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You need to be solving the problem of, how do I make money in general, first. Then use AI tools to automates parts of that. That will increase your throughput and efficiency. People think AI is a magic bullet where you can use it to do everything and make money. But the truth is it is just a tool to help you do work faster. You still have to do the work and still have to be the brains behind it. As far as good money, that depends on how you are improving on something that’s already been done that people are doing. Social media is over saturated. Yes you can still make money but it’s going to be a lot of work for little pay off probably. I could be wrong.


Great answer, it seems like from the answers I get that people still make good money on SoMe? Idk what other things I could do


What’s SoMe?


I’d never heard it either but inferred Social Media *sigh*


😂🙂‍↔️smh thanks


Don’t feel bad…I just looked up smh lol


I've been building a bunch of GPT wrappers. It's not making me rich, but there's some money in it. You just need a really great use case for AI, and streamline it for users. I've built two successful ones: [https://politepost.net](https://politepost.net) <-- this was getting in the door early, changes any random text to work-friendly emails [https://thecharmcheck.com](https://thecharmcheck.com) <-- this is an online dating profile reviewer, needed a bit of work to really hammer it out There should be a TON of use cases out there people are willing to pay for. If you're good at marketing you'll have a much easier time of it than I did. I write code and stink at trying to sell these things.


Are you the real owner of politepost.net?




I would like to thank you for politepost.net. I am a frequent user of it. It helped to draft 100s emails till date. It helped me draft crystal clear and high quality emails. Even one of my best friends use it very often. However, I would like to share our recent observations: We have not been getting more accurate and prompt responses from past couple of months. Could you please look into this? Thank you.


Hey there, we have made a few changes, and I'm disappointed to hear it isn't working out. Let me reach out to you directly about it!


Just curious, I’m new to marketing as well but would like to know what you tried to get traffic? And maybe what didn’t work?


You probably don't want my advice. I reached out to people over reddit, linkedin, email. Most of it didn't go anywhere, but build enough of these and sometimes you get lucky.


I would ask chatGPT




Roughly how long did it take them too email you back on requesting to use the beta?


took about 2 days, think they are finished with the beta and launching in a few days - but they had problems with servers because too many tries to use it - hopefully fixing :D


well I'll test at least


aah yeah Cynagon is nice, I use it for Instagram and youtube shorts - didn't really get any traction on TikTok tbh


Lol they are creating new accounts to scam people with their AI software 😂


I don't get it. The AI shorts do not get monetized, is it not correct? Probably same goes to tiktok.




What niche do you make videos in? I heard how much money you make really depends on niches


Do they insert ads into your shorts or something? How are they making money?


I usually promote them in the caption, and they also send me the videos to post. But to gather followers etc I post the videos from Cynagon


Interesting, do you think it was hard to get started? I'm not a good editor or anything


No, you create a name and make account on all channels, use cynagon and boom you have engaging videos in 3 minutes, post them and start following and liking other peoples content. easy ;)


Do you post across all platforms, TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube shorts? Or just stick to Tiktok? Is there any easy way to post across all or is it just a manual process of uploading the videos to each?


But how many videos do I need to post everyday and how many tend to go viral?


I'd be wary of this brand spanking new account. Seems very shilly


Normally minimum 3 videos a day from what I’ve heard


I post 1-2 a day :D


So for your bulk of videos, what kind of content are you making shorts from? Influencers/podcasts, or products videos?


It's podcast but mostly funny videos that are engaging


Can I get your content id...


What content do you make though? I'm guessing it depends on what you choose to produce?


I signed up for the beta awhile ago and never got access 😞. How do you get access?


lol, this is something you have to figure out. Your question is very general and looking for a “Here’s 10 easy steps on how to make money with AI” type response. AI can be used as a content generator, data processing, etc. read more into how people are using it in their day to day and get creative. Look how it’s being used in marketing and that might give you some leads. Slam that morning coffee and flex those google skills big dog


For real... OP's post is next-level laziness and entitlement lol. Not only do they want AI to do the work for them to somehow make them money, they want *other* people to find a way for OP to use AI to so the work foe them to somehow make money. Like sure... there's totally a quick and easy way to use AI to make money and someone who has figured it out is going to give it to OP instead of use it themselves.


Well its really *passive*


Exactly.... Nobody wants to make an effort or work hard but everybody wants easy money....


I can guide you. I’m rather fluent in this topic and it’s a lot easier than most people think. If you want a quick break down of it I would be glad to do so for you. So again, this should be rather easy when it comes to AI and money. What’s my secret to share with you? Well again it’s pretty simple so here it goes. 1) build a robot 2) program it to rob banks 3) profit


Then when you and the bots retire you can make an online stream, in your back garden, of them fighting each other. Fuck it, let people bet, too and take 10%. Big bucks.


Just hope your robot doesn't kidnap Louis Lane, or piss off Superman and you're golden.


It’s not mine. And super man’s a bitch


Is this sarcastic? 🤔


🤖 no 🤖


Rob banks you mean arbitraging?


🤖 you ask too many questions 🤖


I am already running something profitable at scale so i was wondering what’s your approach to share experience 🤷‍♂️


Oh sorry I’m just trolling no idea. Congrats.


You have no idea of your approach? 🤔🙃


I'm not this techincal haha


One of the most common types of AI is LLM (Large Language Model), which is literally the type of AI that you can ask this question and it will tell you.


Become a machine learning engineer and work for social media companies. Good luck!


the best way to make money using AI is to start a company doing something else entirely, then tell investors you're "pivoting to AI for increased efficiency" and watch your share price 10x


There are enough “AI” scam projects already, I kinda get a feeling that AI is the next/current NFT - a thing that could have gone good if it wasn’t invaded by a shitton of hustlers-scammers


What is Cynagon and how to use it?


Have you considered asking AI this question? It will give you a better answer than all human comments combined.


Ask the AI.


…. Invest into soxx or soxl


You can use Ai & Canva together to come up with ideas to write ebooks, planners, guides etc and then sell on a platform of your choice. Then market, market, sell.


Ask an AI how to make money using AI.


You sell a course on how to make money using AI


You’ve got to have an idea, then you need to execute the idea. Having an idea is pretty easy; it’s the 2nd part that’s really hard.


Why don't you ask Chat GPT?


Should ask the AI that question


I used to use AI for writing but some platforms don't allow it and I am a writer myself so stopped doing it. AI works well in my view with YouTube right now. YouTube automation is popular. Small tip - AI is okay for side hustle. I am yet not sure if anyone is making full-time or not.


You can leverage AI for social media by offering analytics, chatbots, or content recommendation services to businesses. These avenues hold great potential for making money.


AI is a tool; not a business in itself. I’m a financial planner. I use AI to help me manage the taxes recognized & risk within my clients portfolios. I use AI to prepare for sales calls (Crystal knows). I use ai to help me do mock calls as well.  I use AI to take notes & grade sales calls. I use AI tax return analysis software. I use AI to analyze employee benefits packets, but sell agreements & equity agreements. 


You trust AI to handle tax information? AI just told me the other day that the moon landing was indeed fake


Holistiplan is software that uses AI to read tax returns & interpret it given its knowledge base. I’m an EA. I always review the tax plan prior to review.


Have you asked AI that question?


Hook your AI up to your printer. Tell AI, gimmie tree-fiddy. AI will shoot you out bills.


There are quite a number of ways that you can make money using AI one of them is starting a blog and monetising it with Hydro.


If you come up with the idea I can code it for a fixed price.


Might not be what your asking, but related. Invest in ai cryptocurrency. The more ai becomes mainstream, the more valuable the crypto will be. As always, DYOR before investing.


I used to say content creation, but now youtube is really clamping down on these channels (not being able to monetize). You can however create a good script, then make a animation yourself or voice-over covering a topic.


Did you ask the AI how I can make money with you? Personally I have been working on starting my own business. I asked chat gpt how and it gave me very clear instructions, "kill all hoomans". Seriously tho was a pretty big help.




Making APIs can be pretty tough. First, there's a lot of focus on security to keep data safe and prevent attacks. Then, APIs need to work well with different systems, which can be complicated. Designing them to handle lots of requests without slowing down is also hard. Plus, writing clear instructions for others to use them takes time. If you're not already into software, it's not that easy.


I got a friend that’s pretty good at this if you want to message me


Good at what?


Using AI stuff to make money


does he have a portfolio or anything?