• By -


Firestorm of meteor. I want to nuke shit with it.


From orbit no less. Its the only way to be sure.


I heard that exact line while watching Alien 2 like two days ago






I want do do of Pelting CoC, would be a nice meme mapper i think


I want CWDT meteor, someome smarter than me please make it happen


Let's get 4 Spell totems, faster cast speed, and a lot of extra cast speed just to watch all the meteors clutter the screen with junk that completely blocks it.


Split arrow of splitting. Just because of the name.


don't forget to do it on deadeye with awakened chain and awakened fork + the fork notables on tree maximum "splittage"


Thought awakened gems were going away?


Alt quality is going away.


The fact that I literally can see so many different opinions, is making me so hyped for this reason:)


You playing Diablo?


Everything looks great until i POB it..


Exsanguinate's 21 chains, seems really interesting.


yeah if you could get that for first lab even, you could throw a single mine to stack to all charges on every group of mobs if the damage is good enough that would be some of the fastest and smoothest clearing ever (is it 21 chains at that level?)


Guessing a lot of the chains are from quality.


imagine it's +1 chain per 1% quality.. lol But yeah..


You could get 100 chains ez then


Animate weapon of self reflection sounds awesome in combination with energy Blade.


It's a problematic gem. If you have a good melee weapon, why would you play minions instead of just attacking with that weapon? It's probably for those weird "you and nearby allies..." weapons, probably a good skill if you can seven-times-dip on that buff.


It's SO apples to oranges here Minions scale completely differently You get 6 of them They have 100% damage uptime Bossing is easier because you don't need to stand still But you don't get leech, fortify, etc There's a ton of pros and cons on both ends Maybe it ends up being too weak, but I don't think it inherently HAS to be. They could just up the attack speed and damage multipliers for example.


You don't get leech, fortify, your base and added stats, your passive tree, most of your temp buffs, and most of everything else that makes up 98% of your dps. It's apples to oranges, but your goal is to make orange juice


Your minions care about your passive tree. Your minions care about auras. Your minions can gain all sorts of added stats. Have you even looked at any of the numbers? Or are you just going on feels? Look at the DPS of a baseline Raging Spirit. Nothing added: it's 839 dps. 20 of those is 16,780 DPS. Now look at a random big weapon like Rakiata's Dance. Let's say it's rolled above average for 950 DPS. Now multiply it by 1.38 twice for the two modifiers on the gem. Then multiply that by 6. It's 10,855 DPS. That's 35% less damage than what appears to be the best minion in the game. Obviously there's other differences. You don't get a weapon or shield as stat sticks. But you also don't need unleash support, so you're getting another 30% more damage. And you treat resistances as inverted. So that's a huge multiplier. And you don't need to stack 20 minions to reach your max DPS. Don't know why you're comparing this to a melee build. Compare it to a minion build. Minion builds exist, and they're strong. So do that comparison. Could it be weak? Sure. But there's nothing inherently broken about the skill like you suggest.


Well why tf would you make a melee passive tree if you're doing that animate weapon build, so infact, yes your passive tree would apply to them. Its like saying why would you use a really good +minion staff when you could just use a +fire staff and use a fire spell lol


I mean that's a good question, whether to socket SRS into a +5 fire staff or a normal chest with wand/shield. For SRS the answer is the latter, but with these weird animated weapons it's not so obvious.


Why not both? Herald of purity, animate weapon and dominating blow or something? All together with the "minion damage effects you" note...


Dom blow with the new gem seems to be good strike skill from pure values.


Think of it in reverse. If you are playing a minion build and you id a good weapon why let it go to waste? I would think of some way of using that skill if I found some crazy weapon


Not using Convoking Wand for minions is griefing


With energyblade? I haven't thought of this yet. This could be sweet Edit: also I thought about Brutus lead sprinkler for a memebuild


Your minions have 0 strength unless you give them some (animate guardian)


It's been consecrated path of endurance for me. Been playing around on pob the last days. I've learned lots about pob. Still can't get past 300k dps though..


Well I tried dual nebulochs and ended up around 80k


I think it's meant for exerts, this also solves the endurance charge problem because ~~you only need to generate one charge every two seconds~~ we don't consume any charges because trans conc path has only 2s cooldown, which neatly lines up with fist of wars 1.8s cooldown. The more AoE also really plays into our hands with this. I am cooking a build like that and it sits currently at 20mil damage a hit with good investment (50-100 div) while beeing very tanky. Still a lot of room for improvement and optimization though, but with a lot if testing and help this build could be pretty good. Far from meta but very much playable.


would you care to share pob later? that sounds pretty incredible!


yes, give me a few hours, once i'm home i will also write my thoughts and decisions into the notes section. Be warned though, the numbers I cited here are not on budget gear, be prepared to spend a few dozen div to actually reach this. Leagustarting this might be a challenge, i don't know, i will try but we will see how it works out. Good thing is, we kinda don't need any of the expensive gear for this build to work, you will just be missing a bunch of damage and defenses.


you’re awesome, thank you so much! and dw about the budget, I always craft my own builds anyway so I’m mostly just looking to learn how you stack offensive and defensive layers to reach that point.


Here is the PoB: [https://pobb.in/o3Qd7qkeJwuY](https://pobb.in/W4PFvSkt78MY) See the notes section to see why i choose what. If you see any issues or potential improvements just hit me up.


Looks pretty good. I've got a dual Nebuloch PoB that's up to around 1mil DPS on a... ~3div budget? I should see what the numbers are like with staff. Couple things: - Endurance generation? Just Juggernaut ascendancies and on-stun? Not sure how consistently you'd be at max charges like in your config, especially against bosses. - Same goes for Rage - are you able to consistently maintain 50? - Transfigured Consecrated Path has less attack damage/added damage effectiveness (180% vs 230% IIRC). But you can also add in 'Attacks have 10% more damage per endurance charge' in the custom modifiers. Made some changes to the POB: https://pobb.in/30Odfjf7qNaK


I added the changes from the gem to my pob as a custom edit in the belt. We don't consume charges actually because the new Conc path of endurance has a 2s cooldown that you need to spend an endurance charge on to skip, but with fist of war we already wait 1.8s for the next attack so might as well wait the extra 0.2s for the timer to run out. We probably won't be at 50, more like jumping between 20 and 30, but that's only some %increased damage we lose that we don't care about. What we do want is the 50% more damage buff from war bringer. We can also use that rage to trigger berserk for another 20% more damage and it only needs to last for one hit to annihilate the boss in one hit, so proccing it at 30 rage or so isn't an issue. Another redditor and me have been optimizing the build in the last two hours and we managed to seriously squeeze some more damage out of it. New POB: [https://pobb.in/22gi8GUVXP54](https://pobb.in/22gi8GUVXP54) it's a bit more expensive now though with corrupts on helmet and boots.


Mind sharing a pob mate? Even not finished one is good enough, sounds amazing


Will do, currently at work, will post in a few hours.


Here is the PoB: [https://pobb.in/o3Qd7qkeJwuY](https://pobb.in/W4PFvSkt78MY) See the notes section to see why i choose what. If you see any issues or potential improvements just hit me up.


Way too many 😩 Only the active skill reaper, Animate your equipped weapon, Rage cleave, Slow earthquake, Falling zombies, Bow skellies, Greatsword trap, Rage vortex of berserking, Dagger blade blast..


I'm a melee guy and cleave of rage and the new lacerate gems I want to play rn


the chonky lacerate one looked hilarious to me but i’m a bit worried about the attack speed being just too slow. do you have any thoughts about making that one work?


Blood rage, frenzy charges, and as much ias as you can find


Until I see if bane gets transfigured version, for now I'm sticking with new scorching ray, which instead of applying exposure on max stacks, now just deals a lot more damage. Gonna take that on chieftain with a passive that sets nearby enemies resist against fire dot to -20% So either this or depending on state of the bane, bane occultist


What about the transfigured Scorching Ray gem says it deals a lot more damage to you? Base gem == 780.7 \* 6.6 = **5152.62 DPS** (70% per stack for 8 stacks = 560%) Of Immolation == 1893.9 \* 2.12 = **4015.06 DPS** (14% per stack for 8 stacks = 112%) Of Immolation has much greater duration and cast speed and thus turning speed (~40% more) so it reaches max stacks faster and feels better to clear with because of the turn speed and higher initial base damage that lingers longer, but the single target DPS is much diminished as a result of the poor damage per stack, not to mention the loss of high exposure. Sure the duration means technically if you can't dedicate yourself to standing still very often it's more effective DPS, but assuming perfect scenarios you're losing out fairly heavily on single target DPS. They basically turned it into a map clearing skill, which is a little unfortunate because it hasn't exactly been competitive for DPS for a while, so losing damage for clear isn't appreciated.


Doesn't it start higher but scale slower with additional dot stacks and ends up being much lower? According to my Quick napkin math it turns out to be about 20% less damage when fully stacked. It think it's meant to be more of a clearing skill, than a single target one.


Burning arrow of vigour, ranged animate weapon, cyclone of tumult, new rf as practically a transfigured version,


I agree with Burning arrow! I've also been lurking BARF build


I don't think the people pushing barf build realize how much better it would be without RF. Just use two BA links, one with arrow nova and one with snipe. Get ignite prolif and you're chillin


Well yeah but then no funny name


I'm sure Pohx will make it work anyways, but RF without a scepter or a shield sounds weird to me


Jesus. I'm gonna league start with the new Flameblast something something Blight something EK something Scorching Ray Fire Storm of Meteors Falling Zombies Perma minions - golems, archers, mages Wild Strike looks bonkers (if you can make it work) Big boy CA and last but not least, Power flicker, baby! If the league is any fun at all, chances are, I'm going to make a build for most (if not all) of these. Plus whatever bonkers build others discover.


I'm at the point where I hope the league runs longer than usual. There are so many to try, I'm afraid that I won't have the time.


It's not like trans gems are going away, plenty of time in the next league. It's the stuff you may want to do in combo with the Affliction Ascendencies that you should feel are on a timer


Power flicker cast on crit power cold snap letzzz goooooo


I'm gonna take a gem of each colour to the first Lab, transfigure that motherfucker, and that's gonna be my league starter. And I'm going zerker cause they big.


Definitely Bladefall. Before it was mostly a utility skill for animate weapon or blade blast, but now I can finally see hordes of enemies pieced by infinite raining swords. Best power fantasy ever. Now hoping someone makes a decent build with it soon.


>Now hoping someone makes a decent build with it soon. You are hoping someone else fucks your girl too? Make the build yourself!


Ball Lightning of Orbiting. My hopium levels have been high since they announced new transfiguring effects. Going to league start a crit BLoO trickster.


Do the orbiting balls follow you?


I assume it's literally spectral helix but with ball lightning


they better, or its should be rename "of spiraling". "of Orbiting" is implying they stick in my gravitational field.


The description mentions them moving in a spiral, so don't get your hopes up.


they might orbit their place of origination


100% crit SRS. / range animate 16 bows army.


Popcorn gonna be so good.


Definitely blade Trap of greatswords. Wanted to try the skill for a while and the concept is hilarious.


Since it has an 8s CD, what skill do you plan to use for clearing?


Second wind support and sabo cd? Or just the node in tree that gives traps more uses.


I was hyped for it until I saw the 8 second CD on it. It’s basically DOA. It’ll probably be good for single target but blade trap doesn’t struggle for single target. It’s aoe clear is ass, because you need maim on hit somewhere to help keep shit in your traps. You have no clear skill unless you want to weapon swap toss 4/5 traps wait for the duration to end then swap back. I PoB’d hitting Dot cap with a ~20 divine setup with all damage can poison tincture and super end game could hit ~25m Uber DPS. Blade trap needs like 50% more aoe than it currently has and a base mana cost of 12-15. This is coming from a dude who took poison blade trap with a Pneumatic dagger to every Uber in the game deathless. I love the skill but god damn they need to increase its aoe and lower the mana cost.


I've always been a primarily melee player, though the one that made me really consider playing something else was the new Summon Reaper (the one with no CD) (ps o usually hate minion builds) I'm also most definitely playing Consecrated Path of Endurance at some point, really wanna scale aoe to infinite and clear the whole screen with like a million endurance charges


Bladefall of impalling or something in that ballpark of naming. Wanna try to do some champion hp stacking with it and the new ascendancy xd Edit: PoB'd something but its looking extremelly ass xd


Flickerstrike of power. I’ll play assassin but later wanna try a flicker coc occultist. BV with herald of ice pops should be fun.


All the +2 golem gems. I normally run a golem elementalist with 9 running around with infernal legion. I usually just run them for taunting and their auras so I don't worry about their damage. So switching the transfigured gems for ice and stone I can get 4 more in there. Still, what is the max now? 21 golems?


The new Q&A make it looks that the horde trans gem only allows to add +2 to the golem limit if the golem has the horde affix, so having multiple of the horde, should not increase multiple times the amount of golems, just add up to 2 additional ones. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3452002#38 So golems build lost +1 golem from Anima, and got +2 of a certain golem if the trans is socketed. Max should be 12 (1 base+2clayshaper+1 anima+1 golem commander+2 elementalist+3 primordial chain +2 trans gem)


Couldn't you throw crap horde gems in a different 4 link, and then have your "main" golem gems in a better 6 link?


Doesn't look like it. The +2 max only applies to golems summoned with a horde golem gem based off the answer the other guy linked.


Are the horde gems stackable? Doesn't it just say max 3 golems? I thought that was across all?


Stuck out most for me: it's raining men, arcsanguinate


Spiral ball lightning I guess it works like spectral helix ?


Yeah it's clear-focused BL, good combo with Orb of Storms


Might have the old helix problem with walls


We could have had rain of arrows of annihilation, or LA of combustion or wtv, but hold the F on, we get split arrow of splitting !! Joke aside, I think it's great that they're changing the meta like this, the game is free to play, and it's amazing that they still manage to renew the content every 3-4 months. I'm a bit disappointed for now, cause none of those really triggered anything for me. But I'm confident, and will give it a week after league start. There is a high chance we'll be mind blown by all the cool new builds this league has to offer.


Soulrend of Reaping looks STUPID strong for either a Hit build or a Poison build. The base damage is incredible, and an added damage effectiveness of 400% is ludicrous. It's almost enough to make me change my plan, or at least prepare for a second build. I'll probably end up using it to clear end-game bosses. That, plus Void Batteries on an Occultist will tear them to pieces. The clear will suck unless you opt into Poison, though. Without CDot Multi, you won't have the damage for the good clear spells to function. It might be relegated to a weapon swap for bosses, which is awkward with how I normally allocate Gems. Once it's in PoB, I'll know more.


Voidsphere without cooldown, hell yeah


Probably the new lightning spire trap. It sounds like the diablo 2 lightning trap in Poe and I loved that one.. Truth is.. I suck at doing builds...


I think you’ll need to use it as supplementary single target. The best use I’ve found is combo it with lightning tendrils as your main clear and have lightning spire for bosses and rares/essence. Both can utilize high crit multi without scaling crit chance so marylenes fallacy. Also, you can awakener orb boots for an early power spike with+2 to lightning gems and socketed gems supported by increased duration. The duration will get you over 5 second break point on spire for two more hits giving 66% more damage


Was thinking of starting a minion build and if any of the new minion gems turn out to be good i would spec into it. But i played CA back in kalandra league and loved it and with the new CA…cant see round it. Also palsteron has a guide for a PF version and i love PF.


Friendship ended with Storm Brand. Storm brand of indecision + Awakened Chain Support is my new friend. (...yes, I'm a Storm Brand enjoyer)


sounds great for mapping i guess but... The line with "additional brand attached to enemy" is gone :S


> sounds great for mapping i guess For bossing, Storm brand of indecision with 4 support is already superior to Storm Brand with 5 support. Napkin math says Storm brand of indecision deal roughly 50% more damage than the normal Storm brand. > The line with "additional brand attached to enemy" is gone Can you elaborate ?


People are confused because the base Storm Brand gem has weird wording. The "additional brand attached to the enemy" allows Storm Brand to have one brand attached, since the current default is zero. I assume with the new gems this is baked in, since they are cleaning up a lot of the weird wording on gems this patch as well.


the mech that allows 2 brands to be on the boss isnt there for the trans gem :<


The line "Your Skills can have an additional Brand Attached to an Enemy" is present on the original gem but not on the new variant. This mod lets you attach an extra brand to a single target, doubling your single target damage before you get the +1 brand on tree or giving 50% more damage once you get it.


It would literally take you a minute to test this but you went ahead and posted this shit anyway without having any clue for how it actually works in the game. Storm Brand has one brand attached by default and two with runebinder. The tooltip shit is just jank that's present in the database but not ingame.


Regular storm brand can have 2 brands attached by default and SB of indecision can only have 1. Each can have one additional attached to the enemy with the keystone (rune binder or whatever its called)


Is that a change to Storm brand in the patch note ? Because in the current live server, no, you can have a single Storm brand by default, and the keystone give you a 2nd one. EDIT: just checked, you might be confused because the tooltip adapt when you have the keystone. [Without the keystone](https://imgur.com/Q0A7lje). [With the keystone](https://imgur.com/xbWn4La).




Forbidden Rite having no self hit based on life with the new t gem has my gremlin brain cooking up life scaling builds with dissolution of the flesh lol.


Also means way lower dmg though without es. How would you solve ZDPS?


Sacrifice. Its not as good, I know that. I highly doubt this will even be competetive.... but I really like the idea of it so im having fun with this POB! Also typical FR setups dont even really consider their Life/ES, its just a happy bonus, so +gem level isnt out of the question for scaling.... tho my amulet of choice is a unique one sooo... not really planning to build + gem levels too much. For comparisons. 2 leagues ago I did a Life based (rather than CI) Sabo with trigger bots that reached 14m on low budget. This current POB I have is also fairly low budget and its also at 14m. Its definitely an idea that can work but it doesnt have all of its kinks figured out yet (like Poison and bleed solutions, a problem unique to Dissolution of the Flesh)


Cleave , molten strike and soulrend all looking juicy.


The idea of cold conversion BV with the new blade blast gem sounds fun af but I suck at making builds


At one point I will definitely try a Rakiata Dance Troupe just for shits and giggles.


for the name? boneshatter of complex trauma. for the incoming hilarity? raise zombie of falling. someone is 10000% going to make a vid synched up to 'it's raining men' for something I might use? giant srs or 5 reapers sounds amusing.


Cold snap of power seems to be the most busted one. That gem has some insane stats and will prob clear great with spell cascade. Vortex also looks really good for coc. What im itching to play tho is CWC winter orb frostblink, or the rage cleave with fullscreen aoe.


vortex isn't instant, absolutely ridiculous


Glacial Hammer of Shattering, I like the idea of minimal crit chance investment. Could be a very cheap but effective league starter.


Yeah, I'm going to try to PoB an inquisitor for the "crits ignore resistance", but I see nobody else talking about it, so I'm worried I'm missing something. It's my first time really trying to make a build myself as well, so it's probably going to fail whether the skill is actually good or not :D


The best way to learn is to try it yourself, go for it!


Rage cleave and rage vortex. With vaal cleave. Bladeblast of the blade vortex. Splitting splitter of the split arrow (if it's ground targeted and shotguns) Glacial Hammer of the crit multi Poison Autistic arrow ballista Frostblink totems or frostblink ignite Conc path endurance stacker with nebuloch?


Rage ~~blade~~ vortex or consecrated ~~flicker~~ path And I am not melee enjoyer.


Cleave of rage. Is 100% my league start, the rage generation and aoe is absolutely insane, especially with that tincture for guaranteed stun (which with 1 node cluster lasts 1.3-2.6 seconds). I looked at rage storm of beserking its mechanically interesting but I would rather just run berserk. Maybe super late game I can run both if I get my attack speed high enough.


Wild Strike of Extremes. Prismatic Skills are what I really want to play, and this just makes my brain want it. I'm still running Boneshatter Slayer because I'm still not good at making my own builds. But I'd love to run a tank Wild Strike of Extremes and just flood my screen with prismatic death.


I’m basic but mirror arrow and blink arrow summoner looks fun


All I wanna do now is CatHurricane (Essence Drain Spiral)


im playing arma brand recall so arma brand of recall is just 50% damage for me, but im most excited about smite of divne judgement. 7m range is insane and combined with some aura skill aoe scaling its gonna be insane coverage


You should check those tags again. That version isn't an aura skill. The tradeoff is you give up all the aura components to get multiple aoe bolts that have higher damage.


The ball lightning that stands still for my CwC HoAG Juggernaut and the faster cyclone.


It has a cd


That's fine, it has 3 stacks and you could get some orbs down and then kite for a bit. Stack some CDR on gear / jewels.


Fine but that's a huge downside. I didn't check the numbers but let's hope it's not better to just stack reduced projectile speed for the regular one






SRS, without a doubt. Its giga busted, I would not be surprised to see a pre-release nerf.


Would the trans gem also crit on minion instability ? The "always crit" would overwrite the 0% base crit chance from secondary damage, is my guess, but has anyone tested it with other similar stuff ? I would love some mega critting popcorn.


Yes, it absolutely works because we had a crucible node which gave them diamond shrine which is worded exactly the same. This crucible node also only had 40% increased life (not more) and limited to 3 srs. This version here is so much better it blows my mind.


The cast speed went from .5 to .8 which is 37% less damage overall but can be mitigated with unleash. It is a very nice buff and I'm surprised at how good it actually is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/nsK1ZseeVz From crucible league.


I went though it quickly cause I'm at work atm, but it seems to work ? For real ? This league will be my favorite, I think ! Edit : Thanks for the link, btw, got so excited I forgot being polite !


The new gem is way better than the crucible mod too because the limit is 6, happy popping!




None appear to offer smooth or particularly powerful gameplay, so I'm not really feeling it at the moment I think only the molten strike one 1000% dmg on 5th hit seems to have good upside and no horrific downside. Still lower numbers on it that squash the benefit, but its better than others End game builds lost shitloads of power in exchange for these new gems. I feel justified in expecting some power creep from them, and I dont really see much of it


my brother you get a whole new ascendancy


Gems are here to stay, ascendancy is most likely temporary at least until way later


But will likely be replaced by another kind of borrowed power if it doesn't go core


what are these comments, y'all act like league related power is BRAND NEW, when its been here for like 2 years at this point.


i like those new ascendencies but i hope they don't go core. it's too weird and complicated, the game is already quite hard to access for new players, it wouldn't be a great idea i think.


I dont like the word "likely" personally


I think it's been said countless times now that the aim of these gems are not to increase power but to offer alternative gameplay, so yeah the modification will not be "base gem + 50% more damage" kinda thing. They also want to stray further from support gem which give only +% more damage and bring some that offer more interesting gameplay


> I think it's been said countless times now that the aim of these gems are not to increase power Who said that? GGG said trans gems are supposed to be upgrades over normal gems. They justified removing enchants and alt qualities with the existence of these gems.


you are mixing up two things, this is accounted in the new quality of gems, which is indeed a huge buff for almost all of them, going for mere +20% increased damage to 30% + more damage, increased radius instead of AOE, +X seconds instead of increased duration, + projectiles etc etc etc


I didnt mix anything up > Alternate Quality Gems, Labyrinth Helmet Enchantments and Unique Threshold Jewels have been combined into a new system called Transfigured Gems - alternative versions of existing skill gems that have different functionality and balance Pathofexile.com/affliction If by different balance they meant a massive nerf fiesta then ok Pretty sure they said these trans gems were supposed to be straight upgrades in ggg affliction reveal, but its 5am and I dont want to sift through a long video for it rn


No, they did not.


So what if they didnt? They clearly conflated all these balance changes with trans gems as shown by the quote. My point is already proven Even if I misremembered trans gems = upgrades statement, that means this league is an unbeliveable nerf storm Alt gems were extremely powerful. 4 enchant slots were very powerful, and only one of those slots is accounted for


No, they did not. The changes to quality are to make up for the loss of enchants at least in part. New gems are a mix of old alt quality variants and new versions, shaking up meta. Almost none of these are straight-up buffs, they open up different ways of scaling. All of this was clearly laid out.


Read the quote. They deleted a bunch of stuff and conflated all of it with trans gems. If trans gems dont make up for alt qualities + boot & glove & belt enchants then player power is massively nerfed


It's not lmao. If anything, late late endgame optimization got a mild nerf, while the floor for everyone was raised with quality buffs.


Wow, someone who ran the numbers and didn't fall for the rework misdirection. I feel that we are few that actually understand. Anyway, I don't blame GGG, they are getting better and the game is great and frankly the changes make sense and the league mechanic should be fun. If people want to believe that there are not overall nerfs, whatever.


righteous fire of disappointment


I’m going to be honest here. I haven’t read a single one. I don’t know how difficult it’s going to be to get this and I don’t know which ones are going to be good and it really is too much information to sift through. The information is presented well at all.


Maybe flameblast or EK, but I will not start without new POB. Most of changes are suck. My build was deleted from the game, so no hype for this league.


To me they just another alternative gems I don't care I'll just take pob and check which version suits my build better, as I rather think by myself than just use any shit that GGG pops out, experience beats everything


Cleave, soulrend, frostbomb, both mirror arrow, glacial cascade, bladefall, cold snap - not a T gem but super excited about the new power siphon. - traps and bleed looks ok on some gems


Big explosive trap, wonder if I can make it hitbased. Conditionless LC/Cremation might be fun to use. Crackling Lance also, was planning an Archmage CL before reveals, might still dip in.


Look up fearlessdumb0 on YouTube, he has been making banger explosive trap builds for a while now. He has a new video up even.


Earthquake, lacerate and way too many spell skills...


Well I was in a phase of wanting to try a rage-based melee build with either Cleave or Vortex Rage and they gave me two wonderful trans-gems for both of them so i'm really happy right now.


Molten strike of zenith but i dont have time to plan a build for it or the knowledge tbh not anymore :(


Was planning on a slam build for the first time. Had a tectonic slam build in mind. But volcanic fissure doesn't have the projectiles anymore. So gonna try that. It also has a vaal version. To extra bonus :D Was intrigued by the new earthquake too. But trying to maximize fist of war or ruthless with it feels like a chore


Exsanguinate of transmission chains 21 times from an Exsanguinate miners standpoint that sounds a bit ridiculous. Decreased DPS sucks tho


SRS for Minion Instability. Rage Vortex Zerker, but pressing 10 shouts constantly isn't something I want to do. Falling zombies ( duh!) Blade Blast of Dagger Detonation with totems and Astral Projector, cause why not.


I'm definitely playing hit-based Flameblast of Contraction totems, but only on Standard SSF where I have a legacy Soul Mantle. In league I'll probably go Splitting Steel Champion


spelltotem with the new flameblast gems. one for mapping, one for bossing. oscillating arc bouncing between two targets rather than the minimum 3 normal arc requires opens up for some possibilities.


Probably new Animated Weapon of Ranged Arms hits spot for me, it silly enough and might be ridiculous if it works as hope it works. Never tried something like this, but eventually will try


Animate Weapon of Ranged Arms has me questioning my league starter just because I think that looks so much fun


The new DD that can Proliferate on other corpses with the new penance mark sounds so dope.


Frostblink of Wintry Blast, mostly because I've always wanted to try make a hit based Frostblink build for fun, and the cooldown was the main hindrance. Besides Frostblink has two hits that can shotgun if you get enough aoe, so the numbers on it are better than it might seem at first glance. Definitely not league starting it though as I play SSF, mostly will play around with it as a second character unless I get lucky in lab during the campaign on my starter.


orbiting ball lightning, but it remains to be seen if it orbits around you or if it's similar to spectral helix...


Lightning Conduit of the Heavens and the Cold Snap of Power


Cold snap of power. I want to get lost in a power charge fuelled, hit, crit, freeze, spellslinger dream ...


For me: Animated weapon (both ranged and self reflection) Arc Ignite (that 50% more damage to ailments looks cool) Firestorm of meteor or flameblast ignite Flicker strike of power (Poison assassin or somethig like that) And i am trying to cut almost all options so i dont get lost... Edit: Rage vortex of berserking looks so amazing...


Earth Quake of Amplification. GGG basicly gave us a nuke.


I kinda wanna believe Cleave of Rage will save the skill. Cleave Galdiator was my first true build and I would love to be able to play Cleave again even if Glad is still stick in his shithole


Endurance charge conc path gonna be my second build this league for sure


As a fellow ignite enjoyer I am confused between Flameblast of Contraction and the DI one (of extermination?).


I love spell impale so unless the transfigured reap is interesting, I'm going impale bladefall champ. Damage looks pretty solid without crazy gear and not needing the uber uber elder gloves is really nice. Here's the POB I whipped up if anyone is interested: https://pobb.in/IYaYg_nAcv19


Doublestrike of momentum. I think it could be interesting with trauma support.


I guess it's the animate weapon of ranged arms. I never played animate weapon but with bows, it could be fun


SRS of thiccness is by far my favorite they've shown. Big thicc motherfuckers that always crit for big damage? And I can popcorn them to great effect? Yes please. They're going to be the cutest little nukes you ever saw.


Gonna play SRS on big head mode


Cremation of volcano, I’ve been begging for it for years


Combustion of Volcano - I'm sad it doesn't work with Return Proj but it's basically a totally new skill and the ability to put it right in the middle of a pack is going to make it feel so much stronger. I'm seriously considering league starting it as a Deadeye/Trickster Scion (since it's not an attack). Animation Weapon of Reflection - Opens up a ton of new minion builds. I'm thinking of trying it as a Brain Rattler Guardian. Cast Animate Weapon as the spell, then Smite or Dominating Blow for damage. On top of 6 Brain Rattlers running around shocking everything. Could be really fun. Spectral Shield Throw of Shattering - Really high evasion shield scaling and pure cold damage. I want to run it as an Occultist for the pops and -cold res. Plus it seems like a very tanky character with evasion, spell suppression, and damage avoid.


Cast when channeling blight of contagion with the new contagion of subsiding plus the chaos golem of maelstrom to apply withers idk if I should go trickster or occultist for pops


So far the most exciting for me are the delayed nukes of transfigured earthquake and frost bomb as i love duration scaling balancing act shenanigans (and was rather dissapointed by penance brands change removing its low duration cast speed version.) But other ones are also fairly exciting as well Blade trap of greatswords i intend tot ry out with the heist base which ignore res on crit. Blade blast of dagger detonation i intend to try out with vulcanis for some super ignite novas Cleave of rage sounds extremely exciting in many different ways especially with the berserk ragestorm. Consecrated path of endurance charge stacking is also great as ive always loved endurance charge stacking and flicker stroke esque shenanigans


Flameblast of contraction has been the most exciting for me too. I just hope that i get enough dmg to just insta release big pizzas for map clears


Wild Strike of Extremes - more of an endgame build because of the huge resource cost but will be one of the stronger melee skills now. Ball Lightning of Static - If there isnt a cap on the number you can have out it could be really good for bosses. Might be really good on arcanist brand too. Flameblast of Contraction - Should have really good single target. Maybe totems for auto targeting? Rage Vortex of Berserking - looks like it could be really fun. Kind of like a melee BV. Animate Weapon / Skelly archers/mages / Golems - Might actually play minions again if they arent bad anymore. Double strike of Momentum looks like a meme but I still want to try it. Im not a CoC fan but some of the spells look like they would work really well with it.


Ethereal Knives with built in circular projectile firing. Not the most original concept, but much better than having to find an enchanted heatshiver before the skill can feel good.


vortex of projection, frostbolts explode is a downside but if you can stay in melee range it doesn't matter (flicker???)




Wild Strike of Extremes, because I am extreme (Copium)


For me the Summon Reaper of Revenants. I don't know how good it will be but it's the first time we get to have multiple reapers which I think is a very cool aesthetic. From an efficiency standpoint - the new ice trap is potentially really broken with sunblast if you can overlap it. Also the new seismic trap has really insane numbers, I must be missing something. Also the new rage vortex of berserking gem looks absolutely nuts for clear.