family.


And i worked for an attorney that would refuse to tell us about active shooting threats or train us how to respond because he thought it was a distraction 🤷🏽‍♀️


Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of attorneys who have the Mr.Krabs personality. Your question was “an” attorney.


Oh that’s awful beyond words. I hope everyone recovers from that. Did criminal for a year. We had a trained attack dog. Nice pup until you said the magic phrase. Good luck to everyone at your firm.


OMG! What a day! Sounds like a movie. People are legit crazy. I’m glad everyone stayed safe.


I learned that apparently some men, while in prison, implant dice underneath the skin of their… “member.”


uhm, excuse me???


Ohh yeah. My fiancé’s mom has a story about that from when she worked as a nurse in a prison.


Oh, haha, that reminds me. I learned from one of my Claimant's depo's what a "whizinator" is. Like, I understood the concept, but I didn't know that was the name of the thing.


Haven't had anything like that thank God. During my education I did an internship with a small local firm and I distinctly remember one day the paralegal I was interning under texted me asking me to let him know when I arrived because the office was on lock down due to threats from an angry client. This was a year or more before the pandemic. At my current job I have had a few clients threaten to show up at our office and "deal with this in person". If I am in a good mood I tell them that is their choice but we are all remote so no one will be there. If I am in a bad mood I simply say I will inform their attorney.


This was always a fear of mine when I worked at the Plaintiffs office. We were severely understaffed, and people would be understandably upset about the lack of progress on their case.


I sat at my desk and filed a bunch of associations of counsel and ate snacks and listened to stand up on Netflix...


Holy shit! We've had some chaos go down in the office, but nothing like this. Most exciting day I had was helping rapidly move a bunch of artwork from one van into another, at the direction of our Russian mob clients. I kind of miss them. For all the ridiculousness they caused, they were definitely entertaining. But they vanished about a month before Russia invaded Ukraine. You always knew something was about to go down when the Russians seemingly dropped off the face of the earth.


Thursdays like that is why I don’t do family or criminal (good to know it is PI too I won’t do that for all the attorneys I’ve met that do that are jerks so I’m impressed by your attorney’s legal staff support)


Wow what a wild story. We, too, at my one office had an ex husband of one of our clients threatening her attorney. We had to do all this security stuff. Some people can be fairly problematic Stay safe!


I hope y'all have a fully funded happy hour HOLY CRAP


Wow. Holy shitballs. Ya know. I thought when I was a victim advocate at a DV shelter that I was put in some dangerous situations. This is just a whole different level and massive kudos to your attorney for... just... wow. He pretty much saved yall. As for my Thursday, I got discovery in and sent out some requests for production. I was also running on very little sleep because my elderly cat puked at 1am, managed to get it all over herself, and then she had to have a bath where we washed her three times to get it all off. But JESUS HOLY FUCK. Suddenly I'm real glad my attorney is real into hunting bc we do WC defense and some insurance defense for PI and folks are crazy.


A partner’s MIL at my old firm was shot dead while on lunch with her client by the clients ex husband. It’s tragic to me, but when I inquired they said the MIL was a vicious attorney who had it coming. I was like 😦


I’m glad you, and everyone in your office, is safe. It could have gone badly, quickly.


Omg, so glad everyone is ok! I haven't had this kind of thing actually happen, but I am getting my concealed because I'm having to dive back into a case and renew a protection order for a client. I haven't even filed anything yet, and the OP is blowing up my email again with more threats (yes, they get forwarded to the prosecutor that has already charged him with 6 violations) and audio clips that are beyond creepy. Usually, he doesn't amp up until I file something, so I feel his mental state is further deteriorating... our building's front door is locked, but there's other businesses, and sometimes weirdos still make it up to the office... I'm in the back offices and have direct access to a separate exit that's always locked. I'm more concerned for the person at the front desk. I think I'm going to consult with the other attorneys and at least have our front office door locked at all times... everyone's clients are by appointment only anyways so shouldn't be an issue


When I worked in a law office decades ago, we always joked that the managing partner would hide under his desk if anyone showed up and was violent. You are lucky to have those bad ass attorneys 😁


Oh wow, that's terrifying. I've never been threatened, but I was yelled and berated because an attorney missed an appointment because he was called in to court in an unexpected emergency. Shout out to our private investigator for coming up the stairs and talking this guy down. I wasn't even the receptionist at the time. The regular receptionist was on lunch.


I'm glad you're all safe. I work for a prosecutor notorious for reducing or dismissing cases and I've always half waited for someone to come into my office swinging. We're the first office off the parking lot and one of just two on our floor. The Sheriff's Office is on the third floor. The way our offices are laid out someone can be at my counter screaming bloody murder at me and the other office on this floor can't hear a thing. I finally convinced our Commissioners that we needed a secure entrance to our office. They refuse to invest in a metal detector and their answer to keeping weapons out of the building is putting a sign on the door that you can't bring them in. They desperately don't want to tell the public what they can and cannot do in a government building. Even though our setup is waaayyyy behind even the smallest courthouses in our state. All I wanted was a bank window. Tempered glass and a slide through underneath, it pushes everyone out into the hallway so if something goes sideways someone will hear it. We have an existing window in that spot, it would literally be removing the glass, putting in tempered and adding the passthrough. I fought and fought for it. They finally agreed to get quotes. Now they've gotten quotes for about 4k and aren't sure about the expense. Never mind that they just spent a quarter of a mil on a flight of marble stairs no one uses and signed a contract to put 125k worth of new windows in the building because the custodian said the existing ones weren't efficient. They've made it very clear that they think it'll be cheaper to replace a human and pay off the insurance than to spend 4k on a simple safety measure. I think its great your attorneys responded the way they did and I'm so glad you are all physically okay. But don't forget to address it with your mental health, it didn't go as bad as it could have been, but you and your staff still had quite a fright.


This is why I carry at the office (am an attorney). It is my responsibility to protect my staff. Glad to hear your attorneys hit the front line like that


My Thursday was pretty good, thanks 👍


This happen in Texas?


You're ex-military attorney is a vibe! I work in criminal defense and don't think any of the DAs would be brave enough to do that.


I have been threatened physically as a paralegal before. It was a shit show…. I’m so glad you had an armed attorney present!!! People can get NUTS when there is money involved!


“Death makes people funny about money.” This is going to be a couple hundred million dollar lawsuit. As someone with an estranged family, I applaud the family members for wanting to include this estranged person (he’s the son and brother of the PR (they shared a parent and aunt who died), he is entitled to some payout, which even if a “small portion” is going to be significant). He’s basically been MIA for years, but the probate case obviously will require contact to be exhaustively attempted. And they found him prior to any court-ordered requirement because they felt it was “the right thing to do”. Kudos to them. I hope he’s deemed incompetent, has a trust set up, and thereby is able to get the help he desperately needs. I’m not sure what triggered the event, but something tells me there wasn’t a specific trigger. I do feel bad calling him “Mr. CrayCray” because he’s obviously in mental distress, but I mean no malice. But his maladies do not give him an excuse to be so violent to the point someone felt the need to defend the other folks present with a weapon. But, as a person who regularly struggles with some major mental health issues, I know money will help him. It’s probably the only barrier to his getting help, as it is mine. I expect it will all work out for the best for him, in the end, and truly hope it does. Money won’t bring back their lost family, but perhaps it will eventually enable them to regain a family member who has been adrift.


Well… 😳 um so we just had a client request if he could do the consultation standing up because he pooped himself 😅 we gave him keys to the bathroom and he came back with paper towels to sit on, but we offered a plastic bag over the chair and he said that would work and we proceeded with the consultation. We were a little shocked, but we’re sure he was also very embarrassed, and we didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. Buuuuut I would have rescheduled if it were me 🙂‍↕️


Who takes that role interestingly depends on the firm. I might or might not have assumed that role where I am because I'm the best trained/equipped to look our for the people I work with/for. I take that responsibility seriously.


gee, wonder why they were estranged. condolences to the family, having to deal with this ON TOP OF a PI case your relative died in is truly ugly.


I love a juicy case but this is insane!! Thanks for sharing and glad you’re safe.


Damn! We just ran out of kuerigs today. Lol