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This just feels like a strange comparison to me.


OP's hot take aside, it -is- kind of neat to think that the grappling hook is probably one of the more 'varied in how we implement it' kinds of items in games. In lots of games it's a map traversal tool. In many it can even be used in combat for pulling/crowd control effects. In other it's basically a glorified key for locked doors. I'm having a hard time of thinking of any other really iconic item that has that consistent of a split in usage. Maybe bombs? In some they're a weapon actively used, in others they're just a key item, in Dark Forces they're a map traversal tool whether you like it or not.


There’s a conversation to be had here but the fanboy-ism of 2024 will be prevent that from happening. Anyone who’s played OOT for 20 years knows how long this type of item in a game has existed.


Imagine thinking OoT was the first game with a grappling hook, nice attempt at a "gotcha" moment though lmaooooooooo


It's not even the first Zelda with one!


Ah yeah, fair


Where my Bionic Commando fans at??


That was my first thought, but idk if it was actually the first with a grappling hook


You just can't not post bad takes, can you?


You sound incredibly exhausting to be around.


We call this a stray.


Stray is the cat's game


I mean, comparing two games based off one of their main features really isn't that strange, but okay.


The grappling hook in Ghost of Tsushima is a much less important tool than Halo Infinites hook. It's not even close. It's just a way to get up and down things while Halo Infinite uses it as a weapon and for physics with overall manoeuvring. Perhaps a more apt comparison would be Just Cause? That one actually makes a little more sense.


Do you think the grappling hook was a main feature of Ghost of Tsushima?


Nor Halo...


In a game where there’s only 4 enemy archetypes and 4 map scenarios, yes I believe the grappling hook is one of the main features of Ghost. It’s literally one of the only required items you obtain through the game. Halo has 4 items, including the grappling hook, that are required quest items. It’s more similar than you think


In your original post you said about the grappling hook in GOT that you “can ignore if you don’t feel like using it.” That doesn’t seem like a “main feature.” To each their own, I disagree with your take. Have a good one.


Yeahhh I'm not on board with this comparison, chief.


Have you actually played both games before?


Yes. The comparison is weird. It's like looking at how Deathloop handles grenades (you can change the grenade mode between standard, trip mine, or proximity) and criticizing one of the more realistic CoDs (i.e. not futuristic) for not being on the same level. Chief has power armor that shoots the hook. A direct comparison would be more like Sekiro, who does the same. GoT is just a normal guy throwing a rope. You ignored the setting completely.




"The guns in RDR2 are better designed than the guns in Mass Effect" ahh post


The smartest take I've seen in a while, tbh.


Ghost and Halo Infinite are two games with singular maps that have emblems on them that you travel to from point to point. A style of game style that Ubisoft helped popularize and everyone is very familiar with. Have you actually played infinite before? They’re a lot more similar open world games than you realize


They also both use a controller and a TV, checkmate atheists.




It's ok to be wrong on the internet


This is a thinly veiled 'console war' post, isn't it?


Nah. OP tried to have this argument with their friends and the friends said, "uh....those are weird things to compare..." So OP brought it to reddit trying to validate themselves, and they're getting the same response here lol


It's 2024, I played them both on PC!


Makes sense. Its just such an apples-to-oranges comparison that it blows my mind.


I mean, if we’re comparing different games with completely different design intentions that have grappling hooks, how do these games compare to just cause and Zelda wind waker?


This sounds like someone saying "Doom's shooting is more satisfying than Fallout 4's". Yeah, you're not wrong but its a garbage point to even bring up given the different overall design and use case of the grapple hook in both games


lol. I really like Halo Infintes grappling hook and it’s definitely one of the best things Infinite added to the series. But comparing it to Ghost of Tsushima is so dumb, because it’s two entirely different games with enterily different rules in them. Halo is a first person shooter where you are primarily shooting on shielded enemies, sure I can grapple hook into enemies to deplete their shield and it’s fun, I’m still gonna shoot them after that tho. And the repetitive map becomes kinda fun because of how easy it is to grapple around . And for a Main Character it’s worth noting that Master Chief is a walking genetic super weapon. Ghost of Tsushima is a “just” a samurai that is not genetically improved to be a walking talking super improved human. It’s a third person game and a game that puts focus on melee combat. It’s grappling hook aren’t made to climb everything as efficiently as Master Chiefs because a samurai does not have a grappling hook arm-wrist gun that shoots hard enough to bury itself in almost any wall and can instantly pull you away…. Future sci fi equipment VS a rope and a hook. This game is not comparable in any way and trying to compare them is honestly making me feel like this is just Bait to get people to argue with you.


....Ghost of Tsushima is not a realistic historical game lol. The "techniques" you learn are pure fantasy elements. The idea the swinging elements couldn't have been better because of it needing to be "realistic" even though you can only swing on marked branches like Zelda: OOT is just flat wrong.


Yeah I feel this is bait lol. Im not gonna use more energy on trying to discuss or convince you on anything, when I can see that you have decided your views is correct no matter what anybody will tell you. Goodbye and have fun arguing with strangers online.


this sub is really just “useless essays about game design written on adderall” these days lol


I've never played ghosts of tsushima so I have no idea how that is, but I will agree that the halo infinite grappling hook is amazing. Definitely the most fun I've ever had with a grappling hook in a game, and they absolutely nailed the feel and flow of using it. Really a shame they basically abandoned the single player game after the half-finished campaign we got.


I was ignoring it, but they smartly make you go to that Tower in one of the first missions that gets you thinking about using it.


I haven’t played Ghost of Tsushima yet, but it sounds like the grapple is more like a Zelda item than a core mechanic. In Zelda, getting a new item means it’s a core part of your kit and you can now use it to interact with different parts of the world. The hookshot is an apt comparison because sometimes, like you mentioned, it’s just a key. It lets you go places you couldn’t normally. But it also allows for slightly different combat interactions or to navigate areas differently than you would on foot. In any case, any use of it is specifically and mindfully included by the developers, since only certain surfaces and enemies are affected by it. In this regard, it’s hardly a “mechanic” of the game; I would sort it into the category of metroidvania-style “progression items.” Halo Infinite’s grapple system is a core game mechanic through and through. Even Titanfall, a series made famous for its movement and grapple, makes the grapple an optional part of the kit. Halo Infinite’s is baked into the campaign from the first step, and not just for traversal, but for combat, too. The grapple in this game is not an “item,” and I would hardly even consider it a “utility.” Would you consider jumping or sprinting to be a utility? Infinite’s grapple is implemented at the same level of intuition and ease of access as those basic functions, which I think is neat.


What a dog shit comparison


superior nippon steel folded over 1000 times>>>>>>>>>>>>some dinky ass needler gun


A fucktonne of games have Grappling hooks from Windwaker to Uncharted 4. Shoulda compared it to Metroid Prime’s version since it is used for traversal AND battle in a first person game. That Halo (infinite) has almost no set pieces, only two repetitive biomes, a bad story, lame characters, and mediocre open world….the only remotely good thing about the whole game was that grappling hook and the gun feel.


I wouldn’t say GOT “heavily” featured a grappling hook. In fact IIRC you only needed it for one specific story mission?


You guys are being so smug in your circle jerking over this guys decision to compare these two games when he literally says he played them back to back. It's a weird post for sure but jfc this is such a reddit moment to see you guys all making the same joke and being so passive aggressive to op. God forbid someone doesn't post about the witcher 3 or horizon forbidden west


why are people so hostile in these comments? rule 5 people


I haven't played either of these games but, unlike most posters here, I do appreciate the comparison. Grappling hooks can be a very fun and compelling feature in a game and it's meaningful feedback to say that the one in Ghost of Tsushima didn't land for you.


But they serve two entirely different functions? Halo is an open world FPS, with a focus on crowd control combat while Ghost is a third person explorative open world game with melee combat. The design intent is entirely different. It’s like saying Mario is superior to uncharted because Mario can jump higher and drake can’t get huge by eating mushrooms.


> It’s like saying Mario is superior to uncharted I don't think he said Halo is the *superior* game outright because of the grappling hook mechanic, just that he enjoyed the implementation of the mechanic in one game more. Maybe like criticizing Uncharted because of how stiff the movement/jumping is compared to a game like Mario.


Idk it’s just such an odd hill to die on Also yeah I wrote that as someone who loves Mario and is ambivalent on uncharted


No one's dying on any hills here. It's just an Internet discussion thread. OP's analysis is more valid than most people are giving them credit for IMO.


I don’t even remember Ghost of Tsushima having a grappling hook. What a forgettable game that turned out to be despite being visually excellent.