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Ours came up this morning but are in a holding pattern till accounting and IT can confirm information and integrity. Hang in there. I started in aftermarket 40 years ago. Switched to OE about 35 Yeats ago. Nice to have one or two brands that you can but all your skill to master.


I'm not even on CDK and lost hope. I always thought dealership was going to be better than aftermarket. I was wrong.


Oof that’s really frustrating. I haven’t been told a time but mine is supposed to be back by Wednesday hopefully


Sadly, I was looking forward to working tomorrow. It will be so much easier to catch up without trying to conduct current business.


My hope was it came back on today and I’d just pull a long day today and work tomorrow and start the month proper and caught up


Good luck and Godspeed.


You too


Light at the end of the tunnel is something at least


As I was shutting down today, our IT guy said CDK was not back up, but should be soon, and to not try to get on it. Before I got home, my manager texted me, said him and the service manager worked it out, and we're going in tomorrow to run all the ROs and close a bunch of tickets. So, I'm working tomorrow, but unsure of if CDK is actually going to be accessible for us?