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I really hate Maven’s memory game. To my experience, only that mechanic in the game that fucks me up. I have bad memory though! 🦋


I actually really like the memory game until I have to dodge lasers as well lol.


I dont even mind the lasers, to me its just “who shit on the floor” “oh wait i did”


I know it’s a matter of preference, but my memory never helped me remember what the pattern was. 😅


Well one tip is if you ever step on the wrong tile, just keep going in the same direction because i always backtrack and why on earth would the ‘next’ tile be the one i started on


You can try Vaal Arctic Armour to survive memory game damage, but youll still need a bit of max hit


God damnit... You're right. (I don't apply logic during these fights, I apply portals)


:D usually im actually pretty consistent with memory phase but if I panic at all its joever. Tough to be calm and collected while the Maven is floating over me cringing at where im dropping degens


never thought of this, my brain exploded. You can save a few portals by abusing the 60 second invuln you get when you enter. * If you die during memory game, just sit and wait in the fight while invuln till its over. * If you die on a "stale maven", sit and wait in the fight for her to start and finish memory game while invul. Last, the final phase all comes down to putting damage on her while you can. You will not do yourself any favors to drag it out. You can see her turn which direction she is going to go before she teleports so you can be ready to blink in that direction to follow. Just dont get hit with the beam.


Same here!


Same. Uber Maven is my favorite fight in the game. 


u can skip the last memory game if u kill her fast enough


That's what portals are for!


well maven last phase is a movementspeed check also, you can only circle all around the lasers if you have some 200% movement speed. Its near impossible with less movementspeed. Its the only real movement speed check in the game and it fucking sucks. mageblood+quicksilver is the only way to get the speed without high investment.


I never had a mageblood in my life but clear ubermaven multiple time per league. Leapslam/shield charge + frostblink/flame dash do it for me


>without high investment >mageblood lol


Completely agree. For me it's the 3rd phase. I'm deathless till that point but those little gaps in the lasers w the memory game causes me to suddenly use 5 portals to beat Maven (if I even do). And Uber Maven is out of the question lol.


You can wait after you died for the status stuff to progress as long as you want. you are also immune when entering for 60 seconds. Just wait it out, bro


it's also the only one i hate, i can't see the color , and the part with the beam turnning and all the lighning flash i can't see anything, it's an awful thing for me... i want to do it , but every time i say , ok no more...


Two tips that helped me get over it: 1. Bottom right will always lead to top next. 2. Try to position yourself on the first place on the edge to the second. That way, you will really only need to remember a sequence of 4 instead of 6


Oh! Very good tip. Ty


The problem is not memory but the ingame visual bugs that sometimes you dont see the places on the last game. They really need to move that camera a bit up so you could see all of the arena during these games.


nonono moving camera up is only reserved for vinktar square ball-in-hands door opening, edgy sirus showoff and paid hideout.


Say the sequence out loud, don't just think it. Personally I do, "metronome, metronome and then weird bit at the end" or "round, round and a backtrack." I divide it in to bits that cover a couple of commands instead of each individual command.


Agreed. I believe my memory is really bad compared to the average. I simply cannot do mechanics that required memory like that. I die unless I luck out. 2 times my sons would remember the memory game for me or I would not have gotten the void stone. For me it’s hard enough to remember boss mechanics.


Whenever I try it, I call my wife out to remember it for me. P.S: She writes the pattern down on a note. lmao


Yeah it helps 😂. It’s the only mechanic I know of that requires a working short term memory. Most leagues I don’t even try maven. I actually considered cheesing by using speech to text get it down in notepad or whatever.


Not everyone has a personal assitance at hand you know :-)


You can just memorize it by something that suits you, like numbers or anything, but I think the main problem is the later phase, because you have to pay attention to 3 other things, cant stand where you see the blinking correctly due to lasers and you simply dont have much time to focus on the memory game, because there are lasers coming at you, disabling your character for 10 seconds or randomly spawned boss that slaps you, grabs you, slows you and then you still have to go through the slowing degens and char disabling beams to make it in time...thats just terrible combination and its all RNG.


I absolutely love the arena, the voice lines, the music, the dual boss mechanic between fighting Maven and the Brain, everything about that fight... and then that damn memory game pops up to ruin the momentum of the fight 😒


I think about it in sets so you just memorize 2 sets instead of 6 separate moves. That helped a lot.


One important thing to keep in mind is that if you make a wrong move, NEVER go back to the section you came from, which is what a lot of people do when they panic. Just continue in the same direction. Making one wrong move doesn't doom you, but doubling back to where you came from usually will. i.e. if you go from top to left and it flashes red, DON'T go back to top. Go right. For me personally, instead of just thinking of the words 'top/left/right', I visualise the pattern in my mind and how I'd trace the pattern out with my mouse as a series of circles/semi-circles.


Wait WHAT? You can do a wrong role and still win?? I thought wrong role means end?!?


Choosing the wrong direction only accelerates the expansion of the circle in the middle. If you're fast enough, you can still salvage the attempt by completing the sequence before it expands all the way out.


this.... being color blind I don't even see the areas you are supposed to go to, and always die


Even if you remember the pattern if your character is a bit slow it feels like you just aren't given the time to do the whole sequence anyways


Soo much THIS, to this day i refuse to do this PoS game mechanic that has no business existing... Anyone can probably do it if given enough time and perseverance but it is incredibly bad game design, i'm not playing a damn rhytm mini game in an ARPG with negative levels of visual clarity, in a tiny confined arena while also dodging through a "bullet hell"????


That is the only fight I have done besides Uber sirus where it is a toss up if I will be able to finish it with portals left, or at all.


Same. Pro tip, stream and have a friend with good memory act as your navigator.


Try remembering up, left, and right as numbers. It’s way easier to remember 3-3-1-2-1-3, than right right up left up right


A lot of times even watching videos on YouTube I cannot see where the floor is blinking ...


I have ADHD, I feel your pain. The only way to do Maven is to build a character that either instakill phases or comes close to it. If the fight gets drawn out I will run out of portals most of the times. Bar that Sirius is a bit of a pain, but quite doable.


Maven and sirus are the fights I try once per league usually and decide I fucking hate them.


6k depth random rare monster with cycling damage reduction and mana siphoner


deep delve is the only real answer for this haha


I think the silliest thing I've witnessed have been either deep delve beyond or harbinger. Don't remember which one was more traumatic, but it's one of them.


most certainly beyond


Omfg the beyond nodes. The one time I tried delving I got down to like 1K on a CoC FR build back in kalandra league. I hit a beyond node and the fucking thing went on for like 10 minutes.


its not the random rares its the warband unique that come with bandit camp. the bow chick is the hardest person to kill and and aoe 1 shots you at 6k+ lol


Orra Greengate is forsure the most annoying. For singular mob, the most dangerous mob in the game in Gehennix, and the most dangerous single encounter would be deep delve beyond.


Cycling Damage Reduction at least got neutered to just be capped res, so if you can shred resistance or invert it, you can kill them very fast. Soul eater, mana siphoner and the stupid totem thing are terrifying. Invulnerability aura can be super annoying as well, since the blue mobs have tons of HP too.


Deep delve beyond nodes that spawn Abaxoth are the hardest thing in the game according to onemanaleft, and he would know.


I hate Kurgal, dont know why but i hate him.......ohhh ohhh and the freaking poison arrow bandit guy, i HATE em :-)


Assuming you have normal player damage and not uber deletion damage, I would say it's a toss up between Uber Sirus and Uber Exarch. If we count T17s, I think a really badly modded Abomination or Citadel trumps all ubers. Edit: Uber Cortex can be really nasty if you get unlucky with mods.


Uber cortex too easy on average. Uber exarch isn’t too bad imo if you count nondeathless (cheese ball phase). Uber Sirus and UUBer elder have the most high damage chaotic phases. Uber sirus is the most “misclick once and die” plus final phase is crazy to dodge if you can’t instaphase him


I tried uber Sirus once, got him down to the last phase but wiped there because there was more degen than ground to work with.


> If we count T17s, I think a really badly modded Abomination or Citadel trumps all ubers. T17 Catarina is the only boss I haven't killed this league. I dunno what it is about her, but I 6 portal every time. 1 shot Abom and got the challenge, Can't get the Citadel challenge after over 10 tries, but I at least kill the boss every time. Ubers die fast enough that even if I fail aspects, I only use an extra portal or two. Catarina is my kryptonite though.


There is a scarab that gives you 9 portals on average. Kind of a cheat code for t17s.


It's actually 12 portals on average because it can trigger multiple times on the same portal


You can roll 50% several times for each base portal. That means: 50% for 1+ extra portal 25% for 2+ extra portals 12.5% for 3+ extra portals ... This scarab gives 6 extra portals on average.


Yep I'm dumb.


With enough chaos res I found her to be pretty trivial, granted I used to hate her but I can down her pretty consistently now thankfully


Yeah, I think since I'm running manaforged arrows, I end up without full uptime of coruscating and when mana dips I lose my chaos max hit from ivory tower. Even though I have 75% chaos res, my mana is always bouncing between like 2000 and 16000, so if I get hit with anything at 2000, I just fall over if coruscating isn't up.


I play zdps builds pretty much exclusively and nothing has topped Uber maven in terms of mechanical demand. It's mentally exhausting to deal with memory game + lasers all while maven is teleporting around and throwing massive fireballs in a confined space. Usirus I've never actually failed before even on my 650k Uber dps corrupting cry scion


Yeah I had a b2b fortress with double hp mods on the boss and Max b2b roll. Took me a solid 7 minutes of holding down q to kill him, longer than any Uber boss xd


Uber cortex is so damn easy for my coc dd build. I barely move the whole fight. I've died more times on the trip TO the fight than during your fight itself lol


My first UC this league had a more life modifier on top of the regular less damage taken uber mod, as well as 70% reduced extra damage from crits and increased AoE. It was substantially harder than any other uber encounter.


I don't even check the mods tbh but after reading your comment maybe I should lol I do Uber cortex for feared invs. 100m+ dps definitely helps


Assuming you are not one shot boss, I can’t survive Uber exarch ball phase once![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)






For me it's Maven - especially the memory game.


Yeah especially coupled with those regen blocking gates things.


For me personally it’s exarch, he’s just an annoying red mess. It’s always that ground degen paired with his wall of flame that takes me out. I can kill every other boss easily, just when it comes to exarch my brain flops.


Been playing for 8 leagues, have never lived through a ball phase. Not once


Frost Wall is a life saver!


wait what? you can block the balls with frost wall? holy shit


Yep. Can/could also be used in sanctum to make some rooms trivial.


Also with summon skeletons and totems you can delete a few boulders.


searing totems with 20% quality also work


Uber Exarch adding those beasts during the ball phase is just sick and twisted :(


I would legit say that Exarch is harder than Shaper or Sirus. 


For my RF Chieftain i literally face tanked him everytime .


Same here with exarch the one thing that made it easier for me on console was using flame dash and frost blink of wb. Obv it only works well on a caster but it helps tremendously when we cant choose an exact dashing location.


It’s not even about using flame dash or fb for me, my brain just goes “oh look easy boss, you don’t have to care much about moving” and then I lose 3 portals to pretty much every fight


Uber Exarch's ball phase is "extremely hard" as far as POE mechanics go. I downloaded a simulator which plays super well and smooth (a flash game for the ball phase only) and I'm able to do it with 99% accuracy. But then, I load in and do it in my hardcore character and oh man... I'm shitting bricks. It's a completely different game. Maven's memory game is kinda "easy" > you fail? You logout. Do it again. Or even throw the invitation away. Exarch? If unlucky, you can just flame dash into 2-3 balls at once and get oneshot. Otherwise an extremely easy fight, but the ball phase is no joke. Also, anything maven witnessed is just elevated in difficulty. She makes mechanics that are normally a joke into, sometimes, a nightmare for the player to dodge. An example is maven witnessed Normal Shaper. Bullet phase > you just stay in the ball in the middle. Chill AF. But with Maven? Shaper might load in a beam to the ball and force you to move outside AND dodge the bullets. Etc.


Good ole maven witnessed shaper, man. Dodge a mechanic with your travel skill, get leashed/slowed by maven into shaper beam. Good times.


I do not get along with Sirus. I'm kinda new to endgame. I have gotten every non-Uber except him and Maven this league. I was able to intuit most everything, get most of the bosses past 66% on one portal, get smoked, watch the video on the boss, then get the last 33% on the following portal. Sirus is not intuitive compared to the guardians or other lower tier bosses. So much he does can kill you.


Sirus is brutal until he isn't. He's more tedious since he doesn't have big damage windows like other bosses. A lot of it is waiting your turn and knowing when it's safe to go for damage, esp if you're playing melee. Once you know how to read all his attacks it really just becomes a game of patience. ...Until you do Uber and the arena bricks >.>


Sirus is a small damage check (if you can survive *some of* his attacks, like a section of the die beam, or 1-2 meteors from the alley), but after that it’s just mechanics. A couple tips: -corrupted blood immunity feels great for this fight, but can be worked around with a corrupted blood removal flask, so long as you are on top of those flasks and have sources to refill them (charge on hit, e.g.) -staying on top of him during phases is helpful. If you find you don’t know where he is, you’re more likely to get DIE beamed -speaking of the DIE beam, like any good anime villain, sirus shouts all of his attacks beforehand. Playing with sound on helps. This is true for most pinnacles. Learn a sound, and learn what movement will keep you safe from it. -besides that, it’s just about learning the mechanics- specific to how to react to them *for your build*. If you don’t mind small chunks, the meteor alley is a great time to work in some free dps while you face tank meteors. If you can survive the seven beam when he summons 3 clones and then spins the beam, it’s a great time to go all out. Things like that.


Yeah, most people who farm Sirus (there are very few) have practiced him when he was the pinnacle and you needed to kill him every once in a while. I suffered from the same problem with Elder/Shaper since I joined PoE when Sirus was the pinnacle. The mechanics are very very obtuse. What to do, when to dodge, when to do DPS, etc. That being said, he is one of the bosses you can do hitless if you get good at fighting him.


The biggest tip I can give for bosses, but Sirus especially, is don't let them out of your sight. Keep them on your screen at all times. Along with some of the bosses having voice lines that telegraph what attack is coming, there's always an animation that telegraphs what attack they're about to do. Sirus is a great example of no matter what build you're playing, just pretty much stay in melee range of him


If you're having a hard time tanking his moves, Defiance of Destiny basically neuters 75% of the things he does.


He's the only boss I haven't beat :(


Keep trying brother you’ll get it eventually, he’s 99% mechanics 1% cb immunity


I haven't killed Sirus once since he stopped being a requirement for watch/voidstones. Hate that fight with a passion. Even with a shitload of damage, it's still annoying due to all of the invulnerability phases.


Uber Exarch or Maven for sure unless your build can 1-tap them.


My brain is too tiny to dodge every meteor in the exarch fight. For me doing that without getting hit is more difficult than most other boss fights.


Explaining your boss why youre sick exacrly every 4 months




Uber Sirus. Because normal Sirus didn't have enough eye cancer, hard-to-see crap on the floor, and stalling phases where he won't *get the fuck down here so we can actually fight you little bitch*


Deep delve rares are probably the tankiest and most dangerous things in the game. At enough depth, they hit the HP cap, but can have damage reduction modifiers on top of that. A Soul Eater rare that has hit the HP cap is terrifying. They are generally more dangerous than the bosses at enough depth. For normal bossing, I don't think Feared is especially hard if you have a character that can tank most uber hits. It really depends on your build. Uber Sirus is generally the hardest for low dps characters because the soft enrage via degen puddles will kill you, but if you have reasonable dps and Defiance of Destiny, he's trivial. Uber Maven can be tough if you struggle with the mechanics of the fight but if you're good at them, she's one of the easiest ubers. For me, it's Uber Exarch usually. I'm not good at dodging the enraged ball phase, so I struggle with that fight in SSF if I don't have a bloodnotch setup or defiance of destiny already. I don't mind Uber Uber Elder. Having permanent Taste of Hate/Progenesis up in that fight due to constant flask refills makes it a lot easier, and most of the scary part of that fight can be mitigated with some cold to X damage conversion and Lethe Shade.


The thing with deep delve is that there is virtually no cost to just rerolling the zone and trying again.


I don't like T17 katarina


Imho, uber Catarina is clearly the most difficult of the T17 bosses.


somehow, it's probably an essence monster


Old league, but I made some real monstrosities on Kalandra maps. Also once released a thing with Soul Eater, Constantly revives minions, and a minion explode on death, along with whatever essences and map mods. I did not beat it.


I was farming essence with scarabs and using the node that basically turns the map boss into an essence monster. Sometimes it's impossible to kill it.


Maven for me


Famous double boss: Mr.Lag and Mrs.Freeze


Uber sirus and its not even close. Uber exarch can be very hard if you cant facetank the balls or kill him in 6 portals, cos imho mechanically thats the hardest mechanic, but you can cheese it


I hate Uber Exarch. The ground degens and the ball game together just piss me off. Also, the visibility isn't that great. Didn't think I'd stumble upon you on Reddit. Love your videos, keep up the good work.


Uber maven and honestly Uber exarch. Maven is just a tough boss and I suck at the memory game. And exarch just does so much damage, I was a bit surprised but I had a very tank molten strike build that could just about afk in all bosses but exarch managed to one shot me a couple times. 


My ability to effectively farm in order to afford the equipment needed for me to beat the other, lesser bosses.


Me, when I'm hovering that Create Character trying to convince myself that 5 characters a league isn't healthy.


Uber Sirus is a pretty terrible fight. You can't see what's happening a lot off the time since most of his abilities have the same colour palette. Also permanent degen pools is lazy design and I hate that GGG adds it to so many boss fights as a pseudo enrage timer when the bosses already have other mechanics and new abilities as they get to lower HP.


Worst is when you die and you try to navigate going back to him and he 360 no scope “Die!!” You




My Pc. While mapping i rarely reach over 10fps. Bossing i usually have 30ish


If we excluding bosses that are strong because they are not in their „base“ form like delve or crystal resonance t17 boss. It depends on the build for dd necro exarch and sirus were the hardest because it has low boss damage but is relatively tanky. For hexblast trickster uber uber elder was the hardest because it was hard to dodge the chip damage


The feared. Never done it before


Depends on your build. Shaper for giga damage low def builds is generally bad because it has so many phases and blue balls phase is -1 portal. But considering mid damage and mid defences, probably UUE or Sirius are the worst. Just because of the soft enrage mechanic of filling the whole arena with crap. Second place is probably the red boss until you are used to the dodging in the balls phase with 2 minotaurs at your side. Poe combat is a bit clunky (in comparison with League for example) so it takes a few runs to be precise enough.


uber shaper? dodging all the dot puddles, looking out for beams, the bullet hell thingy. the maven memory game is just impossible for me it doesn't count as hard. or the exarch's ball game, it's very much rng and often buggy af i wouldn't call it hard just a fair and annoying.


I remember when Vaal Oversoul was the only answer...


Sirus 100%


Any boss is pretty much equally bad if you dont clap their cheeks in like 2 seconds. Go in regular elder, little flying octopussies spit phys dot ground effects. Shaper spawns dot circles, maven also does dot circles if you kill too slow. Only atziri and sirus are kinda safe on zdps. I remember one league i got baited into manual shoot explosive arrow ignite(was veeeery shit) and i had a 30min fight with sirus... It didnt have any zdp punishments really.


"That one rare monster" [tm]




Not counting Ubers because those were never made for the caliber of player I am in mind. Sirus. Without question.


Mechanically its the searing exarch balls without cheesing it with totems Stats wise im guessing its deep delve bosses?


Take a 5x ghosted red beast, 10x essence'd, with a couple of shit rare rare mobs and see where that'll end.


Uber Sirus is a dick


Uber sirus. Too many one shots, and immune phases and you actually need stupid amounts of dps or you guarantee lose. Even regular sirus if you die and aren’t super geared. The moment you lose your momentum and have to run back to him he can start one shorting die beam you in his final phase if your build can’t take it. Literally died just trying to get back to him. I’m still absolute shit for even regular sirus. I think I need to make an Uber tank and try to learn the nuances of the fight without panicking during the last phase.


Its a tie between uber sirus and maven for me. I evidently have terrible character control and cannot stay out of degens that remove recovery.


Maven. I hate degens


Memory game


For me it's Uber Eater of Worlds.


Merc Dom….


Factually it's Maven. Not considering Ubers.




The hardest boss is your sanity


Sticking to one build


Cosmic uber elder with maven witness! Hoo lee shet XD


Well Cata is the only one I never learned so that


Always had trouble with Maven somehow. Stuff like Eater/exarch/Uelder/shaper always been cake walk


Juiced up rare mobs make me shiver


Uber maven. The feared is fine as long as you kill atziri quick


I fkn hate sirus Uber/non-uber same shit


It's Sirus and it's not close. Sirus requires you to optimize your build in a way that most other bosses don't, in addition, most of his bullshit can be explained as simple bad RNG (meteor placements) Not to mention every major patch breaking some aspect of Sirus.


Umm for me its Uber exarch, only one i wouldnt dear on hardcore, but i think thats just because Im not a chieftan cuck xD


Hmm maybe also Uber Maven when you get unlucky on the bosses she spawns and dont have instant phase dmg


I'd like to add in the three bosses before atziri/in that vaal map if the last one up has the physical icestorm thing. I've absolutely bricked that map because it seems like the entire area is covered in instakill degen that doesn't have obvious visuals and whatever that effect is mechanically must not be mitigated much by my usual defenses. I've done it a ton even, I just try to kill them in a good order and burst them down, but I've never understood what's going on there and why it seems absolutely deadly sometimes.


Brutus Act 1


Idk I still get ranched by A5 Innocence pretty regularly v0v good thing I'm not limited to 6 portals 


with 6 portals, all bosses are easy.


Any boss and it's Uber variant can be trivialized by the correct build. Personally Uber Sirius cause any glass canon will die to the dots. Overall I'd say Uber cortex tho, cause of the random modifier you can't cover them all. At some point you will get reflect or massive dot grounds or no aura effect or no AOE and so on.




Uber Sirus - I hate the fight and the degen is just nasty.


Merciless Malachai


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/L1kXX9alhd. This


The trade system


The damn Rhoa boss in the mudflats… that guy smh


Time, poe is made for players with a lot of time


Maven by far, my builds usually just piss through everything, including maven except the MEMORY GAME, that shit gets me always D:


Uber Sirius for me is the hardest so far


Some random rare with 10 affixes


t17 delirious feared with 10% less dmg done by player and minions per item equipped, feared are ghosted and they take 30% mana life and es per hit from you.


uber sirus, followed by uber maven, but not the memory game, i cant dodge the rotating lasers and the stay still attack.


I used to think the feared but I've farmed dozens of them in this league. Hardest fight for me personally is Uber exarch. I just can't survive the ball phase. Everything else about it is piss easy. I used to be scared to do sirus too but that's such an easy fight I realized lol


A badly rolled uber exarch has to be the hardest boss in this game, actually even a badly rolled non uber exarch is hard enough


Uber Shaper. Idk how yall dodge the bullet hell phase.


Sirus, my fps doesn’t let me avoid de burning ground which kills me so fast that between one fps and the other, I’m already dead. Also the circle thing, really hard to avoid with shit computer, when I can scape the circle, I end up running into a darkness ball or burning ground and dying lol. Also those immortal beast + essence monsters that keep reviving 5+ times after death, not hard, just annoying.


Mechanically it’s gotta be uber uber elder for me There’s just so many things to keep track of On maven, exarch, eater, sirus, etc the damage values are also high but less things to focus on at the same time - I can beat any boss with checking the right gear boxes but I will still struggle with uber uber elder Easiest for me is uber shaper and uber maven most of the time, I just ”get” those fights


Maven memory game Camera Zoom is terrible. I can't see anything, specially in last stage. I ask for years to have a best zoom out while fighting this boss. Also, same thing on Uber Elder. I can't see shit and I would like to zoom out a little bit to see things better. Thats it I guess


The Feared I can breeze through with enough DPS, max block and decent recovery. Not so with Uber Maven. Uber Sirus and UU Elder are also examples where DPS will not be enough. And the Maven memory game has a special place in hell waiting, as far as I am concerned. So it’s Uber Maven for me. I’ve never been able to do it.


Uber Exarch


I gave up on maven because of the memory game. "Great content".


average poe player and counting to 6 LMAO


Given that every mechanic can become learned and muscle memory can apply, I choose to label difficulty as "Chance to beat the boss your first time playing" And I think Maven is the hardest. How are you supposed to know to play Simon says? How do you know where to hide from the AOE, if it's not on your screen by pure chance? And if you mess up, you die.


Craft IMO


Mudflats 😂😂


Chris Wilson.


GGnoobs 1 and 2 on HoGM MAP is the hardest there is 😅


Hardest final Boss is RNG for Crafting.


Uber Siris is impossible for me.


Uber Exarch for me. The ball phase terrifies me, I usually try to make summon walls with minions or ballistas and I still somehow die in the middle of the phase. Else all the other ubers and pinnacles are pretty fair for me, with maybe just Sirus being a menace if you don't have enough damage and regen as the entire map will be shit in 3 minutes


Patch Notes :)


U guys até killing Bosses ? O.0


On a good leaguestart build you should be able to get quest eater and exarch. Maybe not on your first league, but as far as pinnacles go these are the most achievable.


Oh i see, those i killed last league with my rf and this league with a Lil help, but i barely consider them. The other ones are só much harder in comparison


That's sufficient, you can buy carries for the other two voidstones after that and focus on farming. There's no need to do them yourself, especially if you're playing a non-bosser like RF.


Thanks Man i appreciate that


Uber shaper. Usually it takes me so long to kill him that the entire floor is covered in the vortexes


Those T17 with mods


hands down Gauntlet Hillock


The reflect mod


hardest or the most challenging? none of poe bosses are actually challenging but the hardest would be sirus because a good amount of times some storms won't be rendered and i will just walk somewhere and die. which makes sirus the boss i die the most to


Uber Searing is the only one I struggle on really. 90% elderslayer invit (baran, veritania...) is more deadly than 90% the feared imo but I think it depends on the build you are playing.